Jeremy Frasier

you think i'd put more effort into this after I had two months to work on it

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Wham Yubeesling
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Jeremy Frasier


Post by Wham Yubeesling »

Name: Jeremy Frasier
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hobbies and Interests: Video Games, Internet Forums, Piano, Violin, Writing, Survivor, Music

Appearance: Jeremy is notably tall compared to the rest of his class, standing at 6’3” and weighing 205 lbs. Although he’s spent a fairly significant amount of time trying to lose weight, and looks mostly slim, he’s still rather overweight for his age, manifesting splotches of fat in his gut, the back of his legs, and under his chin. He has rather little muscle to speak of, at least visibly, though weilding a vacuum pack at his part time job and going on walks have given him better shoulder and leg strength than the average person. His hair is curly and unruly, but neatly cut and never going down past his forehead at the front, and never goes past the nape of his neck on the back. He has brown eyes, matching the colour of his hair. His face is fairly average for a teenage boy, with a small nose, thin lips, almond eyes, occasional pimples, and the faint traces of a moustache. He is Caucasian.

Jeremy doesn’t really care much for how he dresses, normally going for what he feels would work on what’s in front of him on his wardrobe, or what is comfortable in the scenario that he is dressing for. His wardrobe is dominated with simple t-shirts, often with posters for movies or bands that he likes, and simple pants, such as monochrome tracksuit pants and shorts. He dislikes things like jeans, or anything specifically too loose fitting, as they’ll often sag whenever he puts his phone or anything else heavy in his pockets. He tends to buy shirts that look too big for him, so that he can hide his beer gut. He also tends to stray away from wearing things such as jeans or buttoned clothing, as he feels that they take too much effort to wear to something that he feels is uncomfortable to wear. On the day of the abduction, Jeremy was wearing black tracksuit pants, a yellow t-shirt depicting a little guy with an anvil falling on its head with the caption ‘okey dokey’, and black sneakers.

Biography: Jeremy was born on September 16th, 2006 to Faith and Robert Frasier. Robert Frasier was a high school dropout and, after trying out several jobs including being a steelworker, a bartender, and as a storage company caretaker, ended up as a milkman who delivers to schools and hospitals. Faith was a Harvard Graduate who now works as an office assistant for a lawyer specializing in civil cases. Saint Paul was both their hometowns, and the two met at the bar that Robert was working at at the time, and while he was serving her, they gained a natural chemistry for one another, which made them start dating, eventually leading to a marriage. Jeremy was the second child that his parents produced, after his 20 year old sister, Sandra, who is currently a bassoonist at the Minnesota symphony orchestra. Although they shared a brother-sister rivalry when they were younger, they share a positive relationship nowadays, for they realised that they had similar personalities and could enjoy each other's company. The family is solidly middle class, closer to the poorer end, though through general presentation and cleanliness appear further up the socioeconomic ladder than they are.

As he was growing up, Jeremy was regarded as a very smart student with a fondness for reading, to the point where instead of interacting with other students during lunch break, he’d get a book, find a secluded spot in the playground, and read for a while. During third grade, his parents urged him to do more activities and be more social. They noted a program at his school which could teach piano to students, which he was then made to take up. The piano became a hobby for him after this point, and after he left elementary school he started taking lessons with a local teacher. He enters into contests for piano, and frequently gets first or second place during them. While mostly this is something his parents put on him rather than something he chases of his own accord, he does enjoy making music, slowly putting together a song until he's ready to perform it. He learned his second instrument after, when he happened to hear Coldplay’s Viva la Vida on the radio as his mother drove him and Sandra to school. This got him interested in playing the cello as an instrument. However, his parents couldn't find someone who could teach cello within their local radius, or at least, one who wasn’t too expensive for them, so they settled for the next possible alternative, a violin. While Jeremy isn’t as good as the violin as he is at the piano, and is surprised and annoyed that his parents couldn't find a cello teacher for him, he still practices to this day, and he performs at the club that his teacher is associated with once or twice every year.

His learning of the musical instruments also led to music becoming a full time hobby for him. He started listening to it through his mother’s collection of CDs which he would listen to when he was being driven to school. He has expanded his tastes since then: he doesn’t particularly listen to a single genre, and is willing to listen to anything so long as it’s good. He particularly leans towards various types of rock, though generally with an eye for stuff that’s not mainstream but also not really that far outside of the mainstream: indie pop, industrial, a couple of noise bands, and rock from the 70s.

Grade Five also saw Jeremy picking up another hobby, video games. While at an electronics store with his mother getting something for her friend’s birthday, he happened upon a game that he had seen on an advertisement that he was interested in. After asking his mother about it, she bought the game for him. After this, gaming became a hobby for him, when in his later years he kept a list of every game he completed that year along with some thoughts on the game and whether he enjoyed it or not. He's for the most part a PC gamer, which until recently was the only platform he had, but recently he has saved up his spending money to buy a Switch. He likes primarily singleplayer experiences, stuff that’s mostly story focused like RPGs, visual novels, or indie games. Most notably, though, the one multiplayer game he plays is Dead By Daylight, which he was introduced to after some of the content creators he liked began to play it. While his relationship with it is a bit of a love-hate thing — with him often getting frustrated when he encounters the more toxic sections of the playerbase — it’s one that always usually manages to draw him back in, with not many other games out there, in his eyes, capturing the idea of being able to hunt other players down.

Middle school was an interesting experience for him, since he tried to be more outgoing and social to a couple of people, putting reading behind him as he progressed. While he actually tried to make friends this time, he tended to gravitate towards the more imaginative people in his year rather than the people who played sports on the field every day. While he was with them, Jeremy discovered that he had a flair for storytelling and being able to create a world for characters to interact in. This stemmed into an interest into writing in general, and, while he doesn’t exercise his skills all that much, he is trying to write a novel and if he has a strong enough opinion on something he’ll maybe start outlining, then writing it.

Due to his family getting better broadband around this point in time — having to deal with rather slow dialup during Jeremy's earlier years — he began to spend more time on the internet, in particular liking wikis and YouTube because of the information and content that they provided him. Over time, Jeremy began to spend more and more time on his computer, and he eventually began to join internet forums — initially ones that fulfilled his hobbies of music and video gaming but eventually ones that facilitated her later interests in writing and Survivor. For the most part, he likes internet forums because they allow him to join up with a community of like-minded people, and despite issues with particular members and issues in which he feels she can’t properly relate to or talk to people online, he considers the people in these communities to be the group of friends he’s personally closest to, loving interaction with them and ranking them above several of her real-life friends.

An increasingly sedentary lifestyle — and a dislike of more healthy foods — meant that Jeremy started falling out of shape, at this point, which he realized. He started doing more exercise, utilizing an old exercise bike his dad found on the streetside one day and started walking to and from places rather than using public transport. While it is working, and he’s almost in good shape, he is still heavier than he'd like to be, a fact that he is fairly self-conscious about: he takes active effort into keeping his stomach sucked in and his chin up, to make sure nobody knows about his weight issues.

During High School, Jeremy became rather more drawn in than he used to be, having been separated from most of the people he knew from middle school and preferring the company of his internet friends anyway. He’s mostly quiet and pensive, being more introverted than extroverted, and oftentimes has difficulties both starting conversations and getting in opportunities to speak. He has a rather sardonic temperament and tends to be rather laid-back and sarcastic when he does speak, but he mostly doesn’t, often having trouble putting thoughts to words quickly. He’s a member of the school band, a violinist who usually switches his chair position depending on the song, though never tends to take a leadership position within any particular section of the orchestra. His friends tend to be people on the internet, and he spends his lunchtimes usually checking Discord on his phone or laptop, interacting with the various online communities that he’s a part of. In the real world, he’s not particularly a people person: he’ll try to talk, and he does have an interest in impressing and befriending people he wants to befriend, but for the most part now he keeps to himself, not speaking unless he’s spoken to, and mostly stays in the background when he can. However, when somebody draws his ire, he has a difficult time being able to let it go: without many ways to externalize his feelings, Jeremy tends to keep his feelings inside, either until he eventually gets over it and compartmentalizes or until it doesn’t: that annoyance remaining a perpetual undercurrent and causing him to want to avoid that person whenever possible.

It was also around this point where his relationship with his parents began to get strained. Jeremy found that his parents had far different plans for him than he wanted, them wanting him to be a lawyer when he wanted to be a professional writer. When he told this to his parents, they refused, saying that he had to have good grades so he could get a job that actually pays well. At that point, after he came home with a worse report than usual due to not doing enough work in class, his mother started characterising him as someone who was obsessed with his computer, who acted like a rebellious teenager and was incapable of doing basic things. She started telling him that he was a failure who didn’t do homework or get good grades at school, making small problems with assessments that he has shown to her out as something major. Robert had always been more interested in Jeremy’s musical exploits than his schoolwork — having been the parent to take him to all his music lessons — but this would begin to become a problem of its own. He would make Jeremy practice for extremely long periods of time, being incredibly strict about the speed he's going at and at points making him start a whole song again because he sped up without realising it. He would often call Jeremy for practice when he was doing homework, and said that he didn't care when Jeremy pointed out that he had work to do. He tries to tolerate them when he’s around them, but inside, finds that they’re a massive burden on what he wants to do.

Around this point, Jeremy started feeling like he was trapped within society. He thinks that the majority of people are trapped in a cycle in which they work, pay taxes, marry, retire, and die; a cycle that he feels is unfulfilling and unexciting. He wishes to break free of it, and live life the way he wants to, thinking that he’d prefer to die young than live to an old age having wasted his opportunities. He thinks that there is an event that every person experiences at some point that defines that person’s life, and waits for that event to come to him as he feels like the life he currently lives is fairly boring. This is mostly based in the media he consumes: books, mostly games, where the protagonist would typically find upon something that changes their lives forever. He uses his writing and imagination as an expression mechanism, and tries to imagine worlds where he (or an insert or similar character to him) has adventures with other characters both created by him or by other people, hoping that someday that one of these adventures might come true and allow him to break free of what he feels is a boring life. This is mostly contemporary, mostly starring people his own age, though with something that brings it usually out of regular life. He tends to shirk off responsibility due to this, sometimes not doing the work that he has to do in favour of doing what he wants to do.

Jeremy is a little odd when it comes to hobbies, he’ll normally be apathetic to something until he’s seen a deeper look into it, in which case he becomes obsessed with it to the point where it hits his mind and makes him think about it at random times. This is the case for the TV show Survivor, which he started watching in its 41st season after a recommendation from a friend. He has become hooked to the show ever since then, buying past seasons so that he can catch up on what he has missed. To him, the reason he likes it is a cross between the unique characters that the show produces and the game itself, him looking at the edit to see if he can predict who will be voted out that episode or who will win. Since he has started watching the show, he has taken looks at other CBS Reality TV Shows, such as Big Brother and the Amazing Race; but they haven't quite stuck with him, because of Big Brother going through a stretch of bad seasons when he started watching and due to the Amazing Race's more physical approach. He has considered auditioning for Survivor when he graduates high school. He considers it a long term dream, however, since he knows that he has to stabilize himself in a job before he can have some fun, something that he doesn’t particularly like.

Jeremy does okay enough in class, and while he’s rather quiet, he at least does enough to get Bs with the occasional A or C, though his teachers note that he could achieve much higher grades should he actively put the effort and interest in. In particular, he excels in the humanities, with history, religious studies, and sociology being his best subjects. He has trouble with maths, in particular with some of the concepts such as trigonometry and the more advanced algebra because of their overcomplicated nature. While Jeremy does not follow any religion, being born into an atheistic family, he is rather spiritualistic, and believes in the concept of a soul and an afterlife, thinking that something has to happen after he dies. He isn’t particularly interested in finding out what happens, though. He plans to major in either psychology or sociology when he enters college, though hasn’t fully decided yet — creative writing and music also being possibilities, though further down the ladder than the first two.

Advantages: Jeremy’s mind is rather creative and, at points, intelligent. This can help him figure out solutions to problems on the spot, or could assist him in creating a long term plan that might potentially see him off the island. While he doesn’t have many connections with those in his class, this could be partially to his advantage, a rather neutral starting position meaning he could become an extra number easily, and his lack of close connections making it easier for him to see things objectively.
Disadvantages: Having no particular connections would also cause Jeremy difficulties with finding people who would be naturally warm to him, and his issues with trying to talk to others would give him difficulties in an area where he’s already trailing behind. He can also be rather bullheaded, and set in his ways, which could cause him potentially to be stubborn enough to continue a rather self-destructive path even should he know where that path eventually leads him.

Original Profile: The paragraph about internet friends specifically I took from Verity’s profile with permission from both staff and admins.
Permission: Me!
[+] The Present
Image Image

???: Jeremy Frasier — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
THEME: Jim's Big Ego — Stress

B02: Maxwell Lombardi — “Then I'll beat them again. Simple as that.” — 100%/0%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: SPAS-12 Shotgun, Trident, Colt .357 King Cobra, Meat Cleaver
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos — |
SCTres —
THEME: Eminem — The Way I Am
[+] The Past
ImageImageImage Image Image

B11: Hiroki Sugimura — "Listen, Kayoko, I lov-” — 10%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Shamisen

O07: Jaxon Chen (Adopted from Tapey!) — "You- started- this-" — 55%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Poison Ivy Gloves, Smoke Bomb, Crutch

F01: Michelle White — "Because if you can forgive me, then… then maybe I can try to forgive myself. Amen." — 68%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Ghille Suit, Combat Knife w/ Sniper Scope, Speargun
SANDBOX — Past: N/A | Present:
PV3 —
THEME: Tommy Körberg — Anthem

S034: Isabella Lugosi — "Stay. Away. Stay- away-" — 32%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Phenomena
Supers — Memories: N/A | Game: 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦
THEME: John Carpenter — From The Fire

SP5: Michael Robinson (Adopted from Polybius!) — "Oh shit." — 77%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Large Fishing Net
TV2 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BC08: Marion Rosales — "Doesn't- matter if it works or not. You get- a chance to try." — 27%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Decorative Mareon Rosalales Nameplate
SANDBOX — Past: | Present: | 𓅓
TV3 — 𓅓
THEME: Dessa — Ride

SS01: Verity Stewart — "Fucking owned-" — 98%
Kills: 6 | Equipped with: Heckler & Koch P11, Harpoon
SANDBOX — Past: | Present:
TV3 —
THEME: Those Poor Bastards — Crooked Man

G25: Jasmine King — "I win." — 32%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Colt Single Action Army, Hunga Munga
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos —
THEME: QZ Productions — My Mistress' Will
[+] Beyond

PV3 Prologue:
M35: Buddy Underwood — "So... what, we creatin' some kinda Dogtown?" — 62%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Sledgehammer
BEFORE — Past: N/A | Present: N/A
PV3 Prologue — 1 2 3 4 5
THEME — ???
[+] The Future

Waldo Woodrow — The Best Friend — "Yo! Bro! Check out this shark I caught!"
Warion Roux — The Bumblebee — "Homme qui regarde même les signatures en notre année 2022?"
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Posts: 698
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:14 pm


Post by Slam »

Welcome I'm a critiquer blah blah
He has rather little muscle to speak of, at least visibly, though vaccuming and going on walks have given him better shoulder and leg strength than the average person.
I know vacuuming is tiring, but I'm not sure it's enough by itself to give him above average shoulder strength, even if he's doing an unusual amount of vacuuming.

Could we get a few more features in Jeremy's face? At the moment I just know he has a small nose.
simple pants, such as trousers and shorts,
Could we be a bit more precise here, since trousers and shorts is a very wide category and you've said he doesn't like some types of bottomwear shortly after.
On the day of the abduction, Jeremy was wearing black trousers,
Same as above, since trousers covers a lot of options.
Jeremy was born on September 16th, 1998 to Faith and Robert Frasier.
This would put Jeremy at age 25 during the events of SC3. Since we're taking place on May 23rd, 2024, you'll want to adjust his birthday accordingly.
The Twin Cities were both their hometowns, and after completing her education, Faith moved back to live on her own.
I'm not clear where Faith is moving back from here. I'm also not 100% on whether Jeremy lives in Saint Paul or not.
Faith was a Harvard Graduate who now works as an office assistant for a Kingman lawyer
This is a very long commute for Faith. Did you mean to move her job to somewhere more local? Could you also clarify what the family's financial situation is, as I'm not sure how to gauge a milkman and a lawyer's joint income.
Jeremy was the second child that his parents produced, after his sister, Sandra Frasier, who is currently a bassoonist for the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra
How much older is Sandra than Jeremy?
However, his parents couldn't find someone who could teach cello in the area,
Why not? Saint Paul has plenty of music schools, including ones that teach cello, according to my quick Google. Perhaps it was more the case that they couldn't find one that suited their schedule or affordability needs? Do also consider how any justification might relate to why they got him a violin instead.
After this, gaming became a hobby for him, when in his later years he kept a list of every game he completed that year along with some thoughts on the game and whether he enjoyed it or not.
What kind of games does Jeremy like? Why?
Jeremy started falling out of shape, at this point, and realized this.
Why did Jeremy only now start falling out of shape? He hasn't been active before, preferring reading and video games over sports, so what's changed besides the fact we're in middle school? Effects of puberty? Increasingly sedentary lifestyle?
He started doing more exercise,
Could you be more specific, since you've listed walking as a separate activity?
While it is working, and he is still in fairly good shape, he is still heavier than he'd like to be, a fact that he is fairly self-conscious about and wishes to change. While he still looks thin, he is out of shape, and takes active effort into keeping his stomach sucked in and his chin up, to make sure nobody knows about his weight issues.
I think you could stand to rewrite this bit, as it's self-contradictory: one moment you say he's in fairly good shape, the next you say he is out of shape. The phrasing also reads that he started in middle school and it is coming into effect at his current age, which is several years later. It's just a bit hard to follow in its current form.
During High School, Jeremy became rather more drawn in than he used to be.
interacting with the various online communities that I’ll make up a paragraph explaining his history with them as soon as you tell me to, Toben. Make me write something up about Dead by Daylight too.
Well I'm not Toben but I'm telling you to.
Jesus this profile is ass. 15 year old me really had a rather idealized image of himself lmao.
We've all been there buddy. Now leave your editor notes at the door.
without many ways to externalize his feelings, Jeremy tends to keep his feelings inside and let them build up and up, either until he eventually gets over it and compartmentalizes or until it doesn’t
What happens if it doesn't?
It was also around this point where his already strained relationship with his parents became worse.
This is the first I'm hearing that they have a strained relationship. It could do with a little elaboration on how it was strained before.
His father doesn't seem to care as much about his grades as his mother, but his focus on Jeremy's musical exploits has since become a problem on its own. He would make Jeremy practice for extremely long periods of time, being incredibly strict about the speed he's going at and at points making him start a whole song again because he sped up without realising it.
Why is Robert so demanding with Jeremy's music? Up until now there's been no indication that Robert's particularly invested in music, given that it was Faith's CD collection that Jeremy expanded his tastes through.
This is mostly based in the books he reads, where the protagonist would typically find upon something that changes their lives forever.
I'm not clear on this point on whether reading counts as a hobby for Jeremy, given that he used to do it and apparently still does. If so, what genres does he like? Same goes for his writing, which I don't know much about stylewise still outside of him liking adventures, which could apply in many settings.
In particular, he excels in the humanities, with history, religious studies, and whatever the American equivalent of Society & Culture is being his.
and whatever the American equivalent of Society & Culture is being his.
I don't know the answer here so ask an American and fix it.

We could do with an idea what Jeremy's immediate plans for the future are now that he's approaching the end of high school.

[+] Grammar and Stylistics
though vaccuming and going on walks
Vacuuming, not vaccuming.
He also has a couple of cousins, but Jeremy doesn’t particularly connect to them, with them being particularly sporty and having not much in common with him.
I might argue this information is redundant if it has no bearing on Jeremy's character, since a lot of people have cousins.
While Jeremy isn’t as good as the violin as he is at the piano, and is surprised and annoyed that his parents couldn't find a cello teacher for him,
'Surprised' feels like an odd choice of word here, if this is a long term feeling we're describing. Is he still surprised after all this time that there weren't any cello teachers? Couldn't he have confirmed or discredited that himself by now?
This stemmed into an interest into writing in general, and, while he doesn’t exercise his skills all that much, he is trying to write a novel and if he has a strong enough opinion on something he’ll maybe start outlining, then writing it.
The commas make this sentence feel a bit clunky. I'd suggest rewriting it a bit or breaking it up.
Jeremy started falling out of shape, at this point, and realized this.
Comma after shape isn't needed here.
During High School
High school isn't capitalised.
not speaking unless sometimes when he’s spoken to,
I get the gist but this is grammatically janky.
and mostly staying in the background when he can
'stays', not 'staying', in this sentence, given the previous wording.
However, when somebody draws his ire, he has a difficult time being able to let it go: without many ways to externalize his feelings, Jeremy tends to keep his feelings inside and let them build up and up, either until he eventually gets over it and compartmentalizes or until it doesn’t, that annoyance becoming a perpetual undercurrent whenever he has to be around that person.
This is also a bit tricky to follow and might benefit from a minor rewrite.
She started telling him that he was a failure who didn’t do homework or get good grades at school, making small problems with assessments that he has shown to her out as something major.
The tense changes here from past to present between the first part and the second part, so change it to be consistent please.
Jeremy is a little odd when it comes to hobbies, he’ll normally be apathetic to something until he’s seen a deeper look into it
Colon after hobbies rather than a comma here.
He has trouble with Maths
Maths isn't capitalised.
being born into an atheistic family; he is rather spiritualistic,
Comma after family rather than semi-colon.
Of course, having no particular connections would also cause Jeremy difficulties
Don't need the 'Of course' here.
That's it for now so post here when you've given Jeremy a lookover, and we'll go for another round. Thanks!
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

SOTF: Supers
S028: Lincoln Guenther - Gift: Soul Sphere - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
[+] pregame
Lincoln Guenther - Gift: Soul Sphere - 1 - 2
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Wham Yubeesling
Posts: 1257
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:15 pm
Location: there is a man standing behind you
Team Affiliation: Stephanie's Buccaneers


Post by Wham Yubeesling »

Made the changes!

- Jeremy works as a cleaner part time, he carries a vacuum pack, believe me carrying around those things for five hours is definitely a form of exercise
- He wears tracksuit pants instead of trousers, also hates wearing other kinds of pants. thought I fixed this before submitting the profile but _apparently_ not.
- Fixed the Kingman kibble I thought I'd fixed but apparently hadn't
- his sister is two and sometimes three years older than him
- specified stuff regarding piano/cello stuff
- he likes singleplayer games and also, tragically, Dead by Daylight
- put in an exercpt from Verity's profile about forums and internet friends
- tried to fix the issues with the weight loss/exercise paragraph
- tried to explain why he became more drawn in, also tried to rephrase/explain the grudge holding parts a bit more
- explained that his dad is mostly the guy who coaches his musical pursuits and stuff
- explained what stuff he writes, that specifically his dreams are more from the media he consumes rather than just reading
- he has nebulous plans for the future of getting a Liberal Arts sociology/psychology degree
- fixed some but not all of the grammar things
[+] The Present
Image Image

???: Jeremy Frasier — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
THEME: Jim's Big Ego — Stress

B02: Maxwell Lombardi — “Then I'll beat them again. Simple as that.” — 100%/0%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: SPAS-12 Shotgun, Trident, Colt .357 King Cobra, Meat Cleaver
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos — |
SCTres —
THEME: Eminem — The Way I Am
[+] The Past
ImageImageImage Image Image

B11: Hiroki Sugimura — "Listen, Kayoko, I lov-” — 10%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Shamisen

O07: Jaxon Chen (Adopted from Tapey!) — "You- started- this-" — 55%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Poison Ivy Gloves, Smoke Bomb, Crutch

F01: Michelle White — "Because if you can forgive me, then… then maybe I can try to forgive myself. Amen." — 68%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Ghille Suit, Combat Knife w/ Sniper Scope, Speargun
SANDBOX — Past: N/A | Present:
PV3 —
THEME: Tommy Körberg — Anthem

S034: Isabella Lugosi — "Stay. Away. Stay- away-" — 32%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Phenomena
Supers — Memories: N/A | Game: 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦
THEME: John Carpenter — From The Fire

SP5: Michael Robinson (Adopted from Polybius!) — "Oh shit." — 77%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Large Fishing Net
TV2 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BC08: Marion Rosales — "Doesn't- matter if it works or not. You get- a chance to try." — 27%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Decorative Mareon Rosalales Nameplate
SANDBOX — Past: | Present: | 𓅓
TV3 — 𓅓
THEME: Dessa — Ride

SS01: Verity Stewart — "Fucking owned-" — 98%
Kills: 6 | Equipped with: Heckler & Koch P11, Harpoon
SANDBOX — Past: | Present:
TV3 —
THEME: Those Poor Bastards — Crooked Man

G25: Jasmine King — "I win." — 32%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Colt Single Action Army, Hunga Munga
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos —
THEME: QZ Productions — My Mistress' Will
[+] Beyond

PV3 Prologue:
M35: Buddy Underwood — "So... what, we creatin' some kinda Dogtown?" — 62%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Sledgehammer
BEFORE — Past: N/A | Present: N/A
PV3 Prologue — 1 2 3 4 5
THEME — ???
[+] The Future

Waldo Woodrow — The Best Friend — "Yo! Bro! Check out this shark I caught!"
Warion Roux — The Bumblebee — "Homme qui regarde même les signatures en notre année 2022?"
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Posts: 698
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:14 pm


Post by Slam »

Looking much better, I just have a few extra points for us to tidy up and we should be good to go:

So I'd still ike to see a couple more face details. Give me some shapes of eyes or ears or mouth and the like.

Something I missed in the first draft is we don't really cover why Jeremy opted for piano as an extracurricular in the first place, nor what he finds particularly appealing about it. Would be great if we could get that in.
Due to his family getting broadband around this point in time, Jeremy began to spend more time on the internet,
We're around middle school at this time, which is about the time Jeremy is 12 or 13. Did they really go through the 2000s without any broadband until 2018?
preferring the company of his internet friends anyway He’s mostly quiet and pensive

Missing a full stop after anyway here.
though with something that brings it usually out of regular lifeHe tends to shirk off responsibility due to this,
Split up life and He with another full stop.
creative writing and music also being possibilities, though further down the latter than the first two.
Do you mean 'ladder' rather than 'latter' here?
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

SOTF: Supers
S028: Lincoln Guenther - Gift: Soul Sphere - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
[+] pregame
Lincoln Guenther - Gift: Soul Sphere - 1 - 2
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Wham Yubeesling
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

- Added two more appearance details: thin lips and almond eyes.
- Added a bit of backstory on how he got into piano in the first place, explained what he loosely likes about it, he goes to a local teacher rather than a music school now also.
- Fixed the broadband so that he got good broadband at this point in time.
- Fixed the grammar issues!
[+] The Present
Image Image

???: Jeremy Frasier — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
THEME: Jim's Big Ego — Stress

B02: Maxwell Lombardi — “Then I'll beat them again. Simple as that.” — 100%/0%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: SPAS-12 Shotgun, Trident, Colt .357 King Cobra, Meat Cleaver
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos — |
SCTres —
THEME: Eminem — The Way I Am
[+] The Past
ImageImageImage Image Image

B11: Hiroki Sugimura — "Listen, Kayoko, I lov-” — 10%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Shamisen

O07: Jaxon Chen (Adopted from Tapey!) — "You- started- this-" — 55%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Poison Ivy Gloves, Smoke Bomb, Crutch

F01: Michelle White — "Because if you can forgive me, then… then maybe I can try to forgive myself. Amen." — 68%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Ghille Suit, Combat Knife w/ Sniper Scope, Speargun
SANDBOX — Past: N/A | Present:
PV3 —
THEME: Tommy Körberg — Anthem

S034: Isabella Lugosi — "Stay. Away. Stay- away-" — 32%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Phenomena
Supers — Memories: N/A | Game: 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦
THEME: John Carpenter — From The Fire

SP5: Michael Robinson (Adopted from Polybius!) — "Oh shit." — 77%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Large Fishing Net
TV2 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BC08: Marion Rosales — "Doesn't- matter if it works or not. You get- a chance to try." — 27%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Decorative Mareon Rosalales Nameplate
SANDBOX — Past: | Present: | 𓅓
TV3 — 𓅓
THEME: Dessa — Ride

SS01: Verity Stewart — "Fucking owned-" — 98%
Kills: 6 | Equipped with: Heckler & Koch P11, Harpoon
SANDBOX — Past: | Present:
TV3 —
THEME: Those Poor Bastards — Crooked Man

G25: Jasmine King — "I win." — 32%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Colt Single Action Army, Hunga Munga
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos —
THEME: QZ Productions — My Mistress' Will
[+] Beyond

PV3 Prologue:
M35: Buddy Underwood — "So... what, we creatin' some kinda Dogtown?" — 62%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Sledgehammer
BEFORE — Past: N/A | Present: N/A
PV3 Prologue — 1 2 3 4 5
THEME — ???
[+] The Future

Waldo Woodrow — The Best Friend — "Yo! Bro! Check out this shark I caught!"
Warion Roux — The Bumblebee — "Homme qui regarde même les signatures en notre année 2022?"
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Post by Slam »

Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

SOTF: Supers
S028: Lincoln Guenther - Gift: Soul Sphere - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
[+] pregame
Lincoln Guenther - Gift: Soul Sphere - 1 - 2

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