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Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:27 pm
by Sh4dE
SOTF-TV: Season 67
[+] Day I
1. Prologue viewtopic.php?f=46&t=2579
2. Briefings viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2592
3. Star viewtopic.php?f=46&t=2582 (Verity, Timothy)
4. Moon viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2583 (Marion, Nadine, Laura)
5. Thank you for that Verizon name drop viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2610 (Lucille)
6. I Carry Only The Finest viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2584 (Sylvain, Stokes, Sofia, Lucille, Chris)
7. And I Will Strike Down viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2585 (Kurt, Junji, Cassini)
8. Meet the Respects viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2608 (Fisk)
9. F's in the chat viewtopic.php?f=322&t=2586 (Ivan, Fisk, Vasily, Keegan, James, Giselle, Bacchia)
10. Live From The Bottom viewtopic.php?f=323&t=2588 (Alaska, Dale, Larry, Cristobal)
11. Rise, Rapture, Rise viewtopic.php?f=330&t=2589 (Anthony, Leah, Lucia, Hailey, Olivia, Beau)
12. Death Spiral viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2590 (Verity)
13. Ready to Blast viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2591 (Bethan, Kaya)
14. VHS Horror viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2593 (Mary)
15. It Matters If We All Live viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2594 (Diana, Jodi, Britnee, Hannah, Genevieve, Rebecca)
16. so self-indulgent and self-referential viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2614 (Lark)
17. Don't Be Swallowed by The Abyss viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2615 (Sarah)
18. The Boy Who Wasn't a Rocketboat viewtopic.php?f=320&t=2595 (Zack, Sarah, Lark)
19. I'm Pissed Now viewtopic.php?f=320&t=2596 (Rhonda, Xander)
20. i clenched my fist viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2597 (Pippi, Luanne)
21. First Cut viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2598 (Eric, Gus)
22. Keyboard Warrior viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2603 (Gabriela)
23. Staccato viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2599 (Leslie, Mariko, Gabriela, Kamille)
24. The Arrival viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2602 (Calla)
25. Water viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2600 (Nura, Calla, Gabriela)
26. Chapter 27 viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2601 (Carol, Oliver)
27. Chapter 11 viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2604 (Carol, Caleb)
28. Dear Mama viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2605 (Shoshanna, Jasper)
29. Doves in the Wind viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2606 (Ashanti, Matias)
30. Revolution No. 9 viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2607 (Virginia, Abel, Olivia, Lucia)
31. Bloody Palms viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2612 (RJ, Amy, Luciano)
32. They Only Want You When You're 17 viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2613 (Mary, Leo)
33. Fame and Fortune viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2611 (Seo, Mandy, Leo, Mary)
34. Static Pieces viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2618 (Max, Akeno, Sergio)
35. Violence Breeds Violence viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2627 (Akeno)
36. Help viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2609 (Alyssa, Verity, Akeno)
37. Funtime in the Sunshine viewtopic.php?f=327&t=2619 (Vasily, Giselle, Fisk, Anthony)
38. Puzzle Boxes are Meant to be Smashed Open viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2622 (Shoshanna, Jasper, Gus)
39. Stats for Nerds viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2646 (Mariko)
40. World. viewtopic.php?f=323&t=2637 (Ivan)
41. Every frame of this show is someone's last known photograph viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2623 (Seth, Ivan, Rhonda, Xander, Mariko, Kamille)
42. Becomes. viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2626 (Ivan)
43. Shavasana viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2587 (Nate, Cory, Gregory, Emmett, Ivan)
44. Soon. viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2616 (Ivan)
45. A Series of Unfortunate Events viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2628 (Mateo)
46. Alone viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2633 (Amanda)
47. Turtle Town viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2629 (Kaya, Bethan, Emmett, Amanda)
48. touchdown confirmed viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2630 (Elliott)
49. If they won't let me swim away viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2631 (Leslie)
50. Phone a Friend viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2634 (Gabriela, Elliott)
51. Just what is it that makes today's homes so different viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2635 (Luanne, Pippi, Amy, RJ, Luciano)
52. Edit Draft One viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2644 (Eric)
53. Oh dear god viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2645 (Leah)
54. this leaves me quite discheesed viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2651 (Anthony, Giselle, Xander, Rhonda)
55. If you're not rising viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2652 (Anthony)
56. Isn't it weird viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2653 (Leah, Mateo)
57. Sink or Swim viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2656 (Akeno, Max, Sergio)
58. No Rest for the Wicked viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2657 (Calla, Eric)
59. I've got bloodstains in my bathtub viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2659 (Pippi, Luanne)
60. Consumer Culture viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2660 (Abel, Virginia, Seo-yun, Mandy)
61. Chapter 46 viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2661 (Carol, Matias, Ashanti, Gen, Leo, Mary)
62. Prism viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2667 (Laura, Lu, Pippi)
63. Changing viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2672 (Amy, RJ)
64. Hesitation is Defeat viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2679 (Hannah)
65. TV3: The First Announcement viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2680
66. In Dreams You Will Lose Your Heartaches viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2620 (James, Bacchia, Keegan, Verity, Alyssa, Fisk, Vasily)
67. 9 PM, Day 1 viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2675 (Marion, Nadine)
68. cheesed to meet you viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2632 (Leslie, Shoshanna, Jasper, Gus, Marion, Nadine)
69. And They Called It a Disaster viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2655 (Gabriela, Elliott, Beau)
70. Every Final Girl Has Her Scars viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2681 (RJ)
71. I am on SOTF viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2685 (Leah)
72. me I only got one belief viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2691 (Verity)
73. I've Passed the Point of No Return viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2682 (Akeno, Rhonda, Leah, Rebecca, Verity)
74. explode viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2763 (Leah)
75. There Will Be Blood viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2687 (Vasily, Fisk, Cassini, Seth, Eric)
76. Welly, Welly, Welly viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2708 (Fisk)
77. Sleep is the cousin of death viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2710 (Vas, Fisk)
78. The Management viewtopic.php?f=320&t=2689 (Giselle, James, Keegan, Bacchia, Calla, Vasily, Fisk)
79. Matias & Me viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2688 (Leslie, Matias, Ashanti)
80. I Get Knocked Down viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2683 (Junji, Cristobal)
81. In All My Dreams I Drown viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2684 (Virginia, Nura, Amy, Ivan, Seo-yun, Mandy)
82. His. viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2638 (Ivan)
83. A Heartbreak in Hell viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2690 (RJ)
84. Dire, Dire Straits viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2692 (Olivia, Lucia, Hailey)
85. But my favorites viewtopic.php?f=322&t=2696 (Lucille, Sylvain, Sofia)
86. In the Middle with Who? viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2705 (James)
87. Alone viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2706 (Alyssa)
88. Are you there, God? viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2713 (Jodi)
89. Bro, I'm stoked viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2715 (Stokes, Chris, Gus, Mateo, Junji)
90. The Commutative Property viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2716 (Gregory, Cory, Nate)
91. Loyalty: 1 viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2719 (Matias, Ashanti)
92. Sleepless in SEA-tlle viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2721 (RJ, Gabby, Elliott)
93. YOO, GUYS! viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2722 (Beau, Hannah)
94. Champions 201 viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2725 (Alaska)
95. Excellent Choice viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2726 (Kaya, Emmett, Bethan, Amanda)
96. Revise Script viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2727 (Eric)
97. Un-goddamn-deniable viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2728 (Rhonda, Ivan, Alyssa)
98. Try Not To Breathe viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2729 (Bacchia, James)
99. Brazil viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2731 (Fisk)
100. I suppose there was no way viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2733 (Vasily)
101. TV3: The Second Announcement viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2730 (Giselle, Keegan, Fisk, Rhonda, Ivan, Vas, Bacchia, James)
102. Crash Course viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2734 (Cory)
103. Giselle's Sea World Tour I (Post 1-14) viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2738 (Ivan, Giselle)

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:19 pm
by Sh4dE
[+] Day II
1. TV3: The Second Announcement viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2739
2. You Adapt, You Overcome viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2755 (Rhonda)
3. Giselle's Sea World Tour II (Post 15-End) viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2738#p25709 (Ivan, Rhonda)
4. Then. viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2639 (Ivan)
5. I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2654 (Dale, Anthony, Caleb)
6. He Stands viewtopic.php?f=327&t=2751 (Sylvain)
7. Fugitive viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2758 (Laura)
8. Time Out viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2703 (Sergio, Alaska, Gregory, Sylvain, Laura)
9. For Every Choice viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2740 (Anthony)
10. Lucille's collar viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2748 (Lucille)
11. We're Back in the Swamp viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2749 (Anthony, Beau, Lucille, Ivan, Hannah)
12. Teeth. viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2640 (Ivan)
13. creepy emoji viewtopic.php?f=314&t=2670 (Britnee, Diana, Anthony)
14. The Taste of Salt viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2742 (Caleb, Gus, Ivan, Larry)
15. Adrift in a Little Shop of Horrors viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2750 (Sarah, Lark, Nate, Alyssa)
16. The Barque of Dante viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2753 (Luanne, Pippi)
17. May I Have Your Attention Please viewtopic.php?f=327&t=2774 (Rhonda)
18. dead mari skull viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2778 (Marion)
19. When Betting On High Cards Pays Off viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2754 (Jasper, Fisk, Bacchia, James, Shoshanna, Akeno, Nadine, Rhonda, Marion)
20. Chapter 1 viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2744 (Carol, Gabriela, Elliott)
21. Investigate viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2732 (Kamille, Mariko, Mandy, Seo-yun)
22. Miss Negativity viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2799 (Mary)
23. The Ascent viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2800 (Leo)
24. Gene Hackman viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2752 (Dale, RJ, Eric, Gus, Leo, Mary, Genevieve)
25. You Deserved Better viewtopic.php?f=314&t=2761 (Keegan, Vasily)
26. eyelid viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2762 (Vasily)
27. surprised by corpses viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2765 (Leah)
28. Land of Milk and Honey viewtopic.php?f=314&t=2760 (Gregory, Leah)
29. Everything is going According to Plan viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2764 (Matias)
30. TV3: The Second Announcement viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2767 (Verity)
31. It's OK viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2770 (Leah)
32. A Brand-Old Car! viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2773 (Olivia, Lucia)
33. Proctalepsis viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2776 (Verity)
34. A Simple Favour viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2779 (Bacchia)
35. Try Like the Devil viewtopic.php?f=330&t=2781 (Luciano, Amy)
36. Picnic After the Panic viewtopic.php?f=330&t=2782 (Keegan, Vasily, Fisk, James, Bacchia)
37. Adjournment viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2783 (Cory)
38. SSSS viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2788 (Sofia, Rebecca, James)
39. Retrograde Analysis viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2790 (Cory, Olivia, Lucia)
40. TOTES COOL viewtopic.php?f=323&t=2793 (Beau, Hannah, Gregory)
41. You Think You Know viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2795 (Akeno, Lucille, Ivan)
42. Hey, Wait viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2796 (Fisk)
43. It Has a Lasting Impact viewtopic.php?f=320&t=2805 (Ashanti)
44. Loyalty: 2 viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2797 (Matias, Gabriela, Elliott, Eric, Ashanti)
45. TV3: The Third Announcement viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2807
46. What We Built I (post 1-35) viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2771 (Jodi, Pippi, Luanne, Leah, Mateo)
47. god left me viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2792 (Leah)
48. Wake Up Sleepyhead viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2816 (Leah, Mateo)
49. What We Built II (post 36-End) viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2771&start=30#p26773 (Mateo)
50. With Friends Like These viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2798 (Keegan, Fisk, Vasily, Bacchia, Verity)
51. As Above viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2890 (Nate)
52. So Below viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2891 (Hailey)
53. Out of sight, out of mind viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2809 (Seo-yun, Mandy)
54. dz shopping viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2810 (Vasily)
55. A Time To Build viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2812 (Anthony, RJ, Pippi)
56. Join Us (And Die) viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2814 (Verity)
57. A Dark Pool viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2820 (Luanne)
58. First The Sirens viewtopic.php?f=310&t=2821 (Marion, Sylvain, Nadine, Rhonda, Shoshanna)
59. Boxeyes viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2824 (Britnee, Diana, Genevieve, Amanda, Emmett)
60. ...and so we destroyed everything viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2826 (Seo-yun, Mandy, Lark, Sarah)
61. Dude 4 viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2808 (Mariko, Larry)
62. The Elm Street Sleeping Guide viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2828 (RJ)
63. There's a Fire in the Sky viewtopic.php?f=327&t=2829 (Gabriela, Elliott-Blair, Sarah)
64. The Arrow viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2811 (Rebecca, Dale, Mary, Junji, Leah)
65. Chaos Theory viewtopic.php?f=323&t=2832 (Ivan)
66. Hi Friend I (Post 1-16) viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2817 (Keegan, Bacchia, Fisk, Vasily, Verity, James, Sofia)
67. With Malice viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2831 (Bacchia, Ivan, Fisk, James)
68. Hi Friend II (Post 17-End) viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2817&start=15#p27129 (Keegan, Vasily, Verity, Sofia, James, Fisk)
69. Final Draft viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2922 (Eric)
70. What can I fix you with viewtopic.php?f=321&t=2825 (Stokes, Chris, Gregory, Pippi, Kaya, Bethan, Eric)
71. Predator and Prey at Night viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2833 (RJ, Bacchia)
72. Chasing Phantoms viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2837 (Jodi)
73. Champions 202 viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2839 (Alaska)
74. I'm a bad dream viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2841 (Sylvain)
75. CocaineQuest 2021 viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2840 (Alaska, Laura, Sergio, Sylvain)
76. Surveillance viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2843 (Luanne)
77. Questions. viewtopic.php?f=325&t=2845 (Ivan)
78. Hey, Guys viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2849 (Beau)
79. It Means Everything viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2848 (Anthony, Beau)
80. The Los Angeles viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2850 (Luanne, Caleb)
81. Born To Be Public viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2855 (Shoshanna, Rhonda, Nadine)
82. Missing viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2893 (Hannah)
83. Zeitnot viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2936 (Cory)
84. Postmortem viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2937 (Cory)

Fleeting viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2745 (Ivan) ???
Dreaming viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2746 (Ivan) ???
Marking viewtopic.php?f=309&t=2747 (Ivan) ??
Temporal Placement viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2769 (Ivan) ???
Apples viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2806 (Ivan) ??

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:24 pm
by Sh4dE
[+] Day III
1. The Fourth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2892
2. You're My Anchor viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2961 (Zack, Kurt)
3. bmbmbm viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2894 (Jodi, Ivan)
4. A Moment of Reprise viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2895 (Amy)
5. I WANNA SEE viewtopic.php?f=331&t=2896 (Pippi, Luanne)
6. NATURE KNOWS viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2901 (Pippi)
7. SCALPEL LIPSTICK viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2902 (Anthony)
8. Lurk viewtopic.php?f=315&t=2931 (Seo-yun)
9. If I ever acquire I (Post 1-39) viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2897 (Shoshanna, Rhonda, Ashanti, Matias, Hannah, Seo-yun, Mandy)
10. Go for Broke viewtopic.php?f=317&t=2898 (Nadine, Luanne, Bacchia, RJ, Anthony, Matias, Ashanti)
11. If I ever acquire II (Post 40-End) viewtopic.php?f=312&t=2897&start=30#p28554 (Seo-yun, Mandy, Nadine, Matias, Ashanti)
12. Violet Hill viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2900 (Verity, James)
13. disappointingly a luckier fish viewtopic.php?f=318&t=2925 (Lucille, Vasily, Akeno, Fisk, Verity, Sofia)
14. Mortal Kombat viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2928 (Verity, James, Akeno, Fisk, Sofia, Vasily)
15. Half of a Heart viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2929 (Luciano)
16. Performance Concerns viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2934 (Junji)
17. Existence viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2940 (Caleb, Junji)
18. Annotation viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2941 (Cory)
19. Armageddon Game viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2942 (Cory, Gregory)
20. I confess viewtopic.php?f=330&t=2948 (Fisk, Vasily)
21. Alone viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2949 (Sofia)
22. In the Mud viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2951 (Akeno)
23. Wait a Minute viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2952 (Britnee, Diana)
24. Bismack viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2955 (Ivan)
25. In. viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2641 (Ivan)
26. Hang on. viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2956 (Ivan, Vasily)
27. Bravado viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2958 (Diana, Britnee)
28. Public Viewing viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2959 (Sofia)
29. Paradise viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2960 (Gregory)
30. The Legacy of Shoshanna viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2963 (Shoshanna, Rhonda)
31. The One Where viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2899 (Gabriela, Elliott-Blair, Luciano, Hannah)
32. Trail Snacks viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2966 (Ivan)
33. Love Secret Desire viewtopic.php?f=333&t=2939 (Bacchia, RJ, James, Ivan)
34. Can't run forever viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2935 (Alyssa, Verity)
35. My Pain viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2969 (Fisk)
36. The Fifth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2964
37. I Thought We'd Stay viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2954 (Emmett, Amanda)
38. This is Where I Died viewtopic.php?f=330&t=2944 (Genevieve, Olivia, Lucia)
39. this cheeses me viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2965 (Gregory, Amy)
40. Champions 203 viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2967 (Alaska)
41. Pull me to the sea viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2972 (Leah)
42. Deafness viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2974 (Ivan)
43. There is the sea viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2976 (Anthony)
44. Fuzzy viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2977 (Ivan)
45. The Kids Are All Wrong viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2993 (Mary)
46. I Was Young viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2978 (Akeno, Leah, Mary)
47. It's Raining Men viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2985 (RJ)
48. The Last of Barrett viewtopic.php?f=324&t=2986 (James)
49. One Way or Another viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2987 (Rhonda)
50. Hollywood's First viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2991 (RJ)
51. Talking About Fight Club viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2994 (Olivia, Lucia)
52. Feeble I (Post 1-20) viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3002 (Stokes, Fisk, Junji)
53. On the Way to Anywhere viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2971 (Sofia, Britnee, Diana, James, Fisk)
54. The Jarvis Method viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3004 (Anthony, RJ)
55. Alone viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3012 (Seo-yun)
56. Return of the Bear viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2968 (Alaska, Sergio, Sylvain, Laura, Seo-yun)
57. Song of the Candle viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3005 (Luciano)
58. nick cave viewtopic.php?f=324&t=3007 (Verity)
59. I Want Blood viewtopic.php?f=324&t=3008 (Britnee, Diana, Anthony)
60. Out on the Sea viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3017 (Diana, Britnee)
61. No Bel Canto viewtopic.php?f=314&t=3020 (Ashanti, Mandy)
62. Pathways viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3024 (Caleb)
63. I am blue viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3029 (Nadine)
64. Endnotes viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3030 (Jodi, Mariko)
65. Feeble II (Post 21-End) viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3002&start=15#p29100 (Stokes, Junji, Chris, Fisk, Verity, Sofia, James)
66. The Worst Kind of Tribute viewtopic.php?f=324&t=3006 (Rhonda, Ivan, Gregory, Luciano, Amanda)
67. Bullet-Points viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3041 (Gabriela)

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:16 am
by Sh4dE
[+] Day IV
1. The Sixth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3031
2. Nightmare viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3043 (Seo-yun)
3. Someone Who Needs Me viewtopic.php?f=316&t=3009 (Kaya, Bethan, Amy, Seo-yun)
4. I know the human being viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3022 (Anthony)
5. bloodtears viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3033 (Diana)
6. Play Stupid Games viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3047 (Sofia)
7. Nobody in the World viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3049 (James, Ivan)
8. A Little Piece of Heaven viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3046 (Akeno, Sofia)
9. Paradoxes viewtopic.php?f=329&t=3037 (Elliott-Blair, Gabriela, Diana, Anthony)
10. You Don't Load a Gun viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3051 (Verity, Fisk, Gregory)
11. That Moment When viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3052 (Chris)
12. All On Me viewtopic.php?f=321&t=3053 (Laura)
13. The Waiting Game viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3055 (Chris, Sergio, Akeno)
14. Huff and puff viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3056 (Ivan)
15. Escaping The viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3060 (Caleb)
16. The Physical Impossibility viewtopic.php?f=316&t=3010 (Luanne, Nadine, Matias, Anthony)
17. All Cats Are Grey viewtopic.php?f=329&t=3034 (Mary, Leah, Anthony)
18. The Distance viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3063 (Matias, Luanne)
19. It All Fades Away viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3057 (Luciano, Amanda, Anthony)
20. The Seventh Announcement viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3065
21. Rubbing Alcohol viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3059 (Ivan, Junji, Luanne)
22. Kicked. viewtopic.php?f=316&t=2642 (Ivan)
23. I know every story viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3066 (Leah, Seo-yun, Mary)
24. The Connections viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3067 (Amy)
25. How to Waste viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3068 (Chris)
26. The Killing Moon viewtopic.php?f=316&t=3075 (Mary)
27. Divided viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3069 (Chris, Mary)
28. I Want to Conquer the World viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3071 (Matias, Verity)
29. Monochrome viewtopic.php?f=316&t=3076 (Luanne)
30. SOTF-TV PRESENTS viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3077 (Luanne)
31. Paradigm viewtopic.php?f=327&t=3078 (Laura)
32. On The Ellen Degeneres viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3079 (Fisk)
33. Confession. viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3083 (Ivan)
34. Looking Back viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3084 (Gabriela, Elliott-Blair)
35. If You're Scared viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3085 (Akeno)
36. Dogma viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3086 (Anthony)
37. Don't Talk viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3087 (Bethan)
38. Selkies viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3088 (Akeno, Ivan)
39. Don't Fight It viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3089 (Bethan)
40. Don't Shake viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3092 (Bethan)
41. Float Like a Bee viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3093 (Gregory)
42. Night Moves viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3097 (Matias)
43. Interlude 1 viewtopic.php?f=315&t=3098 (Lucia)
44. Calenture viewtopic.php?f=314&t=3100 (Mandy)
45. Ashanti & I viewtopic.php?f=314&t=3099 (Matias, Ashanti, Seo-yun, Mandy)
46. The Fourth Round viewtopic.php?f=324&t=3094 (Sergio, Akeno, Ivan)
47. God Only Knows viewtopic.php?f=326&t=3101 (Mandy, Seo-yun, Gabriela, Elliott-Blair)
48. I Have To Return viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3102 (Fisk, Junji, Verity)
49. Interlude 2 viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3104 (Olivia)
50. Hey Ben viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3105 (Ashanti)
51. Sleep Tight viewtopic.php?f=312&t=3106 (Seo-yun, Mandy)
52. No More Heroes viewtopic.php?f=316&t=3073 (Kaya, Bethan, Amy)
[+] Day V
1. The Eighth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3111
2. Double silver disaster viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3107 (Luanne)
3. A Prelude to Despair viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3109 (Anthony)
4. Stars and Suns viewtopic.php?t=3113 (Kaya)
5. Looking Like Meat I (Post 1-13) viewtopic.php?t=3114 (Fisk, Verity, Gregory)
6. Get The Fuck Out viewtopic.php?t=3118 (Gregory, Fisk, Verity)
7. Your Screams viewtopic.php?t=3119 (Gregory, Fisk, Verity)
8. Somebody Smell Like Fear viewtopic.php?t=3120 (Gregory, Verity)
9. Looking Like Meat II (Post 14-End) viewtopic.php?t=3114#p30917 (Gregory, Fisk, Verity)
10. splat viewtopic.php?t=3121 (Gregory)
11. Alligator Arms viewtopic.php?f=313&t=3112 (Olivia, Lucia, Akeno, Ivan)
12. Bury Me Deep Love viewtopic.php?t=3126 (Mandy)
13. Scene de Naufrage viewtopic.php?t=3128 (Luanne)
14. Take The Curve viewtopic.php?t=3130 (Mandy, Fisk, Verity)
15. If It Were Me viewtopic.php?t=3131 (Amanda)
16. my battery is low viewtopic.php?t=3116 (Elliott-Blair, Anthony)
17. Captain Without a Crew viewtopic.php?t=3127 (Kaya, Ashanti, Anthony)
18. Did you ever see a scorpion viewtopic.php?t=3141 (Amy, Kaya)
19. Nowhere to Go viewtopic.php?t=3161 (Kaya)
20. Blue Monday viewtopic.php?t=3133 (Mary, Chris, Kaya)
21. Attention viewtopic.php?t=3162 (Chris)
22. Hotline Miami viewtopic.php?t=3160 (Akeno, Ivan, Lucia, Olivia, Fisk, Mandy, Verity)
23. Thunderdome viewtopic.php?t=3167 (Verity, Akeno)
24. Hit 'Em Up viewtopic.php?t=3168 (Ivan, Mandy)
25. Upset viewtopic.php?t=3169 (Akeno, Verity)
26. The Ninth Announcement viewtopic.php?t=3175
27. Busted. viewtopic.php?t=3173 (Ivan)
28. Dear Ivan, viewtopic.php?t=3177 (Fisk)
29. Dear Fisk, viewtopic.php?t=3178 (Ivan)
30. The Jewel Made Me Do It viewtopic.php?t=3222 (Chris)
31. My Biggest Enemy Is Me viewtopic.php?t=3227 (Mary)
32. Bombs in the Void viewtopic.php?t=3232 (Kaya, Anthony, Ashanti)
33. The Martyr Approach 2 viewtopic.php?t=3274 (Verity)
34. Tinnitus viewtopic.php?t=3224 (Fisk, Olivia, Mandy, Ivan, Mary, Chris, Kaya, Ashanti, Anthony, Verity)
35. Boiling over. viewtopic.php?t=3300 (Ivan, Kaya)
36. To Hell With Good Intentions viewtopic.php?t=3301 (Fisk)
37. Neither of Us Will Be Missed viewtopic.php?t=3302 (Anthony, Mary)
38. Valley of the Dolls viewtopic.php?t=3304 (Verity, Mary)
39. This Confession Has Meant Nothing viewtopic.php?t=3305 (Fisk, Olivia, Anthony, Ivan)
40. Nut Up or Shut Up viewtopic.php?t=3317 (Chris)
41. But The Wellerman Never Came viewtopic.php?t=3421 (Chris)
42. The Tenth Announcement viewtopic.php?t=3622
43. does it even matter viewtopic.php?t=3435
44. Invictus viewtopic.php?t=3619
45. In Another Life viewtopic.php?t=3628
46. Blackstar viewtopic.php?t=3729
47. Evil Dies Tonight viewtopic.php?t=3730
48. Sea Swallow Me viewtopic.php?t=3800
49. Time to Stop Pretending viewtopic.php?t=3798

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:11 pm
by Sh4dE
SOTF: International
[+] Day I
1. Teaser #2 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2662
2. Teaser #5 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2695
3. Prologue viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2907
4. O03 Start viewtopic.php?f=313&t=2908 (Jevaun, Pranay, Austin)
5. And we're live viewtopic.php?f=302&t=2909 (Tarren, Lex)
6. Saw meme viewtopic.php?f=305&t=2910 (Katherine, Deirbhile, Zander, Lex)
7. FC World A viewtopic.php?f=303&t=2911 (Artie, Harun, Matthew)
8. 29 and me viewtopic.php?f=303&t=2912 (Abel, Makaria, Leander)
9. Taking a breather viewtopic.php?f=299&t=2920 (Tarren)
10. Suburbia Overture I (Post 1-20) viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2914 (Caleb, Philia, Tarren, Clara)
11. Fool Me Once viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2953 (Clara)
12. Suburbia Overture II (Post 21) viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2914&start=15#p28347 (Clara)
13. Welcome to the Mortuary viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2916 (Rainbow, Seychelle, Ajay, Jaxon, Philia)
14. Welcome to the Outside World I (Post 1-25) viewtopic.php?f=304&t=2919 (Fabiano, Soraya, Jen)
15. O19: Examine viewtopic.php?f=306&t=2917 (Archie, Jia Li, Dominik, Soraya)
16. Nerves Of The Ocean Shores viewtopic.php?f=300&t=2924 (Austin, Oscar, Leander, Makaria)
17. The best songs viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2932 (Seychelles, Philia, Ajay, Rainbow, Jaxon)
18. The Illusion of Choice viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2933 (Fabiano)
19. . viewtopic.php?f=330&t=2947 (Makaria)
20. (Un)Happy Camping viewtopic.php?f=326&t=2938 (Fabiano, Austin, Oscar, Harun, Ajay)
21. I Didn't Really Know Him viewtopic.php?f=319&t=2950 (Leander)
22. la guerra de los santos viewtopic.php?f=302&t=2926 (Abel, Jevaun, Pranay, Tarren, Caleb, Jia Li, Archie, Soraya, Clara, Dominik)
23. Chupa-Chupa viewtopic.php?f=328&t=2970 (Leander)
24. The First Announcement viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2973
25. Welcome to the Outside World II (Post 26-End) viewtopic.php?f=300&t=2919&start=15#p28605 (Jen, Leander)
26. Boum viewtopic.php?f=302&t=3039 (Lyberte)
27. Who Pilots viewtopic.php?f=329&t=2975 (Caleb, Tarren)
28. Rouge Angels of Satin viewtopic.php?f=332&t=2979 (Jia Li, Archie, Seychelle)
29. SIMPLE WEAPON viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2989 (Jaxon)
30. An Hour of Freedom viewtopic.php?f=305&t=3013 (Philia)
31. I Hate You viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2980 (Fabiano, Soraya, Abel, Dominik, Jaxon, Philia)
32. I Vow to Thee viewtopic.php?f=301&t=2988 (Lex, Deirbhile, Clara, Jevaun)
33. Slan Abhaile viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3016 (Deirbhile)
34. Irie viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3014 (Jevaun, Seychelle)
35. Dirge for the Shepherds viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3015 (Abel, Soraya, Dominik, Tarren, Caleb)
36. Ad Astra viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3021 (Matthew, Artie, Austin, Harun, Katherine)
37. Welcome Back viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3023 (Rainbow, Seychelle)
38. Raindrops keep falling on my head viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3026 (Ajay)
39. let's play a game viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3028 (Soraya, Dominik)
40. There'll Be Always an England viewtopic.php?f=298&t=3036 (Lex)
41. The Company You Keep viewtopic.php?f=306&t=3038 (Clara, Lex, Zander)
[+] Day II
1. The Second Announcement viewtopic.php?f=306&t=3040
2. A Boring Dystopia viewtopic.php?f=302&t=3044 (Tarren, Caleb)
3. Why didn't you viewtopic.php?f=302&t=3042 (Seychelle, Ajay, Rainbow, Fabiano, Philia, Jaxon, Leander, Jen)
4. Pinturas Rupetres viewtopic.php?f=303&t=3045 (Soraya, Dominik)
5. TOP TEN WAYS viewtopic.php?t=3108 (Jaxon)
6. The Third Announcement viewtopic.php?t=3123
7. Flexibility viewtopic.php?t=3096 (Austin, Seychelle)
8. QYRRUS viewtopic.php?t=3117 (Ajay, Philia)
9. click. viewtopic.php?t=3125 (Jen)
10. Gazing at Sirius viewtopic.php?t=3140 (Matthew)
11. The Girl I Left Behind viewtopic.php?t=3144 (Lex)
12. Follow the Colours viewtopic.php?t=3145 (Lex)
13. I Fly to the Sky Forever viewtopic.php?t=3156 (Artie)
14. Violence in the Metaverse viewtopic.php?t=3159 (Soraya)
15. JUST WATCH viewtopic.php?t=3137 (Jaxon, Harun, Ajay, Philia)
16. The Most Important Thing in the World viewtopic.php?t=3146 (Clara, Lex, Caleb)
17. Cornucopia viewtopic.php?t=3129 (Seychelle, Zander, Jen, Austin)
18. I Come From the Land Down Under viewtopic.php?t=3157 (Katherine, Jen)
[+] Day III
1. The Fourth Announcement viewtopic.php?t=3171
2. The deep-sea viewtopic.php?t=3179 (Harun, Jen, Austin)
3. O Bloody Worm viewtopic.php?t=3267 (Seychelle)
4. could you imagine viewtopic.php?t=3273 (Seychelle)
5. Run from the Sun viewtopic.php?t=3147 (Matthew, Seychelle)
6. Full Circle viewtopic.php?t=3261 (Clara, Lex)
7. The Sense of Me viewtopic.php?t=3287 (Austin)
8. Inner Animal viewtopic.php?t=3272 (Ajay, Philia, Jen, Austin)
9. The Ninth Rolls viewtopic.php?t=3276
10. The Fifth Announcement viewtopic.php?t=3363
11. My Own Little Nowhere viewtopic.php?t=3444
12. United by the Moment viewtopic.php?t=3446

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:15 pm
by Sh4dE
SOTF Supers
[+] Day I
1. Hot Head viewtopic.php?f=301&t=3001
2. Police Report viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3018
3. Graphic Novels viewtopic.php?f=329&t=3035
4. Out For Smokes viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3124
5. Aggressive Acquisitions viewtopic.php?t=3155
6. Somewhere in Nevada viewtopic.php?t=3181
7. Prologue viewtopic.php?t=3372
8. blood in the gutter viewtopic.php?t=3375 (Austin, Crispy, Alan)
9. Jenelle Fucking Wakes Up Part 1 viewtopic.php?t=3376 (Jenelle)
10. darkness I (Post 1-13) viewtopic.php?t=3377 (David, Astrid, Melodie, Yvette)
11. Housewife Radio viewtopic.php?t=3379 (Nora)
12. Jenelle Didn't Kill A Dog Just To Get The Approval Of A (Sexy) Owl Terrorist ft. Austin's Sexy, Sexy Depression viewtopic.php?t=3380 (Jenelle, Austin)
13. The Lotus Eaters I (Post 1-13) viewtopic.php?t=3381 (Lily, Jenelle)
14. Dead! viewtopic.php?t=3383 (Anatoly, Selene, Claudia)
15. Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There viewtopic.php?t=3384 (Gary)
16. Nothing In The Hallways viewtopic.php?t=3385 (Kaine, Austin)
17. Dial 0 For 0rb viewtopic.php?t=3396 (Lincoln)
18. Moose Egg viewtopic.php?t=3378 (Moose, Kennedy, Kyle, Alan, Crispin, Lincoln, Jenelle, Kaine)
19. and when the sun comes up viewtopic.php?t=3393 (Isabella)
20. It's Just A Single Vice viewtopic.php?t=3386 (Joel, Gary, Isabella, Orion)
21. T-Minus viewtopic.php?t=3387 (Mercedes)
22. Resistance viewtopic.php?t=3390 (August)
23. Induction I (Post 1-14) viewtopic.php?t=3391 (August, Austin)
24. Dark, Darker, Yet Darker viewtopic.php?t=3382 (Raymond, Raja, David, Austin)
25. 1 viewtopic.php?t=3388 (Sayuna, Noah, Austin, Javi)
26. You Will Not Take My Heart viewtopic.php?t=3394 (Kennedy)
27. Too Afraid to Live viewtopic.php?t=3443 (Sydney)
28. Play Dead viewtopic.php?t=3395 (Jacob, Stephen, Kincaid, Mercedes, Kennedy, Isabella, Gary, Sydney)
29. Existence viewtopic.php?t=3401 (Emily)
30. Old Town Road viewtopic.php?t=3405 (Nora, Joel, Orion, Lucine)
31. You Just Made The List viewtopic.php?t=3418 (Cyrus)
32. would viewtopic.php?t=3416 (Mattie, Andrew, Cyrus, Isabella, Gary)
33. Galloping Maniac to the Mouth of the Source viewtopic.php?t=3445 (Kennedy)
34. In Shock viewtopic.php?t=3449 (Leila)
35. Swallowing Panic viewtopic.php?t=3452 (Kennedy, Lincoln, Kaine, Leila)
36. First Rolls! viewtopic.php?t=3453
37. The Lotus Eaters II (Post 14-End) viewtopic.php?t=3381#p33826 (Lily, Kyle)
38. Induction II (Post 15-End) viewtopic.php?t=3391#p34069 (August, Ana, Austin, Noah, Sayuna, Isabella, Gary, Javi)
39. I'm the Satellite viewtopic.php?t=3437 (Cecilia, Toma, Andrew, Mattie, Cyrus)
40. Do Not Go Gentle viewtopic.php?t=3448 (Lucine, Nora, Joel, Orion)
41. Self Inflicted viewtopic.php?t=3466 (Mercedes)
42. ...and then the apocalypse began (Kincaid)
43. Graduation I (Post 1-3) (Sayuna, Noah, Austin)
44. darkness II (Post 14-End) viewtopic.php?t=3377#p33819 (Astrid, Melodie, Yvette, Ximena, Jenelle, Isabella, Gary, Austin)
45. The Dream Machine viewtopic.php?t=3423 (Raja, David, Raymond, Claudia, Anatoly, Selene, Isabella, Gary)
46. Attention viewtopic.php?t=3425 (Emily, Ximena)
47. Nothing Breaks Like A Heart viewtopic.php?t=3457 (Raja)
48. A Little Subterfuge viewtopic.php?t=3464 (Lily, Kyle, Sydney)
49. Moose Omelette viewtopic.php?t=3455 (Moose, Crispin, Alan, Mercedes)
50. One Foot in the Grave (Claudia)
51. Friend in High Places (Javi)
52. Breaking New Ground viewtopic.php?t=3479 (Javi)
53. Raise, Fold viewtopic.php?t=3480 (Javi)
54. Bella ciao viewtopic.php?t=3481 (Selene)
55. No Future / No Past viewtopic.php?t=3482 (Crispin)
56. The Horse I Never Got For Christmas viewtopic.php?t=3494 (Joel, Orion)
57. Look But Don't Touch viewtopic.php?t=3467 (Jacob, Cyrus)
58. Graduation II (Post 4-End) (Sayuna, Noah, Raymond)
59. And So It Goes viewtopic.php?t=3456 (David, Raja, Ximena, Emily)
60. Hysterisis (August, Ana, Isabella)
61. What a shame those two viewtopic.php?t=3495 (Alan, Austin)
62. Do Abominations Dream of Electric Shunts? viewtopic.php?t=3503 (Raymond)
63. I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight (Mattie)
64. heaven and hell shall all be mine (Austin)
65. Star in the Dust (Noah)
[+] Day II
1. The First Announcement! viewtopic.php?t=3483
2. You Are Still In A Birdcage viewtopic.php?t=3484 (Gary)
3. Welcome to Hell viewtopic.php?t=3485 (Claudia, Crispin, Stephen)
4. And If They Get Me viewtopic.php?t=3486 (Anatoly)
5. You Should See The Other Guy viewtopic.php?t=3487 (Jacob)
6. It's raining leprosy and acid viewtopic.php?t=3488 (Astrid)
7. Meanwhile, on the backstage viewtopic.php?t=3489 (Melody)
8. Paint it Black viewtopic.php?t=3490 (Lily, Kyle, Gary, Melody, Jacob)
9. Regrets, I've Had a Few viewtopic.php?t=3496 (Lucine, Nora)
10. Parasocial Paranoia viewtopic.php?t=3498 (David, Emily, Astrid)
11. My Life is Going On viewtopic.php?t=3497 (Selene, Anatoly)
12. What Remains of Cyrus Vähi viewtopic.php?t=3499 (Cecilia, Andrew, Toma, Mattie, Kaine, Crispin)
13. Heart of Fire viewtopic.php?t=3501 (Mercedes)
14. The Moral Law Within Me viewtopic.php?t=3502 (Ximena, Alan, Astrid)
15. Say It Three Times in a Row viewtopic.php?t=3504 (Joel, Kennedy)
16. Cleanup Crew
17. Red Right Hand (Claudia, Stephen, Raymond)
18. Toeing the Line (Lincoln)
19. High Plains Drifter (Noah)
20. Burning Bright (Mercedes, Lincoln)
21. the hook on which I hang (Austin)
22. Time (Leila)
23. Alone Infection (Emily, Ximena, Alan)
24. Catastrophe (Leila, August, Mercedes)
25. a mutual problem (Austin, Noah)
26. Took Some Clay (Joel, Kennedy)
27. 04 Ghosts I (Astrid)
28. Could You Spare My Blood? (Mattie)
29. It's Hard to Imagine (Cecilia)
[+] Day III
1. The Second Announcement
2. Inertia (Mattie, Cecilia)
3. And Plague Flowers (Ana)
4. Still Breathing (Crispin)
5. Pale Rider I (Post 1-2) (Noah, Austin)
6. Here In This Teenage Battle Zone viewtopic.php?t=3542 (Joel)
7. call the police (Astrid, Ana, Austin, Joel)
8. We All Deserved Better viewtopic.php?t=3546 (Gary, Crispin)
9. My Invisible Tears viewtopic.php?t=3547 (Kaine, Austin)
10. Roll Over viewtopic.php?t=3561 (Jacob)
11. Necessary Discrepancy viewtopic.php?t=3564 (Emily)
12. Now that I know that hello viewtopic.php?t=3566 (Mercedes)
13. Delicious Ape viewtopic.php?t=3572 (Crispin, Kaine, Austin)
14. Penultimatum viewtopic.php?t=3576 (Lily)
15. The hopes and dreams of a birdman viewtopic.php?t=3577 (Kyle)
16. Shine a Little Light on My Darkness (Lincoln)
17. Your Actions Have Consequences viewtopic.php?t=3575 (Mercedes, Lily, Kyle, Lincoln)
18. Worthless as the Sun Above viewtopic.php?t=3584 (Emily)
19. Gather in the Ashes (Claudia, Stephen, Emily)
20. A Protest Against Despair (Ximena, Alan, Austin)
21. Pale Rider II (Post 3-End) viewtopic.php?t=3541#p36253 (Noah, Raymond, Austin)
22. I don't want to go back viewtopic.php?t=3563 (Melodie, Jacob, Lucine)
23. Spit Take (Nora)
24. And When You Go (Anatoly, Nora)
25. Inactivity Warning for SOTF Supers (Crispin)
26. While the Night viewtopic.php?t=3635 (Cecilia, Mattie)
[+] Day IV
1. The Third Announcement
2. The Night is My Friend (Ximena)
3. The Day is My Enemy viewtopic.php?t=3626 (Ximena)
4. Rapture or Bust viewtopic.php?t=3630 (Alan)
5. There We Will Be viewtopic.php?t=3640 (Mattie, Cecilia)
6. The Malady Mill viewtopic.php?t=3633 (Joel, Astrid, Ana)
7. Icarus viewtopic.php?t=3639 (Emily, Stephen, Claudia)
8. And as the Vermin Crawls viewtopic.php?t=3642 (Anatoly, Claudia)
9. Burnt Light viewtopic.php?t=3629 (Crispin, Alan, Raymond)
10. Ambush viewtopic.php?t=3647
11. Monster Children viewtopic.php?t=3652 (Nora)
12. 34 Ghosts IV viewtopic.php?t=3658 (Astrid)
[+] Day V
1. The Fourth Announcement
2. For Everyone viewtopic.php?t=3681
3. Spent Gladiator 2
4. Una Poca De Gracia
5. Get in, Loser
6. Your Uber Has Arrived I (Post 1-15)
7. Final Hurdle
8. Your Uber Has Arrived II (Post 16-End) viewtopic.php?p=38022#p38022
9. Your Luck Has Run Out
10. Unmonitored Lizard
11. Out Run
12. Dial Tone
13. Denouement
14. Omission viewtopic.php?t=3763

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:12 am
by Sh4dE
BRAU (2022)
[+] Day I
1. START GAME viewtopic.php?t=3568
2. GTFO viewtopic.php?t=3585 (Megumi, Hirono, Noriko)
3. unspooling viewtopic.php?t=3589 (Motobuchi, Mizuho)
4. Rubicon viewtopic.php?t=3592 (Akamatsu, Mitsuru)
5. Dead Man's Hand viewtopic.php?t=3593 (ongoing)

Go viewtopic.php?t=3590 (Chigusa, Kayoko) Getaway

Initial D viewtopic.php?t=3588 (Yuichiro, Yoshimi, Niida) d2

fall for you viewtopic.php?t=3587 (Sakura, Hiroshi, Kazuhiko, Kiriyama, Ryuhei, Sho, Mitsuru) Calculated

Re: SOTF Mini Reading Guides [PV3 DONE]

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:23 pm
by Sh4dE
[+] Day I
1. The Setup viewtopic.php?t=3801
2. Never You Mind, Death Professor viewtopic.php?t=3822