A Little Subterfuge

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The Compound consists of the upper, above ground levels of the titular structure. The outer walls of The Compound evoke brutalist architecture, being composed primarily of concrete, steel, and glass. The building itself is enormous, and box-like in shape, with two floors above ground and two floors below ground. Despite the road, parking lot, and fence surrounding The Compound all showing signs of age, the structure itself appears to be completely intact. On the roof of the structure are an enormous exhaust pipe and a very large loudspeaker, the latter of which can be heard across nearly the whole arena when it is turned on, and is nearly deafening up close.

Inside, The Compound's floors all consist of the same layout, with hallways running around the perimeter of the building surrounding its central staircase, with rooms branching outwards from these hallways and facing the outer edges of the building. During the day, the interior of The Compound is dimly lit, courtesy of the glass windows common to every outside-facing room. At night it is completely dark inside, requiring the use of a flashlight for the average person to be able to see.

Much of the furnishings of The Compound have been moved around and overturned to create cover within the rooms and hallways, but cursory examination shows the most common furnishings being cabinets, flat metallic tables, and plastic chairs. Discerning the purpose of most of The Compound's above ground rooms is difficult, but flat countertops with fume hoods above them are a frequent sight, and some rooms (primarily on the building's west side) possess beds and were seemingly designed for habitation. Shards of glass from shattered glassware and scattered, broken medical equipment is common in The Compound's rooms, but not the hallways.


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A Little Subterfuge


Post by VoltTurtle »

((CHAPTER 002: A Doomed Mission))

Lily dusted the sand off her jeans as she stepped into the interior of the compound, broken glass crunching beneath the soles of her shoes.

They had made their way to the compound in relative safety, cutting through a hole in the fence and making their way across the parking lot as discretely as they could out in the open. The plan had been to just walk in the front door, but then they couldn't help but notice the gigantic swarm of insects overtaking the entrance. So Lily made the executive decision to go on a detour, and used a particularly hefty rock she found to smash one of the windows. With a slow, considered entry, she was now successfully inside without being swarmed or sliced open.

Now, she knew that being in here was obviously dangerous. Isabella was not only clearly in the building, but also presumably (and reasonably) losing her mind from panic and stirring up all the local insects. That slippery bastard Moose being out for blood was bad enough on its own, but Isabella could, like, actually, easily hurt someone. Not on purpose, of course, Lily could never imagine Isabella wanting to hurt anyone, as weird as she was. It was just that, given her admittedly limited knowledge of desert ecology, she was pretty sure there were scorpions out in the desert.

She couldn't help but imagine the insects crawling up her legs, and the accompanying sensation of all their scurrying little feet.

Lily shuddered.

Needless to say, there was reason to be worried. All Isabella probably needed was someone to talk her down, and let her know that they just needed to hold out until rescue came.

Lily tried not to think about the announcement that had come on just a bit ago.

"Kyle!" she whispered, amplifying it to audibility with her Gift as she held out her hand to the boy. "Get in here! We gotta find Izzy before she hurts someone."
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Kyle tagged along with Lily towards the building. Earlier, he had run away from this place in fear, and now he was going back. It was reckless, stupid, maybe even futile. But Lily wanted to go here; she has decided to stop people before they do something they are going to regret.

The big worry there is whether or not they are going to regret it. Moose has already shown him that some are willing to go that far. What if others are equally as willing? Could they do something then? Would Kyle have to fight them as well if it came down to it?

Those were the misgiving thoughts running through his head as they snuck across a parking lot after cutting their way through a fence; they were about as discreet as a girl with multicolored hair and a bird man could be.

The plan had been simple, just walk through the front door and look around the place. See if there were anybody around and if Moose was there... And, well, they would do something.

What that was so far, he did not know.

But things have already gone from bad to worse. A large selection of insects was at the entrance; Kyle's' eyes almost jutted out of his head once he saw how many there were. That only meant one thing, Isabella was doing something or other over there, and Kyle did not want to find out what that was.

Isabella was already pretty odd back home; Kyle kept his distance due to that, and, admittedly, maybe it was pretty shitty not to want to hang around her. But there was something about her power... He dreaded to see what this place had done to her so quick that swarms were wandering about.

But that did not deter Lily. Instead, they wandered around the building until they chanced upon a window. Lily turned and looked around the place before finding what she wanted. A big rock. It quickly went through the window.

Kyle took off his Letterman jacket and used it to clear out some of the glass so the two would not get cut before Lily made her way inside. She whispered to him with a look that screamed anxiety. She wanted to find Isabella, and quick.

He wanted to shake his head. He wanted to turn and walk away from this mad building, the crazy people within and all the bullshit surrounding it. But instead, he slipped on his jacket, gave her a nod and took hold of the hand offered to him before he climbed through the window.

Guess it was time to go insect hunting.
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Post by EMPeace »

((Sydney Stone continued from Play Dead))

Sydney had mostly kept her eyes on the side of the dusty road as she hiked towards the huge building, murmuring to herself. She hadn't even looked back to see if anyone was trying to follow her, but she vaguely hoped they hadn't. Interacting with anyone else would only make this whole process more agonizing, and letting someone get attached to her now would just be cruel. One silver lining here was that she didn't really know any of these people. Nearly everyone she knew had already graduated, and she had made little effort to socialize with her new classmates. She took some small amount of comfort in the fact that anyone who really gave a damn already thought she had died in a freak bus accident. She didn't need to worry about hurting anyone by leaving them behind, because she was already dead to the world; she only needed to make that official.

She circled the fence surrounding the huge building while searching for any sign of those 'off-limits' zones, still keeping a wary eye out for other people.

As the front of the building came into view, she made out the distinct sound of glass being shattered, and as she drew closer, she finally noticed the huge cluster of bugs buzzing around the main entrance. Like, a lot of fucking bugs. More than she had ever seen in once place. It only took her a few seconds to remember the peculiar girl who always had the spider with her; the one who could apparently talk to insects. Sydney had never met her personally, but had absolutely heard of her. She sat for a minute to ponder what she was up to, and realized that, if some of the other students didn't even survive the knockout gas, there's no way the spider did. Sydney's heart sank somewhat as she empathized with the girl. It wasn't even just a pet she had lost, but a close friend who she spoke with every day.

Sydney shook her head and suppressed these worries, trying to focus on her goal. She'd had no luck in her search so far, and the inside of this building seemed like her best bet. She scaled the fence and crept closer to the structure, making a point to keep well away from the swarm. She eventually located the window she'd heard being broken earlier, though she hesitated as she approached.

This seemed like the best way in, but who was this anyway? It had only been a minute or two since she heard the window break, so they were probably still there. What if they were dangerous? Could she outrun them? Probably. But what if she didn't get the chance to run?

"...Ugh. Fuck it." She grumbled. At this point, she had abandoned her attempts to move around silently. She recklessly hopped through the window and would have cut her hand open were it not for her reptilian skin.

Moments later, she realized that the people who'd smashed the window indeed were still there, just barely obscured from the outside. Both of them were unmistakable. The quiet eagle boy and the friendly girl with the rainbow hair, both of whom were in at least a couple of her classes.

Her usual response to uneasy situations was to tense up and stare; this time was no different.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Lily spun around at the sound of the sudden intrusion into her space, her eyes briefly, comically bulging out of her sockets, accompanied by a cartoon-spring noise.

Sydney Stone, the crocodile girl, older than all the rest of them due to being held back. Lily hadn't spoken to her before, but she knew her. Even as she realized who had actually jump-scared the two of them, Lily's heart was already starting to race, only just now coming to terms with how on edge she had been. It didn't help that Sydney hadn't said anything to them on the way in, and was now just staring at them like a hungry predator. How long had they been followed, unknowingly? Had they been followed at all, or was this just coincidence?

She inhaled sharply through her nose, then let out a sigh, trying to dull her nerves.

"Hey, uh, Sydney, right?"

She gave a friendly wave to the other girl, colorful sparkles emanating from her fingertips.

"Nice to see you're still alive," she continued, her voice not betraying her anxiety. "Are you hurt? Kyle and I were trying to gather everyone up, make sure nobody harms each other."

Lily glanced at the closed door leading out of the room, listening briefly to the faint buzzing and chittering of insects on the other side.

"Izzy is... not having a good time, I think. I need to go talk to her, before she hurts anyone on accident."
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Post by Ohm »

Kyle almost jumped out his skin at the sudden arrival behind them, of Sydney Stone through the same window they had gone through. That, and Lily's eyes popping out of her skull with sound effects. It was lucky that he did not have that gift, or his neurosis would pop up some weird shit. Maybe not as otherwordly as the whole pocket dimension Lily conjured up in her sleep, but not much can beat that.

Kyle had seen Sydney about at their school; they shared classes. At most, he'd give her a nod of acknowledgment. Otherwise, she was unknown to him other than what people had told him and what he could see. She was held back a year and had reptilian features to her. Scales, claws, sharp teeth, yellow eyes with slits for pupils, hard to miss considering her height and broad shoulders. She was taller than him by a bit and definitely weighed more. There was also the tail that trailed behind her.

In a way, Sydney was an awe-inspiring figure to see in person. Yet, something made him uneasy around her even though he knew how unfair that was; the same could be said if someone saw his face in person. He had not heard anything about her that painted her in the light that made sense of this apprehension.

She was clad almost entirely in black from what he could see, dark brown work boots on her feet betraying the color scheme that was unfit for the desert landscape they found themselves in. At least, during the day. Her hair looked frizzed, more so than usual. Her face conveyed a lower amount of shock than them- by a vast amount- but it was there.

He gave his own wave along with Lily's. He did not have any special effects, so it looked weak comparatively; he left his hand there as Kyle stepped a bit to the side to let Lily handle the talking- not like he could do anything in that department- and nodded along as she explained her plan.

Kyle could hear the faint sound of insects from beyond the door in the room. There was talk of calming Isabella down from whatever she was doing with that horde and of "accidents". Kyle prayed that there were none so far because it was debatable how innocent an "accident" around here could be.

Not with that amount at her disposal.
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Post by EMPeace »

Sydney blinked several times in mild shock as Lily's eyes briefly defied all known laws of physics and anatomy. She'd seen Lily use her gift many times before, but illusion or not, it looked a little grotesque.

She cleared her throat and returned the wave they had both given, though hers was less of a wave since she just held up her hand for a second.

"Yeah." She answered apprehensively to Lily's first question

She hesitated before speaking up again.
"No... No, I'm fine." She said, with a faint hint of unease starting to slip through her stoic expression.

When Lily looked to the door, Sydney finally realized how discomforting her silent stare must have been, especially since she had seen them first, and still had her claws slightly raised. Her instincts were still to treat them as potential threats, and therefore not let them out of her sight while she planned her potential escape. She felt guilty for assuming the worst in everyone she saw, but she wasn't personally familiar with any of these people. Besides, you never know what anyone is truly capable of when they're under enough stress. They at least seemed friendly at the moment, and since Lily was the first to let her guard down, Sydney gradually followed suit. She had to force herself to relax her arms so that it didn't look like she was mid-way through a pounce, and to actually start breathing again.

She joined with Lily's quick glance to the door where... 'Izzy' was? Isabella. Right, that was her name. Sydney had a highly intrusive thought about opening the door and running straight into the swarm of frenzied bugs, but dispelled this immediately, feeling a bit disgusted with herself. Why would she even consider that? She would traumatize the poor girl even more than everyone already is, not to mention the pain of all those venomous stings and bites... At that point she may as well light herself on fire.

Sydney peered around the room for any signs --literal, or otherwise-- that would indicate an off-limits zone, but saw nothing at the moment.

She continued to Lily, "Yeah. I'm-... trying to avoid that too. Hurting anyone. So I'm-"
She paused again, feeling herself start to choke up, her eyes getting misty and her gaze drifting downward. She took a quick breath.

"...I'm just looking for a good place to hide." She said, lying through her pointed teeth.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Lily let out a sigh of relief when Sydney let her guard down, her own posture visibly relaxing.

"Well, this isn't too bad a place to hide, if you ignore the insects," she started to reply, her voice taking on its usual bubbly demeanor, "but it's not as good as sticking with me!"

Lily brought her hands out in front of her, before dramatically clasping them together, rendering the room around them into into a black void. Despite the walls of the room now being as black as pitch with no visible sources of light, the three of them were still illuminated. She spun, and her outfit turned from her usual clothes to a black witch's cloak and hat.

"Nobody that's near enough to see in the window can see us right now, and this is just one of my bag of tricks."

A witch's cackle echoed through the room.

"Besides dealing with Izzy, Kyle and I are trying to gather everyone together so nobody ends up hurting each other."

She grinned, reaching out an arm and pulling Kyle into an affectionate side-hug.

"I can keep you safe, so wanna join in?"
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Post by Ohm »

They kept talking. It seemed like Kyle was out of mind and out of sight for now. He did not mind, less time wasted on him trying to write to somebody that had an equal air of anxiousness.

Sydney's nervousness was as clear as day in her words. Kyle could not blame her. The whole thing had been wack from the moment they all had woken up. Maybe Lily could help with that.

Speaking of Lily, she was now dressed as a witch. Another one of her tricks. She did a spin and her hands kept in front of her, and suddenly the room they were in was now a black space. Yet the group was lit up. A cackle came and went through the vacuum they were in.

She continued her pitch to Sydney while her arm reached around Kyle's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug from the side.

It was nice. Sudden, but nice.

Kyle was unsure how to help with the pitch Lily was throwing Sydney. He decided to hold the peace sign at her with his right hand, held in front of his shoulder.
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Post by EMPeace »

Sydney raised an eyebrow, and her natural sulk reversed into a wide, awestruck smile as Lily's apparitions overtook her senses. She couldn't help but let out a warm chuckle in response to the stereotypical witch laugh and outfit. She liked Lily's style. This, combined with Kyle's silent yet endearing peace sign, helped to calm her nerves a bit, but only just. She did also feel a bit of solidarity with the fellow animal mutant.

Having come down from the fleeting excitement from Lily's performance, Sydney glanced between them a couple of times, then momentarily stared down into the illusory abyss, her eyes subtly shifting up and down as she silently contemplated whether or not she should just walk away. That was what she wanted to do, but experiencing that ever-so-slight bit of joy had renewed her doubts about her course of action.

"Uh, sure. I guess I'll tag along. I was... just kinda wanderin' anyway." She rambled with a bit of a stutter, still failing to make eye contact.

She idly slipped her hands in her hoodie's pockets as she continued, her tail subconsciously curling a bit from side to side. "If someone gets belligerent, the three of us can probably scare 'em off."
She looked back at Lily, "Well, mainly you with your flashy magic stuff."

Her eyes immediately wandered off again. What was she even doing? She was stalling, that's what; desperately clinging to a life that was already lost. She'd already let someone else start getting to know her, something she had told herself to avoid. Maybe she should've just told them both off instead? Made them hate her so that they wouldn't be upset when she died? No, she couldn't bring herself to do that, especially not after the warm welcome she'd just been given. She gave in and decided to just roll with it for now.

"I guess I'll just er, follow your lead? For now? Try to help if I can." She muttered after yet another awkward hesitation.

Maybe she could actually assist them in some way before she went out. Maybe her entire existence wouldn't be for nothing. Just maybe.

And if nothing else, sticking close to them would slightly lower her chances of being agonizingly butchered before she could find what she was looking for. In case someone had completely snapped.
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Post by VoltTurtle »


The lack of enthusiasm in Sydney's voice was obvious, but Lily didn't acknowledge it. Her own confidence was infectious, and like, she knew they'd get along swimmingly. Everyone always did with her, except Jenelle and Austin and Kitcat on a bad day...

With a wave of her hand, her illusions disappeared. Without missing a beat, she relinquished Kyle from her grip and walked to the door leading out, pressing her ear up against it. Immediately she was hit by the sounds of buzzing, skittering, chittering, and the faintest sounds of footsteps. A faint voice could be heard echoing through the halls, and while she recognized it, she couldn't quite remember the person's name.

"Hm... just gotta think of an approach," she muttered.

She squinted, as her face began to gradually morph into a 🤔, the dial-up internet tone becoming audible, and slowly growing louder all the while.

"You guys think I could just, uh," she began to say, her illusions dissipating, "like, walk up to the bugs and ask politely to be let in?"
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Post by Ohm »

Sydney was game, but the uncertainty was still there. If not in her voice, then her words. Mutterings are small and hesitant, stuttery, and on edge. If not her words, then her actions. Her tail was curling from side to side, her hands in her pockets, her lack of eye contact.

Kyle did not know how to alleviate that issue. He could guess the girl did not know ASL, so him doing any gestures at her isn't going to do much good.

Nonetheless, Sydney was tagging along. More the merrier, as Lily would say.

Lily had let go of him at that point, shame as he could get used to these hugs. They were nice. He could pretend he was not here in this desert and, instead, think that he was home when she did that.

At the same time, the illusions dissipated, and they were back in the room they had broken into. Drab color and broken glass are back in vogue.

Lily was off to the door, her ear pressed against it. Her face morphed into an emoji while muttering to herself. At the same time, a tone rang through the room. Kyle turned to Sydney and shrugged as the sound got louder.

All of that vanished when she asked if she could just approach the swarm in peace.

Kyle tilted his head to the side at that.

He was not too sure about that plan. If Isabella was freaking out and she had a whole swarm to do whatever she wanted, then what were the chances she'd listen? An approach would be risky.

He crossed his arms while his head was still tilted. He stared at Lily for a bit, finger tapping at his right arm. If he was Lily, a lightbulb would have gone off over his head before he stooped down to his bag and folded out his map. The faint clicking of a pen and he was off writing something before quickly showing it to Lily and Sydney.

Can she read through her insects? Maybe we can send her something written and see the response?
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Post by EMPeace »

Sydney stared blankly with her mouth hung slightly open, but still cracking a bit of a smile as Lily very colorfully expressed her thought process. She side-eyed Kyle in response to his shrug.

Her face grew noticeably concerned, however, as Lily suggested walking up to the swarm in an attempt to communicate.
"I... don't think that's a good idea."

She felt a little guilty for shooting down Lily's suggestion so immediately, but it was her genuine opinion; that seemed dangerous.
"But, I've got nothin'."

Sydney stood in shared silence with Kyle with her hands still in her pockets; she looked to the ground in thought once again. She still had a strong desire to just wish them both the best of luck and leave, but that would just feel wrong right now. She felt compelled to help somehow, but she was just as clueless and helpless now as when she woke up earlier.

She perked up again when Kyle opened up his bag in the corner of her eye, her tail twitching a bit involuntarily. She tilted her head inquisitively as he began writing on his map.

When Kyle presented his writing, she took a few seconds to think.

"Well... I dunno if it'll work, but at least if it doesn't we won't get swarmed, probably. Just slip a note under the door I guess?" She responded.

She looked to Lily, anticipating her answer, as she was generally the one taking charge here.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Lily scratched her chin at the suggestion.

"That's a good idea, Kyle!"

It was a terrible idea. Last she checked, bugs can't read. Isabella had told Lily before that she could see the world through the eyes of her insect friends, but she'd have to look specifically through the eyes of the insects that happened to be around the note, and who knew what letters looked like when you were that small?

Actually, maybe that could work if they just wrote really small.

Lily clasped her hands in front of her, and a CFL light bulb appeared above her head.

"I think I've got it," she exclaimed. "Izzy can see through their eyes, so all we need to do is write a message in tiny print, and then I can use my illusions to get the bugs' attention!"

That was it, she had convinced herself already. There was no stopping her now. After a flurry of movement, she had her own copy of the map out, and a section of it torn off. Without asking for permission (not that she needed it anyway) she swiped the pen out of Kyle's hand and wrote, in as small print as she could:

hey izzy its lily i just wanna talk for a bit can you let me in without all your friends stinging me to death k thx love you <3

The writing was barely legible to her, so it would probably be small enough for an insect. With that taken care of and with Lily's total confidence, she held out the pen and slip of paper to Kyle.

"Does this look good to you? I think if you can read it, the bugs should be able to, too! Then we can slip it under the door, like Sydney suggested!"
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Kyle waited in anticipation of the response to his idea. There were a few seconds of silence that got him really worried until they said anything that is. Sydney had no ideas of her own to add, but an addendum to his. It was not much, slipping it under the door was something he assumed they would do without having to say it, but, hey, Sydney was sort of on the same wave-length as him.

Lily, kind of did the same? The lightbulb that went off over her head again told a similar story to the earlier one, but... it was differently shaped. That was something. She suggested the writing on it be tiny so the insects could read it and use an illusion to get their attention towards the paper.

In fact, Lily was so enlightened by this idea she was already digging out the tools necessary for it. Soon, her map was out just like his, but she tore a piece of it off. Then Lily swiped his pen without asking. It was fine, it was not going to bother him. Much. He could bite the bullet on that.

Although he would prefer if she asked next time.

Soon, she had a message written out on it.

Kyle took the piece of paper from Lily and read it. He stood still for a few seconds before his hands- holding the paper- went closer to his face. He leaned his head slightly forward, squinting while doing so.

He did not even need to hold the paper this close to read it, he could read it from the other end of the room if he felt like it. Like, if someone was busy writing dirty limericks on a wall down the hall at school, Kyle could read it from the other end. Usually, he did this to give other people a sense of normalcy to him, a sense he otherwise seemed to lack judging by the stares he would sometimes get.

No, the reason why Kyle leaned forward was so he could try and make sense of this handwriting. Once he did, he leaned his head back to look at Lily with his mouth slightly agape, while handing it over to Sydney. Now, when she repeated the question, that is, if Kyle could read it.

Kyle could only nod.
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Post by EMPeace »

Sydney sat on the sidelines for this conversation, as she had nothing more of use to add. She didn't know any of these people very well. Lily's current course of action seemed reasonable, so she had no objections. With Sydney and Kyle being so silent, it probably sounded like Lily was talking to herself.

She felt a bit guilty, but part of the reason Sydney had nothing to add was because she was hardly following the conversation; she was still focused on the inevitable fact that she needed to die so that one of these other people may live.

Her gaze wandered off again as Lily spoke. Thankfully, she mostly seemed to be addressing Kyle. She perked up briefly at the mention of her name, but quickly fell back into her chasm of thought, still stuck on the same questions to herself. Could she bring herself to give up her own life for someone else's? Miserable as it usually was, her life had a way of not seeming so bad when it was in immediate danger. She reminisced on the many fond memories involving her friends; few in number, but each very dear to her. This was a useless and painful train of thought, however. Compared to most of these people, her life wasn't worth saving, not worth fighting for. At the end of the day, she was no good for anyone. Those who were foolish enough to let her close would perhaps grieve her loss initially, as is the natural response to death; but, in the long run, no one would be worse off without her.

She felt a slight tinge of anguish and regret, but they disappeared as quickly as they came on, along with any other emotion. Her heart was still racing, but now she felt nothing, and her mind began suppressing such pointless memories. She began thinking of things from an utterly objective standpoint. 'Sydney Stone' was nothing more than a made-up way to refer to a collection of atoms and molecules that had linked together in such a way that they became aware of themselves via electricity. It was inevitable that this consciousness would end at some point. While it was hard-wired to do everything it could to delay the loss of that consciousness, that was an ultimately fruitless and meaningless endeavor. The urge to maintain awareness wouldn't matter once it was all said and done.

Sydney stood silent and distant as Lily and Kyle planned their approach, having no further suggestions or objections regardless.
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