Nowhere to Go


These are the passenger areas of the cruise ship, consisting of winding hallways spanning multiple floors, full of guest quarters, recreational facilities, bathrooms, and the like. Windows are many here, offering a good view of the rest of the arena, though the central location of the cruise ship means only pieces may be viewed from any given angle. The corridors connect all areas of the cruise ship and more; a number of emergency exits have been opened and ladders affixed to these points allow for entry and exit to the jetties and smaller boats nearby.
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Nowhere to Go


Post by Espi »

((Kaya Robinson continued from Did you ever see a scorpion with sunstroke sting itself to death? Well I have.))

So "I'm probably gonna die in the next like, six hours, and I'm almost definitely gonna die in the next twelve hours. Figure I should just, I dunno, camera vent or something. Say what I need to."

A pause.


"To uh, well, a ton of people I guess. Lotta parents, really. Eric's. Bethan's. Amy's. Uhh, Emmett's and Amanda's, I guess. Anyone else's parents in advance. know."

An audible sigh.

"Anyway. I, uh..."

Tapping of a foot.

"I always hated when people did these like, dramatic speeches on the show, you know?"

A weak, isolated chuckle.

"I dunno. Guess I just had to walk a mile in their shoes, or whatever. Gotta say some stuff before it's, well, it's too late, you know?"

A gun's chamber being opened.

"Would love not to need this, but you never know. I got like, what, less than ten percent chance? Or whatever the math is."

Clinking of ammunition.

"People always say odds are like, dumb, 'cause it's not actually random, but honestly, it might as well be. I mean, I'm here. I'm sure a lot more badass folks are dead and, well, I'm not."

A gun cocked. Shuffling of clothing.

"Eh. I suck at this."

((Kaya Robinson continued in Blue Monday))
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