
This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the odd array of buildings. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is treacherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane.
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Post by Slam »

((Janet Claymont continued from The Most Dangerous Game))

Everything around her was breaking down.

Whether she'd slept, she couldn't remember. When she'd last ate or drank, she had lost track. Where she'd forgotten her day-pack, she didn't have any idea. Now she was just lost in some tree with nothing to guide her and nowhere to go, all alone in the blood bath that kept on going.

It wanted her too.

It had started with Sidney, she was just the warm up act. She'd stopped, but that was just a fluke: she had wanted Janet dead like everyone else, and she was going to do it too if Janet hadn't gotten away. Then there was Anthony, with his fucking knife that was right in her face and Sidney had taken the bullet there, but she'd have wound up dead if it had ever happened again. Karl with his gun waving in her face, ready to blow her brains out the moment he got bored, and finally there was fucking Kari and her fucking choke happy lies about being friends and THERE WERE NO MORE FUCKING FRIENDS OUT HERE!

There was no hope anymore. It had been four days now, the announcements had been painfully obvious about that as well as saying she fucking murdered Kari SHE DIDN'T FUCKING MURDER KARI KARI ATTACKED HER, and now she didn't even know if she'd blow up if she went anywhere. Danger zones were all buildings but what did she care as long as she stayed still in the jungle she'd not blow up and only have to worry about everyone trying to fucking murder her TRYING TO FUCKING KILL HER LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!

She was just huddled against a tree, waiting for absolutely nothing at all.

It was going to rain sooner or later.

At least she still had her wrench.
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

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Post by CondorTalon »

((Karl Chalmers continued from Nothing Would Have Prevented This.))

He'd only stopped running when he was sure the beeping had ceased. That was about fifty metres away from the watchtower, well into the jungle that surrounded it. Karl had finally allowed himself to catch a breath. He held his arm up against the nearest tree, waiting for himself to regain his composure. Well, as much as he could these last few days.

Only fourteen people left. How many of them were still innocent? There were a lot of killers now. Karl guessed that they were probably the majority at this point.

He had to keep going. He was way past the stopping point now.

Karl looked up to see a patch of deep red up in a clearing ahead. His feet had already stepped past the last bush before the clearing, and now he was standing in the open.


He eyed the girl, huddling up against the tree. He vaguely remembered her name being on the latest announcement.

"No one deserves to die... right?"
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Post by Slam »

Of course her silence never lasted for long. Sooner or later, someone showed up and tried to kill her. That’s just the way things were going FUCK THIS ISLAND!

She knew that voice, and it made it clear it knew her. Karl, one of her old friends who’d tried to shoot her if she hadn’t not killed anyone, had reappeared for round two. This time he wasn’t going to let up, that much was obvious. And he still had a smartass mouth to boot.

“Shut the fuck up Karl.” She whispered before she even turned her head to look at him. What he was babbling about she didn’t have a clue anymore, and she wasn’t about to devote any thought to it, but oh Christ she was just huddled on the floor without any way of protecting herself when he tried to shoot her wasn’t she?

She sprung to her feet, wrench bared in her twitching hand as her bloodshot eyes burned into Karl, watching him for the moment inevitable when he’d try to kill her again.

“Make one fucking move Karl, and I’ll beat your skull right in.” Was this where she was now? Making threats?

No, of course this was where she was now: she had to threaten people to back off or they’d kill her. It had worked with Sidney and it had worked with Karl the first time, and it would work the second time or she’d make fucking good on her promises for a change.

Shit, he was getting ready to kill her wasn’t he? She could tell just by looking at him, just by watching him, just by his very existence. Him and every other last fucker on the island who wanted nothing more than to kill her now, just because some fat fucker with a bunch of collars had told them they had to or they’d die.

She was never going to let that happen. Never.
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

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Post by CondorTalon »

"Shut the fuck up Karl."

Karl's eye twitched as the girl whispered those words. It was quiet, but Karl managed to catch the gist of it. Janet sprang to her feet, her hand gripping the metal object in her hand. Karl hadn't really paid attention to it at the helipad, but now that he looked more carefully he could see what it was. And what it was was a monkey wrench.

Doubtless what she had managed to kill Kari with.

"Make one fucking move Karl, and I'll beat your skull right in," she said.

Karl's mouth only made a semblance of a movement, turning into a smirk barely visible to the naked eye. She seemed to think that she had the advantage here. But she didn't. She thought she'd be able to fight him. But she wouldn't.

Because what she seemed to not realize was that he was the one with the gun, and that she was just another scared girl up until the point where she'd taken another life and she wasn't innocent but none of them were and dammit he'd fucked up with Jessica but he was going to make things right again.

He raised the gun.

But this time...

He was too slow.
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Post by Slam »

Every movement Karl made registered in Janet’s obsessive eyes, every attempt to escape or move to strike wouldn’t go missed by her paranoid watching. Even with a gun, Karl’s advantage over Janet was hindered by her strung out caution.

And just as she expected of him, just like it had been with everyone else, he didn’t give her long before he decided it was time for her to die. The smirk of his mouth and the twitch of his arm was all Janet needed to confirm what she already knew: he was standing between her and survival once again.

Her mind was screaming obscenities at him, insulting him with every name under the sun, but all that came out of her mouth was a blood curdling scream as her legs sprung forwards, reeling her wrench back to strike as he raised his weapon. She wasn't going down like this, not to him, not to anyone else on the island who was giving in to this shit, not to anyone at all. With her strung out might, she swung the one thing that she could still rely on towards his face with the total intent to take him down.

Kari had been in self-defence, that wasn’t something she needed to argue, and Karl was the same thing. He was a FUCKER who was about to shoot her, a BASTARD who wanted her dead, and an ASSHOLE who needed to be put in his fucking place, and today that place was sixteen feet under the WORM FILLED SHIT STAINED GROUND!

She wasn’t going to sit back anymore, these fuckers weren’t going to get the drop on her, not one more time. Now they were just all going to die, DIE, DIE!
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

SOTF: Supers
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Post by CondorTalon »

She sprang.

Karl brought up his arms to protect his face from the wrench that was now sailing towards his head. The wrench connected with his forearm, sending a blast of pain through his arm. The force of the blow sent both his arms to the side, and at the same time his fingers extended, sending the shotgun off towards a tree.


He couldn't let that thing out of his hands. It was the only thing keeping him alive right now. He whipped his head towards the girl now in front of him. If he didn't deal with her now, he could be in a lot of trouble very soon.

It looked like she was coming in for a another swing. He held up his hand to try and catch her wrist, while at the same time balling up his other hand and sending it towards her stomach.
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Post by Slam »

Karl took the brunt of her attack with his arm instead of his face, which wasn’t what Janet had wanted to happen at all. It wasn’t like when she’d taken down Kari before she took her down, what she had to do, because he wasn’t going down in one hit. He was refusing to just fuck off and leave her alone forever, and it was only making her madder.

She wasn’t going to give up, not until the worthless murdering asshole was dead in the ground and gone forever, not until everything just stopped trying to fucking kill her!

In her furious attack, she didn’t notice Karl’s hand until it had grabbed onto her arm. She tried to escape his grip, yanking her wrench arm so that she could beat his face in with it again, but by doing so she failed to notice his next move until it had smashed into her stomach. Karl may not have been the strongest man, and Janet had a firm set of abs for protection, but it was still enough to knock the wind out of her exhausted frame and double her over.

“Fucker! She spluttered, doubling over as he still gripped her arm, the hand on it refusing to loosen hold of her wrench until it had done its job. “Why couldn’t you leave me alone?!”

Even unarmed and held prone, she wasn’t going to give up. Glaring up into his face with pure hate, she swung her free arm up at it, the claws on her hand bared and ready to rake deep across the flesh of his face.
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

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Post by CondorTalon »

Indeed, he'd managed to grab a hold of Janet's arm, rendering her weapon useless, at least for the time being. He also felt his fist connect with Janet's stomach, and she doubled over.

She asked him why he couldn't leave her alone. That was a good question, but of course he'd wanted to know the same thing of Jessica. He wanted to know why Marty had done what he did. There were a lot of questions that needed to be answered on this island.

But Karl knew there weren't going to be answers. And Karl didn't have an answer to Janet's question, either.

He vaguely registered Janet's free hand coming towards him, nails bared. By the time he had it in his head to do something he'd already felt the sting of her nails in his cheek.

He let out a grunt of pain. Pain. Karl realized that this was the first time that something had truly inflicted him. This wasn't good. He couldn't afford to be in pain. He had to finish it now.

He threw another fist, this time at the girl's face, and followed it immediately with a kick to the girl's chest.

Then, he scrambled to get his gun, lying a few metres away.
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Post by Slam »

As much as Janet tried to defend herself, she was just too tired and hungry to guard herself properly. Even without much muscle to back it up, Karl’s fist knocked firmly into her face and his foot smashed squarely into her gut, sending her falling onto the ground.

She was seeing stars, the fight taking its toll on her exhausted body as she writhed in the dirt. This wasn’t right, Karl wasn’t supposed to be beating her, he was supposed to be leaving her alone and not killing her, like the miserable FUCKING WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT that he was. He wasn’t supposed to be winning.

Her vision swam back into focus as she followed the sound of Karl’s scrambling. He was running back towards the gun that she’d knocked out of his hands. She watched him run, trying to stand herself up again and chase him down, stop him and get rid of him once and for all and oh fuck he was going for the gun!

Their fight growing more desperate by the second, Janet pushed herself to get back to her feet, her body sluggish and movements weak but unwilling to falter. Karl was getting so close by now, soon he’d be armed and ready to blow her stomach open and she didn’t have any time to think about this, he was going for the gun!

Letting out another shriek she charged at Karl, wrench still bared, on the prayer that she wasn’t too late to stop him.
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

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Post by CondorTalon »

He was running as fast as he could to cover those last meters. She was right behind him, he knew. He was afraid if he even turned around the wrench would be in his face and it'd be over.

He heard her shriek behind him. There was the gun! He dropped, falling to the ground and clumsily scooping the gun into his hands. His shaky hands tried to grip the gun correctly. Those few milliseconds seemed to last for hours. Finally his left hand found the pump his right hand found the trigger.

He didn't have time to think. He just turned on the ground, back-down, aiming the gun at the girl. He fired.

In the split-second before the shot ejected from the barrel, he couldn't help but notice how close the girl was.
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Post by Slam »

All she could see was the tip of the barrel, pointed straight at her, right as it exploded.

There was nothing but fire as the pellets ravaged her, bones shattering, blood spilling, flesh being torn apart as she suffered a point blank shotgun blast. The last few days had been nothing compared to the hell that went through her body as the buckshot ripped her apart.

This was it: she had lost.

But she was still alive.

She was staring straight up at the overcast sky, her destroyed shoulder bleeding out on to her shirt and the ground beneath her. Her wrench was long gone, thrust out of her worthless arm as her collarbone was ruined, never to be cradled for comfort or begged for protection by Janet ever again, just like everything else that she had thought she could trust on the island.

But she was still alive.

She was still in hell, a pain she’d never felt before surging through her body as the life kept escaping through the wound, the cluster of buckshot still buried her, torturing her from within long after it had murdered her from without. She brought her over hand, her last one that still worked, to cradle her wound like a bad scrape and found herself screaming as she did so. No, she had already been screaming, she hadn’t stopped screaming since Karl had shown up, but now she was screaming for an entirely new abominable reason.

But she was still alive.

And she wasn’t giving up. Ever.

Her legs still worked, she learnt that as they began flailing for ground as her muscles went into spasms from shock. She pulled her hand away from the festering wound on her shoulder, clawing to the ground for support as her body kept screaming for release from its pain. She craned her head up through the screaming, her breath finally catching pause as she saw him there, still holding the shotgun. But her pain refused to let up, so she screamed once again, even as she couldn’t form words anymore.

She pushed her feet into the ground. She was going to get off her back, and tear his miserable worthless face to shit, and then she’d get off this fucking lsland and murder everyone else who ever thought they could fuck her over and get away with it, and murder the shit out of everyone that ever looked at her wrong ever aND SHE’D NEVER TAKE HSIT FORM ANYWHEROENRESDA EVYE AGAINGDSK!
Second Chances 3
Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

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Post by CondorTalon »

The girl fell.

Karl was beathing heavily, trying to regain his composure after what just happened. Another one down. They were falling more often, he realized. He'd only just recently had another kill.



He saw the girl move. He saw the twitching of the legs and he heard her struggle and she was still alive. He stood up quickly. He walked over beside the girl, looking at her with a blank expression.

"You've got determination," he said. He raised the gun again, this time aiming at her face. There would be no getting up from this. He pulled the trigger.




He realized he'd made a fatal error. He didn't check to see how many rounds he had left and now he was right next to her and why did he come close and there was no time to reload the gun because she was right there and she'd spring upwards and beat him or strangle him or something and he had to kill her now so he

turned the gun around and brought the butt of the gun down on her head. And then it came up again. And then down.






















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But he just came at her and smashed her face in.




and again,


and again.

fuck you karl this wasn't right it wasn't ever right

i ca't tell arnymore karl why the fuck

why did anything

i just


G06 Janet Claymont: Deceased
13 students remaining
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Lucas Brady - Ultra-Premium Grade - 1

B13: Yuichiro Takiguchi - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

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Post by CondorTalon »

It wasn't long before the girl's face was nothing but red.

Karl just stared at his deed. It was messy, that was for certain. He felt like he should have been disgusted. For sure, there was something going on in his core. He turned away from the body, trying to choke down the rising bile. This was his third kill, but it somehow affected him the most. He walked, a bit away from the body, just so he didn't have to look at it anymore.

He sat down against a tree, rummaging through his bag for spare ammo. There wasn't much. He quickly reloaded what he had left, made all the harder by his trembling hands.

Soon, the gun was filled up again.

But he didn't move from his spot. He didn't feel like it right now.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Carol Burke continued from From Pain, Awakening))

Carol had wandered though the jungle, still in a daze.

It wasn't fair.

Nothing was fair.

She had murdered Lyn. Amber was dead. Karl was still out there. Paige was dead. Marty was dead. Anna and Glen hated her.

It just wasn't fair.

Why them? They were just minding their own business! They were supposed to go to an amusement park together and have fun! Not... not this.

Carol wasn't sure where she was going. She wanted to go somewhere; it was going to rain soon and she didn't want to get caught up in it. So slowly her feet moved, her bag and gun in hand.

She looked up, and saw something familiar. Or rather, someone.


She stood her ground from where she was. There he was, sitting against a tree. Carol wasn't sure if she should come close. But he was her classmate, right? He wasn't awful. He was probably lonely and scared.

"Karl. It's me", she said quietly.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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