Superheroes Going Bowling

Friday theme night; open to all.

Old and new intertwine at Bryan's Bowl-a-Rama. Established in 2003, Bryan wanted a retro, vintage look for his bowling alley, but he also wanted all the new age amenities. It boasts 42 lanes, a billiard area, and a VIP lounge complete with a huge plasma television. Friday night is "Theme Night", where the alley gives discounts to those individuals who come dressed in the theme of the night.
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Superheroes Going Bowling


Post by KamiKaze »

Sidney strummed her fingers against the counter.

Any second now.

Her shift was on Friday nights. Meaning? She usually had to deal with theme nights. At least it was interesting seeing some of the more... bizarre things people did with the theme. Like she saw someone in a complete Batman costume a few minutes ago, which she had to admit, didn't look half bad, and it was kind of absurdly hilarious to see a guy in that outfit bowling. It was surprising what people would dress as to get a discount.

Tonight? Was Superhero Night. Hence the guy dressed as Batman. To be honest, Sidney couldn't wait. It was going to be so hilariously awful, seeing a bunch of superheroes grabbing bowling balls. It wasn't as if the last themes weren't just as hilariously awful, though. Things Sidney had seen going bowling include pirates, cowboys, vampires, cavemen, Greasers, and... pretty much everything. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing.

At least the novelty hadn't worn off completely. Though she had to wonder, wouldn't capes be bad to bowl with? As funny as it would be if someone dropped a bowling ball on themselves because they tripped on their cape or something similar to that, injuries weren't good for business. So, Sidney was kind of mixed on the cape issue. Let's just hope people followed that advice from The Incredibles.

Eh, Sidney wasn't that bored, then. If people wanted to make fools of themselves by dressing up as Spiderman or whatever and go bowling, let them. It gave her something to laugh about later. Seriously. Bowling superheroes. To be honest, though she'd never admit it at least out loud, Sidney would have dressed up if she had anything that looked superhero-y.

It was starting slow for now. Only a few times since her shift started had Sidney reached for the shelves behind her, and pulled out a pair of bowling shoes in the customers' size. It particularly made her gag a little bit when their street shoes smelled nasty. Not only did it smell bad, but they were now renting shoes, and those shoes were going to be on other people's feet later. Good, spread the plague, why don't you?

In a few minutes, though, the floodgates were going to open, and soon that's when she really had to grab the shoes like a madwoman.  Annnny second now.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by T-Fox* »

(BXX: Chadd Crossen - Start Pregame)

This was the last place Chadd wanted to be on a Friday night, that was for sure. He had wanted to have a nice, relaxing evening at the movies with his girlfriend. Maybe see the new slasher flick. Janet had never done all that well with those types of movies, but she always agreed to go. He never understood why, but he wasn't complaining. It always ended up with her right up on top of him. Heck, for some of the worse ones, they might as well have only had one seat, one ticket. But nooooo. She had a bad day on the job, and she didn't want to go within one hundred yards of the cinema. And to top it all off, theme night at the Bowling Alley sounded cute to her.

So here stood Chadd, awkwardly in the doorway, waiting for Janet to collect herself and follow him through the door in a big blue spandex suit. Any day he would have loved to come down here and watch, but to be standing here, on display for everyone and their brothers? It wasn't his idea of a good time. Oh well. Janet made sacrifices for him, so it was his turn now. His cape was haphazardly pinned on with safety pins, and the S embolanized on his chest was a little askew on his father's under-armor that he had chosen for a base. They had some old arts and crafts crap lying around the house from when he was a kid, so he'd picked up some foam and cut it to somewhat resemble a set of muscles, and jammed it under the stretchy fabric.

They'd wound up going to some lacy plus size women's store for the red shiny underwear on the outside, and some ballet shop to get the stretchy pants. Chadd had never felt more emasculated in his life than walking around the mall with a bag labeled "BBW Pride" and another with "Ballet De Jour" on it.

Thankfully it was over though, and he sure as hell wasn't gonna dwell on that less than fun experience. The boy craned his neck to see around the shoe counter, wondering just how many other people were here so far. Two. One in an extremely recognizable (and admittedly well done) Batman costume, complete with what looked Like a batarang hooked to his belt. Hell, he even had the right stride as he walked over to the community ball rack to look for one his size. The other one was some skinny, athletic girl, in a black skin tight suit. Draped over it was a purple jacket that went up to her chest, stitched there, a big "M" where the two colors met. The suit's eyes were cut out and replaced with something shiny that he presumed she could actually see out of, and there was what looked like the beginnings of a cape on her back. Her feet were wrapped in black ace bandages or something along those lines, and she had a big brimmed, purple hat on her head. Admittedly, he had absolutely no idea who she was supposed to be, but it was, again, surprisingly well done.

Even Janet's costume looked well done, and his had been haphazardly thrown together. Suddenly the roughneck felt extremely out of place, more so than he did at just the idea of the evening. He glanced back over his shoulder with a slightly apprehensive look plastered on his face, and grumbled under his breath as though it would actually speed things up any.

"Janet... Where are you, come on..."
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Post by Slam »

(GXX: Janet Claymont - Start Pregame)

Janet, on the other hand, was looking forward to the night ahead. Whilst not having to sit through another blood bath just because Chadd couldn’t get enough of them was reason enough for her to be excited about the evening, the fresh move of going bowling instead just felt right. She’d never really done it enough to call herself great at the game (like she’d ever call it a sport) but she wasn’t going to be bowled over by Chadd either, unlike the pins standing in her way.

“Coming!” she called through the doorway towards her boyfriend, snapping at the straps over her shoulders for the fourth time that evening. This was the problem with her costume: the old black leotard she’d dug up for the top was constantly squeezing her, it being two sizes too small. It knew that it was going straight back into the cupboard after this night and never leaving there again and it was fully intending on getting its revenge whilst it still could. At least the costume had given her a reason to go out and get a hot pair of black leather pants.

She finally got moving, boots tapping along the hard floor as she caught up with Chadd and entered the bowling alley. “Wow, we’re early.” she said, looking around the empty room save for the two other costumed bowlers. She turned back up to Chadd, seeing the look on his face. "Still grumbling, great." she sighed, rolling her eyes at Superman’s super moaning.

It wasn’t like she was desperate to go bowling anyway; she just didn’t want to be anywhere near the cinema that night. It wasn’t like they could be the only two not showing up in a costume either, how stupid would that look? She really wished he’d stop pulling that face and just get into a better mood already and enjoy the opportunity to wear women’s underwear.

She cracked a grin, unable to help herself once she remembered that little fact about his costume. Hopefully he didn’t see her do it, less she give him a reason to try and make a break for it.

“Come on, let’s bowl.” She said to him, taking the lead this time as her pinned on tail swung behind her whilst she looked out her narrow black mask towards the desk and down at the clerk behind it, cat ears perched on top of her crimson hair. “One lane for two, please.” she said to Sidney, leaning forwards on to the counter whilst still smiling at the details of Chadd’s bowling outfit.
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Post by WickedIcon* »

Milo Taylor could barely contain his laughter as he rolled a fairly light, bright pink ball down the lane. The unfortunate color of the ball belied his virile, rippling masculinity, but there was only so much he could do when the other balls were either taken or far too heavy for someone of his status, and it was entirely worth it for the entertainment he would derive from seeing others prance around in spandex and lace, for Milo was dressed as the best superhero ever created. Himself.

He had cut a large block-letter M out of foam board, spray-painted it neon orange, and hot-glued it to one of his dress shirts, then put it on with a pair of khakis and loafers. The giant orange M made it a little hard to get the buttons done, but it was worth it for how incredible the finished product looked; all the others would bask in the glory of his incredible costume.

The pink ball lazily went down the lane and tapped the front pin. It wobbled for a few seconds, then fell backwards, causing a chain reaction and a strike.

"Yes! My will is law!" Milo yelled, waving his arms wildly. He had clearly angled the ball in the exact correct way to cause a strike, in spite of it looking like simple dumb luck.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Now that she thought of it, she should have found a costume. But, well, couldn't dress up every night, could she? Some nights she did, though. Some were pretty simple; she remembered wearing glitter on Vampire Night. She didn't like Twilight, but, well, someone had to do it and it was simple. Yes, Sidney, even though she hated Twilight, had ended up doing just that. She wasn't even sure if people noticed. And Cowboy Night was pretty easy since she already had the hat. Though she did put in more of an effort for Pirate and Caveman Nights. Pirate and Caveman Nights were awesome. So basically, Sidney, since she worked there and had to go through the majority of them, only dressed up if she felt like putting an effort into it that day.

And oh look, more people were going in. And hey, she recognized those two as her classmates. Chadd Crossen and Janet Something-Or-Other. She couldn't help but quietly snicker a bit at her classmate in the makeshift Superman outfit. The look on his face told the entire story; somehow, his girlfriend had convinced him to go bowling as a superhero with her against his will. It was kind of a riot! Well, hey, at least both of them were much better costumes than, say, the other asshole who was her classmate, Milo, was it? Asshole just glued an "M" to his shirt and said it was his costume. Not even she was that lazy. To make matters worse, she wasn't even sure whether to count it as a costume or what when he came in, since he did technically dress up, but on the other... yeah.

Oh yeah. Back to customers.

"Okay. You guys need shoes? Or do you have them already?"

Oh god. That look on Chadd's face. It was a glorious look of despair! Sometimes Sidney hated her job. But moments like this were worth it. Wasn't everyday she got to see such an expression. Sure, to what some people may find surprising, she tried to keep a straight face during this job, but really. In the end, Sidney... was Sidney. Okay, try to stay professional. Don't scare the customers off or anything. Laugh about it later. Maybe poke fun at him for it sometime later when she wasn't at work. That sort of thing. She was going to try to stay on Bryan's good side, if she knew what was best for her.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by T-Fox* »

((Kami, Slamexo, I am so sorry. Thing after thing after thing in real life kept hitting me, and I never had time at any point where I was thinking about the post. I promise I won't fall behind on this again.))

The look on his face was obvious, that much he knew. But he didn't need the counter girl's smirk to point out his misery to the entire world. Just as obvious as the fact that he didn't particularly want to be standing in skin tight blue spandex and a pair of foam blocks in public was the fact that this girl wasn't very good at stifling a laugh. At least, to the critical eye of someone looking for anything and everything to take his mind off of his current situation.

"Yeah, we need shoes. Size 10."

She already knew how miserable he was. Why even bother?

"And a pair of actual pants if you have em back there."

That was the thing about Chadd. It was always a joke. No matter how upset, annoyed, or, in the current situation in despair he was, he always made a joke out of it. Even when he'd met Janet int he hospital, he'd made a joke out of the fact that he was in more different casts than he was classes. It hadn't been fun, but why did he need to wallow in it? That realization had been a major turning point in his life, and he had Janet to thank for it.

Yeah. I can put up with the tights. Ten seconds flat, despair to a little creeping smile. The hand at his side slipping slowly up to intertwine with hers. Sometimes the silliest things could remind him of just how lucky he was.

"Size 18 for you Janet?" A hearty laugh. That would earn him a slap upside the head, but it was worth it. Because he knew she'd be laughing at it too.
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Post by Slam »

Janet gave an ever so slight smile as Chadd wrapped his fingers around hers, relaxing as he finally got in the spirit of things. The big lug could be so difficult sometimes and as she gave him a glare as he cracked his joke, she realised that his sense of humour matched.

For his troubles she gave him a sharp elbow into his side, the glare turning to a mild pout. He was just trying to have fun, she knew that, but he should have known better than to make fun of her feet. “Size twelve.” She mumbled, avoiding looking at Sidney out of annoyance more than anything. She gave Chadd a second, weaker jab to his ribs, but that was only for the sake of it.

Whilst the clerk went to sort out their footwear, she turned to look at her boyfriend. “Yeah, I know you’re annoyed about the superman thing. Just try to have fun already, okay?” she told him, reaching down to yank at the leotard pinching at her thighs, inconvenienced by the tight leather in its way. It was an unconscious reminder to Chadd that his outfit wasn’t the only one with problems.

Rolling her eyes, the irritation all but gone, she turned back to Sidney and gave a smug grin. “So, can you guess who we are?” she asked with a quiet laugh, as she balanced herself on Chadd with one hand whilst twirling her fake tail in the other. Only the sexiest super heroes this side of comic books, that was who. The only pair they’d look good enough to dress up as.
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