Out Run

The wilderness of The Great Basin Desert outside of the arena, with the whole rest of the world on the other side. This area is off-limits under pain of death, so venture into it at your own risk.

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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

“I fucking see it, alright? What do you think I’m doing?” Alan’s tone indicated some irritation, but whatever frustration there might have been at the indications of the obvious or Astrid’s little tantrum were soon overwhelmed with an upward rush from his core. He took a deep breath and felt like he was going to cry, though he tried to keep that back.

“Just fucking hold on a sec.” He said aloud as he pulled into the gas station lot, though he wasn’t responding to any actual remarks the others might have made. Alan’s hands were shaking, and for a moment he was struck by the sensation that what he was doing didn’t quite feel real.

Everyone in the car had spent five days in hell, so displaced from the lives they had once lived, and now all of a sudden they were so close to being back, crossing the threshold into the old world.

Alan collected himself for long enough to perform a clumsy parking job in one of the spaces, the car ending up diagonal, edges protruding from its designated confines. Not that Alan cared.

As he turned the keys in the ignition and the vehicle turned quiet, Alan sat in silence for a moment, not considering the reactions of the others as he attempted to steady his breath and collect himself. His hands still trembled slightly.

“Alright.” He whispered as he opened the door and stepped outside.

When he felt that open air, Alan immediately felt his throat tighten and closed his eyes, letting the feeling wash over him.

They were out.
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Post by Kermit »

Astrid lifted her head up and scampered over the stickshift, following Alan out through the driver's-side door. She collected the tooth off the car floor and put it in her pocket again, and then dashed towards the gas station.


She pushed the gas station's door open. A jingle played. She shakily stepped inside and then stumbled a few steps in the direction of the cashier at the till.

"Call the police. Just fucking call 911. We're dying." She mumbled at her.
[+] Characters or something
[+] Everett Taylor
Everett Taylor (SC2) -- Baby Kermit's first SOTF character


PREGAME: Baby Kermit makes an unnecessary OOC note

[Baby Kermit uses unnecessary over-the-top formatting] -- [Baby Kermit kills a guy and then makes a melodramatic speech to the rest of the room] -- [Baby Kermit isn't very good at thread names] -- [Baby Kermit gets fucking murdered]
[+] Harland Strange
Harland Strange (PV2.5) -- The kind of guy who lives in a well.


[The thread that everybody was there for] -- [To be fair to Santiago, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.] -- [Harland has a Gamer moment] -- [Harland falls down] -- [Oops]
[+] Luanne Grasset
Luanne Grasset (TV3) -- Untitled (Your Cast), Barbara Kruger, 2016


PREGAME: ["We took a tour of Universal Studios in Los Angeles and, inside and outside the place, it was very difficult to tell what was real. They're not-real people trying to say something. And we're real people not trying to say anything. I just like everybody and I believe in everything." - Andy Warhol]

MEMORIES: ["The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration." - Frida Kahlo]

["Images are made palpable, ironed flat by technology and, in turn, dictate the seemingly real through the representative." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["You'd be surprised how many people want to hang an electric chair on their living-room wall. Specially if the background color matches the drapes." - Andy Warhol] -- ["In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than the glorification of the splendid system that makes them so." - Theodor Adorno] -- ["I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I'm trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process." - Vincent van Gogh] -- ["One eye sees, the other feels." - Paul Klee] -- ["I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of "work" because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do." - Andy Warhol] -- ["I think that every so-called history book and film biography should be prefaced by the statement that what follows is the author's rendition of events and circumstances." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I never think that people die. They just go to department stores." - Andy Warhol] -- ["From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch] -- ["I think I developed language skills to deal with threat. It's the girl thing to do-you know, instead of pulling out a gun." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don't know whether I'm alive or whether I died. I wasn't afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn't feel fear. But I am afraid. I don't understand why." - Andy Warhol] -- ["'One to the other / Unos á otros' - Thus goes the world. We mock at and deceive each other. He who, yesterday, was the ball, is to-day the horseman in the ring. Fortune directs the feast, and distributes the parts according to the inconstancy of its caprice." - Francisco Goya] -- ["It's good to keep in mind that prominence is always a mix of hard work, eloquence in your practice, good timing and fortuitous social relations. Everything can't be personalized." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Art...has always been a polite form of terrorism." - Robert Boswell] -- ["I'm trying to deal with ideas about histories, fame, hearsay, and how public identities are constructed." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Death means a lot of money, honey. Death can really make you look like a star." - Andy Warhol] -- ["Our whole society is aboard the raft of the Medusa." - Jules Michelet]

ARTWORK CREDITS (Warning: technically contains spoilers i guess if you haven't read Luanne)
[+] Astrid Millar
Astrid Millar (Supers), Gift: Goth Eyes -- (Seen and Not Seen)

(TW: Astrid's story deals with themes of ableism, usually in a fairly implicit capacity.)


PREGAME: [STANDING ON THE SHORE, GETTING OLD. YOU LEFT ME HERE AMID THE VAPE CLOWNS.] -- [You could meet someone who’s lost like you.]

THE MUTE: ["There's a schematic for the whole Goths album between when and where I was in my youth, I mean some of them are stories but they all correlate to moments. I spent 9 months in Portland when I was 18, 19 years old and these were formative months because I was an absolute failure at living my life and I had friends who kept me alive and who saw through my hard veneer and who chose to be kind to me even though I was not worthy of their kindness, I was not. This is why when people tell me 'Hey John, you're a good guy', I say 'No, I've seen John in a lot of guises and I reject any claims to being a good guy, I see' and in Portland I had a community of people who accepted me exactly as I was and though I didn't know how to take their acceptance, and this song -- most of them are with god now -- and it's called 'Wear Black' ."]

[You could be anywhere on the black screen.] -- [Hand me your hand, let me look in your eyes, as my last chance to feel human begins to vaporize. Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure; you ought to head for the exits, the sooner the better.] -- [Don't you know people write songs about girls like you ?] -- [Tonya, you were the brightest. Yeah you rose from the ashes, and survived all the crashes, wiping the blood from your white tights.] -- [Never seen anything like that before, falling bodies tumble 'cross the floor.] -- [Take a look at these hands, you don't have to mention it. No thanks, I'm a government man.] -- [But you're waking a monster that will drive you from your hoary halls of gold, and your body will get cold. And we don't waste time with love. It's just death from above.] -- [This ain't no party, this ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around. This ain't no Mudd Club, or C.B.G.B. I ain't got time for that now.] -- [Stay alive. Maybe spit blood at the camera. Just stay alive. Stay forever alive.] -- [And I run, and I run, and I run, and I run] -- [upon this tidal wave of, oh god oh god, young blood young blood young blood young blood -]

[No one cares about the waves at the bottom of the ocean, and at the bottom of the ocean it's always blue. No one will remember 'cause nothing lasts forever, and everybody's looking for somebody to use.] -- [We are the ones who don't slow down at all, and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall.] -- [But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean.] -- [Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks. Drink some of this, this'll put color in your cheeks.] -- [No promise sweeter than a blood pact. Nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act. No morning colder than the first frost. No friends closer than the ones we’ve lost. Nothing sharper than a serpent’s tooth. Nothing harder than the gospel truth. Though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice, you can’t cross the same river twice.] -- [???]
[+] Yumiko Kusaka
im losing my edge
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Post by Gundham »

Cecilia, meanwhile, had only one thing on her mind.

She gently reached into the back seat and tapped Stephen, while pointing at the collar around her neck. "Por favor? You know how, si?"
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispy hadn’t even opened his door yet before Astrid scrambled out and sprinted inside. He watched her stumble around before turning back to the others in the back seat.

“Gaahdamn girl…”

He blinked. “Bitch wants her Baja Blast…”

Looked back at the 7/11.

There was some silence. Maybe Crispy was still in disbelief. Maybe he was reflecting on the events that had happened over the week. Maybe-

“Shiet. Me too. Hungry as a mofucker.”

He reached for the handle. Crispy hissed as his uncoordinated fingers bumped against it, nothing working quite right. It took him a few tries to open the door.

He was a lot slower getting out of the car, one because his legs quaked like jelly and two he didn’t want to jostle Claudia around all that much. He stood outside in a daze.

Well, if he was dead he’d expected there’d be a lot more than a 7/11 in the afterlife; so he’d suppose this has to be real. It didn’t feel it. A week of getting destroyed, surviving the worst of humanity and whatever the fuck Ray was had to offer, and this was their reward? A fucking 7/11?

Shit; it was the most beautiful 7/11 he’s ever seen if that’s the case.

“I’m still here…” He reminded himself, with all it implied.

He turned back to look at the others, he couldn’t help but grin. He looked back at the 7/11.

“Hey I think we made it.”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Applesintime »

Cecilia tapped Stephen out of his stupor, being too busy staring at the gas station and 7/11 they had arrived at. They were finally out of this mess. Looking up at her, she gestured at her collar. "Uh, Claudia had the file and I don't know if she still has it anymore." Claudia certainly wasn't in a position to answer, and he would feel weird going through her pockets. "It's maybe in her bag," Stephen began, before realising that said bag was still back in the compound. Shit. Still, once the cops showed up it wouldn't be too long before someone got something to take it off. He gave Cecilia a reassuring smile; she'd been very worried about Astrid's bullshit idea that they'd get the death penalty. "which is back in the compound. Uh, if it's a gas station they might have tools that could get it off, I'll go look."

Gently setting Claudia down on the seat, nodding at Ximena that she'd probably have to carry her, Stephen opened the door and stepped back out into the fresh air. This time yesterday, they were probably still walking, him and Emily. Not knowing what was going to happen. So many people had died. For a bunch of fucking furries and their shitty little game. But right now, he was alive. So was everyone else in that car. Standing in the parking lot, being gawked at by some woman who'd been filling up at the gas station, he almost didn't know what to do. In the arena, he'd had one objective: get out of there. But now he was out, there were so many options.

He was gonna get a file or something, yeah. But there was something he wanted - needed to do first.

Wiping the tears from his eyes that he hadn't even noticed, he walked into the 7/11, went to the refridgerated isle, pulled out a little carton of full-fat milk, and downed the whole thing in one massive chug. Oh God, he'd missed milk. So much. All the calcium goodness — he was gonna need some supplements or pills or whatever to fully restore his reserves, but this was the best thing. Cold milk, AC, none of the heat that had loomed over them during every single fucking second in that shithole.

Glancing over at the cashier, a girl who seemed disturbingly calm with the situation, Stephen wondered how she was so calm. The brief fear that this was a trick by the furries briefly overcame him, but he dismissed it. "We're, we're from Duniway, the, the high school, Bend, the bus that got blown up," Stephen gabbled, gesturing down at the blood on his shirt as he approached, the milk jug still in his hand.
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by Salic »

Claudia heard all of the commotion going on in the car, but she couldn't really bring herself to react to any of it. A 7/11, they said they found? Good for them. Everything they said seemed so far away, so distant, that it had trouble reaching her brain. Her information processing center wasn't at full capacity at the moment.

Soon enough though, she felt everyone either talking about leaving or just leaving the car, and she lost support in her legs and her head. Only her wounded midsection, supported by Ximena, remained elevated. Ximena would probably leave the car soon too, so Claudia had one request for her before she went.

"X-Ximena... can you... g-get me a p-pack of... peanut butter M&M's? A-Always... were... my favorite... w-want them... o-one last t-time... please."

The effort she expended on that sentence was excruciating. But her request remained, and she would be very angry in whatever afterlife there was if she was denied her peanut butter M&M's.
Mikki Swift - "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bree Jones - "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." - Queen Victoria
Serena Waters - "You cannot make a revolution in white gloves." - Vladimir Lenin
[+] PAST
B1: Yoshio Akamatsu - "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Assigned Weapon: Sickle
Location: The die was cast in Farm Storage (H6) - Iacta Alea Est
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

B7: Yoshitoki Kuninobu - "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath must be thrown away." - John Copley
Assigned Weapon: Czechoslovakian CZ 75 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Location: He took the fall for an enemy in Residential Area (H/I8) - Peace Village: Brother's Blood
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 -

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker
S027: Claudia Salgado - "The optimist may fail, but the pessimist already begins failing." - Juscelino Kubitschek
Gift: Flashbang
Status: ALIVE
Location: She stared death in the face in The Outskirts - Out Run
Pregame History: 1 - 2
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Relationship Thread
P003: Elizabeth Rodney - ”I demolish my bridges behind me... then there is no choice but to move forward.” - Fridtjof Nansen
Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Status: ALIVE
Location: She met up with her beloveds in The Powerhouse - Burning Down the House
Pregame History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
In-game History: 1
Christian Graf von Helder - “I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys!” - Peter Gabriel
Francisco Ordaz Santander - ”I am responsible only to God and history.” - Francisco Franco

Sophia Mirowski - "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful." - Valery Sablin
Lee Iker
Stanley Mirowski - "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Kendra Kuchel - ”If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile.” - Yukio Mishima
Nichelle Damen - ”All our knowledge- past, present, and future- is nothing compared to what we will never know.” - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Kazimierz Krzyzewski - ”At dawn it is not just the night that dies, it is man and his becoming, and the warm blood staining the pavement is a word that is just starting.” - Ricardo Mannerini
Raqel Poghosyan
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Ximena stared, dumbstruck, at the gas station and 7/11 as everyone exited the car. She was left alone with Claudia in the back, who made a weak request.

"Yeah," she replied. "Not for the last time, though. We made it. I'll get 'em, hospital food sucks."

With a bit of maneuvering, she exited the car the way that Crispin had left and gently laid down Claudia's legs on the seat.

Ximena trudged into the store and located peanut butter M&Ms. The crinkling package was clutched in her hand when she turned to the drink case and saw Stephen chugging milk.

Her hold on the package tightened; she went past Stephen to the open cooler door, grabbing whatever drink happened to be nearest. She heard buzzing that sounded like Stephen explaining their situation.

Ximena returned to the car, which had all the doors open. She tore open the package with her teeth and laid it on Claudia's chest. She swept some of Claudia's hair behind her ear. Ximena then saw Alan and took a few steps until she was standing in front of him.

"Here," she said, holding out the drink. "'Cause I owed you."

It was a bottle of Gatorade Glacier Cherry.

Ximena stood on the pavement. Her tennis shoes were so thoroughly crusted in dried blood and dirt it would be impossible to tell what color they began as. The same was true of the thin camisole she wore. From wrist to finger tip, her hands glistened brick red.

She stood baptized in blood and mud; the left corner of her mouth curved up slightly. A tear ran down the right side of her face, clearing a trail through the gore and dirt, revealing how pale she really was. The sound around her muffled. Although the tear fell, it didn't feel like she was processing the emotion attached to it. The edges of her vision blurred, leaving only the person in front of her in focus.

As if she herself had skipped through the seconds, she sprang forward with surprising force. Ximena leapt at Alan, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his chest, which she had wanted to do from the moment they both realized they'd succeeded in getting her collar off.


Her arms squeezed as tightly as she could, and her fists balled around handfuls of his jacket. She knew what was coming.

"...doing business..."

She pushed her head against his chest hard, as if in anticipation of someone coming from behind to rip them apart. Her breaths were labored and halting. She enveloped herself in safety.

"...with you," she forced out with the last of her strength. She lifted her head, smiling broadly and crying.

Then the smile faded. Ximena's hands loosened against her will. Her eyes rolled backwards until only the whites were visible, then closed. Her arms fell away from around his neck and her legs gave out under her as her body went limp.

The last thing she saw was the shimmering golden bands of seconds and minutes float gently and swirl around them, slipping over and around everything like silken rivers. It was second in wonder, though, to finally seeing everyone free.

((Ximena Rodriguez continued in the Aftermath))
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by ItzToxie »

Shoes squeaked through the rainbow colored aisles of junk food as Crispy’s head turned on a swivel, wide eyed in astonishment. In his hands were a double gulp cup, filled to the brim with a mix of orange, blue, and pink slurpee. As he took a drink of the creamsickle slash blue razz slash watermelon drink his eye caught the godsend.

He truly was alive, or he’d died and went to heaven.

Pupils dilated as his busted hand gripped the aluminum bag. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.


A week of getting his ass kicked, with almost no sleep, and he couldn’t even enjoy his own food he brought. Like he basically starved after day 2. Here he was, slurpee in one hand, the best snack to ever exist in the other.

He was home. Shit was like, what it’s supposed to be, right?

He dropped a twenty and a ten he had pocketed before the trip onto the counter.

“Ay this for all of us.” He figured the cashier knew what he meant by ‘us’ by now. “If it’s too much keep the change.” He turned to leave.

“If it’s too little… ah fuck it whatever Iontgivvafuck man, we fucking lived we earned this shit.”

And he was out the door.

Sitting down on the curb his thrashed fingers fumbled to open the bag. He couldn’t help but grin. He reached in an grabbed a handfu-

“Aah! Ow! Ow! Ow! Shitfuck-“ The hot pepper powder burned his wounds. But he was so hungry…

He grabbed… one. With like not his finger tips because they burned the most but like his second knuckle or finger bone or whatever and his thumb. Still hurt but it hurt a lot less. The cheeto burned his lips as he bit it. Everything was on fire.

But it tasted so damn good.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

The girl behind the counter didn’t appear to be much older than those that had entered the shop. Her name tag identified her as “Bella”.

Her eyes were cast downward at a phone wedged behind the desk in a spot where the security cameras wouldn’t have a clear view. A pair of AirPods remained hidden behind her long, dark hair, making it difficult to hear when one of the new arrivals spoke while she concentrated on her latest binge watch.

However, she did catch some movement out of the corner of her vision. With a quiet, frustrated sigh, she turned, only to see a girl with a bent and bloody nose, tears marking only one side of her face.

“Shit!” She yelled, stumbling backward at the shocking reveal. The surprise caused her to accidentally activate her own Gift, leaving her levitating exactly three inches above the ground.

“W-What the hell happened?” She asked, attempting to calm herself down and removing her AirPods, before very slowly reaching for the store phone.

Her eyes darted around to spot others, all of them bloody and messed-up looking, mouth agape as she attempted to process all of the information.
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Post by Kermit »

"A lot." She mumbled at the cashier with her voice raised. She wobbled the remainder of the way over to the counter and fwumped the duffelbag she was carrying onto it.

"Just, just get them to send every fucking paramedic you can. And the cops. And probably the FBI."

She slapped the palm of her hand against the surface of the counter.

[+] Characters or something
[+] Everett Taylor
Everett Taylor (SC2) -- Baby Kermit's first SOTF character


PREGAME: Baby Kermit makes an unnecessary OOC note

[Baby Kermit uses unnecessary over-the-top formatting] -- [Baby Kermit kills a guy and then makes a melodramatic speech to the rest of the room] -- [Baby Kermit isn't very good at thread names] -- [Baby Kermit gets fucking murdered]
[+] Harland Strange
Harland Strange (PV2.5) -- The kind of guy who lives in a well.


[The thread that everybody was there for] -- [To be fair to Santiago, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.] -- [Harland has a Gamer moment] -- [Harland falls down] -- [Oops]
[+] Luanne Grasset
Luanne Grasset (TV3) -- Untitled (Your Cast), Barbara Kruger, 2016


PREGAME: ["We took a tour of Universal Studios in Los Angeles and, inside and outside the place, it was very difficult to tell what was real. They're not-real people trying to say something. And we're real people not trying to say anything. I just like everybody and I believe in everything." - Andy Warhol]

MEMORIES: ["The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration." - Frida Kahlo]

["Images are made palpable, ironed flat by technology and, in turn, dictate the seemingly real through the representative." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["You'd be surprised how many people want to hang an electric chair on their living-room wall. Specially if the background color matches the drapes." - Andy Warhol] -- ["In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than the glorification of the splendid system that makes them so." - Theodor Adorno] -- ["I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I'm trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process." - Vincent van Gogh] -- ["One eye sees, the other feels." - Paul Klee] -- ["I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of "work" because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do." - Andy Warhol] -- ["I think that every so-called history book and film biography should be prefaced by the statement that what follows is the author's rendition of events and circumstances." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I never think that people die. They just go to department stores." - Andy Warhol] -- ["From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch] -- ["I think I developed language skills to deal with threat. It's the girl thing to do-you know, instead of pulling out a gun." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don't know whether I'm alive or whether I died. I wasn't afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn't feel fear. But I am afraid. I don't understand why." - Andy Warhol] -- ["'One to the other / Unos á otros' - Thus goes the world. We mock at and deceive each other. He who, yesterday, was the ball, is to-day the horseman in the ring. Fortune directs the feast, and distributes the parts according to the inconstancy of its caprice." - Francisco Goya] -- ["It's good to keep in mind that prominence is always a mix of hard work, eloquence in your practice, good timing and fortuitous social relations. Everything can't be personalized." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Art...has always been a polite form of terrorism." - Robert Boswell] -- ["I'm trying to deal with ideas about histories, fame, hearsay, and how public identities are constructed." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Death means a lot of money, honey. Death can really make you look like a star." - Andy Warhol] -- ["Our whole society is aboard the raft of the Medusa." - Jules Michelet]

ARTWORK CREDITS (Warning: technically contains spoilers i guess if you haven't read Luanne)
[+] Astrid Millar
Astrid Millar (Supers), Gift: Goth Eyes -- (Seen and Not Seen)

(TW: Astrid's story deals with themes of ableism, usually in a fairly implicit capacity.)


PREGAME: [STANDING ON THE SHORE, GETTING OLD. YOU LEFT ME HERE AMID THE VAPE CLOWNS.] -- [You could meet someone who’s lost like you.]

THE MUTE: ["There's a schematic for the whole Goths album between when and where I was in my youth, I mean some of them are stories but they all correlate to moments. I spent 9 months in Portland when I was 18, 19 years old and these were formative months because I was an absolute failure at living my life and I had friends who kept me alive and who saw through my hard veneer and who chose to be kind to me even though I was not worthy of their kindness, I was not. This is why when people tell me 'Hey John, you're a good guy', I say 'No, I've seen John in a lot of guises and I reject any claims to being a good guy, I see' and in Portland I had a community of people who accepted me exactly as I was and though I didn't know how to take their acceptance, and this song -- most of them are with god now -- and it's called 'Wear Black' ."]

[You could be anywhere on the black screen.] -- [Hand me your hand, let me look in your eyes, as my last chance to feel human begins to vaporize. Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure; you ought to head for the exits, the sooner the better.] -- [Don't you know people write songs about girls like you ?] -- [Tonya, you were the brightest. Yeah you rose from the ashes, and survived all the crashes, wiping the blood from your white tights.] -- [Never seen anything like that before, falling bodies tumble 'cross the floor.] -- [Take a look at these hands, you don't have to mention it. No thanks, I'm a government man.] -- [But you're waking a monster that will drive you from your hoary halls of gold, and your body will get cold. And we don't waste time with love. It's just death from above.] -- [This ain't no party, this ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around. This ain't no Mudd Club, or C.B.G.B. I ain't got time for that now.] -- [Stay alive. Maybe spit blood at the camera. Just stay alive. Stay forever alive.] -- [And I run, and I run, and I run, and I run] -- [upon this tidal wave of, oh god oh god, young blood young blood young blood young blood -]

[No one cares about the waves at the bottom of the ocean, and at the bottom of the ocean it's always blue. No one will remember 'cause nothing lasts forever, and everybody's looking for somebody to use.] -- [We are the ones who don't slow down at all, and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall.] -- [But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean.] -- [Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks. Drink some of this, this'll put color in your cheeks.] -- [No promise sweeter than a blood pact. Nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act. No morning colder than the first frost. No friends closer than the ones we’ve lost. Nothing sharper than a serpent’s tooth. Nothing harder than the gospel truth. Though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice, you can’t cross the same river twice.] -- [???]
[+] Yumiko Kusaka
im losing my edge
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Post by Applesintime »

“We,” Stephen started before pausing a second to calm himself. “We were abducted from a bus in, in Oregon - Bend, Oregon, and, uh, look there’s someone dying in the fucking car out there! Call 911 we don’t have time for this!”
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by Gundham »

The boy had promised to help her, so Cecilia had followed him into the store to find tools, whereupon he proceeded to... find and chug a carton of milk.

She watched the whole throat-bobbing spectacle in bewilderment and disgust, fidgeting impatiently. Sure, we've got death collars on and the terrorists can track our location, but instead of fixing that problem, let's stop off for a snack break! Classic Americano behavior.

When the boy finished his milk and then started talking to the cashier instead of doing anything that seemed like it might be related to collar removal, Cecilia gave up on him and started looking for tools.
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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Several of the others ran past Alan and into the store and, as Alan slowly opened his eyes, he considered joining them. Instead, he remained in the parking lot, staring up at the sky, taking slow, steady breaths.

His stomach could wait just a moment longer.

The moment of quiet was finally interrupted when Ximena approached Alan holding a bottle of Gatorade. His expression, previously tentative, thoughtful, shifted into a wide grin as he took the bottle in his good hand, looking it over and laughing.

“So you remembered, huh? Guess that makes me and you square.” Alan’s voice carried a deep relief, even gratitude, that the two of them could be together for this moment, that his words to her hadn’t just been hollow reassurance, but a promise now fulfilled. His countenance faltered, however, when he looked up to see a tear run down her face.

Before he could ask if she was alright, she’d leapt at him and wrapped her arms around him. Of course it was a hug. He shouldn’t have expected anything else.

However, with everything that had happened, even with how stupid it’d look, Alan found that sentimentality got the better of him, and he felt his own eyes begin to well up. He quickly turned his gaze upward, in an attempt to keep himself collected, though the weight of everything he’d been through seemed to bear down on him as Ximena squeezed close.

After only a few words, though, her grip began to weaken, starting to give way entirely.

“Ximena?” Alan quickly wrapped his arms around the girl to hold her up, and looked down only to see that she’d passed out. His mind buzzed in a panic as he tried to figure out what had happened. It took a bit before he remembered how dealing with Emily in the basement had taken a toll on her, and she had now spent hours using her Gift to try to heal Claudia and Crispin.

Relaxing now that he knew there was no imminent crisis, Alan let out an irritated sigh, bending a bit to properly scoop Ximena into his arms, his stance a bit shaky, the Gatorade falling to the ground in the process. At least he was past crying while everyone raided the 7/11 without him.

“Always gotta play the adult out here, huh? I really deserve a medal or some shit.” Alan muttered to himself, attempting to calm his still taught nerves as he looked for any others still outside the store, catching sight of Crispin sitting on the curb.

“Yo! Crispin! Ximena’s unconscious! Did they fucking call somebody yet?”
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Bella stared at the kids from behind the counter, not sure what to think of their predicament. Still, there really was only one thing to do. Still levitating, she shuffled forward a bit and properly picked up the store phone, dialing 911.

“Um hello? Some kids just showed up and they’re covered in blood and say they need help and I don’t know what’s happening.” She looked around at the kids again.

“Uh, I don’t know…? Something about abduction and just… they’re standing around here now.

“They need an ambulance. Or a few.” She glanced up to, as if to make sure she'd gotten that correct.
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Post by Kermit »

"And cops. Every fucking cop in the county." She mumbled.

She put her other hand against the surface of the counter and leaned forward, facing towards Bella, her dark eyes seeming to glower at her.

"Your cellphone. Please, I need to borrow your cellphone for a few minutes."
[+] Characters or something
[+] Everett Taylor
Everett Taylor (SC2) -- Baby Kermit's first SOTF character


PREGAME: Baby Kermit makes an unnecessary OOC note

[Baby Kermit uses unnecessary over-the-top formatting] -- [Baby Kermit kills a guy and then makes a melodramatic speech to the rest of the room] -- [Baby Kermit isn't very good at thread names] -- [Baby Kermit gets fucking murdered]
[+] Harland Strange
Harland Strange (PV2.5) -- The kind of guy who lives in a well.


[The thread that everybody was there for] -- [To be fair to Santiago, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.] -- [Harland has a Gamer moment] -- [Harland falls down] -- [Oops]
[+] Luanne Grasset
Luanne Grasset (TV3) -- Untitled (Your Cast), Barbara Kruger, 2016


PREGAME: ["We took a tour of Universal Studios in Los Angeles and, inside and outside the place, it was very difficult to tell what was real. They're not-real people trying to say something. And we're real people not trying to say anything. I just like everybody and I believe in everything." - Andy Warhol]

MEMORIES: ["The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration." - Frida Kahlo]

["Images are made palpable, ironed flat by technology and, in turn, dictate the seemingly real through the representative." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["You'd be surprised how many people want to hang an electric chair on their living-room wall. Specially if the background color matches the drapes." - Andy Warhol] -- ["In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than the glorification of the splendid system that makes them so." - Theodor Adorno] -- ["I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I'm trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process." - Vincent van Gogh] -- ["One eye sees, the other feels." - Paul Klee] -- ["I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of "work" because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do." - Andy Warhol] -- ["I think that every so-called history book and film biography should be prefaced by the statement that what follows is the author's rendition of events and circumstances." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I never think that people die. They just go to department stores." - Andy Warhol] -- ["From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch] -- ["I think I developed language skills to deal with threat. It's the girl thing to do-you know, instead of pulling out a gun." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don't know whether I'm alive or whether I died. I wasn't afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn't feel fear. But I am afraid. I don't understand why." - Andy Warhol] -- ["'One to the other / Unos á otros' - Thus goes the world. We mock at and deceive each other. He who, yesterday, was the ball, is to-day the horseman in the ring. Fortune directs the feast, and distributes the parts according to the inconstancy of its caprice." - Francisco Goya] -- ["It's good to keep in mind that prominence is always a mix of hard work, eloquence in your practice, good timing and fortuitous social relations. Everything can't be personalized." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Art...has always been a polite form of terrorism." - Robert Boswell] -- ["I'm trying to deal with ideas about histories, fame, hearsay, and how public identities are constructed." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Death means a lot of money, honey. Death can really make you look like a star." - Andy Warhol] -- ["Our whole society is aboard the raft of the Medusa." - Jules Michelet]

ARTWORK CREDITS (Warning: technically contains spoilers i guess if you haven't read Luanne)
[+] Astrid Millar
Astrid Millar (Supers), Gift: Goth Eyes -- (Seen and Not Seen)

(TW: Astrid's story deals with themes of ableism, usually in a fairly implicit capacity.)


PREGAME: [STANDING ON THE SHORE, GETTING OLD. YOU LEFT ME HERE AMID THE VAPE CLOWNS.] -- [You could meet someone who’s lost like you.]

THE MUTE: ["There's a schematic for the whole Goths album between when and where I was in my youth, I mean some of them are stories but they all correlate to moments. I spent 9 months in Portland when I was 18, 19 years old and these were formative months because I was an absolute failure at living my life and I had friends who kept me alive and who saw through my hard veneer and who chose to be kind to me even though I was not worthy of their kindness, I was not. This is why when people tell me 'Hey John, you're a good guy', I say 'No, I've seen John in a lot of guises and I reject any claims to being a good guy, I see' and in Portland I had a community of people who accepted me exactly as I was and though I didn't know how to take their acceptance, and this song -- most of them are with god now -- and it's called 'Wear Black' ."]

[You could be anywhere on the black screen.] -- [Hand me your hand, let me look in your eyes, as my last chance to feel human begins to vaporize. Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure; you ought to head for the exits, the sooner the better.] -- [Don't you know people write songs about girls like you ?] -- [Tonya, you were the brightest. Yeah you rose from the ashes, and survived all the crashes, wiping the blood from your white tights.] -- [Never seen anything like that before, falling bodies tumble 'cross the floor.] -- [Take a look at these hands, you don't have to mention it. No thanks, I'm a government man.] -- [But you're waking a monster that will drive you from your hoary halls of gold, and your body will get cold. And we don't waste time with love. It's just death from above.] -- [This ain't no party, this ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around. This ain't no Mudd Club, or C.B.G.B. I ain't got time for that now.] -- [Stay alive. Maybe spit blood at the camera. Just stay alive. Stay forever alive.] -- [And I run, and I run, and I run, and I run] -- [upon this tidal wave of, oh god oh god, young blood young blood young blood young blood -]

[No one cares about the waves at the bottom of the ocean, and at the bottom of the ocean it's always blue. No one will remember 'cause nothing lasts forever, and everybody's looking for somebody to use.] -- [We are the ones who don't slow down at all, and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall.] -- [But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean.] -- [Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks. Drink some of this, this'll put color in your cheeks.] -- [No promise sweeter than a blood pact. Nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act. No morning colder than the first frost. No friends closer than the ones we’ve lost. Nothing sharper than a serpent’s tooth. Nothing harder than the gospel truth. Though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice, you can’t cross the same river twice.] -- [???]
[+] Yumiko Kusaka
im losing my edge
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