I tried to find a joke about the 120 days of sodom but I couldn’t bring myself to do it

O sweet and delicate child, what disproportion and what a dreadful fate were in store for you! -That sade dude at a fictional cute boy or whatever idk I'm not going to skim thru the book again

This is the Sandbox for TV3. Please remember that characters may, at any given time, be present in only one normal thread and one Memory thread. Memory threads should be placed within the Memories subforum. One-shots are always acceptable in both forums regardless of whether or not a character is in a thread.
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Post by Kermit »

What Luanne had meant to say was this: Artists make art for a variety of reasons, but artists also need money to live like everybody else, and I think it's wrong to hold them to such a high standard and place them on a pedestal when they're just people like the rest of us.

Of course, everyone had interpreted her statement in their own way, and now everyone was talking a lot. She guessed that made her statement modern art. She had a lot of well-thought-out, incredibly long-winded things to add to the conversation, but everyone was talking so much that she couldn't even get a word in.

She would have appreciated getting to talk about Duchamp's Fountain, which was probably what Vasily had been thinking of instead of the banana. She would have appreciated getting to say art isn't necessarily supposed to convey anything (though she liked art that did). She would have appreciated getting to say that both modern and classical art were valid, and that disliking something didn't make it not art. She would have appreciated pointing out that the art community had a bad habit of only paying attention to classical and modern art while completely ignoring the existence of decorative art. She would have appreciated getting to say that just because something looked different, that didn't mean it didn't have a lot of effort put into it. She wanted to point out that the boy who had said that was the only person here not wearing eyeliner.

She really would have appreciated getting to say she wondered who Picasso was waging war against when he said art was supposed to be a weapon, since, sure, he painted Guernica, but like a fifth of his paintings were of naked women. She also would have appreciated saying that the d'Orsay had paintings on display that were literally commissioned as pornography.

She would have appreciated saying that she actually agreed with the first part of the Vespa boy's point about SOTF, and that it wouldn't still be on if people didn't watch it.

She had a lot else to say, but you generally get the gist.

But the conversation had already moved on, so she unmuted her Beats and resumed sketching the camera, humming along to Oh! Sweet Nuthin’ by The Velvet Underground.
[+] Characters or something
[+] Everett Taylor
Everett Taylor (SC2) -- Baby Kermit's first SOTF character


PREGAME: Baby Kermit makes an unnecessary OOC note

[Baby Kermit uses unnecessary over-the-top formatting] -- [Baby Kermit kills a guy and then makes a melodramatic speech to the rest of the room] -- [Baby Kermit isn't very good at thread names] -- [Baby Kermit gets fucking murdered]
[+] Harland Strange
Harland Strange (PV2.5) -- The kind of guy who lives in a well.


[The thread that everybody was there for] -- [To be fair to Santiago, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.] -- [Harland has a Gamer moment] -- [Harland falls down] -- [Oops]
[+] Luanne Grasset
Luanne Grasset (TV3) -- Untitled (Your Cast), Barbara Kruger, 2016


PREGAME: ["We took a tour of Universal Studios in Los Angeles and, inside and outside the place, it was very difficult to tell what was real. They're not-real people trying to say something. And we're real people not trying to say anything. I just like everybody and I believe in everything." - Andy Warhol]

MEMORIES: ["The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration." - Frida Kahlo]

["Images are made palpable, ironed flat by technology and, in turn, dictate the seemingly real through the representative." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["You'd be surprised how many people want to hang an electric chair on their living-room wall. Specially if the background color matches the drapes." - Andy Warhol] -- ["In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than the glorification of the splendid system that makes them so." - Theodor Adorno] -- ["I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I'm trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process." - Vincent van Gogh] -- ["One eye sees, the other feels." - Paul Klee] -- ["I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of "work" because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do." - Andy Warhol] -- ["I think that every so-called history book and film biography should be prefaced by the statement that what follows is the author's rendition of events and circumstances." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I never think that people die. They just go to department stores." - Andy Warhol] -- ["From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch] -- ["I think I developed language skills to deal with threat. It's the girl thing to do-you know, instead of pulling out a gun." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don't know whether I'm alive or whether I died. I wasn't afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn't feel fear. But I am afraid. I don't understand why." - Andy Warhol] -- ["'One to the other / Unos á otros' - Thus goes the world. We mock at and deceive each other. He who, yesterday, was the ball, is to-day the horseman in the ring. Fortune directs the feast, and distributes the parts according to the inconstancy of its caprice." - Francisco Goya] -- ["It's good to keep in mind that prominence is always a mix of hard work, eloquence in your practice, good timing and fortuitous social relations. Everything can't be personalized." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Art...has always been a polite form of terrorism." - Robert Boswell] -- ["I'm trying to deal with ideas about histories, fame, hearsay, and how public identities are constructed." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Death means a lot of money, honey. Death can really make you look like a star." - Andy Warhol] -- ["Our whole society is aboard the raft of the Medusa." - Jules Michelet]

ARTWORK CREDITS (Warning: technically contains spoilers i guess if you haven't read Luanne)
[+] Astrid Millar
Astrid Millar (Supers), Gift: Goth Eyes -- (Seen and Not Seen)

(TW: Astrid's story deals with themes of ableism, usually in a fairly implicit capacity.)


PREGAME: [STANDING ON THE SHORE, GETTING OLD. YOU LEFT ME HERE AMID THE VAPE CLOWNS.] -- [You could meet someone who’s lost like you.]

THE MUTE: ["There's a schematic for the whole Goths album between when and where I was in my youth, I mean some of them are stories but they all correlate to moments. I spent 9 months in Portland when I was 18, 19 years old and these were formative months because I was an absolute failure at living my life and I had friends who kept me alive and who saw through my hard veneer and who chose to be kind to me even though I was not worthy of their kindness, I was not. This is why when people tell me 'Hey John, you're a good guy', I say 'No, I've seen John in a lot of guises and I reject any claims to being a good guy, I see' and in Portland I had a community of people who accepted me exactly as I was and though I didn't know how to take their acceptance, and this song -- most of them are with god now -- and it's called 'Wear Black' ."]

[You could be anywhere on the black screen.] -- [Hand me your hand, let me look in your eyes, as my last chance to feel human begins to vaporize. Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure; you ought to head for the exits, the sooner the better.] -- [Don't you know people write songs about girls like you ?] -- [Tonya, you were the brightest. Yeah you rose from the ashes, and survived all the crashes, wiping the blood from your white tights.] -- [Never seen anything like that before, falling bodies tumble 'cross the floor.] -- [Take a look at these hands, you don't have to mention it. No thanks, I'm a government man.] -- [But you're waking a monster that will drive you from your hoary halls of gold, and your body will get cold. And we don't waste time with love. It's just death from above.] -- [This ain't no party, this ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around. This ain't no Mudd Club, or C.B.G.B. I ain't got time for that now.] -- [Stay alive. Maybe spit blood at the camera. Just stay alive. Stay forever alive.] -- [And I run, and I run, and I run, and I run] -- [upon this tidal wave of, oh god oh god, young blood young blood young blood young blood -]

[No one cares about the waves at the bottom of the ocean, and at the bottom of the ocean it's always blue. No one will remember 'cause nothing lasts forever, and everybody's looking for somebody to use.] -- [We are the ones who don't slow down at all, and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall.] -- [But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean.] -- [Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks. Drink some of this, this'll put color in your cheeks.] -- [No promise sweeter than a blood pact. Nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act. No morning colder than the first frost. No friends closer than the ones we’ve lost. Nothing sharper than a serpent’s tooth. Nothing harder than the gospel truth. Though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice, you can’t cross the same river twice.] -- [???]
[+] Yumiko Kusaka
im losing my edge
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Post by Yonagoda »

He just mini-headbanged to the conversation, because nodding felt like too boring of a word by now, as he listened to what the others had to say. Everyone’s making good points. Shelving key bits of the conversation for later use in a video because all art and content is unoriginal, he raise his mouth the object to the whole “SOTF has no artistic value” thing, because it totally has you just didn’t look deep enough into it Eric c’mon now, and shut it just as quickly because he was not ready for drama today of the interpersonal kind. So he just quipped an agreement to Fisk’s response that he hoped Eric could probably take for being, like, aligned within his views and whatever.

“Yeah, I mean Survival of the Fittest has sacrificed a lot of artistic value and good potential for short-lived drama, which is really a shame because the show genuinely has a lot of potential for greatness and to generate actual deep discussion about, um… mini-societies and allegories and how people change under pressure, and more often than not these go to waste but sometimes there is genuinely really good stuff but usually it averages out to mid-tier and sometimes mid-high-tier. I’d rather see them explore social issues and stuff in a sensitive manner but… I guess it’s just not the best medium for that ‘cause, like, you know… all the “actors” are too busy trying not to die and whatever. But, like, that's the fun in it 'cause you get to analyze stuff and interpret it your own way.”

Annnddddd he said too much again.

Survival of the Fittest was fun to watch, but he sort of… wondered if the kids had to die. That way, there will be less panic and more room for them to discuss and not-die. Not dying is an important thing, yeah. Like… a game show? Virtual reality? Hmm, he’s overthinking this.

So, then, he just decided to snap back to answering Fisk’s question. Because, like, there was that one song he vaguely remembered about that one- wait, no, not that song wait wait wait. Fisk, uh, Fisk was sorta cool, probably, that’s why. He doesn’t really want to deal that much with the guy saying that SOTF has no artistic value and the - Luanne, call her Luanne don’t just call her the art girl who happens to be Noreen’s sister, uh, she was kind of shy soooo...

Anyways moving on to the question!

“It’s my first time here, but I personally like the little corner with all the Scarface stuff.”

Was he using sorta and kinda too much? That’s… He should stop monologuing. Who was there to even listen to his bullshit other than himself?
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Post by Espi »

Attributing SOTF''s rise to a disappointment in prior franchises was a popular argument, and Eric didn't totally dispute it. In his experience with vintage media, he had certainly seen standardization in formulas grow. Something like Senfield's revolutionary comedic and scenario writing became less funny when you were inundated with shows eager to pounce on the dredges of its success like scavengers following a hunter.

"Mmm." He nodded. "A pity society has continued to seek to feed their collective bestial urges and ignore intellectually stimulating works." Though Eric would love for there to be Renaissance of classic media, of scripts and cinematography and actors who knew their roles before being put into the spotlight, the current trajectory of human culture made him inclined to believe he was of a dying breed.

A depressing topic, but it seemed they were ready to move on. Now that the foundation of their relationship had been established on mutual distastes, it seemed they could perhaps banter, or at least converse about less complex, philosophical and social questions. "Well, I'm personally a fan of the section on cinematography, since that's my personal area of interest." He gestured to the nearby model of a camera, which it seemed the lone girl of the group had been focused on. "Obviously, a camera like this is very different in use from a camera used on, say, SOTF. Scenes could--and had to be--be planned around different shots, angles, and lighting, which SOTF naturally can't do. Even the recreations of the original for TV or movie adaptations are confined by the 'first draft', so to speak."

It was a shame, especially given that Eric's most likely future career would involve dealing with those very confinements. Perhaps once he'd proven his skill, he'd have the opportunity to make 'adjustments', though he imagined people would be displeased if he veered too far from the original. Then again, those people were probably immature and entitled, so he didn't care about their feelings.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“I just got out of the western exhibits. They were pretty nice.” He tilted his head towards Vasily as he listened in. “It’s my first time here too. I couldn’t stop getting ads of this place so I figured I’d check it out. It’s not bad all things considered.” Eric was there for the cameras. Fisk supposed Luanne was as well, even if she weren’t saying much on it. “I can understand that. I came here to see the wardrobes and how they’re made to fit the scene. There’s a lot more that goes into costume design besides what looks cool. I’m actually hoping to see the Terminator exhibit to see what they’ve got set up there.”

“Or now that you mention it, I should probably check out the Scarface exhibit.” Scarface had a lot of fun outfits. He figured if there was one there it’d be from the climax, but something like the Hawaiian shirts and khakis in the hotel scene couldn’t be ruled out either.

“So far this place isn’t too bad, though. It’s got a pretty good selection of films that had a big impact on modern pop culture. It’s a little bit dated, I don’t think I’ve seen anything here any more recent than 2005, but there hasn’t been much made past that time that was all that great anyways, barring the obvious.”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Kermit »

Oh! Sweet Nuthin’ was a song about four sad and disaffected countercultural-type people living in the underbelly of some metropolis. It reminded Luanne of right here, right now, in this museum.

The difference between scripted and unscripted television is that scripted television is just fake people who are trying to say something, and unscripted television is just real people who aren't trying to say anything but who usually end up accidentally saying something anyways.

Luanne continued sketching.

Her favorite movie was Blade Runner. Usually if anyone asked her what her favorite movie was, she said she didn't have one, but she liked Blade Runner. It was a very beautiful movie, visually; almost every scene had a shot that took her breath away. She also liked the droning electronic soundtrack. Occasionally, on days when it was raining outside, she would listen to it. It complemented Miami well. Sometimes, it was almost like she lived in the same kind of world as the one that existed in the film, except the world she lived in was aesthetically much less interesting and oppressive, which meant its dystopianism was the insidious kind where, by the time you noticed it, it had already seeped its way into your bones and made you too tired to try and fix it.

Noreen didn't know how lucky she was.

Luanne continued sketching.
[+] Characters or something
[+] Everett Taylor
Everett Taylor (SC2) -- Baby Kermit's first SOTF character


PREGAME: Baby Kermit makes an unnecessary OOC note

[Baby Kermit uses unnecessary over-the-top formatting] -- [Baby Kermit kills a guy and then makes a melodramatic speech to the rest of the room] -- [Baby Kermit isn't very good at thread names] -- [Baby Kermit gets fucking murdered]
[+] Harland Strange
Harland Strange (PV2.5) -- The kind of guy who lives in a well.


[The thread that everybody was there for] -- [To be fair to Santiago, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.] -- [Harland has a Gamer moment] -- [Harland falls down] -- [Oops]
[+] Luanne Grasset
Luanne Grasset (TV3) -- Untitled (Your Cast), Barbara Kruger, 2016


PREGAME: ["We took a tour of Universal Studios in Los Angeles and, inside and outside the place, it was very difficult to tell what was real. They're not-real people trying to say something. And we're real people not trying to say anything. I just like everybody and I believe in everything." - Andy Warhol]

MEMORIES: ["The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration." - Frida Kahlo]

["Images are made palpable, ironed flat by technology and, in turn, dictate the seemingly real through the representative." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["You'd be surprised how many people want to hang an electric chair on their living-room wall. Specially if the background color matches the drapes." - Andy Warhol] -- ["In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than the glorification of the splendid system that makes them so." - Theodor Adorno] -- ["I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I'm trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process." - Vincent van Gogh] -- ["One eye sees, the other feels." - Paul Klee] -- ["I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of "work" because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do." - Andy Warhol] -- ["I think that every so-called history book and film biography should be prefaced by the statement that what follows is the author's rendition of events and circumstances." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["I never think that people die. They just go to department stores." - Andy Warhol] -- ["From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch] -- ["I think I developed language skills to deal with threat. It's the girl thing to do-you know, instead of pulling out a gun." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don't know whether I'm alive or whether I died. I wasn't afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn't feel fear. But I am afraid. I don't understand why." - Andy Warhol] -- ["'One to the other / Unos á otros' - Thus goes the world. We mock at and deceive each other. He who, yesterday, was the ball, is to-day the horseman in the ring. Fortune directs the feast, and distributes the parts according to the inconstancy of its caprice." - Francisco Goya] -- ["It's good to keep in mind that prominence is always a mix of hard work, eloquence in your practice, good timing and fortuitous social relations. Everything can't be personalized." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Art...has always been a polite form of terrorism." - Robert Boswell] -- ["I'm trying to deal with ideas about histories, fame, hearsay, and how public identities are constructed." - Barbara Kruger] -- ["Death means a lot of money, honey. Death can really make you look like a star." - Andy Warhol] -- ["Our whole society is aboard the raft of the Medusa." - Jules Michelet]

ARTWORK CREDITS (Warning: technically contains spoilers i guess if you haven't read Luanne)
[+] Astrid Millar
Astrid Millar (Supers), Gift: Goth Eyes -- (Seen and Not Seen)

(TW: Astrid's story deals with themes of ableism, usually in a fairly implicit capacity.)


PREGAME: [STANDING ON THE SHORE, GETTING OLD. YOU LEFT ME HERE AMID THE VAPE CLOWNS.] -- [You could meet someone who’s lost like you.]

THE MUTE: ["There's a schematic for the whole Goths album between when and where I was in my youth, I mean some of them are stories but they all correlate to moments. I spent 9 months in Portland when I was 18, 19 years old and these were formative months because I was an absolute failure at living my life and I had friends who kept me alive and who saw through my hard veneer and who chose to be kind to me even though I was not worthy of their kindness, I was not. This is why when people tell me 'Hey John, you're a good guy', I say 'No, I've seen John in a lot of guises and I reject any claims to being a good guy, I see' and in Portland I had a community of people who accepted me exactly as I was and though I didn't know how to take their acceptance, and this song -- most of them are with god now -- and it's called 'Wear Black' ."]

[You could be anywhere on the black screen.] -- [Hand me your hand, let me look in your eyes, as my last chance to feel human begins to vaporize. Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure; you ought to head for the exits, the sooner the better.] -- [Don't you know people write songs about girls like you ?] -- [Tonya, you were the brightest. Yeah you rose from the ashes, and survived all the crashes, wiping the blood from your white tights.] -- [Never seen anything like that before, falling bodies tumble 'cross the floor.] -- [Take a look at these hands, you don't have to mention it. No thanks, I'm a government man.] -- [But you're waking a monster that will drive you from your hoary halls of gold, and your body will get cold. And we don't waste time with love. It's just death from above.] -- [This ain't no party, this ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around. This ain't no Mudd Club, or C.B.G.B. I ain't got time for that now.] -- [Stay alive. Maybe spit blood at the camera. Just stay alive. Stay forever alive.] -- [And I run, and I run, and I run, and I run] -- [upon this tidal wave of, oh god oh god, young blood young blood young blood young blood -]

[No one cares about the waves at the bottom of the ocean, and at the bottom of the ocean it's always blue. No one will remember 'cause nothing lasts forever, and everybody's looking for somebody to use.] -- [We are the ones who don't slow down at all, and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall.] -- [But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean.] -- [Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks. Drink some of this, this'll put color in your cheeks.] -- [No promise sweeter than a blood pact. Nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act. No morning colder than the first frost. No friends closer than the ones we’ve lost. Nothing sharper than a serpent’s tooth. Nothing harder than the gospel truth. Though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice, you can’t cross the same river twice.] -- [???]
[+] Yumiko Kusaka
im losing my edge
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Post by Yonagoda »

“Mm-hm, yeah. It’s kind of like a time capsule almost- old stuff.” He thought the conversation felt a bit… fizzy? Fizzing out? Eric was there talking about how SOTF and entertainment in general is shallow, and then switched to cinematography which is a cool thing and all, but his experience has been mostly limited to helping Lucia out on her projects a little and making sure the lighting and angles are right for his videos. Nothing too special. Honestly, Eric’s a little pretentious, but he would be interested in seeing what he will make in the future if he made it big in the industry professionally - if not for entertainment, then for taking the piss outta it if it’s bad.

He felt like he didn’t have that much stuff to add himself to this scene, so he just listened and let the other characters take their turn instead. Other people (in this situation, Fisk's) voice sounded a lot better than his own when the topic of films was involved, somehow.

Slowly, he drifted towards the glass box behind Fisk with some random faux-futuristic gadget in there. It was weird how people in the past made a lotta dump predictions about the future- no mars colony yet, but there are fursuits n’ redditors n’ stuff.

Oh, and Luanne's there, too, but he felt as if she'd prefer to be alone in this situation.
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Post by Espi »

"Ah, yes, costuming is another underrated component." Eric's knowledge on that front was admittedly more surface-level, but he was informed enough to have an opinion and, more importantly, informed enough to not make reckless assumptions that he knew more than he did. Or perhaps that was less a knowledge and more an aspect of his intelligence, a trait all too lacking in this day and age. "In SOTF, clothing is either 'candid'--like most aspects--and simply what they happened to be wearing, or completely artificial, like the 'fanservice' outfits.

"But with scripted television, an outfit could be carefully constructed to appear candid, while also being meaningful. For example, a period piece like a Western would have to have wardrobing planned to appear appropriate for the era." He shrugged. "If you had actors showing up in tank tops and yoga pants and sweatshirts, it wouldn't work at all."

Luanne seemed to have disengaged entirely, which was somewhat understandable. While Eric was happy to have like-minded folks to discuss a topic of interest with, he couldn't fault her for wanting some privacy; after all, that had been his first impression as well. Vasily, meanwhile, seemed to have gradually lost the ability to contribute and wandered off. For the best really; if he had nothing worthwhile to say, silence was far preferable.

"Hmm, perhaps we should move to a more private place to continue?" Eric asked, making an aside glance to Luanne.
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