Strawberry House//Grape House

Gabby Oneshot, waowh!

The East Wing's second floor housed the Freshman Year (9th Grade) homerooms. Once, Sycamore High School's youngest students roamed these halls and filled them with the sound of unruly antics. Now, though, they are barren of life and as silent as the grave. The homerooms on this floor are empty; tables, chairs, study materials, the belongings of the students, even the whiteboards, all missing—as if someone deleted everything not otherwise nailed down and many of the things that were.

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Strawberry House//Grape House


Post by Pippi »

((Gabby McLeod continued from Refreshing as Lemon Squash!))

Her goal, upon fleeing from the labs, had been like, totally simple; to pretty much just wander around with no destination in mind, until her little legs gave out from underneath her. She knew it was, like, kinda totally oxymoronic behaviour - she was aiming to be aimless, y’know? Didn’t really track from a, like, literary perspective - but it was the best, and only, plan that had come to her frantic mind at the time. Running wherever her feet took her would take her, like, someplace else, and that was really all she needed right now.

‘Sides. It wasn’t like she’d even know where to go, even if she was of totally sound mind. How did you even begin plotting out an escape from somewhere that didn’t actually, like, exist in the real world?

So she’d scampered along, meandering across the school, letting, like, fate or gut instinct or, like, some internal compass she totally couldn’t read guide her to who-the-heck-knows-where. It wasn’t exactly, like, a particular long journey or anything; the ‘little legs’ part didn’t have even, like, an ounce of hyperbole in it after all. But it sure as heck was winding as all get out. She was totally pooped after what must’ve been, like, less than half an hour. Surely she had to have wound up, like, as far away as possible from the group over at the lab by now, right?

So she had thought. So she had totally been mistaken.

Because, like, the moment she had finished gasping desperately for air with her hands on her knees (stupid freakin’ stamina system, did anyone anywhere actually enjoy having to deal with that sorta baloney? It was bad enough having a practically-nonexistent stamina meter in real life) and looked up at her surroundings, she noticed just how similar the sterile, clinical white walls of this corridor were to the ones she’d just escaped from. And how the floor was eggshell-blue linoleum once again, rather than, like, the dark navy carpet covering the rest of the school’s floors. And how the arrangement of doors to her right pretty much, like, mirrored the ones…

“Oh, c’mon…”

The penny dropped at pretty much the exact same time Gabby’s head and shoulders did the same.

“Are you, like, freaking kidding me right now? Are you actually SERIOUS? Come ON, that’s not FAIR!”

Honestly, like, the fact that she had only made it one floor up from her original starting point was kinda totally worse than if she’d wound up right next to the labs once again. At least that would’ve been kinda sorta funny. This, though, this was just, like, a good half-hour of her life wasted for a teeny tiny half-step forwards. And, jeez, loathe as she was to remind herself of the fact, she didn’t super have the time to spare on meaningless acts.

If she hadn’t totally worn herself out with her pointless little excursion, she might’ve gone straight back to raging at, like, all and sundry, throwing a total fit, contemplating once more the merits of throwing herself out the window she was now, like, standing next to, the whole shebang. As it was, she had just about enough energy to, like, kick up some nonexistent dust with the toe of her high-tops, before putting her hands on her knees again and letting out a combination sigh and groan of despair.

“Shoulda pulled a sickie today…”

Should played hooky, shoulda spent even more time hanging out with Izzy instead of focusing on stupid schoolwork, shoulda made a big bid for that super rare Optimus Prime stamp on Ebay. So many things she shoulda done if she’d only known this, like, gonna happen to her. How could she have done, though? How could, like, any of them have predicted this bullcrap was gonna happen to them? ‘Cept Zeph, obviously. That stupid, slimy, double-crossing, rat fink, two-faced total loser.

At least she had enough, like, clarity of mind again to realise that - the fact there was no point in beating herself up over, like, something she couldn’t control, she meant, not the fact that Zeph sucked total buttholes. And also enough to know that, like, maybe cutting loose from the previous group on such poor terms might not’ve been the total best idea when it came to the long game. It wasn’t the fact that she left the thing that she, like, regretted, nah, not at all. If she’d stayed in that room any longer, she felt that she was gonna, like… okay, so, like, one time at school back in Aberdeen, they’d been making jams and preserves and other stuff in class for, like, some reason, she couldn’t remember what. And Gabby had helped to make this neat little jar of apricot jam, with a handprinted label and a small square of gingham cloth tied nicely around the lid. And then she’d put it in her bag and she had totally forgotten to take it out when she’d gotten home, and then it had languished there for months and month, until one day when she had been trying to find her homework, which she had, like, actually totally done this time, but it was steadfastly refusing to crawl its way out of her bag, right up until she turned the whole thing upside down and it tumbled out, along with the longlost jamjar. And out of, like, morbid curiosity or somesuch, she had gone to open the poor thing, except it had totally fermented over the course of that whole time, and the second the lid became loose it had blasted directly upwards, straight into one of the ceiling lights, shattering it totally into, like, a bazillion pieces, all the while gross and mouldy jam poured over her entire hand and homework.

So, like, yeah. Gabby woulda totally been an apricot jam explosion if she’d stayed in that room any longer.

But if they were legitimately, like, planning on splatterhousing the folks who had killed other folks, then they had totally decided that they wouldn’t have any issues with taking lives, and that was not a group of people that Gabby felt like being around… but also not a group that, like, she wanted to get on the wrong side of, y’know? Succumbing so easily to the mob mentality felt like a real slippery slope, and she was real scared that she might, like, find herself right at the bottom of it.


Gabby stood up mostly-straight, and as she did, she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection in the window. Jeez. Oh, wow, gosh, super jeez. This was the first time she’d taken a good look at herself since she’d been totally trapped in here, and she did not like what she saw. She looked, like, totally haggard. Her eyes were puffy and red, and there was a, like, gross cocktail of dried tears and makeup smeared all over her cheeks. She looked like she’d seen a ghost, and then, like, fifteen other ghosts in short succession afterwards. She sniffed, and sighed. The best she could say about her appearance was that she wasn’t all, like, gross and snotty. At least, like, not any longer.

And this wasn’t even, like, how she actually looked right now, either, was it? She wasn’t looking at a reflection of her, of Gabby McLeod herself. Not even if she had designed her avatar to resemble her in every single possible tiny way, right down to, like, the placement of each and every freckle. It felt like she had taken crazy pills, the way she couldn’t, like, stop herself from thinking about this, but how could she not? How could she ever let this thought escape from her mind? She hadn’t even been allowed, like, the grace of getting to die as herself. It was a summary execution with a burlap sack over her head, a crude face drawn in Sharpie on the front?

What did she look like right now? Did anyone know? Would anyone know? Did anyone, even the ones she loved the very most in the whole world, remember the last expression on her face before she had put on this stupid headset? Or would her memento to them all be a look of utter dread, before the bodybag be zipped up around her?

Gabby sniffed again, shoulders sagging. It was, like, so hard to keep the faith that she could do something to prevent that outcome when it all felt so freaking hopeless, when she was having to engineer a breakout attempt via a puppet with, like, half its strings missing. She didn’t think she could be the last one standing, after all. The idea was, like, totally abhorrent to her. Which only left trying to find another way out, and jeez. Where did she even begin with that?

She looked down a little, at the print of Keke Fortuna on the front of her shirt, sword three times as big as she was clutched in her tiny paws. She wished that she could be a little bit more like her. She had always wanted to be more like that little chinchilla girl that she had assisted in piloting; brave enough to stand up to any odds, ready and raring to go even when they stomped her into the dirt and, like, kicked her when she was down, so totally happy and free to be just herself. How did she do it? It felt so, like, easy to be fearless in the Twitter posts and Reddit AMAs. But she guessed when you hadn’t actually lived that things - hadn’t even been the one holding the controller at all - it was, like, a simple matter, pretending to be bold.

Maybe that was what she had to start doing again. Wasn’t that what she had, like, thought, back in the labs? Fake it til you make it? Start off by acting courageous and like she had a plan, and the real thing would, like, surely follow after?

She didn’t even think she could, like, muster up that much right now. But the alternative was just, like, standing here, a total mess, until the clock ticked down to her oblivion. She would have to find a way, somehow, because she didn’t have any other choice.

She sure as heck wasn’t gonna find it here, though. Specially not when she thought as though she could, like, totally hear the voices of her erstwhile allies from close by, as if they were totally mocking her for her failure at making her escape. Somewhere else, then, some other place to put a mask on top of her existing mask. Maybe somewhere with, like, someone else, who actually had a plan to logout of this heckhole.

At walking pace this time.

((Gabby McLeod continued in Uncharitable Circumstances))
[+] Currently Playing
Programmed To Fight
F18 - Nanna-Fiora Kroos - SAFE in Vive Hodie - “So let's be happy instead.” - Kel-Tec KSG
Her Nonary Game begins here

Those Taken
M04 - Galahad Matthews - Fireman's Axe, WASP Injection Knife, Netgun - It went from a spark to an open flame, now destiny's calling out your name - ALIVE
Present - And T'Were Well That She Stood > Cake By The Ocean > Now Look At This Net > P - I - P - E - S > If The Nineth Lion Ate The Sun > Out of the Depths of Sorrow and of Sacrifice
Past - Only Got Bad Things On My Mind When I'm With You
Home- The Man Who Wrote Thriller

SOTF: U!!!! soulja boy tell 'em
P007 - Kay Poultier - XL15 Flamethrower - When all these trees saw us grow, cut our teeth and make our bones right here - ALIVE - [Oceans] > house > Tolerance > world > harbour > tomorrow
The Ship - Shades
Memories - cold > sea > love

A19 - Gabrielle "Gabby" McLeod - Go tell it to the plain clothed officer behind us, what are you, a master of disguise and keeping silent? - ALIVE - EQUIPPED WITH: MAC-10, M1911A1 Water Gun - Lemon Squash > Strawberry House > Uncharitable Circumstances > Galactic Empire
Pregame - Nagito Komaeda

Malachi Harlington - One Room Death Game - 1 Medallion - ALIVE
[+] Remembering those lost
PNK3-Glen Bole-SDA-DEAD-28/66-"Ah well. I guess I'll find out at the nex-"
Weapons: SPAS-12, rather large tree branch, small pair of scissors + double rations
Kills: One (Simon Porter)
Status and Location: Lying dead with a bullet in his head, in Metanoia.
Cause of death: Shot in the head by Vincent Sullivan.

ORA2-Brennan O'Brian-DCHS-DEAD-14/66-I'm sorry...
Weapons: Bottle of LSD labeled "Water Purification Tablets", Colt Anaconda .45 Magnum (2/6, 30/36 in Box), SPAS-12 (Currently lying somewhere on the beach.
Kills: None.
Status and Location: Utterly defeated in Of Moons, Birds and Monsters
Cause of death: Strangled to death by Madelyn Conner

M01-Roy Benson-LIVES x00-21/47-No-one else is gonna get hurt... No-one else is gonna die here...
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: American Flatbow + 10 arrows (Given to Martin Ricco), 2 arrows, Rolling Pin (Burnt in fire started by Delilah Rivers)
Killstreak: N/A
Current Level: Final Level-Devil Nights
Killed By: Player F10-Holly Romero

F08-Amelia Lennon-LIVES x00-9/47-"Katie, Rebecca? … Thank you. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. You deserve to get out of here more than me.”
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: Pick Axe, Bowie Knife (Hurled off of mountain)
Killstreak: One-Player F03-Tania Chell
Current Level: Final Level-The Highest Heights
Killed By: Herself/Fall from mountain

Second Chances
G02-Aileen Borden-DEAD-30/37-How fucking cliche...
Weapons: Hockey Stick
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Staying snarky to the end in Thin Line Between Heaven and Here
Cause of death: Shot by Paige Single.

B01-Glen Bole-DEAD-4/37-“You’re a fucking coward who thinks he’s the big man, now he’s got a gun. You don’t deserve shit.”
Weapons: Binoculars, Sledgehammer, Large shard of glass, Beretta M92F
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Not close enough in The Twilight of our Youth
Cause of death: Shot by Karl Chalmers

The Program v2
M03-Jonathan Roberts-DEAD-19/41-“Hey! Hey, over here!"
Location: Made one too many bad decisions in Virtue's Last Reward
Weapon: Fiddle
Kills: None
Shot by: Anastasia "Tas" Flores

M04-Carlyle Shotton-DEAD-11/41-I... I did alright... didn’t I?
Location: Never quite forgave himself in The Hecate Sisters
Weapon: Kentucky Rifle, Pitchfork
Kills: 1 (Gwen Phonesavanh)
Shot by: Robin Pounds

IS3-Lucia del Pirlo-The Paranoid Painter-“I-I didn’t want to do it! I had to! Just... Please, you have to believe me!”-FOR LEAH
Weapon: Jericho 941
Died in pain and fear in Going Forward

SS1-Bunny Barlowe-The Ace Actress-"Regina! Regina, help me!”-HELLA DEAD
Weapon: Razor Sweet Pea Scooter, Frying Pan
Forever famous in Rock the Flock

Second Chances V2
B07 - Roy D. Benson - “"I'll save a glass of Moxie for you, whenever we meet again."” - DECEASED
Weapon: Kiss of Death
Current Location: Did you really think I'd fall to my knees just to pray for some sweet simplicity?

G18 - Bunny Barlowe - "And I bet you're a coward, too." - DECEASED
Weapon: Maschinenpistole 40, Kevlar Vest, Harpoon gun
Current Location: We Own The Night

Program Prologue
F16 - Faye Xandora - Deceased in Quietus - “I can do that. Watch your back, I mean. I think I might go insane if I’m left by myself.” - Pistol Crossbow
M39 - Morgan Jones - Deceased in Clean Up - “Oh, sweet Jesus, thank fuck you’re still here, I was getting worried for a-“ - Plush 'Hulk Smash' Hands
NPC-M16 - Scott Osbourne - Deceased in Rhizome 9 - "Sorry Mom, sorry Dad." - Caltrops (x5)
NPC-M21 - Joel "JB" Blackwell - Deceased in CQD Ward - "...!" - Yarará Parachute Knife
NPC-F29 - Victoria Bellamy - Deceased in Strange Bedfellows -“And there’s no future at all in a traitor who’ll never become anything more than a penniless skank in the gutter.” - Italian Folding Spetum

The Program V3
F08 - Kat Locke-Baldwin - Bubble gun painted to look like a real gun, Swordcane - Just take a look at my place, it's such a mess, but I'll be out of this space as soon as you tell me where the night is - DEAD
Present - And All Because Of A Snail > When A Curious Hate Oozes Calamity > Schrödinger's Kat in; The Prisonya's Dilemma > What if You... Wanted to go to Heaven... But god said, "ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ɪᴛᴇᴍ ɪɴ ʙᴀɢɢɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴇᴀ" > P - I - P - E - S
Home - Anyway, Here's Wonderwall

Live on your TV now!
JL10: Laura Hakštok - Dead - Weapons: Tannerite Binary Explosive - I got left behind, I got high off my own supply, I got left behind, deep wounds can't die
SANDBOX - Floating - Camp - Worse
MAIN GAME - > Prism > Fugitive > Time > CocaineQuest > Bear > Me > Paradigm

SB04: Bethan Gayle -Dead- Weapons: Pike (Polearm) - When everything is said and done, looking for answers if only one, turn my back the urge has gone, left with no reason we come undone
SANDBOX - 제 눈에 안경이다
MAIN GAME - Blast > Turtle > Excellent > Fix > Someone > Talk > Fight > Shake > Heroes

An International Incident
O12: Matthew Omeruo - DECEASED - Trishula - With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite, how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.
Current Thread: Run From the Sun

Super Dupers
S002: Mercedes Guenther - DECEASED - Which one of us set on fire? Cause we both went up in smoke. Which one of us cut the wire? Ain't no bottom to this hole. - Your Actions Have Consequences
Memories - GROUNDED

Battle Royale... 2!!!
B3: Tatsumichi Oki - Smith & Wesson M59 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol - DECEASED - When the seagulls follow the trawler - “You an’ me, we can do this. Whenever you’re ready.”
[+] The Future Past
TV Season 68
Blythe Gaskell - Ever feel like you can't breathe? Does the water feel too deep? Lie awake cause you can't sleep without it?
TV Season 69
Cormac Gamble
TV Season 70
Brooke Gaskell/Dustin Priestly/Leona Witsel

Verity Callaghan - We're living in the currents you create, we're sinking in the pool of your mistakes.
Reynold "Rey" Fountain - When all that you have's stale and it's cold, oh, you'll no longer feel when your heart's turned to gold.
Quinn Dallaway - I am flesh and I am bone, rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold.
Josie Josephs - You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze
Fiona Cahill - I'm ridiculous, and feeling very particular about my world
Marcia Wolff

Dashiell Thompson - And now I'll never have a chance to be myself, so you can skip me with your heart again
Lazarus McLeod - Instead of carving up the wall, why don't you open up with talk?
Diana Mascherano - From stern to bow, singing land ho, the boat is leaking but we won't let go.
Cameron Light - Come down, and waste away with me, down with me.
Jermaine Urwick - Don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we'll all float on all right.
Maya Dagenham - She hates it when I shout these words, but I'll still sing for you.
Ivor Faraday - Swung and missed, I put my heart in this mythical holy good guy I want so bad to be.
Winter Juson - And you know you're a terrible sight, but you'll be just fine, just don't believe the hype.
Miranda West - And why'd you say it's just another day, nothing in my way?
Raleigh Quinn
Percy Tsu
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