[Davison/OPEN] A party...

also known as an... [Isolated Venue]

The stories of the students of TV2, prior to their being cast in the game.
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Post by Fenrir »

The door opened and there she was, Anastasia. Well, at least he knew now that he had got the right place.

As she stood there in the same camo jacket she had been wearing when they had first met Shawn could see a change take place in her expression. As she saw him and recognised him he could see her features soften subtly; it wasn’t quite a happy expression exactly, more a relaxed one, a content one. He had done that, just by being near her, being here; that felt good.

If he could see his own face he suspected he would have seen a similar softening, as seeing her there made all of… well, most of the worries he had about the rest of the night fade away.

"My sorceror finally shows, and I don't have my hat and broomstick. I guess this dress will have to do."

Nicknames, cute. He had never been in a relationship where they had cutesy nicknames for each other; he guessed he had never been lovey dovey enough with a girl to start using them. If Anastasia was going to start though, maybe he should come up with one of his own for her…

Then she took off her jacket and that thought, along with several other suddenly not so important ones, was pushed to the wayside.

"Do you like it? It doesn't make me look bad right?" She fake laughed. "Or does it make me look bad?"

Close your mouth you idiot, before you start drooling.

She was giving him a grin right now; teasing? No coyish, that was definitely a coyish grin right there. What was it he had said to his sister earlier? ‘I’ve dated girls who were more attractive than Anastasia before’? Well, that just wasn’t true was it? Then again none of his other dates had ever worn a dress like that.

It was red. It was revealing but not too much so; eye catching while still being tasteful. It was beautiful; she was beautiful. How much did a dress like that cost? Had she bought it just for this party? For him?

Don’t screw this up.

“Bad isn’t the word I’d use. Fantastic, breath taking, perfect… holy crap. Those are all more appropriate words.”

Before anything else could be done or said someone walked up behind Anastasia and placed a hand on her shoulder. The guy, as it turned out to be a guy, told her he was going into the kitchen to get a drink with the others; Shawn looked past him into the hallway and he couldn’t see anyone other than him and Anastasia. Presumably there weren’t many guests yet; they were all most likely in the kitchen and these two were talking out here alone when he knocked.

Shawn thought nothing of this at first, but then the guy – Shawn knew he had seen him at school but couldn’t find a name to go with the face – gave him a look. It was a general ‘I disapprove of your presence’ look, the lowest level of looks a guy could give to another guy when said guy was getting too friendly with the wrong girl. It was less serious than the ‘Hey, that’s my girlfriend’ look and far eclipsed by the ‘I’m gonna kick your ass’ look, both of which Shawn had seen at one point or another.

The hand lingered a little too long on Anastasia’s shoulder before the guy left, leaving Shawn in no doubt as to the reason for the look, if he had had any doubt before that. He didn’t know what the guys relationship with Anastasia was, whether he was a friend who was just being protective, a friend who wanted to be more than friends, or a guest meeting her for the first time who had taken a liking to the ‘easy to fall for her eccentric charm’ host of the party. Whatever the case it didn’t really matter much to Shawn, he liked Anastasia, a lot, and he wasn’t going to let himself be scared off by some guy attempting to ‘mark his territory’.

He turned his attention back to Anastasia after the unknown rival had disappeared into the kitchen and, realising it had been far to long since he had said something sweet to her, nervously leaned in a gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Uh, it’s good to see you again. You look amazing, you really do. I’m starting to think I’m a little underdressed.”

He looked down at his own clothes. All that effort to pick out something suitable to wear to a party/first date and all he had come up with was a pair of his regular jeans and a button-up black shirt. Smart/casual, but really it was no different than what he wore to school everyday only with the shirt buttoned up and no t-shirt underneath. Admittedly the shoes were a fair bit smarter than his regular trainers, but he still felt he should have put more effort into what he looked like if Anastasia was going to go all out as she so obviously had.


Well, someone at the party was lively. The sudden cry from the kitchen made him look up and past Anastasia into the hallway once more with a confused expression on his face. That was a girls voice, but not one he could recognise immediately. Why on earth they were yelling about a ship he didn’t know, but as he looked he saw a head peer though an open doorway. Another guy, another familiar face and another name he couldn’t place. He really couldn’t keep calling himself sociable if he knew so few people at this party. From what he had heard around school the past few days Anastasia had involved near enough everyone, so hopefully there would be a few people here he knew.

"Hey Shawn! It's good to see you,"

Shawn waved back in greeting. “Yeah, you too… Will.” The name clicked in his mind a little too late. Hopefully the pause wouldn’t be too noticeable. Will was a good guy, they hadn’t really talked much in the past but he seemed like someone Shawn could get along with. Still, at least remembering that name had made the other forgotten name fall into place as well; Sebastien, he and Will were friends if he recalled correctly.

Speaking to Anastasia again, Shawn put on a bright smile. “Why don’t we go inside and you can introduce me to your friends?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

Shawn didn't return the banter, instead he complimented her. The look on his face as he did so brought a grin to her face. Early stunner was a good choice after all. And the words he used, definitely made her feel amazing. Fantastic? Perfect? If Sebastien wasn't right there she was sure she would have said or done something to escalate things into an overly affectionate lovey-dovey dis— Oh right! Sebastien!

She didn't notice until he took his hand off her shoulder that he had said something. He was going into the kitchen now so it was too late to do anything about that. And before she tried to do something about that, Shawn leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She felt her face match the color of her dress. She wanted to return the kiss, but the amount of time they spent at the door was rapidly approaching way too long, so she decided against it. "You're not underdressed. Besides, it what's underneath that matters, right?" She replied to Shawns self-conscious remark.

Lisa yelling about some ship reminded her that they had to return to the group. Huh? Ship? Wait... And then the thought clicked. Heh heh, those guys. She nodded in agreement with Shawn and went with him to the kitchen. She noticed the others had already partaken of drinks, though no one touched the delciously puntastic, if somewhat bland and mediocore, SOTF DRINK. Eh, expected.

"Hey everyone! I'm gonna guess most of you have met him, but for those who may have not, this is Shawn Thornton. As you might have guessed, *cough*Lisa*cough*, Shawn and I are going out." Excellent substitution there Anastasia. 20 points. "But don't worry, I promise not to abandon my host duties. After all, I have to make sure you're all enjoying yourselves. That's just what a good host, and a good me, does." Especially with the surprise coming up.

Speaking of which, her younger sister poked her head into view in the corner window, discreetly flashing her a thumbs up. Hooray for bribery. There was almost no other way to get that goth-looking nihilist to do anything to help her out otherwise. For someone who looked so much like a younger her, her little sister was pretty much Ana's polar opposite. But when they worked together, like now, then they could certainly move the world.

She smiled again. "So I forgot to tell you guys, but we've been having some power issues. So if everything randomly goes dark, don't worry about it. I'll just go and fix it and be back before you know it. Just an fyi. And the pizza will be here soon I have no doubt. In the meantime, go ahead and raid the fridge if the snacks aren't enough. We're pretty well stocked and my parents are cool with it. Oh, I also forgot to mention that they aren't here tonight, nor are my older siblings. So..." she said with a smile "sorry if I implied otherwise when I invited you guys."

Yep, the setup was going perfectly. This was going to be a fun night.
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Post by backslash »

Sebastien did his best to keep his face neutral during the small episode of chaos that followed his entering the kitchen. Lisa was screaming about... something, which made Lucia spill her drink, and at least Will was being marginally helpful and directing him towards the food. He made his way over to the fruit and took an apple slice, taking a crisp bite.

"Ana's fine." He said to Lucia. "I told her no more gymnastics for the rest of the night, so hopefully that will keep things under control."

He leaned against the counter and took another piece of fruit as Ana and her... boyfriend... re-joined the party. Sebastien raised one hand to Shawn in greeting before going back to the food. No reason we can't be civil here. Until required otherwise.

Ana mentioned something about power outages and, okay, that made him nervous. Even more so when she pointed out that there were no adults around. This was starting to smell like an Ana Plot.

"Do you have any flashlights handy? I know you're familiar with your own house and all, but you shouldn't be wandering around in the dark with a hurt ankle. If the power does go out, I mean."

Which it probably will, since you even bothered to bring it up. Sebastien was starting to get a good idea of how Ana worked, and if she mentioned something like that, odds are it would be important later.
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Post by CondorTalon »

((Christopher Schwartz continued from Let's Sing.))


"What the hell is this door frame doing here?!"

Christopher walked into the house, holding the side of his head. He had seen someone enter the house before him heard the sound of conversation inside. Not wanting to be later than he already was, he'd quickly jogged up to the door when a quick movement down the street caught his eye. He'd turned his head for a split second and--

"Uh... hey guys."
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Post by Macha* »

[Genevieve Cordova, main sandbox debut, continued from Bottle Episode.]

Genevieve had groaned audibly when she discovered that Anastasia Arcadia, her illustrious quirkiness, had invited her to a party via business card. There were very few people Genevieve could claim to dislike and even fewer that she openly admitted to finding annoying, but Genevieve found dealing with Anastasia’s constantly upbeat and often overbearing personality exhausting at the best of times. Still, Ana had gone to the trouble of inviting her- and the even greater trouble of finding out the right address to send mail to- and it would have been impolite to decline her invitation, so the nicest thing Genevieve could do was to accept the invitation, forget about her dislike for the girl's cheeriness for the evening- or at least find it a welcome reprieve from bickering about basketball, children's cartoons and circus tricks with her neighbours- and try to have a good time.

It still came down to the wire. Genevieve had only decided to attend the party earlier that afternoon, however, when it became apparent that her only other plans for the evening involved crashing at the Haywards’ empty apartment, eating junk food and watching reruns of Breaking Bad. So, unwilling to spend another night wasting away eating chips in her sweatpants, Genevieve dressed up and, guessing that her kind-of sort-of adoptive parents would be back from their press event before she would be back from the party, left them a note telling them, in sloppy cursive, where she would be, that she had her phone, her wallet and her keys, and several question marks for when she would be back. They were aware that she had been debating attending Ana's party- there were few details of her life that the Haywards were not privy to- and would not fuss too much about her leaving, so long as she got home safely, and at a reasonable time. She locked the apartment and ran downstairs, grabbing her bicycle from the storage closet on the ground floor, waving to her landlord's daughter Katherine as she passed her on her way out, tapped her destination into her smart phone, and let the GPS app lead her way. After all, the least she could do was turn up, force a few smiles, try and find a group of people whose company she legitimately enjoyed and try to avoid the host as much as possible.

Arriving at the house slightly later than she had expected- leave it to the quirky kid to organise a party halfway across town- Genevieve put her foot down on the sidewalk and checked the GPS on her smart-phone to double-check that she had arrived at the right place. There were certainly a few people entering, but it would have been a faux pas- if nothing else- to arrive at the wrong party. A check on street view later, she was certain, and she chained her bike to a street light, straightened out her skirt, and made her way over to the front door, updating her social networks so that if she disappeared without a trace, someone would know where she last was. She hoped that she could sneak in behind another guest, or at least find some way to give Anastasia the briefest and nicest of greetings she could muster.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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Post by Bikriki* »

[I believe we should officially abolish any post order for now. Also, I am so really really sorry]

Among all the archaic chaos, which came into being the more men and women arrived at Miss AnArchy's lovely home, Lisa realized something. A notion, which deserved her utmost attention.

"I must poo," Lisa said.

Then she was gone.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Bikriki. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by SansaSaver »

And just like that, they’d garnered another guest.

Will didn’t know Christopher too well - only that he was an Internet buff or something - but he seemed a nice enough kid. He considered going to greet the newcomer, but Ana had juggled greeting all of her guests remarkably well so far, so that was something probably best left in her hands.

Instead, he settled for picking a slice of green apple from one of the many platters and nibbled on it contently. He briefly considered checking his phone - make sure nothing too crazy had happened on any of his social networks, or whether he’d gotten a text, as he’d likely have little chance to do it once everything got into full swing - but elected not to. He could wait a few hours without technology, right? Besides, Sebastien looked a little forlorn and Lucia a little nervous, so they deserved his attention much more than his phone.

He almost choked on his latest sliver of fruit when Lisa announced rather abruptly where she was headed and fled the room. He was used to her rather eccentric disposition by now - well, everybody had their quirks, didn’t they? Will himself included - but that didn’t mean some of her statements couldn’t come at weird times.

He offered Lucia and Seb a warm smile and took another swig of his drink, content to let the party continue around him.
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Location: Got it? Good, now get inside.
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

((Isaiah handled by Deamon, used with permission.))

Matthew’s parents had told him that he had been working too hard, lately, that Phillip Glass’ Metamorphosis had been driving him too furiously in his drive to conquer it. He’d argued that he had plenty of time for rest and vegetation during summer vacation, or Christmas break, or any other number of holidays that he had weeks upon weeks to fill with nothing but internet goofery and television.

But no, they’d insisted. They’d told him that Anastasia from school - that nice girl, they called her - was having a party - the Wilkshires had said so - and that they’d even provide him with two bottles of red wine for the evening, just to loosen things up.

He’d managed to trade the wine for a bottle of Southern Comfort and a Mickey of dark rum before agreeing.

And so here he was, walking down the sidewalk towards Anastasia’s house with a messenger bag filled with various alcoholic substances, a package of ten red solo cups, and what he hoped was a casual longsleeve shirt and jeans. It wasn’t the first high school party he’d be attending - the team had a few now and again - but it was definitely the first with the crowd he imagined hung out with Anastasia.

He’d tried to call in backup. Isaiah had been the first face to pop into his mind, and he’d fired a text to his friend with the intention of schmoozing his way into getting the other boy to at least share in the misery.

“HAHAHA may show later suzie is visiting so got family meal right now" was the sympathetic response.

Five minutes later, his friend added: "have fun with the anarchy bitch"

Thus, Weiss was flying solo.

As he approached the front porch, however, he noticed Genevieve standing on the front porch, eyeing the doorway. Recognizing the look of wariness on her face as a feeling he shared, he approached and slowed his pace, making himself walk more casually, loosely. Giving her a smile, he stopped on the first step, sliding his thumbs into his pockets as he nodded at the door.

“If that’s locked, I’ll almost be grateful.”
ES12: Ivan Rodriguez - Co-Winner - "Just fucking fight me, man."
[+] Past Characters
BB3: Matthew Weiss - #Weiss is Schiesse - "I can say whatever I want in this signature, and you'll believe it's in my story." - DECEASED
CS3: Dougie Sharpe - Personal Responsibility - "You're going to wake up tomorrow, and still be you." - DECEASED

B06: Brandon Baxter - Brandone (ft. DJ KILLJI) - "Thanks. I lost mine in a gunfight." - DECEASED
G33: Kasumi White - 'Cause We Are Young And We Are Sick- He is not here. - DECEASED

MM12: Maxine "Max" Schwimmer - Sink or Swim "Akeno, please." - DECEASED

O25: Tarren Joseph - A Boring Dystopia- "You killed me." - DECEASED

Kincaid Rawlins - The Apocalyptic Rockfight- "Hello kitty sucks."
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Post by Macha* »

Genevieve stood on the front porch, crossing and uncrossing her arms, shifting her weight awkwardly as she tried to mentally justify knocking on the door. Initially, her intention had been to wait for someone else to arrive and then sneak in behind them to enjoy the party without the awkward conversations with Anastasia. However, the more she thought about it, the more Genevieve felt like leaving her apartment at all had been a bad idea. She felt queasy as she kept waiting for the door to open, still unwilling to knock on the door. Genevieve tried telling herself that she was still unsure whether she was at the right house, but she was honestly still unsure of her ability to put up with Anastasia. She decided, on the spot, that Anastasia was a weird kid with weird friends and her tendency to dominate conversations would stop Genevieve from finding anyone she knew, and her odds of having any kind of fun were slim to none. So, Genevieve loosely folded her arms back together and tapped her nails against the skin of her upper arms, and decided that she would wait five more minutes before she unchained her bike and went home.

With Anastasia being how she was, Genevieve had expected the party to take place in an abandoned warehouse, or the roof of a building. It was almost funny really, how she felt so apprehensive about knocking on the door, but never felt that way about the barbecues her kind-of sort-of adoptive parents held on the roof of their apartment building whenever the weather was nice, even though there were people in that building who, by all accounts, Genevieve should have hated talking to far more than Anastasia. It was weird, she guessed. Something to do with family, the one she had chosen, and the feeling of home.

Her anxiety was veering into the realm of self-indulgence and was thankfully cut short when she saw Matthew Weiss approach, giving her a smile. Thank God! Someone she liked! Matthew joked about the door being locked and Genevieve laughed, dropping her guard and scratching the back of her neck.

"Ugh, God, I know right?" She said, returning his smile. "I haven't actually tried knocking yet, though. Still trying to figure out whether, y'know, AnArchy is worth it."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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Post by backslash »

Sebastien relegated himself to leaning against the corner countertop as more people arrived. He wasn't a big fan of crowds, and he shared a somewhat harried look with Lucia, who he was pretty sure shared the sentiment.

He pressed his mouth into a thin line when Lisa announced to all the world that she needed to use the bathroom and fled. "Remind me why I hang out with you guys, again?" He said, glancing at Will. He was only half-joking.

It was hard to stay relaxed with this many people in one place. Logically, he knew that all of them were (mostly) capable of not getting themselves maimed, but it still made him antsy.

Maybe Sebastien had too little faith in his peers. Or maybe they all just have the foresight of lemmings. Tough call.
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Post by Pippi »

“Oh, good. I’m glad to hear of that.” Lucia smiled nervously as she replied to Sebastien. “I just hope Anastasia can follow your advice.”

Lucia tentatively sipped at what remained of her lemonade, still hoping against hope that Shawn wouldn’t head for the kitchen straight away. She was honestly glad Anastasia wasn’t too badly hurt, but, well... this was Anastasia they were talking about. ‘AnArchy’, as Lucia had heard he labelled. She was sure the girl would do her best to stay out of harm’s reach, but whether she’d actually achieve that was a different story.

Lucia’s worries weren’t improved when Anastasia herself popped her head round the kitchen doorframe to reveal that Shawn was in fact her boyfriend and that there was a high chance the power would go out. Would that be tying in to the ‘surprise’ Anastasia had planned? If so, Lucia didn’t think she wanted any part of it. Things jumping out at her in the dark... no, she didn’t really deal well with that sort of thing.

Not that even that was Lucia’s focus right now. That honour belonged to trying to stay out of Shawn Thornton’s sight, no mean feat, seeing as he had full view of the entire kitchen. In a feat of dexterity she didn’t know existed, Lucia sidled closer to Will and Sebastien, smiling back at the former, giving a polite wave to the sudden arrival of Christopher and making herself as thin as possible to let Lisa through without spilling any more lemonade.

She wouldn’t be able to avoid Shawn forever, she knew that. She just wasn’t quite ready to talk to him yet.
[+] Currently Playing
Programmed To Fight
F18 - Nanna-Fiora Kroos - SAFE in Vive Hodie - “So let's be happy instead.” - Kel-Tec KSG
Her Nonary Game begins here

Those Taken
M04 - Galahad Matthews - Fireman's Axe, WASP Injection Knife, Netgun - It went from a spark to an open flame, now destiny's calling out your name - ALIVE
Present - And T'Were Well That She Stood > Cake By The Ocean > Now Look At This Net > P - I - P - E - S > If The Nineth Lion Ate The Sun > Out of the Depths of Sorrow and of Sacrifice
Past - Only Got Bad Things On My Mind When I'm With You
Home- The Man Who Wrote Thriller

SOTF: U!!!! soulja boy tell 'em
P007 - Kay Poultier - XL15 Flamethrower - When all these trees saw us grow, cut our teeth and make our bones right here - ALIVE - [Oceans] > house > Tolerance > world > harbour > tomorrow
The Ship - Shades
Memories - cold > sea > love

A19 - Gabrielle "Gabby" McLeod - Go tell it to the plain clothed officer behind us, what are you, a master of disguise and keeping silent? - ALIVE - EQUIPPED WITH: MAC-10, M1911A1 Water Gun - Lemon Squash > Strawberry House > Uncharitable Circumstances > Galactic Empire
Pregame - Nagito Komaeda

Malachi Harlington - One Room Death Game - 1 Medallion - ALIVE
[+] Remembering those lost
PNK3-Glen Bole-SDA-DEAD-28/66-"Ah well. I guess I'll find out at the nex-"
Weapons: SPAS-12, rather large tree branch, small pair of scissors + double rations
Kills: One (Simon Porter)
Status and Location: Lying dead with a bullet in his head, in Metanoia.
Cause of death: Shot in the head by Vincent Sullivan.

ORA2-Brennan O'Brian-DCHS-DEAD-14/66-I'm sorry...
Weapons: Bottle of LSD labeled "Water Purification Tablets", Colt Anaconda .45 Magnum (2/6, 30/36 in Box), SPAS-12 (Currently lying somewhere on the beach.
Kills: None.
Status and Location: Utterly defeated in Of Moons, Birds and Monsters
Cause of death: Strangled to death by Madelyn Conner

M01-Roy Benson-LIVES x00-21/47-No-one else is gonna get hurt... No-one else is gonna die here...
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: American Flatbow + 10 arrows (Given to Martin Ricco), 2 arrows, Rolling Pin (Burnt in fire started by Delilah Rivers)
Killstreak: N/A
Current Level: Final Level-Devil Nights
Killed By: Player F10-Holly Romero

F08-Amelia Lennon-LIVES x00-9/47-"Katie, Rebecca? … Thank you. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. You deserve to get out of here more than me.”
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: Pick Axe, Bowie Knife (Hurled off of mountain)
Killstreak: One-Player F03-Tania Chell
Current Level: Final Level-The Highest Heights
Killed By: Herself/Fall from mountain

Second Chances
G02-Aileen Borden-DEAD-30/37-How fucking cliche...
Weapons: Hockey Stick
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Staying snarky to the end in Thin Line Between Heaven and Here
Cause of death: Shot by Paige Single.

B01-Glen Bole-DEAD-4/37-“You’re a fucking coward who thinks he’s the big man, now he’s got a gun. You don’t deserve shit.”
Weapons: Binoculars, Sledgehammer, Large shard of glass, Beretta M92F
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Not close enough in The Twilight of our Youth
Cause of death: Shot by Karl Chalmers

The Program v2
M03-Jonathan Roberts-DEAD-19/41-“Hey! Hey, over here!"
Location: Made one too many bad decisions in Virtue's Last Reward
Weapon: Fiddle
Kills: None
Shot by: Anastasia "Tas" Flores

M04-Carlyle Shotton-DEAD-11/41-I... I did alright... didn’t I?
Location: Never quite forgave himself in The Hecate Sisters
Weapon: Kentucky Rifle, Pitchfork
Kills: 1 (Gwen Phonesavanh)
Shot by: Robin Pounds

IS3-Lucia del Pirlo-The Paranoid Painter-“I-I didn’t want to do it! I had to! Just... Please, you have to believe me!”-FOR LEAH
Weapon: Jericho 941
Died in pain and fear in Going Forward

SS1-Bunny Barlowe-The Ace Actress-"Regina! Regina, help me!”-HELLA DEAD
Weapon: Razor Sweet Pea Scooter, Frying Pan
Forever famous in Rock the Flock

Second Chances V2
B07 - Roy D. Benson - “"I'll save a glass of Moxie for you, whenever we meet again."” - DECEASED
Weapon: Kiss of Death
Current Location: Did you really think I'd fall to my knees just to pray for some sweet simplicity?

G18 - Bunny Barlowe - "And I bet you're a coward, too." - DECEASED
Weapon: Maschinenpistole 40, Kevlar Vest, Harpoon gun
Current Location: We Own The Night

Program Prologue
F16 - Faye Xandora - Deceased in Quietus - “I can do that. Watch your back, I mean. I think I might go insane if I’m left by myself.” - Pistol Crossbow
M39 - Morgan Jones - Deceased in Clean Up - “Oh, sweet Jesus, thank fuck you’re still here, I was getting worried for a-“ - Plush 'Hulk Smash' Hands
NPC-M16 - Scott Osbourne - Deceased in Rhizome 9 - "Sorry Mom, sorry Dad." - Caltrops (x5)
NPC-M21 - Joel "JB" Blackwell - Deceased in CQD Ward - "...!" - Yarará Parachute Knife
NPC-F29 - Victoria Bellamy - Deceased in Strange Bedfellows -“And there’s no future at all in a traitor who’ll never become anything more than a penniless skank in the gutter.” - Italian Folding Spetum

The Program V3
F08 - Kat Locke-Baldwin - Bubble gun painted to look like a real gun, Swordcane - Just take a look at my place, it's such a mess, but I'll be out of this space as soon as you tell me where the night is - DEAD
Present - And All Because Of A Snail > When A Curious Hate Oozes Calamity > Schrödinger's Kat in; The Prisonya's Dilemma > What if You... Wanted to go to Heaven... But god said, "ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ɪᴛᴇᴍ ɪɴ ʙᴀɢɢɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴇᴀ" > P - I - P - E - S
Home - Anyway, Here's Wonderwall

Live on your TV now!
JL10: Laura Hakštok - Dead - Weapons: Tannerite Binary Explosive - I got left behind, I got high off my own supply, I got left behind, deep wounds can't die
SANDBOX - Floating - Camp - Worse
MAIN GAME - > Prism > Fugitive > Time > CocaineQuest > Bear > Me > Paradigm

SB04: Bethan Gayle -Dead- Weapons: Pike (Polearm) - When everything is said and done, looking for answers if only one, turn my back the urge has gone, left with no reason we come undone
SANDBOX - 제 눈에 안경이다
MAIN GAME - Blast > Turtle > Excellent > Fix > Someone > Talk > Fight > Shake > Heroes

An International Incident
O12: Matthew Omeruo - DECEASED - Trishula - With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite, how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.
Current Thread: Run From the Sun

Super Dupers
S002: Mercedes Guenther - DECEASED - Which one of us set on fire? Cause we both went up in smoke. Which one of us cut the wire? Ain't no bottom to this hole. - Your Actions Have Consequences
Memories - GROUNDED

Battle Royale... 2!!!
B3: Tatsumichi Oki - Smith & Wesson M59 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol - DECEASED - When the seagulls follow the trawler - “You an’ me, we can do this. Whenever you’re ready.”
[+] The Future Past
TV Season 68
Blythe Gaskell - Ever feel like you can't breathe? Does the water feel too deep? Lie awake cause you can't sleep without it?
TV Season 69
Cormac Gamble
TV Season 70
Brooke Gaskell/Dustin Priestly/Leona Witsel

Verity Callaghan - We're living in the currents you create, we're sinking in the pool of your mistakes.
Reynold "Rey" Fountain - When all that you have's stale and it's cold, oh, you'll no longer feel when your heart's turned to gold.
Quinn Dallaway - I am flesh and I am bone, rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold.
Josie Josephs - You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze
Fiona Cahill - I'm ridiculous, and feeling very particular about my world
Marcia Wolff

Dashiell Thompson - And now I'll never have a chance to be myself, so you can skip me with your heart again
Lazarus McLeod - Instead of carving up the wall, why don't you open up with talk?
Diana Mascherano - From stern to bow, singing land ho, the boat is leaking but we won't let go.
Cameron Light - Come down, and waste away with me, down with me.
Jermaine Urwick - Don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we'll all float on all right.
Maya Dagenham - She hates it when I shout these words, but I'll still sing for you.
Ivor Faraday - Swung and missed, I put my heart in this mythical holy good guy I want so bad to be.
Winter Juson - And you know you're a terrible sight, but you'll be just fine, just don't believe the hype.
Miranda West - And why'd you say it's just another day, nothing in my way?
Raleigh Quinn
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

Yay! More people. Well only one more was inside but surely others were coming. And so the timing of the surprise must be perfect. Wouldn't want anyone... escaping. Insert evil laughter.

Ana addressed Sebastien's concerns. "Flashlights. Candles. You name it. But trust me, I'm good. Don't worry about it." She waved to Chris. "Good to see you dude. Sorry about the door, I haven't had success training it not to attack people yet." She giggled.  Beware of door. Oh, someone should make a sign for that.

Lisa blurted out her thoughts again. It was kinda wierd to be witness to that. Was she like that to other people sometimes. Was she just as strange and attention grabbing? She hoped not. Or maybe she should hope so? Not too sure on that. Would have to consult hilariously useless advice boards for this kind of conundrum. Or was it something else?

Anyway, she called out to Lisa before the girl went and got herself lost. "Second door on the left dearie. First leads to the basement."

She returned her attention to her guests.

"So anyone got any illicit substances? I'm feeling the need to abuse the shit out of some?" She smiled, only half-joking. As long as she knew what she was doing and knew her limits then her parents certainly wouldn't mind. Like they hadn't with Charity. Maybe. Then again she only blazed it up once, and drank very sparingly.

Anastasia remembered her first try of each. Honestly she wasn't sure she knew her limits for either. And also, lest she forget, Ames was still here. And Mom and Dad would definitely give her hell if Amelia somehow partook of things she was not mature enough for. Hrmm, maybe she should keep that all to a definite joke then.

But what good is a wild party without booze, at least? Certainly not very much, and not very wild. Plan B? No. Not yet.

"Difficult decision. But all options have merit. Will need to mull over them further. Perhaps over food that should really be here right now. Dammit Tony."

Amelia-Marie walked from out back around the house, her task accomplished. Not her best work for sure, but it was the best she could on short notice. And for the agreed upon sweets, it was equivalent exchange. Blackout time should be enough for sis to work her ridiculous plan. She kept out of sight lf the windows. Getting spotted now would make the later bit more difficult. Though, she did stop to let Ana know it was set up. A simple thumbs up.

She normally didn't go for this, or anything. But she was bored and it was better than nothing. She turned another corner and there at the door were two more of Ana's classmates. She frowned. No one was supposed to be lingering out here. So much for remaining unseen. Hopefully it wouldn't matter and mess things up.

"Unless you two are making out, maybe you could go inside. I need to get in too." She stated bluntly as she approached. Didn't matter if they were a few years older than her and taller. They were in the way.
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Location: Got it? Good, now get inside.
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

((Genevieve, handled by Kalopsia, used with permission))

Matthew grinned at that, sliding the messenger bag around to his front to lift the flap and glance down at his prizes, and paused, as if mulling over the consequences of what he was about to propose. Shrugging it off, he pulled out the bottle of Southern Comfort and the package of solo cups, wiggling his eyebrows at Genevieve.

“I’ve found that decisions like that are best made with some help,” he said, pulling open the solo cup bag with his teeth and freeing one.

“Want to join me?”

He offered the bottle and cup to her, and when she took them, he pulled out its twin, unscrewing the cap and pulling straight from the neck. He made a face and a hacking sound at the taste, grinning through slightly watering eyes.

“So what brings you here today?”


Forty five minutes later, they were both laughing at a story of Genevieve's when a girl approached, Matthew having taken a seat against the wall of the house, a quarter of his bottle remaining. He was just about to accuse her of making her story up when the cool voice interrupted them, having him swivel his head to grin sloppily at the newcomer.

Without answering her, he spread his arms in the most exaggerated flourish he could manage, directing it at the unobscured - at least by him - front door.

“By all means!” he chirped, "We were just talking about being-"

He paused, then bolted to his feet, swaying slightly under his compromised balance, reaching out to slap a hand against the wall so that he didn't teeter over. "Hey. Dude, brainwave. What if we - hear me out - what if we got some fucking bacon, Genevieve?"

He grinned. "Dude. I could go for some motherfuckin' bacon right now, you know? You feel me?"

He was already packing up his cups and his bottle of alcohol, flipping the flap over and sealing it shut as he brushed past the newcomer and started off into the night.

"Let's go!"

((Matthew Weiss continued here))
ES12: Ivan Rodriguez - Co-Winner - "Just fucking fight me, man."
[+] Past Characters
BB3: Matthew Weiss - #Weiss is Schiesse - "I can say whatever I want in this signature, and you'll believe it's in my story." - DECEASED
CS3: Dougie Sharpe - Personal Responsibility - "You're going to wake up tomorrow, and still be you." - DECEASED

B06: Brandon Baxter - Brandone (ft. DJ KILLJI) - "Thanks. I lost mine in a gunfight." - DECEASED
G33: Kasumi White - 'Cause We Are Young And We Are Sick- He is not here. - DECEASED

MM12: Maxine "Max" Schwimmer - Sink or Swim "Akeno, please." - DECEASED

O25: Tarren Joseph - A Boring Dystopia- "You killed me." - DECEASED

Kincaid Rawlins - The Apocalyptic Rockfight- "Hello kitty sucks."
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Post by Macha* »

Genevieve could politely be described as clumsy when alcohol was involved. In her brief experience with drinking bottles of wine and cans of light beers at barbecues and parties, she had found herself tripping over nothing and banging into tables, usually waking up covered in bruises and scrapes. However, Genevieve's unwillingness to decline an invitation had got her this far, so she still had a few poor life choices to make before she was done for the night. She cautiously took the bottle of Southern Comfort when Matt offered it and unscrewed the cap before taking the paper cup from him, trying her absolute hardest not to spill any on herself as she haphazardly transferred what her neighbours had generously described as “a shit drink for girls that was lying about being whiskey” into the paper cup.

She sat down by the door, placing the bottle beside her and flattening the skirt with the palm of her hand, and drank a mouthful of the spicy liquid, wincing first at the kick and again as it burned her throat on the way down. Matt asked her how she ended up at Anastasia's party, and Genevieve shrugged.

“Felt it was polite, I guess.” She said, sipping from the edge of the cup. “It was either this or being sat in an empty apartment all night. My sort-of parents are out on a thing--”

“--and Aimee is just standing there, like, completely livid and runs to the straw-dispenser-thing and picks up like, a whole handful of them and we're just standing in the middle of McDonald’s in like, a total Mexican stand-off, just me and her and that guy. So we're just like, ducking and weaving through all these tables and blowing straw wrappers at each other and laughing like idiots when the manager just walks in and he's just screaming at us to leave and Aimee just grabs me and we bolt for the door.” Genevieve continued, gesticulating wildly to elaborate the important points with the cup in her hand. “Anyway, we're not allowed back at that McDonald's any more.”

Genevieve ended the story there, too busy laughing to continue. She swilled the last of the fake-whiskey in her cup and downed the contents, wincing from the kick. She grabbed the half-full bottle and poured half a cupful in, looking over to Matt and realising he was going through the bottle far faster than she was. Best step up her game, then. A girl showed up, probably a family member of Anastasia's, and asked if they were making out.

“We're not- I'm not even-” Genevieve said, cocking an eyebrow at her. “Do you even know what making out is?”

Oh right, she was in the way of the door. Genevieve shrugged and tried to shift her weight to let the girl past without standing up, but when the girl simply stood there and waited, she shakily rose to her feet and moved out of the way. More than a little pre-drunk, Genevieve was still not especially enamoured with the idea of going indoors, but someone had noticed them outside and- bacon. Matt suggested bacon.

“Oh my god,” Genevieve said, exhaling sharply to keep her balance. “I am so down to bacon right now.”

Wait, was anywhere still open?

“Waffle House,” Genevieve's eyes lit up. She shouted to Matt. “There's one a few blocks from here.”

There was the excuse. Genevieve swayed from side to side as she made her way down the garden, fishing the keys to her bike chain out from the pocket of her coat and fumbling to unlock it. Matt was packing his things.

“Bye whoever!” Genevieve said, waving at the girl. “Tell Anastasia we had a great time at her party!”

[Genevieve Cordova, continued at Waffle House.]
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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Post by SansaSaver »

Having downed yet another drink of soda, Will began to refill his cup from one of the available bottles. He didn’t pay much attention to the liquid he was pouring, only noting that it was murky in colour and had a dubious scent. But it tasted good, and he was getting really thirsty all of a sudden.

Sebastien asked for them to remind him why he was friends with all of them - and considering Lisa and Ana’s eccentricities, he couldn’t blame the other boy for being slightly sceptical. But tonight was a fun night, a night for embracing all of their quirks and the like. He liked Ana and Lisa’s quirkiness too - they were a little unpredictable, sure, but wasn’t that the spice of life?

“It’s ‘cause you loooooooove us, Seb! Just as much as we loooooooove you!”

He giggled slightly and broke out into a grin, in hopes of removing any seriousness Seb might’ve taken from his jest. He drained the remainder of his latest cup, and was about to poor another when he felt a stirring in the pit of his stomach. He might’ve been thirsty as hell, but that didn’t stop nature calling. Maybe he shouldn’t have drunken his body weight in soda after all. It didn’t matter much - there was an infinite amount of worse things in the world, after all. However, the fact that Lisa had just rushed off to use the bathroom for a similar purpose proved a bit of a problem.

Thinking quickly, his eyes darted towards the front door. It wasn’t too far away - he could run outside, find a secluded place to do his business, and be back in no time at all.

“Hey, guys - I’ll be right back, okay?”

Awhile later, having taken a leak behind some juniper bushes in Ana’s garden, Will found himself sitting against the wall of her house. Relieving himself had proven somewhat more tiring than he’d expected, and he’d only managed a few steps before collapsing onto the grass, the soft, pillow-like grass.

He’d fished his cellphone from his pocket and played a few games of Snake, but that’d grown old pretty quickly. There was nothing to do out here, out in the evening air with the stars twinkling above him, but with his jacket wrapped tightly around him and fatigue steadily making itself known, he was perfectly content lying outside.

A few minutes later he’d nodded off, and when he awoke once more, disorientated and still quite sleepy, he had absolutely no idea what the time was.

What’d been in that drink, anyway?

((Will Brackenrig continued in Bitch Please (In Memoriam)))
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