The Hecate Sisters


Pines dot the entire valley to a greater or lesser extent. However, it's the eastern slopes of the valley that the trees grow thickest. Here, the trunks are so close together that visibility doesn't extend beyond a few metres, light has difficulty filtering through, and a carpet of needles muffles footsteps completely. Added to the steep terrain, and the stand is not a place many would feel comfortable in for long.
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Post by Laurels »

Louisa wiped her eyes. It was bad enough that she was crying, but now Kyle was as well. They were all going to collapse in a puddle of tears if they kept it going. The other guys were right. They needed to find a place to go, away from the forest. There weren't many places left for them to go, but the four of them were likely to find at least one location they could wait out the evening.

"I'm fine with those places," she said in response to Carlyle's ideas. "I don't know which way we have to go to get to either of those places, but I'm sure we can figure that out."

Or we might be up for a night of wandering the forest. With twelve left, it might be hard to find any others this way. I guess some time walking around might be good. Maybe clear my head a little.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Watching the others was not such an easy thing. Robin knew them, of course, and what she was witnessing was something she had not been exposed to since the start of The Program: classmates interacting with each other in a kind of normal, friendly way. Everyone she'd met had caused trouble, or been so different from how'd she'd known them in the halls of Patriot High, but now Robin saw that it didn't have to be that way. Carlyle was so recognizable, so much like he'd always been in class and at lunch, and with a sinking feeling Robin realized that that was something she had lost. Hannah wouldn't have recognized her. And what oh what would her mother think?

But that didn't matter, because Shawn was here, and Robin could find the anger within her, and she could turn it on these others, too, could use it to burn them for having what she could never again posses.

At first, she figured she'd kill Louisa, because the others seemed happy about finding her, but a moment's thought led her to reconsider. Louisa was not a very bright girl, with her crummy poetry and her infatuation with the downtrodden kids. She wouldn't be a huge threat. If Robin shot her, though, the others would probably want revenge, and then she'd be back in a three-on-one fight.

What she needed was to shock them into inaction, so they'd let her do what she needed to. So one of the boys would die.

Carlyle was bigger, and he was standing closer to the rifle, and Robin would need that if she was going to do to Shawn what she wanted. Carlyle was also so much like he'd always been, and the time for them to be high school students was long past. He belonged back in the early stages, the opening hours, and since he couldn't claw his way back there he belonged in the ground.

So Robin ducked out from behind the tree, a smile on her lips, and she didn't care that Shawn and the others were seeing her scarred face, because she was doing what she wanted and she would have it all and more. She took a few steps at a jog, straight at Carlyle, and then she paused, raised the gun, and pointed it straight at his torso.

She braced, pulled the trigger, breathed in as the smoke wafted from the gun and her ears echoed with the aftershock of the shot.

"Nobody move or they die next," she called, voice hoarse and loud but sounding a little small amid the ringing. "Hands where I can see them."

She took two more steps towards the rifle. She'd need to grab it in a hurry, but first she had to make her intentions crystal clear. She turned her attention to Shawn for a second.

"Hey there, Shawn," she said, her smile growing wider. "You're coming with me."
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Post by CondorTalon »

It had all gone to hell in a hand-basket too quickly.

Shawn should have said something. He should have trusted his eyes, he should have told them that he saw someone, he should have done something. Now it was too late, now Robin was back and she had the gun and-


His ears rang. There was no impact against his body, no pain, and his eyes frantically darted down his body to check for a wound. Nothing. Shawn was perfectly okay...

Until he realized she hadn't been aiming for him in the first place.

Shawn gritted his teeth. This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all. She wasn't supposed to find them. He wasn't supposed to bring this death to their group. This wasn't. Right.

Shawn wanted to yell at Robin, to tackle her down, to stop her from doing anything but she had already shot and the rifle was at her feet and moving suddenly in any capacity would likely get him shot.

So he just walked forward, slowly, his hands raised in the air.
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

Kyle didn't want to end his embrace of Louisa. Having her in his arms, knowing she was safe, was a feeling he didn't want to lose. But it was his reluctance to end the moment that lead to his being able to stop what came next.

They were agreeing upon where to go, all seemed well. Then came the blur of motion. The figure holding a gun made itself clear. She raised the gun, toom aim, and fired.

Kyle screamed to get down, he was too late. Far too late.

Carlyle had been hit, Robin was demanding the rest of them stay still or get shot. She then demanded Shawn come with her. He obliged.

He stood in shock, having let go of Louisa. His expression was blank, his mind empty.

Only one thought was left in his head.

"You let this happen. It is all your fault.


He slumped to the ground, buried his head in his hands, and wept. He wished it could all just go away.
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Post by Laurels »

((Skipping with permission))

Louisa looked up from Kyle's shoulder and saw a figure run out. The figure fired their gun at Carlyle, causing Louisa let out a scream as she was freed from Kyle's embrace.

No! Not now!

The assailant, Robin Pounds, was now threatening the group, demanding Shawn come with them. Louisa wanted to run over to Carlyle in that moment. There was a chance to help him, or at least comfort him in his final moments. But Robin was pointing a gun at them. Three people were supposed to be dead because of her. If Louisa did anything suspicious, Robin could open fire on them all. She wasn't going to be the reason Kyle and Shawn were dead.

Louisa turned and saw Kyle on the ground crying. She kept her hands in front of her chest and open. She had to be careful with what she did in the next few moments.

"Carlyle! Just hold on! Please!" she shouted to her friend.

Louisa knew there was a chance her words meant nothing. But if Robin wouldn't let her approach Carlyle, she knew her words had to.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Pippi »

Carlyle was stood right next to the gun, just about to pick it up, when he heard the soft padding of footsteps in front of him. Looking up, it took him about a second to recognise the figure as Robin Pounds. It took him another second for his brain to process that she was holding a gun. It took one more second for Carlyle to reach for his rifle, his one means of defence.

Those three seconds were all it took for Robin to point the gun at him and send a bullet hurtling into his body.

The pain was instantaneous and unlike anything Carlyle had ever felt before. Worse than falling from his bike, worse than slipping and scraping himself whilst rock climbing, worse than... well, anything. Carlyle made one, last, desperate grab for the rifle, right hand now covering the area of the wound, before he fell down onto his side. He guessed the impact would have felt hard and painful at any other time, but there was now a constant, overriding pain that blotted everything else out.

Slowly, with every movement driving daggers into him, Carlyle rolled onto his back, pulled his hand away from his torso. All he could see was red. Red hoody, red image on his shirt, red palm and growing red stain. This wasn’t supposed to happen. They were supposed to get to safety, find some way of escaping, all of them. But life had a habit of not going the way you wanted, at all, and Carlyle guessed he’d realised that as soon as the school’s name had been announced to take part in the program. There was nothing he could do any more but watch as he bled to death.

At least he couldn’t hear any more gunfire. There were the expected screams, but at least Robin wasn’t firing at his friends. Small comfort, but it was something. At least Louisa, Shawn and Kyle were safe for now. He heard Louisa call out to him, telling him to hold on, but Carlyle knew that wasn’t going to happen. He had maybe a minute left. There wasn’t any other way of telling it.

He just hoped he could see their faces one last time.
[+] Currently Playing
Programmed To Fight
F18 - Nanna-Fiora Kroos - SAFE in Vive Hodie - “So let's be happy instead.” - Kel-Tec KSG
Her Nonary Game begins here

Those Taken
M04 - Galahad Matthews - Fireman's Axe, WASP Injection Knife, Netgun - It went from a spark to an open flame, now destiny's calling out your name - ALIVE
Present - And T'Were Well That She Stood > Cake By The Ocean > Now Look At This Net > P - I - P - E - S > If The Nineth Lion Ate The Sun > Out of the Depths of Sorrow and of Sacrifice
Past - Only Got Bad Things On My Mind When I'm With You
Home- The Man Who Wrote Thriller

SOTF: U!!!! soulja boy tell 'em
P007 - Kay Poultier - XL15 Flamethrower - When all these trees saw us grow, cut our teeth and make our bones right here - ALIVE - [Oceans] > house > Tolerance > world > harbour > tomorrow
The Ship - Shades
Memories - cold > sea > love

A19 - Gabrielle "Gabby" McLeod - Go tell it to the plain clothed officer behind us, what are you, a master of disguise and keeping silent? - ALIVE - EQUIPPED WITH: MAC-10, M1911A1 Water Gun - Lemon Squash > Strawberry House > Uncharitable Circumstances > Galactic Empire
Pregame - Nagito Komaeda

Malachi Harlington - One Room Death Game - 1 Medallion - ALIVE
[+] Remembering those lost
PNK3-Glen Bole-SDA-DEAD-28/66-"Ah well. I guess I'll find out at the nex-"
Weapons: SPAS-12, rather large tree branch, small pair of scissors + double rations
Kills: One (Simon Porter)
Status and Location: Lying dead with a bullet in his head, in Metanoia.
Cause of death: Shot in the head by Vincent Sullivan.

ORA2-Brennan O'Brian-DCHS-DEAD-14/66-I'm sorry...
Weapons: Bottle of LSD labeled "Water Purification Tablets", Colt Anaconda .45 Magnum (2/6, 30/36 in Box), SPAS-12 (Currently lying somewhere on the beach.
Kills: None.
Status and Location: Utterly defeated in Of Moons, Birds and Monsters
Cause of death: Strangled to death by Madelyn Conner

M01-Roy Benson-LIVES x00-21/47-No-one else is gonna get hurt... No-one else is gonna die here...
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: American Flatbow + 10 arrows (Given to Martin Ricco), 2 arrows, Rolling Pin (Burnt in fire started by Delilah Rivers)
Killstreak: N/A
Current Level: Final Level-Devil Nights
Killed By: Player F10-Holly Romero

F08-Amelia Lennon-LIVES x00-9/47-"Katie, Rebecca? … Thank you. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. You deserve to get out of here more than me.”
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: Pick Axe, Bowie Knife (Hurled off of mountain)
Killstreak: One-Player F03-Tania Chell
Current Level: Final Level-The Highest Heights
Killed By: Herself/Fall from mountain

Second Chances
G02-Aileen Borden-DEAD-30/37-How fucking cliche...
Weapons: Hockey Stick
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Staying snarky to the end in Thin Line Between Heaven and Here
Cause of death: Shot by Paige Single.

B01-Glen Bole-DEAD-4/37-“You’re a fucking coward who thinks he’s the big man, now he’s got a gun. You don’t deserve shit.”
Weapons: Binoculars, Sledgehammer, Large shard of glass, Beretta M92F
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Not close enough in The Twilight of our Youth
Cause of death: Shot by Karl Chalmers

The Program v2
M03-Jonathan Roberts-DEAD-19/41-“Hey! Hey, over here!"
Location: Made one too many bad decisions in Virtue's Last Reward
Weapon: Fiddle
Kills: None
Shot by: Anastasia "Tas" Flores

M04-Carlyle Shotton-DEAD-11/41-I... I did alright... didn’t I?
Location: Never quite forgave himself in The Hecate Sisters
Weapon: Kentucky Rifle, Pitchfork
Kills: 1 (Gwen Phonesavanh)
Shot by: Robin Pounds

IS3-Lucia del Pirlo-The Paranoid Painter-“I-I didn’t want to do it! I had to! Just... Please, you have to believe me!”-FOR LEAH
Weapon: Jericho 941
Died in pain and fear in Going Forward

SS1-Bunny Barlowe-The Ace Actress-"Regina! Regina, help me!”-HELLA DEAD
Weapon: Razor Sweet Pea Scooter, Frying Pan
Forever famous in Rock the Flock

Second Chances V2
B07 - Roy D. Benson - “"I'll save a glass of Moxie for you, whenever we meet again."” - DECEASED
Weapon: Kiss of Death
Current Location: Did you really think I'd fall to my knees just to pray for some sweet simplicity?

G18 - Bunny Barlowe - "And I bet you're a coward, too." - DECEASED
Weapon: Maschinenpistole 40, Kevlar Vest, Harpoon gun
Current Location: We Own The Night

Program Prologue
F16 - Faye Xandora - Deceased in Quietus - “I can do that. Watch your back, I mean. I think I might go insane if I’m left by myself.” - Pistol Crossbow
M39 - Morgan Jones - Deceased in Clean Up - “Oh, sweet Jesus, thank fuck you’re still here, I was getting worried for a-“ - Plush 'Hulk Smash' Hands
NPC-M16 - Scott Osbourne - Deceased in Rhizome 9 - "Sorry Mom, sorry Dad." - Caltrops (x5)
NPC-M21 - Joel "JB" Blackwell - Deceased in CQD Ward - "...!" - Yarará Parachute Knife
NPC-F29 - Victoria Bellamy - Deceased in Strange Bedfellows -“And there’s no future at all in a traitor who’ll never become anything more than a penniless skank in the gutter.” - Italian Folding Spetum

The Program V3
F08 - Kat Locke-Baldwin - Bubble gun painted to look like a real gun, Swordcane - Just take a look at my place, it's such a mess, but I'll be out of this space as soon as you tell me where the night is - DEAD
Present - And All Because Of A Snail > When A Curious Hate Oozes Calamity > Schrödinger's Kat in; The Prisonya's Dilemma > What if You... Wanted to go to Heaven... But god said, "ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ɪᴛᴇᴍ ɪɴ ʙᴀɢɢɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴇᴀ" > P - I - P - E - S
Home - Anyway, Here's Wonderwall

Live on your TV now!
JL10: Laura Hakštok - Dead - Weapons: Tannerite Binary Explosive - I got left behind, I got high off my own supply, I got left behind, deep wounds can't die
SANDBOX - Floating - Camp - Worse
MAIN GAME - > Prism > Fugitive > Time > CocaineQuest > Bear > Me > Paradigm

SB04: Bethan Gayle -Dead- Weapons: Pike (Polearm) - When everything is said and done, looking for answers if only one, turn my back the urge has gone, left with no reason we come undone
SANDBOX - 제 눈에 안경이다
MAIN GAME - Blast > Turtle > Excellent > Fix > Someone > Talk > Fight > Shake > Heroes

An International Incident
O12: Matthew Omeruo - DECEASED - Trishula - With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite, how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.
Current Thread: Run From the Sun

Super Dupers
S002: Mercedes Guenther - DECEASED - Which one of us set on fire? Cause we both went up in smoke. Which one of us cut the wire? Ain't no bottom to this hole. - Your Actions Have Consequences
Memories - GROUNDED

Battle Royale... 2!!!
B3: Tatsumichi Oki - Smith & Wesson M59 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol - DECEASED - When the seagulls follow the trawler - “You an’ me, we can do this. Whenever you’re ready.”
[+] The Future Past
TV Season 68
Blythe Gaskell - Ever feel like you can't breathe? Does the water feel too deep? Lie awake cause you can't sleep without it?
TV Season 69
Cormac Gamble
TV Season 70
Brooke Gaskell/Dustin Priestly/Leona Witsel

Verity Callaghan - We're living in the currents you create, we're sinking in the pool of your mistakes.
Reynold "Rey" Fountain - When all that you have's stale and it's cold, oh, you'll no longer feel when your heart's turned to gold.
Quinn Dallaway - I am flesh and I am bone, rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold.
Josie Josephs - You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze
Fiona Cahill - I'm ridiculous, and feeling very particular about my world
Marcia Wolff

Dashiell Thompson - And now I'll never have a chance to be myself, so you can skip me with your heart again
Lazarus McLeod - Instead of carving up the wall, why don't you open up with talk?
Diana Mascherano - From stern to bow, singing land ho, the boat is leaking but we won't let go.
Cameron Light - Come down, and waste away with me, down with me.
Jermaine Urwick - Don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we'll all float on all right.
Maya Dagenham - She hates it when I shout these words, but I'll still sing for you.
Ivor Faraday - Swung and missed, I put my heart in this mythical holy good guy I want so bad to be.
Winter Juson - And you know you're a terrible sight, but you'll be just fine, just don't believe the hype.
Miranda West - And why'd you say it's just another day, nothing in my way?
Raleigh Quinn
Percy Tsu
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Shawn was cooperating. Carlyle was bleeding on the ground, and didn't look like he'd be getting up. Louisa and Kyle were stunned into immobility. Everything was, for once, working out just as it was supposed to. Robin's grin was getting wider by the second, stretching her dry lips. She flicked her tongue over them to keep them from cracking.

Stooping for a moment, she scooped up the rifle. Now she had teeth to back up her threats; luckily, the others didn't seem to have realized she'd fired her only bullet at Carlyle. Of course, there was no telling if his weapon was even loaded, but that would be something to worry about later. For now, she was taking what she wanted and getting clear.

"Come on, Shawn," she said. "This way. You walk in front. Nothing funny, and I won't shoot anyone else."

Because at the end of the day, what Shawn cared so much about was protecting the helpless, and Robin had the others dead to rights. She could probably have opened up on them with the rifle if it had bullets in it, but she wasn't at all sure she'd've been able to finish off everyone before one of them reached her, and besides, they weren't important in the end. Let the other killers do their own work; what she wanted was Shawn, and now he'd have no choice but to follow her lead.

Slowly, right hand supporting the pistol and keeping it trained on the others, left carrying the rifle, Robin backed up. She was sure Shawn would be right there with her, and soon they'd finish their business personally, like it should have been in the first place.

((Robin Pounds continued in 68°))
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Post by CondorTalon »

Robin was leading him away rom the group. Leading him away so that she could have him for herself. And then what? Shawn felt, for the first time since he awoke, that he was really going to die.

It wasn't a good feeling.

He heard Kyle weeping behind him, Louisa shouting to Carlyle to hold on.

He shut his eyes, and clenched his fists. He took a deep breath. Two. Three.

"Don't worry about me, guys," he said, addressing them, "Everything will be fine."

He took a few more steps forward.

"I'll be alright."

He looked back at Kyle, on his knees. Louisa, shouting over to Carlyle. He was on the ground, a pool of red forming beneath him, his life slowly leaving his body.

"Carlyle... I'm sorry..." he whispered.

((Shawn Bowe-Crooke continued 68°.))
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

Kyle remained on the ground, still crying as Shawn left with Robin. He cried away the hope that finding Louisa had given him. There was nothing tht he could do for Carlyle now. His friend was dying and he was powerless to stop it. He had been worthless in the end. The encounter before had been a fluke. Nothing less than total and complete cowardice was what Kyle had shown just now.

And to add insult to injury he was too selfish and afraid for his own life to comfort his friend and brother in his last moments. Kyle felt nothing but bitterness and hatred in his soul. Though he still wept, it was not with tears of fear but of anger.

He got up after he was sure Robin had left, wiped away the tears. He walked to Carlyle.

"I-I'm not sure if you can still hear me now, Carlyle. But I need to say I'm sorry. I should have done something, anything. I'm so sorry." He knelt, and took Calyle's hand in his. He bowed his head and sent what remained of his soul with his friend.

"I need to do something, Louisa. Something terrible." He picked up the pitchfork and got up. "Forget survival, forget innocence, forget purity. Now is the time for justice. Murderers like Robin have run amok long enough without being put in their place. If you can't forgive the path I'm going to take from now on, I understand. I pray you live to the end for all of us." He looked back at Carlyle.

"But not me. Now I will become Justice for the dead. Every murderer who has yet to repent and absolve themselves of their actions will be punished by my hand. And if I ever see Robin again, God give her mercy, because I won't."

He turned back to face Louisa.

"If this is where we part ways, so be it. Just know that I will always treasure the time we spent together. You, me, and Carlyle."
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Post by Laurels »

((All GMing approved))

As soon as Robin and Shawn walked away, Louisa hurried over to Carlyle's body. Kyle had also moved over, and taken Carlyle's hand in his, asking for forgiveness. Louisa looked over Carlyle's body. There wasn't any way to save him. Robin had made sure of it when she shot him up close.

Louisa couldn't believe she was watching another friend die. She was so wrapped up in her emotions that she wasn't able to help him.

Just like with Maxim...

Louisa then grabbed Carlyle's other hand and held it softly. These were Carlyle's final moments, and she had to make sure he was okay.

...but I can at least comfort this friend as he dies.

"I'm sorry, Carlyle," she said. "But don't worry, it's going to be fine now. We'll all see each other soon. Just know that we love you so much."

Louisa tightened her grip on his hand. She wasn't going to let go. Not yet.

Louisa still held Carlyle's hand as Kyle stood up and announced his intentions. She was amazed at the anger Kyle displayed, something she hadn't seen before. He grabbed the pitchfork and told her that he was going to kill Robin and any killer who showed no regret for their actions. Louisa suddenly felt frightened.

Good God, was this what I was like when Maxim died?

Kyle also told Louisa that he was fine if she wanted to separate. Louisa looked back at Carlyle, then back at Kyle.

"Kyle, I'm not leaving you. Not ever again. But you can't just toss aside all your morals and give in to hate. I did that, and that's how several people died."

Louisa tightened her grip on Carlyle's hand as tears began to fall from his eyes.

"I reunited with Maxim right as Brian attacked us. I was unable to do anything as he stabbed my best friend to death. Then I lost it. I followed him across the valley, and in my anger and grief, I shot him in the head. It was the worst thing I've ever done in my life, and I don't feel any better for doing it."

Louisa's hand began to shake.

"Please, Kyle. Please have some clarity now. Don't completely lose yourself to the pain. I don't want to see you die in such a state."

Louisa covered her eyes with her free hand and began to sob.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Location: I'm Pip!
Team Affiliation: Stephanie's Buccaneers


Post by Pippi »

It was getting harder and harder to see. The fact sent a small jolt of panic through Carlyle. He’d accepted that he was about to die, there wasn’t any way of telling himself otherwise, but the fact that it was actually happening... there was no way anybody could be prepared for this.

He could hear footsteps. Two sets of them moving slowly. He guessed that was Shawn and Robin leaving. At least Louisa and Kyle were safe, then. A few seconds, more footsteps, slightly faster paced, which he guessed belonged to Louisa and Kyle. Or maybe he was mistaken. Maybe Shawn and Robin were still here, and Robin really had only been killing accidentally. It would be fitting really. Start the game with an accidental kill, and go out via the same means.

Carlyle wasn’t exactly a great believer in karma, but if it did exist, then he guessed that this was karma for his shooting of Gwen. Even after all this time, even though he and all his friends knew it was an accident, he hadn’t truly forgiven himself for doing so.

It still didn’t seem fair, somehow.

Carlyle could feel Louisa and Kyle’s hands holding his own. He could vaguely see them, tell who it was by their voices. In a sense, he was lucky. He wouldn’t be dying alone. His friends were here with him until the end. It was more than could be said for Gwen, at least.

“S-sorry... guys... guess my time’s... up...” Carlyle muttered, trying to force a smile onto his face. He was going to die, there was no use lying to himself. He wasn’t even sure if Louisa and Kyle could hear him, wasn’t certain if the words were truly coming out of his mouth or if he was just thinking them. That wasn’t the important part. Carlyle just wanted to die as himself.

He hoped that Louisa was wrong, that they wouldn’t see each other anytime soon, because Kyle and Louisa and Shawn didn’t deserve to die in some lonesome place far away from home.

Home. Carlyle’s mind briefly flickered back to home. He wondered what his family’s reaction would be. Mom, dad, Hayley and Isobel. They’d be in mourning, obviously. But would they have forgiven him for Gwen? Would they be proud of him, for what else he’d done during the Program?

I... I did alright... didn’t I?

Carlyle had never been that afraid of death. It wasn’t something he contemplated every day, but something about the unknown put him at ease. There could be anything beyond death. Heaven, reincarnation, Valhalla, literally anything. Carlyle had always believed that there was something after death, although he’d had no idea what.

He guessed now was his time to find out.

[+] Currently Playing
Programmed To Fight
F18 - Nanna-Fiora Kroos - SAFE in Vive Hodie - “So let's be happy instead.” - Kel-Tec KSG
Her Nonary Game begins here

Those Taken
M04 - Galahad Matthews - Fireman's Axe, WASP Injection Knife, Netgun - It went from a spark to an open flame, now destiny's calling out your name - ALIVE
Present - And T'Were Well That She Stood > Cake By The Ocean > Now Look At This Net > P - I - P - E - S > If The Nineth Lion Ate The Sun > Out of the Depths of Sorrow and of Sacrifice
Past - Only Got Bad Things On My Mind When I'm With You
Home- The Man Who Wrote Thriller

SOTF: U!!!! soulja boy tell 'em
P007 - Kay Poultier - XL15 Flamethrower - When all these trees saw us grow, cut our teeth and make our bones right here - ALIVE - [Oceans] > house > Tolerance > world > harbour > tomorrow
The Ship - Shades
Memories - cold > sea > love

A19 - Gabrielle "Gabby" McLeod - Go tell it to the plain clothed officer behind us, what are you, a master of disguise and keeping silent? - ALIVE - EQUIPPED WITH: MAC-10, M1911A1 Water Gun - Lemon Squash > Strawberry House > Uncharitable Circumstances > Galactic Empire
Pregame - Nagito Komaeda

Malachi Harlington - One Room Death Game - 1 Medallion - ALIVE
[+] Remembering those lost
PNK3-Glen Bole-SDA-DEAD-28/66-"Ah well. I guess I'll find out at the nex-"
Weapons: SPAS-12, rather large tree branch, small pair of scissors + double rations
Kills: One (Simon Porter)
Status and Location: Lying dead with a bullet in his head, in Metanoia.
Cause of death: Shot in the head by Vincent Sullivan.

ORA2-Brennan O'Brian-DCHS-DEAD-14/66-I'm sorry...
Weapons: Bottle of LSD labeled "Water Purification Tablets", Colt Anaconda .45 Magnum (2/6, 30/36 in Box), SPAS-12 (Currently lying somewhere on the beach.
Kills: None.
Status and Location: Utterly defeated in Of Moons, Birds and Monsters
Cause of death: Strangled to death by Madelyn Conner

M01-Roy Benson-LIVES x00-21/47-No-one else is gonna get hurt... No-one else is gonna die here...
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: American Flatbow + 10 arrows (Given to Martin Ricco), 2 arrows, Rolling Pin (Burnt in fire started by Delilah Rivers)
Killstreak: N/A
Current Level: Final Level-Devil Nights
Killed By: Player F10-Holly Romero

F08-Amelia Lennon-LIVES x00-9/47-"Katie, Rebecca? … Thank you. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. You deserve to get out of here more than me.”
Current Weapons Equipped: N/A
Weapons Discarded: Pick Axe, Bowie Knife (Hurled off of mountain)
Killstreak: One-Player F03-Tania Chell
Current Level: Final Level-The Highest Heights
Killed By: Herself/Fall from mountain

Second Chances
G02-Aileen Borden-DEAD-30/37-How fucking cliche...
Weapons: Hockey Stick
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Staying snarky to the end in Thin Line Between Heaven and Here
Cause of death: Shot by Paige Single.

B01-Glen Bole-DEAD-4/37-“You’re a fucking coward who thinks he’s the big man, now he’s got a gun. You don’t deserve shit.”
Weapons: Binoculars, Sledgehammer, Large shard of glass, Beretta M92F
Kills: Zero
Status and location: Not close enough in The Twilight of our Youth
Cause of death: Shot by Karl Chalmers

The Program v2
M03-Jonathan Roberts-DEAD-19/41-“Hey! Hey, over here!"
Location: Made one too many bad decisions in Virtue's Last Reward
Weapon: Fiddle
Kills: None
Shot by: Anastasia "Tas" Flores

M04-Carlyle Shotton-DEAD-11/41-I... I did alright... didn’t I?
Location: Never quite forgave himself in The Hecate Sisters
Weapon: Kentucky Rifle, Pitchfork
Kills: 1 (Gwen Phonesavanh)
Shot by: Robin Pounds

IS3-Lucia del Pirlo-The Paranoid Painter-“I-I didn’t want to do it! I had to! Just... Please, you have to believe me!”-FOR LEAH
Weapon: Jericho 941
Died in pain and fear in Going Forward

SS1-Bunny Barlowe-The Ace Actress-"Regina! Regina, help me!”-HELLA DEAD
Weapon: Razor Sweet Pea Scooter, Frying Pan
Forever famous in Rock the Flock

Second Chances V2
B07 - Roy D. Benson - “"I'll save a glass of Moxie for you, whenever we meet again."” - DECEASED
Weapon: Kiss of Death
Current Location: Did you really think I'd fall to my knees just to pray for some sweet simplicity?

G18 - Bunny Barlowe - "And I bet you're a coward, too." - DECEASED
Weapon: Maschinenpistole 40, Kevlar Vest, Harpoon gun
Current Location: We Own The Night

Program Prologue
F16 - Faye Xandora - Deceased in Quietus - “I can do that. Watch your back, I mean. I think I might go insane if I’m left by myself.” - Pistol Crossbow
M39 - Morgan Jones - Deceased in Clean Up - “Oh, sweet Jesus, thank fuck you’re still here, I was getting worried for a-“ - Plush 'Hulk Smash' Hands
NPC-M16 - Scott Osbourne - Deceased in Rhizome 9 - "Sorry Mom, sorry Dad." - Caltrops (x5)
NPC-M21 - Joel "JB" Blackwell - Deceased in CQD Ward - "...!" - Yarará Parachute Knife
NPC-F29 - Victoria Bellamy - Deceased in Strange Bedfellows -“And there’s no future at all in a traitor who’ll never become anything more than a penniless skank in the gutter.” - Italian Folding Spetum

The Program V3
F08 - Kat Locke-Baldwin - Bubble gun painted to look like a real gun, Swordcane - Just take a look at my place, it's such a mess, but I'll be out of this space as soon as you tell me where the night is - DEAD
Present - And All Because Of A Snail > When A Curious Hate Oozes Calamity > Schrödinger's Kat in; The Prisonya's Dilemma > What if You... Wanted to go to Heaven... But god said, "ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ɪᴛᴇᴍ ɪɴ ʙᴀɢɢɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴇᴀ" > P - I - P - E - S
Home - Anyway, Here's Wonderwall

Live on your TV now!
JL10: Laura Hakštok - Dead - Weapons: Tannerite Binary Explosive - I got left behind, I got high off my own supply, I got left behind, deep wounds can't die
SANDBOX - Floating - Camp - Worse
MAIN GAME - > Prism > Fugitive > Time > CocaineQuest > Bear > Me > Paradigm

SB04: Bethan Gayle -Dead- Weapons: Pike (Polearm) - When everything is said and done, looking for answers if only one, turn my back the urge has gone, left with no reason we come undone
SANDBOX - 제 눈에 안경이다
MAIN GAME - Blast > Turtle > Excellent > Fix > Someone > Talk > Fight > Shake > Heroes

An International Incident
O12: Matthew Omeruo - DECEASED - Trishula - With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite, how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.
Current Thread: Run From the Sun

Super Dupers
S002: Mercedes Guenther - DECEASED - Which one of us set on fire? Cause we both went up in smoke. Which one of us cut the wire? Ain't no bottom to this hole. - Your Actions Have Consequences
Memories - GROUNDED

Battle Royale... 2!!!
B3: Tatsumichi Oki - Smith & Wesson M59 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol - DECEASED - When the seagulls follow the trawler - “You an’ me, we can do this. Whenever you’re ready.”
[+] The Future Past
TV Season 68
Blythe Gaskell - Ever feel like you can't breathe? Does the water feel too deep? Lie awake cause you can't sleep without it?
TV Season 69
Cormac Gamble
TV Season 70
Brooke Gaskell/Dustin Priestly/Leona Witsel

Verity Callaghan - We're living in the currents you create, we're sinking in the pool of your mistakes.
Reynold "Rey" Fountain - When all that you have's stale and it's cold, oh, you'll no longer feel when your heart's turned to gold.
Quinn Dallaway - I am flesh and I am bone, rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold.
Josie Josephs - You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze
Fiona Cahill - I'm ridiculous, and feeling very particular about my world
Marcia Wolff

Dashiell Thompson - And now I'll never have a chance to be myself, so you can skip me with your heart again
Lazarus McLeod - Instead of carving up the wall, why don't you open up with talk?
Diana Mascherano - From stern to bow, singing land ho, the boat is leaking but we won't let go.
Cameron Light - Come down, and waste away with me, down with me.
Jermaine Urwick - Don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we'll all float on all right.
Maya Dagenham - She hates it when I shout these words, but I'll still sing for you.
Ivor Faraday - Swung and missed, I put my heart in this mythical holy good guy I want so bad to be.
Winter Juson - And you know you're a terrible sight, but you'll be just fine, just don't believe the hype.
Miranda West - And why'd you say it's just another day, nothing in my way?
Raleigh Quinn
Percy Tsu
Posts: 536
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:43 am
Team Affiliation: Emmy's Selkies


Post by Lord_Shadow »

Seeing Louisa in the state she was, combined with her words pleading for him not to go down his path, tore at Kyle's heart. What was he doing? What was he saying? Had he not promised Carlyle that he wouldn't take part in this?

The plan was to find Louisa, then go with Shawn, Carlyle, Louisa, and himself and wait this thing out. Be the last people left in the valley. Where did Kyle think he could get off trying to get revenge?

But he still had that rage within him, and he couldn't shake it. His voice cracked as he tried to articulate his thoughts. "It can't be that simple. I can't just let this go because you ask me to! Carlyle died because Robin went uncontested. Maxim died because Brian was allowed to go on with no one to stop him!"

He screamed in frustration.

"This place is MAKING ME CRAZY!" He tossed the pitchfork to the ground.

And then he went and knelt beside Louisa, placing a hand on her head.

"I can't promise I won't kill those bastards if we come across them. But I'll do my best to stay true to our intentions. Not for you, or Carlyle, Shawn, Josie, or anyone else. I'll try because someone has to show everyone what a sham the Program is."

He felt the anger, and the despair. But he would try to rekindle that hope.
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Posts: 943
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:25 pm


Post by Laurels »

Louisa looked up as Kyle continued to rant. It didn't look like she could change his mind about killing the players. If anything, that was practically the lesson Louisa was being given repeatedly here in the valley. She was constantly finding out that people wouldn't do as she asked or said. She could be articulate, but not everyone would obey. She knew she could never be a politician at this rate, much less a philosopher.

When Kyle threw the pitchfork in anger, Louisa let out a small cry. He then knelt down beside her and touched her head, telling her that he would show what a sham this game was.

"If anyone can show what a sham this is, I get it would be us," she said, wiping her eyes.

"I guess the biggest sham would be to deprive them of what they want. No blood, no suffering, no madness."

Louisa fell silent. Then, she lifted her head up.

No winner.

"Kyle, do you have something to write with?"
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Posts: 536
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:43 am
Team Affiliation: Emmy's Selkies


Post by Lord_Shadow »

She was disappointed in him, he guessed. Kyle hadn't said he wouldn't kill people. Louisa half-heartedly agreed with trying to show up the Program for what it was. And then she surprised him by asking for something to write with.

He blinked and shook his head. "Not even, I don't think anyone got anything like that."

Then he looked at the pitchfork.

He looked back at Louisa. "There's always blood. Somehow though, I don't think it would be appropriate for whatever message you have in mind."

Kyle went and retrieved it anyway. He had not idea what Louisa had in mind, but he felt compelled to help her at least with that. Maybe it would help him work through his anger. "If it needs to be a static message, I could probably scratch out a strongly worded letter on the ground. One of the cameras should see it. Just tell me what you want to say."

"Or you could do it yourself if you want," he said holding out the pitchfork "I don't mind."

Somehow the absurdity of the situation was actually helping to relieve his frustration, despite it all. He only wished that the help woud carry.
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Posts: 943
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:25 pm


Post by Laurels »

It looked like Kyle didn't have anything to write with. How disappointing. Louisa now wished she kept a pen on hand during Announcement Day.

Well, doesn't look like I have many options left.

Louisa shook her head when Kyle offered her the pitchfork.

"No, it's fine. I'll just write it on the ground with my finger. Look close so you can see."

Louisa brushed some of the pine needles on the ground away. She pressed deep into the dirt with her finger and began to write. She couldn't make it too big or the cameras would see, so she needed to position herself in a way to cover it up.

Louisa continued to write until she was satisfied with her message.


Louisa looked up at Kyle. She wasn't sure how he would take this message, but she sincerely hoped he wouldn't take it too horribly.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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