Lonely Hearts Club


Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Lonely Hearts Club


Post by Sansa »

Dear ....................,
You are cordially invited to attend the belated eighteenth birthday celebrations of my daughter Mirabella on the date of Saturday, the 17th of September 2011. Said celebrations shall occur from 10am to 10pm, but late arrivals and early departures are always acceptable. Gifts and food will be eagerly welcomed, although I must insist that items containing alcohol or illegal drugs will not be tolerated. There is no set theme for this party, although all attendants should be dressed in formal attire.
Yours, Avis Isabella de Pensée Strong

Mirabella rolled her eyes as she read over the paper again. She wouldn't normally have let her mother write the invitations, but the whole thing had been so hastily organised that she had no other option but let Avis pepper her verbosity over the pages of artistically tea-stained paper.

Her mother and father had vacated the Strong residence temporarily to fetch last-minute groceries and decorations, leaving their daughter to welcome their guests as they made their way up the rose-lined gravel path.

Lying down upon the café-au-lait leatherette couch that sat at the centre of the living room, Mirabella pulled a green-and-yellow pill from a foil casing and methodically gulped it down with half a glass of tonic water. Mirabella wouldn't normally leave it this late for her medication, but she wanted to time it so that she didn't need to pop too many pills in view of her classmates. She knew at least some of them were fully aware of her anxiety issues, but she couldn't be sure who, and didn't want too many people to know.

Placing the remaining pills back into her purse, Mirabella returned to her bedroom to make sure that everything was in perfect order. It was always well-maintained, but today she wanted it to be in its best condition for any potential surveyors. She didn't usually have people over, and she wanted to give any first-time visitors a good impression.

She glanced towards the mirror that hung above her bookshelf and checked her hair and collar. A barrette had slipped out of place, but moving it back would mean the alteration of all five of its brethren. After a short period of thinking she decided to grab her favoured beret and place it over the askew hair clip.

Mirabella returned to the kitchen, where a tray of biscotti and coffee sat on the table, as a snack for the arriving guests. She hoped it would be enough, but that would mean the guests would total around three.

She'd sent the invitations out to several of her classmates. All of her fellow debate, swim, and writing members had received one, as well as the more amiable members of the school's student body, but how many would attend this gathering was unknown to her.

The family clock ticking in the background, Mirabella returned to her seat, humming tunelessly. Before she could get too relaxed, however, a sharp knocking emanated from outside, signaling her first guest.

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Post by Laurels »

((Rachael Langdon continued from Exposition-->Rising Action))

Wow. This is Mirabella's house?

Rachael stood outside and gazed at the house before her. She never realized that Mirabella lived in such a nice house. She particularly liked the rose bushes out front. She always thought that houses that had rose bushes looked the most fantastic. It made her feel like she was stepping into a fairy tale.

Rachael was a bit surprised to receive an invitation to Mirabella's party. She had always gotten along with Mirabella in school and in Writing Club, but she never imagined that she would get invited to her birthday. Rachael figured Mirabella would have friends she'd think of before Rachael. Still from the elegance of the invitation, Rachael assumed Mirabella was trying to be as open as possible. It was her eighteenth birthday, the first real birthday a child had when they gained actual adult responsibilities like voting and enlisting in the military. Rachael wouldn't be eighteen until May, so she imagined it was an exciting birthday. Plus, it might be fun to go to the party.

Rachael hadn't spent that much time preparing for the party. It took one day of shopping for her to find everything she would need for the party. She found a knee length white dress with a light green leaf print at the mall along with a dark green cardigan. For Mirabella's gift, she knew that the girl was really into writing, probably as much as Rachael was, so Rachael found her a nice leather bound journal and a good pen to go with it. She hoped Mirabella would appreciate it.

Rachael felt she was adequately prepared for the party, having spent the morning getting herself dressed and ready to go. She doubted she'd stay the entire time (part of her wondered if they really had enough planned for twelve hours), but she would at least attempt to make the most of this day.

Rachael had reached the door of Mirabella's house. She held the bag containing her present in one hand as she raised her other hand to knock on the door. She stepped back a bit and waited to be let in.

Okay, let's have some fun. It's going to be a good day.
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Post by Sansa »

"Rachael! Good morning. You're well, I trust?"

Opening the front door, Mirabella was greeted with the pleasant sight of her friend and fellow Writing Club member Rachael Langdon, adorned in a pretty leaf-print dress. Mirabella had always slightly envied Rachael's appearance. She looked so prim and proper, much like Mirabella aspired to be, but Rachael succeeded much more.

She noticed the other girl glancing at the rose planters that lined the path towards the small portico that housed their front door, and couldn't help but comment on it.

"You like the roses? My mother's idea. She isn't the most capable gardener, but she has nice ideas. I hope you don't mind the more...subdued decor inside. My mother says that as long as the outside makes the neighbours jealous, then she doesn't mind what the inside looks like."

She paused, and then realised how odd she must seem, chattering about rose bushes instead of inviting Rachael inside. Her eyes fluttered towards the bag in Rachael's hand, but she decided not to bring it up. She didn't want to seem self-absorbed now, did she?

"Oh my...how silly of me. Do come in, Rachael."

She led the way inside, stepping onto plush carpet. She waved towards the leatherette furniture that took up most of their living room.

"Take a seat if you'd like. There's some coffee and biscotti in the kitchen--my mother insisted on me having it ready--but there's chocolate and fruit and chips and some other things if you'd like."

She smiled at Rachael. This ought to be a good day.
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Post by Laurels »

Rachael gave a small smile as Mirabella invited her in the house. She took a quick look around the room. It looked very lovely. Mirabella's family must have had some serious taste or could afford a good interior decorator. Either way, Rachael felt very welcomed.

Mirabella then pointed out the area Rachael could sit, as well as where the food was. Rachael nodded and made her way to the food, setting the present on the counter. She grabbed a cup and poured herself a cup of coffee. As she began to add some cream and sugar, she took a look at the spread. It looked like Mirabella's parents really planned a fancy party for her. It felt more like they were gathering at an event at a country club than a teenager's birthday.

Rachael took the coffee and the present and made her way to the living room. She wasn't feeling hungry yet, so she'd help herself to the food later. She sat down on one of the couches, making sure to not spill the coffee as she did.

"Thank you for the invitation," she said, placing the present on the floor. "You have a nice home."

Rachael took a quick sip of coffee. It looked like she was the first to arrive, and she wondered who else would come.
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Post by Sansa »

"You're welcome, Rachael, and...thank you. I'm sure my mother would be glad to hear it," said Mirabella as she poured herself a drink. Her father had prepared the coffee, and he preferred it bitter, so she made sure to add plenty of sweetener and cream to her mug. She noted how Rachael had done the same with her drink, and how cautious she was being as she sat on one of the couches.

Placing a pair of patterned coasters on the nearby table, Mirabella sat next to Rachael, adjusting her beret. It seemed so silly to be wearing it indoors; she vowed to fix her barrettes when she had a spare moment, and place her hat aside. Rachael looked so pensive, sitting there with mug in hand.

"Is everything okay, Rachael? You look a bit nervous. Please don't be. In fact...why don't we go to my room while we wait for some others to arrive. It's a little less...sterile. We could watch some television, or play a board game or listen to some music...hey, you do yoga, don't you? Do you think you could...show me some moves or whatever you call them? And-"

She noticed the package that Rachael had gently placed on the floor. Mirabella had always been a fan of presents. The anticipation of receiving a gift and methodically unwrapping it, no matter what the contents were, was always a joy to her.

"Um...I hate to seem odd, but...that...on the floor...is that for me?"
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Post by Jilly »

Ding dong

Megan drew back her hand and took a moment to take a deep breath. One nice, continuous breath, with one nice, continuous expelling of air to release all of the tension. After all, no one can be a classy lassy by being full of tension.

Megan was a little surprised to get that rather formal invitation from Bella. Despite being a good person to talk to about books or teaming up for group assignments, they really didn't do anything outside of a school setting. But there she was, getting an invitation to a fancy birthday party for one of her few female friends. Megan figured she sent out a lot of them anyway, but it made her feel good to be considered.

Although Megan hasn't had an opportunity to hang out with Bella outside of school, she figured today would be a nice change of pace. Twelve hours was probably pushing it a little, but she figured it would be fine if she left a little early. At least she would find out more stuff like how Bella lives in such a pimped out house.

Megan took one last look in the green gift bag, making sure everything was there. She really wished that Bella would find the humor in her gift of literature of Snooky's A Shore Thing or wished she even noticed the $20 Barnes & Noble gift card taped on the back of the front cover. Hopefully Bella wouldn't think Megan as being unoriginal with giving a gift card, but it was honestly the only thing she could think of.

Megan didn't really spend a lot of time to prepare besides the time to wait for the book to arrive from Amazon.com. She had picked out an old dress, but on her own birthday just the day before, she got a nice black dress with little white polka-dots and a black sashe. It was rather monochromatic, but who needs colors when you have fanciness?

Another deep breath...and okay. Time to be a fancy young lady for a fancy birthday party.
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Post by Laurels »

Mirabella sat on the couch next to Rachael. Almost as soon as she did, Mirabella began to ask if Rachael was feeling uncomfortable about being there. She then began to list a few things they could do, such as playing games or doing yoga. Rachael held the cup of coffee from her mouth and took a long sip.

Did I somehow give her the impression I'm uncomfortable? I thought she asked me to sit here while we wait for others to show up. Oh great, I must come off as really timid. Is it because of how I'm sitting? Is my posture putting her off?

Mirabella then asked about the present sitting on the floor. Rachael moved her cup away from her mouth.

"Oh, y-yes, that gift is for you," she explained to Mirabella. "It's your birthday, so it only seems natural to bring a gift. And don't worry, I'm perfectly fi-"

Just then, the doorbell rang. Rachael quickly turned her head towards the front door.

Perfect, someone else is here. I wonder who it is?
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Post by Sansa »

Mirabella paused. She'd just misinterpreted a minor caution as something more complicated, hadn't she? Her father's perspicacity for such matters was well-known to her and her mother, and her subconscious must be causing her to try (and subsequently fail) to emulate him in that regard. Rachael was just being polite, that was all.

She was just being polite...not everybody has issues like you, Mirabella.

Mirabella knew that she must've made an error in her judgement when Rachael stammered slightly in her explanation of the package on the lettuce-green carpet. Rachael seemed about to confirm her comfortableness in the somewhat vacant living room when the doorbell rang. Mirabella had never cared for the doorbell; it was a garish thing; she thought its installation was superfluous when there was a perfectly good lion-shaped knocker engraved in bronze already there.

Wincing as the two-toned bell rang throughout the room, Mirabella began to prepare to welcome the newest arrival. Delicately traversing the plush carpet, she paused to place Rachael's gift onto the nearby table beside her half-empty mug of coffee, which still had a cloud of steam rising from within.

Opening the door, she was greeted with the sight of Megan Emerson standing on the doorstep, dressed in a black dress dotted with white spots, and carrying a gift bag in her hands. To be truthful, the girl's presence was a surprise to Mirabella. Sending an invitation out to Megan occurred almost as an afterthought. However, she had a good sense of humour and a good eye for literature, so she was glad for the new arrival.

"Oh, hello Megan. I'm glad you could make it. Rachael's here as well. There's some coffee and biscotti on a tray, with cream and sugar. Although...the pots half-empty, I think. Uh...do come in."
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Post by Jilly »

Megan took a step inside the door, getting a better view of the room inside. Whoever was the interior decorator certainly had some taste, as there was no kitsch to be seen. Maybe it was just one of the parents' "things", like someone who keeps a clean house except turned up to 11. Megan herself couldn't imagine living somewhere so spotless, but it was always interesting to see how other people's homes were.

"I could go for some coffee, actually...oh, and happy birthday, Bella!" Megan presented the present to Bella. She looked for a place to set her gift bag down; upon seeing the other bag on the table, she set her gift beside it, taking care not to spill the coffee mug that also sat on the table.

It was then that she really noticed the other girl sitting down. Rachael Langdon. Although Megan never talked to her, she thought Rachael was a rather nice girl. Megan always pegged her to be one of those quiet people who put up walls around people they don't really know, kind of like Megan herself now that she thought about it. Anyway, it looked like Bella was able to chip away at the wall.

Deciding to not say anything for now, Megan made her way to the snack layout. It was quite a fancy spread for a fancy party, but she decided to save the food for later. Since this was the earliest she has been up on a day off for quite some time, a cup of coffee sounded really good. She poured some out from the depleting supply, and after being satisfied with the amount in the cup, went back into the living room to join the other girls.
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Post by Laurels »

Rachael watched Mirabella go answer the door. She continued to sip her coffee quietly as Mirabella greeted the person at the door. Megan Emerson walked in, placing her gift on the table next to Rachael's. Megan didn't say anything to Rachael, but Rachael acknowledged her with a nod and a small grin.

Megan wasn't someone Rachael really knew in school. She knew Megan was into reading, but not much else. She wasn't someone Rachael seemed to have a whole lot in common with. Still, they had Mirabella as a tie, so that had to be good.

Rachael looked at the present Megan set on the table.

Did we both get Mirabella books of some kind? Well, as long as she didn't get her a journal, that shouldn't be an issue. Unless Mirabella is the type of person to burn through those really quickly. Or she could keep one as a diary and another as a notebook for story ideas.

Rachael took another sip of coffee. She wondered if anyone else would show up.
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Post by Sansa »

Mirabella returned to her seat as Megan briefly vacated it to fetch herself a mug of coffee. With Megan having prepared herself a cup, it was likely that the pot would only sustain one more drink before she had to prepare a new batch. As Megan returned to the room, a mug in hand, Mirabella felt compelled to reflect on the greeting Megan had given as she entered the room.

"Oh, Megan, it's not actually my birthday today. It was on Wednesday. Mother always insists that we should devote an entire day to someone's birthday, and, well, with school and all, it usually falls on the weekend with me."

She smiled, glancing towards the two neatly placed presents. Both were similar in size; books, or something similar, no doubt. Given that her strongest connection with the pair was through literature-related activities, it seemed a natural gift choice.

Still, you could never be too sure.

"Uh...anyhow, yay! Presents! Uh...should we open them now, or wait until someone else shows up or...ah, I knew I should have thought this out more before today. I mean...not that I didn't plan anything..."

She blinked, rubbing the side of her neck. Today must be an off-day for her loquacious sensibilities.

"So...yeah. What do you want to do?"
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Post by Jilly »

Megan sat on the empty couch, coffee in hand. "...Oh, I know...I just didn't want to barge in without saying anything...hehe." Megan's eyes darted around as she quickly took her first sip of the coffee. Did she really not know it wasn't Bella's birthday today? Just blame it on only being awake for like an hour, or being nervous or something...yeah, it's just nerves.

Maybe everyone was nervous; at least Bella seemed so, almost trailing off into some sort of self-deprecating rant about being prepared. Megan took a drink and chimed in, "I think you should wait to open presents, or at least until more people get here...not that I'm trying to dictate how you run your party or anything...just saying..."

Megan's eyes met with Rachel's as Megan took another quick sip; hopefully the "please agree with me unless you want 'A Very Neurotic Birthday' to go down" message would reach across the wall.
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Post by Laurels »

"You should wait," Rachael added in response to Mirabella's question about the presents. "It's a little early to start, and other people might show up."

Mirabella then asked what they should do. Rachael found that to be a bit strange. She sort of figured Mirabella would have had some events planned for her birthday. Seeing as they were asked to attend in formal wear and be there for twelve hours, she figured there would be something planned.

Well, maybe she has something in mind for when others show up.

Rachael set her cup on the table.

"It's your birthday," she said to Mirabella, "you should decide."
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Post by Sansa »

"Hmm. I think I will. Wait until more people arrive, I mean."

Mirabella glanced towards the presents again. They looked so tempting...

"Ah...but, anyway...about what we're going to do. Well, I..."


"Well, I'm eighteen now, and I've...I've realised that the whole world will be open to me soon. Well, to all of us, really. This time next year...we won't be in school, we won't have French lessons or writing club meetings or tutorials or hurriedly copied homework as the teacher bares down upon us...this part of our lives is almost over, and I...we're not children anymore. So I thought that as we enter the initial stages of adulthood we should revisit our childhood activites. Y'know, hide and go seek, pin the tail on the donkey...it sounds odd, I know, but...we're never really going to have a chance to do those things again, are we?"

Well. That turned out to be a longer spiel than she had anticipated when she'd started it.

Breathless Bella. What father used to call me. Until mother interjected with "Mirabella the Multiloquent."

"And...the formal attire. My mother's insistence. She's quite the stickler for this sort of thing. I wouldn't have minded if you'd turned up in a t-shirt and slacks, really."


"So, anyone for mouse trap?"
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Post by Jilly »

"...I could go for some Mouse Trap. I haven't played that shi-." Megan cleared her throat as she set the coffee cup down. "I mean, I haven't played that since I was like eight." Geez, how what she going to be a fancy lady if she can't catch herself from dropping swear words casually?

At least it seemed like Bella was calming down...well, kind of. Poor girl; she was always so anxious. But if today was going to be all about her, it would help if she weren't such a nervous Nellie.

"Anyway, don't worry about the formal dress code or anything. I think it's pretty unique." Megan gave a reassuring smile. "So, yeah, some Mouse Trap sounds good right now, but really anything other than Monopoly is fine with me."
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