the modren man

(Daniella's cabin, TW for sex work references + general sexual sich)

The NRV Frontier is a state-of-the-art nuclear powered research vessel; one of only five civilian nuclear-powered ships in existence, it was purpose-built as a joint project between Janus-Hayes and the US Department of Energy to test new modular nuclear reactors.

It now provides a base of operations for extended research expeditions anywhere in the world. At nearly one hundred and eighty meters long, it dwarfs most expedition research vessels and is a sought-after and prestigious posting for academics the world over.

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the modren man


Post by Cicadan »

Nylon itchy. Bad stockings a viewer had picked out for her this time. Or maybe it was the five extra pounds. Something was off, and whatever it was, it likely made her a bit hotter.


She draped herself over the cabin couch like bedbugs, getting everywhere as she repeatedly shifted this or that joint the moment she felt the slightest itch of discomfort. Why did the human body have to be made of flesh with nerve endings that could broadcast at the same rate of her mind's restless boredom? Mistakes of design. r/crappydesign but it was 200k years of evolution. EvoLULtion.

Half dressed because it was her own fucking cabin, and she honestly would have remained in such a state even with guests around. With consent asked for first, of course. She tapped at her phone as if she were actually busy. Like, she was, but. In the manner of someone who'd already done everything she was supposed to do. She'd already scouted the location for the pics her client- blessed be Ajaxbigboy, legendary size wallet if nothing else in his name was true of his reality- and found one of the several modular labs that nobody seemed to ever use in the evenings. She recognized the team that had been using it first day have vanished to fuck knows where thereafter, so hey, if nobody else was going to be using it. Ocean view, risky exotic setting, just what the message had asked for in broken English-ese.

All she had to do now was go there and do the thing. The thing being herself, so on. She was like... bored of the wait, really, and she figured she'd be kind of bored when she was actually doing. Technically she could be caught but... even that didn't phase her nowadays? Did that make her based? Cynical? Weird? Yes? Probably yes.

Her phone chimed. While she was holding it and looking at the screen, but somehow it still took her a good and long second for her roaming thumb to drag down to the notification. Empires birthed and died in that span of time, and...

you coming over?
lol how do u get drunk on a ship like this
shouldnt you be sleeping instead

She felt the warm flush of irritation, a lead weight on chest and chin. She hadn't been planning to pay attention to either of her bae's today, and somehow they were both showing up? Bad vibes. She sighed with a snarl at all of the people who weren't watching. Door was unlocked, right? Maybe? No sir, she was not getting out of this chair.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Post by Salic »

The sound of shuffling feet and slides scraping the linoleum floor could be heard outside the door. The owner of the aforementioned feet, and the slides they were contained in, couldn't drag them more than a couple inches at a time or else she would fall. Elizabeth silently, drunkenly bemoaned the fact that she currently had the agility and dexterity of a derailed train coupled with the speed of an arthritic sloth. Even still, it didn't take as long to reach Daniella's door as it did for her type out a coherent text message to the cabin's occupant. Even in her hammered state of mind, having a readable and understandable text message still took top damn priority.

After another couple of moments of shuffling, she reached Daniella's cabin. She hoped against hope that the door was unlocked and reached her hand towards the handle. With only a little bit of shakiness, her hand latched on and pulled the handle down, tossing the door wide open. Success! She poked her head in and saw one of her ball-and-chains, causing her to plaster on a stupidly large grin.

"Heeeeeeey, Daaani~!" she exclaimed in a sing-song voice that she wouldn't be caught dead using in public. "H-How's it goin'?" She giggled to herself. "Everything's-" a hiccup interrupted her sentence. "Everything's a-okay with me~!"

She stopped talking for a moment to kick off her slides, hearing them land in the middle of the cabin. Then, with all of the grace and elegance of a beached whale, she flopped down on the couch where Daniella was sitting, flushing up against her side and wrapping an arm around her. She pressed a kiss up against Daniella's jaw, unheeding of her current odor of sweat and bourbon.

"Th-Th-Th-Th-They got a bar on th-th-the ship~! They got Wild Turkey, too. I, uh, had me some. I-I-It was fucking great, you know?" she said, poking Daniella's collarbone for emphasis. "Y-You should try it. Best damn whiskey in the w-w-world."

Elizabeth then proceeded to nuzzle herself into Daniella's neck, the warmth from her partner spreading throughout her body. It was cold on the ship. They were in the Arctic for fucks sake! She could use a little warmth. Feeling any kind of warmth from her partners felt so rare nowadays. It wasn't like it was when it all started. She took Daniella's warmth like a treasure, purring to herself before moving in further.
Mikki Swift - "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bree Jones - "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." - Queen Victoria
Serena Waters - "You cannot make a revolution in white gloves." - Vladimir Lenin
[+] PAST
B1: Yoshio Akamatsu - "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Assigned Weapon: Sickle
Location: The die was cast in Farm Storage (H6) - Iacta Alea Est
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

B7: Yoshitoki Kuninobu - "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath must be thrown away." - John Copley
Assigned Weapon: Czechoslovakian CZ 75 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Location: He took the fall for an enemy in Residential Area (H/I8) - Peace Village: Brother's Blood
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 -

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker
S027: Claudia Salgado - "The optimist may fail, but the pessimist already begins failing." - Juscelino Kubitschek
Gift: Flashbang
Status: ALIVE
Location: She stared death in the face in The Outskirts - Out Run
Pregame History: 1 - 2
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Relationship Thread
P003: Elizabeth Rodney - ”I demolish my bridges behind me... then there is no choice but to move forward.” - Fridtjof Nansen
Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Status: ALIVE
Location: She met up with her beloveds in The Powerhouse - Burning Down the House
Pregame History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
In-game History: 1
Christian Graf von Helder - “I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys!” - Peter Gabriel
Francisco Ordaz Santander - ”I am responsible only to God and history.” - Francisco Franco

Sophia Mirowski - "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful." - Valery Sablin
Lee Iker
Stanley Mirowski - "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Kendra Kuchel - ”If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile.” - Yukio Mishima
Nichelle Damen - ”All our knowledge- past, present, and future- is nothing compared to what we will never know.” - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Kazimierz Krzyzewski - ”At dawn it is not just the night that dies, it is man and his becoming, and the warm blood staining the pavement is a word that is just starting.” - Ricardo Mannerini
Raqel Poghosyan
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Post by Primrosette »

PJ was already missing his mini robots at home. This trip was kind of nice, but he knew that there was still an awkward air between him and the girls. He had noticed that Elizabeth was drinking more and well, flirting with other people. It did hurt to see her doing something like that, even if she had been trying to keep them together as a couple. And Daniella.... well, he and she had been drifting away from each other for a while now.

He was mostly using this trip to think over what to do about the relationship.

He had been thinking of taking a small break. He needed to make sure to tell them that it would be good for all of them to focus on themselves. But he felt like it would be too selfish. Maybe he could tell them after the trip...? He wasn't sure what he was really doing.

Relationships really were very complicated.

He let out a small sigh and he smiled slightly, making his way over to Daniella's room. He had heard Elizabeth's voice echoing a little in the hallway. Her drunken voice. He winced a little at that. He couldn't let that bother him. He needed to keep himself positive! Yes!

He noticed that Daniella's door was unlocked, and he almost had a mini heart attack from that. Thankfully as he made his way into the room, only the two girls were inside there, and he made sure to close the door behind him.

"Heyyy, there you are, my babies!" He chuckled happily. Trying to keep himself in a good, warm aura.

He made his way over to his precious lovers and he managed to wrap his arms around the both of them, trying to make it as comforting as he could.
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Post by Cicadan »

Yep, that was the girl Daniella had fallen in maybe love question mark thinking emoji with. Shirt riddled with dried sweat stains like bullet holes. Hadn't she been trying to sleep earlier? Apparently that had turned into a disaster. Relatable, but still, not exactly what Daniella was in the mood to see. She was in the mood to see... nobody and nothing. Maybe if any one of them had bothered to give her any more advance warning, sure.

"You sound okay," was the response, in a far more monotone voice of the sort used by any female humanoid as the exorcism ritual needed to cleanse oneself of spirits like irritating men who didn't know how to look at the eyes and not further south.

"Mwah," she deadpanned, instead of bothering to actually kiss or otherwise engage. Who knew if Elizabeth could tell in her current state of inebriation (damn girl needed to lay off the liquor and try more pranayamas. Breathe oxygen, not alcohol) but Daniella was receptive to all the squishy affection the same way a brick wall was pliable and flexible. Still, warm, pleasant. Passably enjoyable.

And then PJ appeared, and then damn it, too much warm aura.

"We're all just here to drown me, I guess." Daniella remained stiff as a board, and that wasn't in reference to her nipples. She wiggled a bit, half-heartedly affecting her escape. She wanted to be there, sure, but not now. She couldn't elucidate why she was so prickly but she just was. Everything was happening suddenly and she was still mentally in the place where she was alone in her room preparing to masturbate for money and glory.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Post by Salic »

Just like that, the warmth was gone.

Even in Elizabeth's current mental state, she could feel the warmth from Daniella's stiff form evaporate. She didn't mold in with Elizabeth, she didn't adjust her head to kiss her back. Hell, she didn't even move an arm to wrap around her in some kind of affectionate gesture. She just sat there like she had rigor mortis, as unmoving and uncaring as a corpse. Daniella just made a kissing sound and left it at that. A pang of disappointment echoed through Elizabeth's heart.

It was at that point she felt a pair of arms encompass both her and Daniella. It was her other shackle, PJ. Her two shackles in the prison of Daniella's cabin. It was a prison she had willfully walked into, but a prison nonetheless.

With an audibly disheartened groan, she dislodged herself from Daniella's side before looping her arms around PJ's back. She pressed a kiss into his neck. "Heeeeey PJ~!" she said, her inebriation really shining through. She then proceeded to bite his neck and tug on the skin a little bit, but not hard enough to leave a mark. Her teeth let go before she buried herself in the crook of his shoulder.

"How's my faaavorite r-r-roboti... robotic... robot guy doin~?"

For all of his faults, PJ was usually a reliable dispenser of affection. Of course, he didn't give as much as Daniella did whenever she was in the mood to give, but right now she was about as affectionate to her as a slug was to salt, so she clung to her boyfriend instead. Even the smallest bit of affection drew her in faster than garbage drew in rats, and she was nothing if not a rat that gobbled up as much affection as could be offered to her.
Mikki Swift - "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bree Jones - "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." - Queen Victoria
Serena Waters - "You cannot make a revolution in white gloves." - Vladimir Lenin
[+] PAST
B1: Yoshio Akamatsu - "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Assigned Weapon: Sickle
Location: The die was cast in Farm Storage (H6) - Iacta Alea Est
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

B7: Yoshitoki Kuninobu - "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath must be thrown away." - John Copley
Assigned Weapon: Czechoslovakian CZ 75 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Location: He took the fall for an enemy in Residential Area (H/I8) - Peace Village: Brother's Blood
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 -

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker
S027: Claudia Salgado - "The optimist may fail, but the pessimist already begins failing." - Juscelino Kubitschek
Gift: Flashbang
Status: ALIVE
Location: She stared death in the face in The Outskirts - Out Run
Pregame History: 1 - 2
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Relationship Thread
P003: Elizabeth Rodney - ”I demolish my bridges behind me... then there is no choice but to move forward.” - Fridtjof Nansen
Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Status: ALIVE
Location: She met up with her beloveds in The Powerhouse - Burning Down the House
Pregame History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
In-game History: 1
Christian Graf von Helder - “I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys!” - Peter Gabriel
Francisco Ordaz Santander - ”I am responsible only to God and history.” - Francisco Franco

Sophia Mirowski - "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful." - Valery Sablin
Lee Iker
Stanley Mirowski - "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Kendra Kuchel - ”If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile.” - Yukio Mishima
Nichelle Damen - ”All our knowledge- past, present, and future- is nothing compared to what we will never know.” - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Kazimierz Krzyzewski - ”At dawn it is not just the night that dies, it is man and his becoming, and the warm blood staining the pavement is a word that is just starting.” - Ricardo Mannerini
Raqel Poghosyan
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Location: In Her Dark Abyss


Post by Primrosette »

PJ noticed that Daniella didn't seem like she was in a huggy mood, and he guessed that he could understand why. He could be a bit too feely touchy, and he knew that a lot of people didn't like to be smothered with love. On the other hand, he knew that Elizabeth carved for all of the attention and love, and he did sometimes worry that she wanted too much of it sometimes. They all really did need a balance in their relationship somewhere. Maybe being able to take time for themselves was the real thing to go for. However, first things first...

"Aww, Danni. I would definitely drown you with kisses if I could!" He joked happily.

PJ was suddenly taken a little by surprise when Elizabeth made her own move on him, and he was feeling tingling on the inside. He was feeling himself letting out a nice chuckle and he kissed at Elizabeth's hair. He wrapped his arms around her more freely and he rubbed her back with a hint of affection for her. He was still the less experienced one of them all, but he wanted to try his best to make the girls happy for as much as he could.

"Your favourite robotics nerds is doing good! Well, this place is actually pretty neat to check out." He said, brushing one of his hands' fingers through Elizabeth's hair. "But I rather like seeing you both right now."

He was being completely truthful.
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Post by Cicadan »

Elizabeth was gone with a noise of protest. Daniella had kind of been hoping it would happen and now that it had she was kind of even more annoyed. Probably Daniella's fault that her girlfriend had forgotten that Daniella needed advance warning for most things. One track mind and all that. The tea cleanses worked sometimes to get her brain's flexibility back, but it was an experiment in progress still.

"Man PJ," Daniella shot back. Maybe it was a playful nerf dart or a full shotgun shell? Aggrievance in a tone maybe soft like a thrown pillow or hard like a rock through the window. Hm. Even Daniella didn't really know. That was pretty typical though.

"You two are cute though." She was half sitting up now, folding over onto her own stomach and noting at once how awkward the folds in her stomach formed. Work out more, said the part of her brain that had been built by the society she lived in, before she caught the thought and assured herself her compulsive body hatred couldn't defeat her. She glanced backwards, defensive for no reason, when nobody was near her anymore. "You know we haven't gotten a threesome picture yet?"

Oh, now she was getting jealous. She knew because she was trying to pry the two of them apart in her mind's eye.

"Phrasing intended, but I mean the three of us together while we're still on board."

She sighed out the sudden tension in mind and spine and relaxed backwards against the couch, neck taut to lovingly crack the discs in that part of her spine as she stared at the ceiling.

"So what's your damage, 'Liz? What cute girl made you sweaty and nervous this time?"

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Location: salt lake in Ethiopia


Post by Salic »

Elizabeth unglued herself from PJ a little bit, loosening her grip on his back and swiveling her head over towards her girlfriend. Daniella was talking about taking a photo of the three of them at some point on the trip, which sounded lovely. It would be nice to capture a moment of happiness in-between how fucked up they all were around each other most of the time. A little memento of how good things could be, if they all really tried to save everything before it fell through. Maybe-

"So what's your damage, 'Liz? What cute girl made you sweaty and nervous this time?"

Her jaw clenched. She fully detached herself from PJ, turning all the way around to face Daniella again. She pushed herself back on the couch, fully flushing herself against Daniella. Elizabeth's clothed chest pressed up against Daniella's bare chest. Elizabeth's bare foot glided its way up Daniella's stockinged foot, and she grimaced at just how uncomfortable the fabric was. Her face hardened into a sneer as she cupped Daniella's face.

"W-W-Wouldn't you like to know, h-huh?" Elizabeth leaned in further, their faces less than an inch apart. Their lips were so close if either of them moved forward a tiny bit they'd kiss.

"Always with the damn a-assumptions." Of course, she didn't really care to talk about whatever the hell happened with her and Reinette, which would prove Daniella's assumptions correct. Besides, she had no fucking right to judge. She masturbated on camera for strangers to get money, for fucks sake. It wasn't her goddamn place to judge when Elizabeth made eyes at or playfully teased a cute girl or guy in passing. Just thinking about it made her chew on her lip in bitter frustration.

She loved Daniella. She really did, she convinced herself. But she could be such a bitch sometimes.
Mikki Swift - "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bree Jones - "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." - Queen Victoria
Serena Waters - "You cannot make a revolution in white gloves." - Vladimir Lenin
[+] PAST
B1: Yoshio Akamatsu - "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Assigned Weapon: Sickle
Location: The die was cast in Farm Storage (H6) - Iacta Alea Est
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

B7: Yoshitoki Kuninobu - "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath must be thrown away." - John Copley
Assigned Weapon: Czechoslovakian CZ 75 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Location: He took the fall for an enemy in Residential Area (H/I8) - Peace Village: Brother's Blood
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 -

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker
S027: Claudia Salgado - "The optimist may fail, but the pessimist already begins failing." - Juscelino Kubitschek
Gift: Flashbang
Status: ALIVE
Location: She stared death in the face in The Outskirts - Out Run
Pregame History: 1 - 2
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Relationship Thread
P003: Elizabeth Rodney - ”I demolish my bridges behind me... then there is no choice but to move forward.” - Fridtjof Nansen
Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Status: ALIVE
Location: She met up with her beloveds in The Powerhouse - Burning Down the House
Pregame History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
In-game History: 1
Christian Graf von Helder - “I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys!” - Peter Gabriel
Francisco Ordaz Santander - ”I am responsible only to God and history.” - Francisco Franco

Sophia Mirowski - "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful." - Valery Sablin
Lee Iker
Stanley Mirowski - "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Kendra Kuchel - ”If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile.” - Yukio Mishima
Nichelle Damen - ”All our knowledge- past, present, and future- is nothing compared to what we will never know.” - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Kazimierz Krzyzewski - ”At dawn it is not just the night that dies, it is man and his becoming, and the warm blood staining the pavement is a word that is just starting.” - Ricardo Mannerini
Raqel Poghosyan
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Location: In Her Dark Abyss


Post by Primrosette »

All PJ could think about was how cool it would be to have a photo of them on the ship together. Kind of like a parting gift. Not that he was breaking up with them, he felt like that would crush his heart more if he did that and he preferred to have just a small break from Daniella and Liz. He still wanted things to end up on a good note on this ship and then he would man up and tell him about his current feelings, mental health and his idea for them all. He hoped that it would work out-


Oh no.

He knew about Elizabeth's flirting, and he didn't feel jealous about it. Just sad personally. He noticed that she had been spiralling out of control and he wasn't sure how he could help her out. He didn't want her to get upset at him. Oh boy, he was really cowardly at heart. He just didn't want to be yelled at and he just wanted to have a normal conversation with her.

"Oh wow." He murmured softly, feeling at a loss over what to do about his two lovers. He decided to lay down awkwardly on the bed beside Elizabeth who was clinging up against Daniella. "Hey, uh.... can we just relax and not jab at each other? It would be nice to see you both being happy, you know." He smiled at them awkwardly.
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Post by Cicadan »

Aggressive. Daniella raised an eyebrow, letting herself passively be controlled by her girlfriend's sudden hands-on, literal, approach. Not always the play, Daniella was a proud switch, but in this particular case...

"I would like to know, actually. I thought communication was an important part of a relationship?" She teased her lips into the shape of a kiss, but didn't close the millimeters left between their faces.

"Not like I'd mind either way though." Forgetting the times in history where Daniella had been snippy about being left out of the loop- they'd become more frequent over the past few months? For whatever reason? Daniella literally didn't remember. It probably wasn't important.

"We're scaring PJ, anyways. Or maybe he's jealous and he wants a turn with aggro Liz."

She was in a bit of a better mood now. At least Elizabeth was being fun and cute drunk instead of sadge drunk.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Location: salt lake in Ethiopia


Post by Salic »

If their faces were close before, they were practically touching now. Daniella's lips were so close, so enticing, that her previous anger began to melt away. Her hazy eyes centered on the smooth and round lips before her, such a contrast with her perpetually chapped and rough ones. Heh. She was always so easily distracted by a pretty face, especially when the alcohol kicked in. When she heard Daniella say that she didn't particularly mind, a sort of quiet elation echoed in her brain. They could drop it and move on. Good.

She couldn't stifle a chuckle when she heard the words "aggro Liz" flow from Daniella's mouth. She leaned back a little.

"A-Aggro Liz, eh? Wouldn't say that's really accu... acc.. accurate," she formulated deliberately. Thinking of and forming words was getting sort of difficult now.

"W-What's that word you u-use? Uhhh..." She struggled for a few brief moments to think of the right term. "Was it... power... power something? I-I don't know. Whatever, w-who cares?"

Elizabeth, frankly, was getting tired of all the thinking she was doing. Her eyes retrained themselves on Dani's lips. There was something much more enticing than thinking. Elizabeth dragged her foot up Dani's leg, eventually resting it on her ass. Her hands slipped into her hair, gently grabbing the back of her head. Then, she moved her head forward to capture her girlfriend's lips into a kiss, lingering there for a long while before letting go. It was at that point she smugly turned to PJ.

"S-See, PJ? W-We're b-both being happy now~! Heh." She let out another drunken giggle.
Mikki Swift - "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bree Jones - "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." - Queen Victoria
Serena Waters - "You cannot make a revolution in white gloves." - Vladimir Lenin
[+] PAST
B1: Yoshio Akamatsu - "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Assigned Weapon: Sickle
Location: The die was cast in Farm Storage (H6) - Iacta Alea Est
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

B7: Yoshitoki Kuninobu - "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath must be thrown away." - John Copley
Assigned Weapon: Czechoslovakian CZ 75 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Location: He took the fall for an enemy in Residential Area (H/I8) - Peace Village: Brother's Blood
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 -

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker
S027: Claudia Salgado - "The optimist may fail, but the pessimist already begins failing." - Juscelino Kubitschek
Gift: Flashbang
Status: ALIVE
Location: She stared death in the face in The Outskirts - Out Run
Pregame History: 1 - 2
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Relationship Thread
P003: Elizabeth Rodney - ”I demolish my bridges behind me... then there is no choice but to move forward.” - Fridtjof Nansen
Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Status: ALIVE
Location: She met up with her beloveds in The Powerhouse - Burning Down the House
Pregame History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
In-game History: 1
Christian Graf von Helder - “I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys!” - Peter Gabriel
Francisco Ordaz Santander - ”I am responsible only to God and history.” - Francisco Franco

Sophia Mirowski - "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful." - Valery Sablin
Lee Iker
Stanley Mirowski - "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Kendra Kuchel - ”If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile.” - Yukio Mishima
Nichelle Damen - ”All our knowledge- past, present, and future- is nothing compared to what we will never know.” - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Kazimierz Krzyzewski - ”At dawn it is not just the night that dies, it is man and his becoming, and the warm blood staining the pavement is a word that is just starting.” - Ricardo Mannerini
Raqel Poghosyan
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Post by Primrosette »

PJ let out a nervous chuckle, shaking his head while climbing onto the bed to get closer to his two girlfriends. God, he really wasn't that good at being sexual or flirty, but it seemed like they didn't mind or care. Which was personally a relief for him. He let out a soft humming noise.

"I'm not scared at all, haha." PJ murmured softly, letting himself lay down on the bed. "Communication really is key in our relationship. You're right, Daniella. We.... We really do need to try harder with that part."

Being a hypocrite. He couldn't even be honest with them right now. Why was he just waiting to tell them about the idea of a break? Maybe he was too cowardly, maybe he just wanted them to have a fun time together. He wasn't sure how his mind was working like this.

"Me? Jealous?" He grinned at Daniella and Elizabeth, moving his hand to touch Elizabeth's thigh and he trailed his fingers up and down it gently. "I could never be jealous of you too. No way!"

He just felt comforted in their presence anyway. It didn't need to be sex-related for him, but if the girls wanted it that way, then he would try his best to provide that for them.
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Post by Cicadan »

Whoa whoa hold on a second. The word was power bottom. Probably. This was a very good time to be hyperfixating on Elizabeth's drunken lack of higher faculties. Who cared, Daniella cared, that's who cared. Once more Daniella was fairly passive, limp as she was handled in the manner of Elizabeth's choosing and pleasure. Not so powerful bottom, in this particular case. It was solely on instinct that Daniella knew how to appropriately wrestle back with a cheeky bit of tongue when the kiss turned sloppy. One of those things that you had to relearn with every new person- just how they liked it.

"Hold on, Liz, you're too drunk. Not cool to go any further than this."

She glanced briefly at PJ, much as that was possible around the admittedly excellent view of a wild-haired, two-steps shy of violently undressing (the best variety of undressing) Liz blocking most of her field of vision. She expected absolutely nothing of him beyond vague platitudes. That was why she liked him as much as she did, the lack of aggressive masculine energy made him easy to be around. Though she did occasionally feel somehow guilty when either or both of them roped him into sex antics. Either he was a service top or he legit didn't want to be there- it was hard to tell at times.

This relationship was incompetent.

Daniella knew it was in part her fault, of course, but she'd never promised either of them anything. Love was a fleeting and messy thing, wasn't it? At it's best and most pure: a crowded three bedroom with one bedroom not even used for any of the girls, the Phoenix sun beating down on Daniella as she sobbed- equal parts pathetic and defiant- and ran after her sisters taking turns to steal her books and race down the sleepy and dusty suburban streets.

This was where Daniella felt most comfortable, anyways. If she was the only one who understood what she was getting out of this relationship, well, she was used to that. She wrapped her arms around Liz, embracing tightly enough to feel squish. Always a good texture, the squish.

"When you sober up we can play, okay?" Daniella liked her older sister voice, the one she used with Modesta's two little boys. It made her sound like she knew what she was doing when she dropped into her lower register and slowed her intonation like this. "I'll put off on recording my thing and we can go at it long as we want." Actually frustrating, to be honest, and Daniella was feeling the familiar tug of exhaustion, her momentum being robbed from her when her plans changed last minute, but Daniella felt alright not being petty about it this time. She'd probably just try to ignore them tomorrow and get it done.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Salic »

Elizabeth let out a little whine at Daniella cutting things off, but she ultimately didn't resist. A wave of exhaustion hit her like a truck, and she went somewhat limp in her lovers' arms. She unhooked her leg from around Dani and leaned back into PJ a little bit. A yawn escaped her lips, fairly loud and definitely long, and then proceeded to feel her eyelids droop. They were suddenly so much heavier than before, like someone decided to hang barbells off of them.

"F-Fuck, I'm tired," Elizabeth said, stating the obvious. The tossed her right arm towards PJ, catching him in what she thought was his shoulder and clutched it. The warmth was back from both of them. It felt nice. She knew she would have to go, but she wanted to savor it while it lasted. It was so rare that they actually had a nice moment together, even if it didn't start out so well.

"I don't want to move," she pouted. "C-Can we stay... like this... for just a little longer? I can g-go back to my room after," she said, speech slurred.

Her mind took her back to the days when such moments weren't a rarity. When they felt like this all the time. When there was real hope that it could work. Even it was just for a little while. Even if it ended up beyond saving after they got back from the trip, she'd always hold those memories dear.

They were some of the few times she could really call herself happy.

Elizabeth tangled her feet up with Daniella's, just so that she could ebb a little more warmth from her. She knew that this little slice of what-could-have-been wouldn't last forever. The moment would be over and gone soon enough. If only she could stretch it out for just a little while longer, then maybe she could really convince herself that she could make things better. That she could have more times like these. That she deserved more times like these.
Mikki Swift - "With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bree Jones - "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them." - Queen Victoria
Serena Waters - "You cannot make a revolution in white gloves." - Vladimir Lenin
[+] PAST
B1: Yoshio Akamatsu - "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Assigned Weapon: Sickle
Location: The die was cast in Farm Storage (H6) - Iacta Alea Est
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

B7: Yoshitoki Kuninobu - "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath must be thrown away." - John Copley
Assigned Weapon: Czechoslovakian CZ 75 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Location: He took the fall for an enemy in Residential Area (H/I8) - Peace Village: Brother's Blood
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1 - 2 -

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker
S027: Claudia Salgado - "The optimist may fail, but the pessimist already begins failing." - Juscelino Kubitschek
Gift: Flashbang
Status: ALIVE
Location: She stared death in the face in The Outskirts - Out Run
Pregame History: 1 - 2
In-Game History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Relationship Thread
P003: Elizabeth Rodney - ”I demolish my bridges behind me... then there is no choice but to move forward.” - Fridtjof Nansen
Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Status: ALIVE
Location: She met up with her beloveds in The Powerhouse - Burning Down the House
Pregame History: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
In-game History: 1
Christian Graf von Helder - “I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys!” - Peter Gabriel
Francisco Ordaz Santander - ”I am responsible only to God and history.” - Francisco Franco

Sophia Mirowski - "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful." - Valery Sablin
Lee Iker
Stanley Mirowski - "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Kendra Kuchel - ”If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile.” - Yukio Mishima
Nichelle Damen - ”All our knowledge- past, present, and future- is nothing compared to what we will never know.” - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Kazimierz Krzyzewski - ”At dawn it is not just the night that dies, it is man and his becoming, and the warm blood staining the pavement is a word that is just starting.” - Ricardo Mannerini
Raqel Poghosyan
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Posts: 902
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:59 pm
Location: In Her Dark Abyss


Post by Primrosette »

PJ was glad that Daniella pretty much refused to go down the drunk partner sex path and he preferred them to all to be either sober or all of them to be drunk. He guessed that was the only way to make things fair for them. But Elizabeth's intake of a lot of alcohol has been pretty worrisome for him personally. But he wasn't sure about how to approach the serious subject with her. Maybe it was time to put those thoughts into the back of his mind and to save them for a later date.

"Sorry for interrupting your recording that you want to do, Daniella." He said sincerely and he gave his girlfriend a sympathetic smile. "Just wanted to check up on you because I just can't resist your charming ways." He joked lightly, chuckling softly.

He was feeling a bit tired himself and he got a bit quieter and more less talky due to the exhaustion taking over him. He could feel how warm Elizabeth felt against him and he wrapped his arm around her. It almost felt like they were back to the earlier days of their relationship, and he remembered being an awkward, dorky mess. Well, he still was one right now. But still!

"To be fair, it would be nice to just rest for a while." His face was a bit red with a slight fluster. "I... I, uhhh, couldn't really sleep before we went on this trip honestly, so... maybe taking a nap would be cool?" He asked with a hint of hopefulness in his tone of voice.
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