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SotF-TV Party (SDA)

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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He saw the little flicker of recognition in the girls eyes. Fuck yeah was she go-

Oh, that was disgust. Not recognition, Disgust. The dull, and he was fairly sure imagined ache in his heart felt like it was moving upwards. His neck really ached. He rolled his neck around his shoulders, trying to click it, but it failed. It just got worse. He tried to ignore it, looking back over the rather lost cause of April. It was kind of warming that she felt enough for him to try and make some polite excuse, he could see her choking it out, but his heartbeat sounded so loud. He was sweating like a pig too, it was boiling.

No, concentrate on the fit girl dammit. You can still do this. I mean she's obviously pissed, and he could convince her.

Anger began to overtake him. He wasn't an angry person, he tried to bottle it up and take it out on furniture, that was just how he dealt with it. No sense fighting back. That dull ache in the back of his head put him on edge, and the sadness was gone. He hated April for not being the drunk party girl he wanted, no Needed to prove he was a man. He hated Maddy, for convincing him to come to this dumbass party and be reminded of what a fucking loser he was, he hated Mae for dancing just outside of his grasp. But most of all he hated himself. Why was he such a whiny baby? Why couldn't he just accept that life wasn't going to be all peaches and butterflies? Why did he have to keep getting his hopes up?

He could barely make out the last part of her mumbled excuse, caught up with his self absorbed ranting. She was cut of with a sort of squelch and splash. He looked down to see her keeling over.

"The-" he started, before he realised exactly what was happening. She was puking all over his shoes. She hadn't drunk that much. Was he just that freakish? He let out a strangled cry as the feeling of warm fluid seeping through his shoes brought him from a state of curious paralysis, into a disgusted panic.

He stumbled backwards, knocking into the crowd in an attempt to get the fuck away from the girl. He'd been trying to have sex with someone who was liable to do that? He instantly imagined her puking all over him.

Oh god. Get the images out! He closed his eyes, but the mental image wouldn't go away. Then, as if just to kick him whilst he was down, the wave of that indescribable smell hit him. He choked slightly, and felt his face tingle slightly. He however, was determined to atleast make it to the bathroom.

He pelted through the crowd, barging through crowded hallways before reaching the toilet. He slammed the door shut, bolted it, knelt down, and felt the world pour from his mouth.

He got up on two rather shaky legs, flushing the chain a rather stupid amount of times, trying to get the horrible stain on the world out of his site that much faster. He staggered the incomprehensibly vast chasm between the toilet and sink in a few steps. He angled his mouth so the torrent of clean water would pour straight down his gullet. He did the obvious and set the tap to maximum, hoping to brute force the decaying taste of everything he'd ingested over the past day from his pallet.

He sadly underestimated the flow of water, so when the slam of a full force tap hit the back of his throat he jerked forward, smashing his forehead on the tap, leaving a nozzle shaped cut above his left eye. He fell back, dazed by the impact, water still flooding into his mouth. He couldn't breathe...

He was going to drown...

He turned his head to the side, Spitting the water over the side of the sink, all over the floor. He coughed violently, again and again. But he was breathing. It was all good. After he stopped coughing, spluttering and flailing, he slowly extracted himself from the sink and led on the floor for a moment. He couldve died.

He could've died


He stood up, his legs still shaky, but his face as pale as a sheet. He pushed the door. Oh yeah, hed locked it. He unbolted it and just sort of fell gracelessly out the room. He walked into what looked like a guest room and just landed on the bed. Sleep sounded really good right about now.
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Post by Cake »

Shawn was just hanging around outside for a little while. Even though he liked the party atmosphere. It was just much quieter out here. Much calmer with much less people. Shawn had hosed down his alcohol splashed over shirt. He didn't want to come home with a shirt smelling like that. His Grandmother would freak.

He removed the scarf tied around his head and stuffed the large feather in his side pocket with his retro sunglasses he had taken off earlier. The wind blew through his hair, quite refreshingly, causing his hair to flow a bit. The Waxing Gibbous (his second favorite moon) looked lovely in the nearly clear sky. The outdoors. This was what he loved.

He had only begun to wring out his wet shirt, when Renée showed up near by. He turned his head to her while continuing to wring out his shirt.

"I don't get it." He pondered. "What is the appeal?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Shawn was apparently cleaning something out of his shirt. Renée had plenty of guesses as to what it could be, but didn't care enough to pursue any of them. He noticed her, though, and didn't seem to want to be alone, asking her a question. She bounced it around in her mind for a few seconds. What was the appeal? Of what? Loud parties, or the show? Given that Shawn seemed at home with the party, but hadn't been paying attention to the TV, she was inclined to guess that was what he meant. On the other hand, he'd been laughed out of the house.

Ah, whatever. Renée was more interested in SOTF-TV anyways, so she decided to assume that was what Shawn meant. If he didn't, he could correct her.

"Well," she said, "it's one of the few places people can still really be good, you know? There's not much heroism left in the world, but normal people still manage on that show. I think it's really inspirational."
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Post by Cake »

"Very interesting way of looking at things..." Shawn said as he walked over to Renée, who was resting her arms on the railings of a nearby patio, looking up at the sky. He put down his wet, over shirt on one of the chairs and decided to join her. He began to rest his arms over the railing as well. Shawn was quite a bit taller than she was, so he had to lean forward to rest his chin over his forearms. He gazed up into the sky as well.

"I didn't know there were people like that - heroes, on that show. It's hard to tell, when the few snippets, I did see was really just, gratuitous violence." He looked over at Renée for a brief moment.

"I've never really watched it before. To be honest, I don't even watch any TV. So, it's not really fair for me to judge... I mean, I'm no expert, but for some reason, I don't really think that's the main appeal for why most people watch that show."

Shawn scratched his head and was quiet for a little bit.

"Didn't mean to ramble... You're a fan of the show right? Sorry for interrupting it, with my off beat talking earlier, inside. I can have a tough time putting my thoughts into sentences right away, sometimes..."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Shawn said that he didn't know that there were heroes on the show, and Renée's mouth nearly dropped. How was that even possible? People wouldn't watch a show if there wasn't some core universal story behind it. No matter what they claimed, no matter what they said about the awesome violence or bloodshed or sex scenes or whatever, there was just more to SOTF-TV. You could get porn anywhere online. Probably murder tapes too. That wasn't what it was about. It was the emotion, the relation to daily life. The knowledge that, while some of the people you ate lunch with certainly would crumble when it came down to the wire, others would step up, would prove themselves more than they ever had seemed.

It was the sort of thing that restored her faith in humanity, just a little.

At least Shawn was being upfront about his bias. He also apologized for disrupting earlier.

"Eh, it's no problem," Renée replied. "I've seen it all before anyways, and besides, the scene sucked. But I think you'd maybe be surprised about why people watch it. You should check it out some time. Just fast forward past all the icky bits, the porn and stuff, you know."

Renée didn't always fast forward through those scenes, but she wasn't about to share that with Shawn.

"Oh, and I'm sorry about all that mess inside," she added. She wasn't going to push any further on that matter until she knew Shawn wasn't upset by it, though.
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Post by Cake »

He kept nodding to be polite. Even though he wasn’t really sure about some things she brought up, like ‘icky porn and stuff.’

“Maybe you can show me some of your favorite scene’s one of these days?” Shawn said with a kind smirk. He wasn’t totally 100% on that really. He actually didn’t want to watch anymore of it.

"Sure, I can do that." Renée responded, almost immediately. With that Shawn merely gave another nod. He really wasn't sure what he was getting himself into with this, but oh well, Renée was a cool enough gal.

When she mentioned the mess inside, Shawn simply gave a small laugh. “Don’t worry about it.” He said. “I don’t let those kind of things bother me. I just leave. Yeah, it’s frustrating at first, but I try not to get a chip on my shoulder, you know?” He shook his head, smiling, thinking about his own awkwardness inside. “People were confused and laughed when I started screaming ‘What does it mean?’ and ‘mass adulation’ weren’t they?”

“They’re probably all: Oh that Shawn he’s just being drunk, or stoned, or tripping out. I mean, I am kinda stoned but -” Shawn stopped himself realizing that, not everyone is as approving about something like that. He managed to mumble a laugh “Hah… that’s a joke” He was quiet for a second.

"I'm just glad you're not upset about getting laughed at." Renée said to him, looking a little relieved, compared to her tense or cautious nature earlier. Had she been worried about his well being or something? Not that Shawn minded, the concern was much appreciated after all, even if Shawn wasn't really that upset.

Then he spoke up again, hoping she‘d let what he had just said blow over as a joke. “Nah, I don't get too upset about that kind of stuff. Really though, I left, cause I didn’t want to be around the TV for a while. It’s like everyone was in a trance watching the thing, or loudly cheering when someone killed somebody.”

"I don't understand rooting for the psychos and stuff either." Renée quickly added, to separate herself from the other kids, and to relate to him a little, Shawn assumed. He bent his head side to side, trying to loosen up his stiff neck muscles a little.

“Here’s what I think: When I said ‘what does it mean?’ it was my response to what I was seeing there. What does it mean, for society, or humanity in general when the whole culture revolves around TV or more specifically, that show err - SOTF-TV, a show with a premise like that? So then, like all the kids started laughing cause I broke a cup and started talking nonsense, right? Then the laughing got me thinking, so I said: Mass Adulation - not so funny. Cause that’s exactly why this whole thing is happening. Kids taken for the benefit of a show and forced to be heroes, forced to kill each other, for the sake of entertainment. And like… it’s a hit, man.”

He started thinking some more, pondering about what to say, and how to piece those thoughts together.

“It’s like a growing culture - deep inside a corpse.”
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Shawn made reference to wanting to see more of the show, possibly with Renée. "Sure, I can do that," she said. She liked showing people the better side of SOTF-TV. It didn't get all that much publicity a lot of the time, not unless it intersected with the violence.

Then Shawn talked about what all had transpired inside. He didn't sound too broken up about it, fortunately. That made things easier.

"I'm just glad you're not upset about getting laughed at," she said. The fact that he wasn't assuaged the small pangs of guilt she'd been feeling for not doing a better job standing up for him. Normally, she'd have been all over everyone in a heartbeat, but she really hadn't wanted to be the second angry disruption to the party in half an hour.

Shawn next talked about all the people on the couch, zoning out and cheering on the violence. "I don't understand rooting for the psychos and stuff either," Renée added quickly. Well, okay, yeah, she'd kind of been spacing out too, but for different reasons. The violence was the part of the show that made her most uncomfortable, at least, when it was pointless. When people were doing something constructive, protecting the ones they loved, then she could get it, could sympathize with it. That was pretty much the only way she could ever see getting in a fight.

And then Shawn went on with his theory. Renée didn't quite understand his points, but she felt pretty prepared to counter them anyways. It wasn't the first time she'd had to defend her choice of entertainment; though there weren't that many successful critics of SOTF-TV, there were a few high profile ones, and some people agreed with them.

"The thing is," Renée said, "I think there's a bit more to it than that. I think it's a sort of vicarious experience, something that pushes people to better themselves. They might cheers the psychos, the players, but at the end of the day, no one wants to be them. They all want to be the people who pull it off as good people, the escapees and such. And I bet interest in the sciences has skyrocketed lately, jut from people curious about the collars.

"I mean... yeah, some of it sucks, but really, isn't it better than nonstop war? War used to be entertainment for people too, you know."
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Post by Cake »

It really said something about people, when you had to replace non-stop war with non-stop killing of the Youth being advertised on TV for all, to appease the bloodthirsty populace. How many years was the show going anyway? In fact there was alot of things Shawn could have or wanted to say. So many issues that Renée probably didn't mean to bring up. But Shawn didn't have the heart to bring up. It was clear that Renée was a very big fan of the show. It seemed to keep her happy, and give her hope and optimism for life in general. Something Shawn really didn't want to mess up for her. Something about her optimism, felt very inspirational to Shawn. Maybe Shawn could keep some optimism too, he was usually the optimistic type anyway.

"Not exactly the greatest replacement. Like our 60's forefathers used to say: I prefer love over war, but I'll take it. Or something to that effect..." Shawn gave her a polite smile. Renée seemed to know about all things SOTF, so now was probably the time to ask a few things. But there was something else that caught Shawn's attention.

"You said something about collars?" No wait, there was something bigger than that. "Escapees? Whoooaaaa..."

There was much Shawn Morrison didn't know about this show was there?


[[OOC - Adding this part to adhere to continuity, due to a major pregame moment happening for Shawn at this same party in: Rescue Mission]]

The two talked for a little while about the show. Shawn learning a few things he didn't know before. He had to admit, it was very interesting.

Shawn thanked Renée for her time, noting about it being a very nice chat. He also mentioned maybe talking more about the heroes next time. He also mentioned still being up for watching some scenes with her, whenever she wanted a viewing buddy. Shawn left her be, to wander around alone for a while.

[[Shawn Morrison Continued To: Rescue Mission.]]
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Yeah," Renée said. "There have been some escapes. Not that often, but people always try for them. Some of the really great people have done amazing things."

The conversation continued for a while. Renée shared more of her perspective on the show. Then, after a while, Shawn bid her farewell, saying that he might be good for some scenes sometime. Renée smiled and nodded.

After the boy left, she considered going back inside to continue watching the show, but decided against it. People here seemed more interested in the parts she hated. She just waited outside, for a while, enjoying the night air, before eventually deciding to take a look around the premises.

((Renée Carlson continued in Rescue Mission))
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Jeanette was comfortably watching the television until she looked back and saw April hurl. And of course, she was tinged with just a little bit of guilt. She didn't want to see her friend like that. Well, unless they were having a really good time, but April didn't seem to be jiving like that.


She jumped up and went over to April and quickly got a glass of water. She handed it to her and stood with a hand on her hip.

"God damn, girl. What was that about? You wanna go get cleaned up? There's gotta be a bathroom around here somewhere."
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Macha* »

When Jeanie, her knight in pretty-scratched-but-at-least-her-heart-is-in-the-right-place-some-of-the-time armour, finally came over, asking if there was anything she wanted, April was getting a little annoyed. She knew Jeanie probably just meant like, a What she wanted, though? If she was honest, right now April wanted to not have drunk that much, but while she was retching in the sink, she couldn’t really ask for much but the basics.

“Towel!” April yelled between gulping mouthfuls of water. Her entire front was soaked from the spray of the water. No way was she going to be able to get home looking like she did and not have about five-hundred questions asked, all of which would end in an argument and someone getting mad.

She needed a balloon, too. She wasn’t sure why but she wanted a balloon and some marker pens so she could draw on it and turn it into people. She’d name it Ziggy or something and they’d be best friends. April E. Stone and Ziggy T. Balloon. Their middle names would rhyme and everything. Match made in heaven. Without thinking, April called out to Jeanie. “Zigg- Balloon!”

Not the best of ideas, no.

April removed her head from the tap and leant on the kitchen counter, gasping for air. Jeanie handed her a glass of water, which she quickly drank down. It didn’t help much, but it was something, and she was glad to at least see Jeanie do something to help out. Oh God, what was she getting like? Oh God, this was the worst idea. The worst. She shouldn’t have come to the party. Now Jeanie was probably going to be mad at her for the comments. April decided to go apologise. Yeah, good idea.

April threw her arms around her best friend, before realising Jeanie didn’t even know she’d been angry at her, let alone that she was sorry for something.

Go get cleaned up. Yeah. Good thinking, Batman. Or, err, Jeanie. A wet and hopefully sobered up April looked down at herself and nodded. “…um, Yeah, let’s go.”

April felt around for something to hold onto as she made her way up the stairs to the bathroom, hoping that she’d be able to find it without running into anyone else.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He opened his eyes. He felt just a little better. Not much, but enough to not need to stay collapsed on a bed. The night couldnt end like this. He was supposed to be having fun, getting drunk with "friends", getting laid, then going home, that was the game plan. Not that he'd done any of that. Well, he'd got drunk, but he wasnt out to fuck up his liver, he was out to get people to like him. Be popular, be a contender.

He groaned as he pushed his head from the floral bedsheet, a trail of drool connecting him and it. He swatted at it with his hand, breaking the thin strand. Another push of his wobbling arms and he was rolling off the bed. Sprawled in heap, a tangled mess of limbs and clothes, on someone elses floor. What would Ma' say?

"Get up you great lummox, you got work to do" or something.

He grunted and stood up.

Oh, god, he felt all tingly. His vision was filled with sparkles and his breathing felt really light. He bit his tounge rather hard, the feeling reminding him that he was in reallity here. He had stood up too fast. Dammit man, get a hold of yourself! You are Zach! You can stand up and walk, its not like its hard!

He staggered towards the full body mirror and placed an arm on the corner, leaning on it to steady himself. He looked ok, no puke had gotten on his clothes. He looked half asleep, but he'd be fine. Hell, he probabl-

What the fuck?

Why was everyone cheering? What had happened? He staggered downstairs, his steps slowly regaining a measure of cohesion. He was a walking pro... yeah... that was such an achievement.

He muttered a quick apology as he passed April. He really didnt know why he was apologising, but he felt like he had to. It was only polite.

He reached the backdoor and walked through it, heading towards the source of the noise

(( Zachariah Johnston continued in Rescue Mission ))
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