Rescue Mission

Jake and Madelyn look for Mae (ft. Shawn)

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Rescue Mission


Post by peregrineink* »

Lolling to her feet Mae rubbed her eyes, not even bothering to pick the strands of grass out of her hair. She needed to go and fix this. She walked until her feet found pavement. She hiccuped. Mae was still drunk. This was a problem. But the pavement beneath her feet was steady and solid and she took comfort in it. It was there.

She started walking.

Jake coughed a little as he walked with Mads. "So, good party," he said, nodding slightly. "Nice turnout, you know?"

Jake liked Madelyn as a person, she wasn't freakishly short to him and could definitely take him in a fight. The one thing that he never understood about her though was why she wore such dark lipstick when she didn't wear any other make up. It wasn't like she obsessively put it on or anything either, she always just had these incredibly big, dark lips. It was downright out of character, but he would never say it himself. Not outloud. He could, of course, think about it.

Man did that whiskey muddle his thoughts.

"But yes, enjoy your party?"
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn gave a short yet enthusiastic nod when Jake mention the turn out. When he asked if she was enjoying it she gave an eager answer,

"Yup. Everyone's having fun, so that's all that matters. Right?" She was happy that it was going well. She shrugged before she added,

"Besides the whole Mae's date being an asshole part, but I've seen worse at parties." Madelyn sucked her lower lip as she wondered if that sounded like she was blaming Mae for Frank's behavior. She looked up to Jake's face. It was rare for her to find many guys this much taller than her, and it was weird looking up to talk to someone when she was so used to being eye level. She decided to make it clear that their friend wasn't at fault,

"Not that I blame Mae, of course." After she said that Madelyn remembered that she met Mae at a party like her's, and seen her at a few others. Madelyn bit her upper lip as she realized that Mae had never drank at these parties, and kicked herself for not noticing the change in Mae.

Madelyn decided to change the topic,

"So, how's swim team going?"
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake frowned inwardly at the mention of Mae's strange behavior. What had happened to make her act this way? Sure it had been a few years since he'd really hung out with her in a non-school setting, but still...what was on her mind?

He wondered if her mother remembered him, or if, since he was no longer useful to his daughter's one woman quest to perfection, had he been completely forgotten? It would make talking to her all that more difficult, Mrs. St. Clair was never that cuddly to begin with. Maybe Mae was just working some things out.

Though hopefully they'd be able to find her soon...

Mads asked her about the swim team, and Jake frowned a little bit. "My ties have been lagging, I don't know what it is." His mother had freaked out when she heard, convinced that he was sick with some autoimmune disease. "Probably just tired or something. How's Zak been doing?"
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn was about to elaborate on Jake's swimming when he asked he about Zak,

"He's fine. Some people have been picking on him, but I let him stand up for himself now." Madelyn remembered when he confronted her about not letting him stand up for himself, and he accused her of being just as bad as those who made fun of him. Since then Madelyn had to make herself let go of the control of getting hurt in her brother's stead.

"He's doing a pretty good job of it too. There was a problem at the bookstore last week, but he took care of it." She smiled, proud of her brother. At that moment Madelyn arched to stretched her back. After a few satisfying cracks she stared at the sky for a few moments wishing she had bothered to remember some constellations she learned in school. While star guessing she looked at Jake and inquired,

"So, how's the music coming along?"
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake cleared his throat and looked up at the sky.

"I wrote a few...songs and stuff, they probably aren't bad." According to Jake's father, music was a dead-end endeavor that would leave Jake homeless and pathetic somewhere if he attempted to pursue it seriously. Jake hadn't really thought about pursuing music seriously much, or anything in his future for that matter. Maybe being a junior he should start thinking about college...

He looked over at Madelyn, fully aware that some friends talk about some things and others talk about well...nothing. He made a quick decision as to what kind of friend Madelyn should be..

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" He asked her. What a stupid question. Who asks that?
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn gave a soft grin before answering,

"I guess a detective, or a criminologist." She took awhile to scan the street for Mae before she continued.

"When I used to get so angry when people would pick on Zak I would fight them physically, because it was all I thought I could do." She took a deep breath of the warm Texas air through her nose. The street smelt of fresh cut grass.

"Sometimes, though, I got out of control" The incident with the baseball bat didn't need to be mentioned, nor the fact that she still blindly went into rage. Albeit less than she used to. Her grin turned into a broad smile.

"But if I can help people, and make that a career that would be amazing." She gave Jake a playful poke in the arm,

"What about you?"
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Post by Cake »

[[Shawn Morrison Continued here, following the still on going chat with Renée Carlson in Fate Bash.]]

It was an interesting chat he had with Renée Carlson, about that TV Show. But Shawn wanted to hang around outside for a little more. He simply strolled around the premises, getting a feel of the chilly breeze against his hair and also continuing to gaze at the stars and moon, not looking ahead until...


With both Shawn and the girl not paying attention to what was in front of them, the two ended up crashing right into each other. With her head bumping into his upper body. Shawn held his ground, since he was bigger, but the girl stumbled a bit. She looked a bit dizzy and about to fall. Shawn reached forward and held her in place. One hand behind her head the other on her back, as he pulled her forward into his arms and against his body. He wanted to prevent the possibly drunken girl from falling into the pavement.

"Whoa, Hey there, err - Sorry. You alright?"
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake looked up again, watching the stars. A criminologist? That was pretty awesome...

"I don't know, actually." Jake replied. "I really don't. I like music and I like writing and swimming's cool, but that's it."

There was a pause as they thought about this. It was junior year, junior year meant college and college meant the future. His mother had yet to breach the subject to him, but he knew that it couldn't have been far off, his mother was always concerned about Jake's future. His dad would probably want him to go to the same college we went to, and that was okay, he supposed.

"I guess sometimes it's hard to think about the future that way, even though it's so close it feels so far away."

He cleared his throat and looked around. "She could not have possibly gotten far."

Mae yelped a little as she bumped into someone, feeling his arms wrap around her and pull her close. Wobbly and dizzy, she took comfort in this sudden closeness. Who was the last person to hold her like this? Not Frank, who pawed at her as though he owed her something, not Zach, who she had basically just violated on the couch. It was new and not altogether unpleasant if she could say so herself.

She looked up. Shawn Morrison?! When did he get to the party? Shawn wasn't necessarily a friend, but it wasn't as though they had never seen each other before. His grandmother's money made him acceptable in the eyes of her parents, which she always found odd because of the way he dressed, which was definitely not up to the rigid standards that the St. Clairs usually hold people to.

"Hello," she said. "Lovely night, isn't it?"
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Post by Acidic* »

(Okay, I hated what this post was and edited it a bit. If it fucks anything up PM me, and I'll fix it)

Madelyn put on a reassuring tone,

"Don't worry about it. It'll come to you when the time is right." Madelyn was enjoying her time with Jake, and secretly grateful to Mae for drunkenly wandering off as she did. Okay, that was horrible. She stood up right and looked at the surrounding area. Even though it was still she felt invited.

Then she thought about Jake's answer about going into music. That was, considering the industry right now, gutsy. But Madelyn couldn't help believe that he could do it,

"If you do go into music I'll buy your CDs." She considered making a joke about giving him a place to stay if he fails, but worried he may take it wrong.
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Post by Cake »

Because of his regular shirt getting splashed wet, earlier, Shawn had to take it off. He was only mildly dressed in his sleeveless and colorfully striped undershirt and even that was not totally dry. This could be very uncomfortable for her, if this wasn't the right girl to hold in one's bare arms. He had to make sure who it was first.

He had the girl in a gentle hug in his arms now, he realized. She was warm under his touch. Shawn peered down at her face and recognition set in. He knew her from school. Of course they didn't really talk or have much classes together, but he did know her face. Who wouldn't, really? He looked at her some more in silence trying to find the name to match that heart shaped face and honey brown eyes.

Then she spoke. "Hello," she said. "Lovely night, isn't it?"

Shawn couldn't help but give a small smile at the statement, and a quiet laugh for her slightly tipsy sounding delivery.

"Yeah it is. Really, lovely tonight." He said in a mellow, yet enthusiastic tone. Shawn loosened his arms a little. He let go of her with one hand, but kept her in place still, with the other around her back - still not wanting her to fall. He gazed up at the sky and kept his small smile on his face. He liked that someone else too, was also appreciating the beauty of the night sky.

After a few seconds, he turned back at her. The gleam of the moon seemed to be rather bright today, shining right into his eyes... Mae. There it was, after searching the confines of his memory, he found the name to match the girl in front of him.

Shawn steadily let go, making sure Mae had her balance before releasing her. She seemed to be okay.

Her hair appeared to have been done for the party, yet it seemed to fall in strands, across her face, as if she had been lying down for a while. He noticed something else... Gazing at her with the moonlight illuminating onto both his eyes and Mae herself, Shawn stepped back forward to her, with a tiny, and amused grin.

Unthinkingly, Shawn gently put one hand around the back of her upper shoulder and the other gently to her hair. With his fingers he brushed the loose fibers from her face, back. After that, Shawn picked a small green strand from the wreath around her head. He looked at her in the eyes again; still with his amused expression.

"There's grass in your hair." He said calmly, as he held a piece in his hand in front of her.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae laughed brightly, her face and neck flushing at his touch. Why was this suddenly so easy? She had walked around school so stiff, so icy, with a couple of shots of vodka she felt languid, everything had a nice night in Vegas feel to it. She remembered Zach leaning into that girl at the party, putting all thoughts of Mae behind him. This was nice too, maybe she wasn't some sort of ice queen...right?

At least not when she was drunk.

She took the blades of grass from his fingers, allowing her fingertips to gently brush his. "Thanks," she replied. "I was just watching the stars." She threw her head back to take them in again, allowing the moonlight to fall on her cheeks. "They're beautiful tonight."

Jake chuckled a little bit at what Madelyn said. CDs? He could get lucky if he was ever even allowed to play in a coffee shop somewhere. Even though he was pretty sure no one did that anymore...if he recalled most coffee shops just showed reruns of past SOTF-TV seasons.

"Maybe I could crash on your couch when I fail that," he said with a chuckle. This was nice, him and Mad very rarely got a chance to just hang out. Finding Mae didn't even seem that important anymore...which was terrible of him to say. Mae was his friend and she could be hurt somewhere.

Or not.

He scanned the horizon for her again, even though at this point, it didn't seem too important. This whole walking thing just seemed nice.
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn laughed with Jake when he cracked the joke in her stead. It was always so nice to be with Jake with his easy going attitude, and Madelyn was getting used to it again. She stared ahead with Jake, her eyes not really focusing on anything. Street lights, stars, houses, the moon, and the Johnson's cat was out tonight. She recognized the silhouette prancing across a yard.

While doing this she asked he tall friend. She remembered how he used to get sick often when they were kids,

"So, have you felt sick lately?"

She couldn't remember him staying home from school recently, but she figured it was worth asking. She looked back to the cat, George was his name, and he was rolling on the ground.

Madelyn and Jake weren't the only ones enjoying the night.
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Post by Cake »


Huh... That was strange. As soon as her fingertips touched his... he felt it. She had gently pulled the blade of grass from his hand, lingering there for a short moment, and allowing her fingertips to brush against his, before ultimately ending the brief touch. It might have just been his imagination, but Shawn felt like he had just been shocked. Shocked by her touch. In a good way? Mae had started saying something, but Shawn couldn't properly concentrate on her words. It was strange no doubt.

Shawn could have sworn, she had the voltage running through her skin. It was like she had the power in her hands: To shock you like you won't believe.

He could feel it in his mind. Heck, she can do it all the time.


Mae thanked him for letting her know about the grass in her hair and began pulling more out of the nature's halo around her head.

"No. Don't worry." Shawn said, as he shifted his lips into a kind smirk. "I think, it looks nice on you..."

Things were silent for a brief moment. Was it something he did?

To break the awkward silence, Shawn spoke up again. "You're Mae St. Clair right? I-I'm Shawn Morrison... We don't usually talk much. So I figure, I'd say that, just in case you didn't already know." He paused to let her speak as he ruffled his own hair a little bit, while the breeze passed lightly through.

"Um, wanna take a walk with me?" He added in his calm, yet cheery tone. "We could watch the stars, together, and talk for a little while..."
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Post by peregrineink* »

"Luckily no!" Jake was ten times healthier than he was as a child, but he still managed to get sick a couple of times a year. His mother fretted about it all the time, worrying that one day he'd catch pneumonia and die, or worse, become some sort of invalid. He knew his mother loved him and that's why she worried, but seriously, come on.

"But who knows? Out here I might catch a chill." He looked over at Mads, putting what he hoped was a self effacing smile.

Man it was nice to hang out with Madelyn like this...


"Shawn Morrison? I know you!" She tried to tamper down the blush that was creeping up her neck and cheeks. He said she had looked good with grass in her hair? She probably looked like a birds nest, and the fact that he thought she still looked good that way...

"You hang out with Jake Langston, right? He's an old friend of mine."

Shawn asked her for a while and Mae took in the night, there was this quality about the moonlight, the grass in her hair, the crazy stars, that made her feel as though she had the whole rest of her life to experience things. Maybe it was the vodka, but Mae finally got some sort of feeling that life sometimes requires you to throw caution to the wind to feel some sort of happiness.

"I would absolutely love to go for a walk." She smiled, and it felt genuine. "I can't imagine what I'd like to do more."
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn gave a low giggle at Jake's remark. Sorry that they were so busy that they were basically strangers again, but tonight was changing that. She tilted her head while looking up at him towards him,

"I'm glad you're feeling better." Wait, is that the right way to say it? "I mean that you're healthier than you used to be." She held back a yawn, as not to let Jake she was board of him. How late is it anyways? She considered checking her phone, but disregard the thought in favor of talking to Jake.

"I was wondering if I could hear some of your songs sometime?"
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