Fate Bash

SotF-TV Party (SDA)

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Fate Bash


Post by Acidic* »

(They only rule (beside the usual rules of the borad) is that the only characters allowed are those from Silver Dragon Academy (SDA). Otherwise the thread is open to all who have a character. PM for questions.)

(Madelyn Conner continued from Smokin' In the Boy's Room)

Madelyn was fixing up the down stairs TV room of her split level house for the SotF-TV party. She had gotten a copy of SotF-TV season five for cheap a week ago, and was in the mood to throw a viewing party. Her parents' permission was granted for her to throw a party while they were gone (while they were celebrating their anniversary in a friend's cabin up north), but they didn't know it was a SotF-TV party (Madelyn left that part out). She had made a facebook event and was surprised at how many people wanted to come.

She paused by the stairs to see if she got everything. The room was 40 ft by 20 ft with healthy leaf green walls and a hard wood floor. At the far side of the room the TV was a 36 inch flatscreen that rested on small tan entertainment center that didn't reach Madelyn's knee. It had a stereo, blue ray player, and speakers in its shelves. With a small Blue ray collection on the bottum most self (which was floor level). The couch, love seat, and chair were old and a worn out shade of green. The couch was halfway across the room directly in front of the TV while the love seat and chair were a body length closer and on either side against the wall.

The refreshment table had a old and stained black table cloth had some food (two bowls of chips and a vegetable plate fresh from the grocery store), and had a cooler filled with soda (she arranged for someone else to bring beer). After seeing that she had everything ready She injected the disk into the Blue Ray player and sat on the couch watching the menu play.

It featured the clips from the season. The most disturbing (and realistic) one to Madelyn was one of a young couple sitting down for what seemed to be a picknick. The girl was a moon faced read head with a horribly out of proportion small nose, and the boy was acne ridden and had messy black hair. While eating the boy began coughing up blood because the girl put her assigned weapon (a small razor) into the boy's bread, and he ate it up (he should've learned to chew at some point of his life). While the boy was struggling to breath and coughing up blood the girl calmly got up, collected their things (including his weapon which was a gun of some kind), and walked away. The boy pulled his collar to end his suffering, and the girl's name wasn't named in the announcements. She went on to win the season using manipulation has her main weapon.

After watching the menu repeat for about four times she heard the doorbell ring. She stretched as she went to answer the door in her brown hoodie and black jeans. Her hair was in a pony tail, and she wore a white baseball cap. She opened the door and said before knowing who was there,
"Welcome, to the B rated carnage." in her lowest, mock creepiest voice.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

(( Zachariah Johnston Continued From Study Date...Just Kidding! ))

Zach looked around shiftily as he waited by the kerb. It was a twofold deal for his nervousness. Firstly, he was entering uncharted waters. A party. And all the advise he'd gotten amounted to "Bring booze". That kind of bled into the second of his worries. Every time he moved, a dull clink would eminate from his bag.The three bottles of hard liqour (One of Rum, Two of Vodka) kept shifting around in it, and he was terrified that either the police or someone he knew would find out he was carrying alcohol. He hated alcohol, which was why he'd had no problem stealing it from his parents drinks cabinet. It fucked with your liver, mind and head, overuse it and you'll end up dead. So really his parents should be thanking him for getting rid of it.

A green light and a steady bee-beep-beep wrenched him into reallity. He noticed that the tone nearly matched his heartbeat as he walked across the road. He needed to calm down. He started to look around at the surroundings, looking for landmarks.

He knew where he was going, so hopefully he wouldn't get lost. He got lost quite a lot, as he was often busy trying to maintain conversation rather than noticing landmarks.

He could see her door now. He walked up to the steps and stood there for a moment as he checked he had everything: Booze, Money, Condom, CD of the Best Kills.

Wait a second... Condom?

He pulled it out of his pocket. There was a little sticky note on it that read "Good luck son ; )". Oh yeah. His parents had met at a party like this, and often joked about wishing they had a condom that night. He was about to throw it on the floor, but decided that'd be wasteful and stuffed it into his back pocket. You never know just how drunk the crazy bitches might get.

"Injokes..." He muttered, conjuring up a little nervous smile.

He knocked forcefully on the door.

"Welcome to the B-rated carnage" Came a voice, in a tone more appropriate for a horror movie than a SOTF night. He looked up at Madlyn and nodded, before walking inside.
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Post by Acidic* »

"Hey Zach." She said in as he walked in onto the landing.
"Shit!" Began her mental reminder.
"I forgot to put out the cups." Then she took off downstairs, motioning for Zack to follow her. She made just in time to see a small blond boy get half his jaw shot off. The tongue still moving as he tried to form something else than a scream.
"Zak will be down in a moment." She assured as she went to the closet and pulled out some party cups, and set an elbow high stack on the table.

As she was walking back to put the rest of the cups in the closet a grin slid onto her face and said,
"So, I heard you were studying with Mae St Clare a while ago." She closed the door and turned to face him. She leaned on the door with her arms crossed,
"How'd it go?"
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Hey Zach." She said as he shrugged off his Superdry coat. It was quite possibly the most in fashion thing he owned. But keeping up with the current fashions and risking not wearing them right and getting chewed out for it wasn't exactly attractive. That was why he stuck with dependable things, like jeans and t-shirts. Well, like what he was wearing now. He wore a black shortsleeved shirt that was a little formal, enough to give him a feeling of maturity, but not enough to make him look like a "Pompous asshole" or so Mum said. He teemed it up with Blue jeans and his Aviators.

She said something about cups and he was happy that he'd bought the shot glasses. He opened his backpack and put the bottles down haphazardly on the table, putting a tower of ten shot glasses roughly in the middle of the table. He looked over the labels on a whim.

Woah... That stuff was really strong.

He replaced the bottle on the table and followed Maddy. He deliberately didn't look at the SOTF, knowing full well that he would become enthralled with his favourite pastime, instead of talking like he came here to do.

"Zak will be down in a moment." Zak'd be here? Well, it was his house too. He liked Zak, though their superficially simmilar forenames were often cause for mix-ups and the like. Whilst he didn't have exactly the same interests, they had roughly the same thought process, and it was a good thing. He liked having someone who actually understood him, not thought they knew, not wished they did, but actually did.

"So, I heard you were studying with Mae St Clare a while ago." Ohh, that had spread round the school. That irked him slightly. He wasn't annoyed for his own purposes, as he would probably be all the more popular for being proven as not gay...

Oh, the ballet. Right. He hoped that didnt get out.

But, he was worried about the dent it might've made in Mae's popularity, after all, he was pretty much one tenative foothold above being a social pariah. If someone put 2 and 2 together (Though he really doubted the abillity of some of the brainless cretins coming to the party to not get 5 from that equation) and figured out that he was a little bit attracted to her, she would get jeered at. And he didnt want that. He paled a little at the thought of that happening, it wasnt exactly the most fun thing in the world, and he wouldnt wish it on anyone. Especially not Mae.

He tried to leave, pretend he hadn't heard and dodge the issue, but she was there in the doorway, arms folded.

"How'd it go?"

Not going to blush. Tottaly not going to blush. Bad haemoglobin.

His cheeks began to warm

Bad Haemoglobin, No!

He blushed, his cheeks pinkening as he looked down, the carpet suddenly seeming interesting and full of wonders.

Fuck you body, Fuck you!

"Uhhhh, well..." He muttered
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn's grin just grew and and grew. As if it were planted in the richest soil and fed fertilizer thrice daily, and shown in a time lapse film. He was still avoiding the question when Zak came down the stairs. Zak was two inches taller than Madelyn, and he was wearing a dark green bowling shirt with tribal designs on on it, a pair of blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. Otherwise he looked like a more masculine Madelyn. Madelyn moved out of his way to the refreshment table for a handful of chips. She got the answers she needed.

"How's it going Zach?" Zak asked his friend. He looked over his shoulder for a second to catch a glimpse of the menu. Zak also liked SotF-TV. Not as much as Zak, but it gave them something to avoid awkward pauses (which, back in the day, Zak thought the conversation was over and would leave without saying anything).

"Excuse me." Madelyn said squeezing between the two friends as she went up stairs to get something. When Zak realized they were at the landing to the entrance to the party.
"Lets sit down." Zak went to the couch just as Madelyn came down with a waist basket.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He grinned as Zak entered the room. A distraction. She hadn't got her answer and he could break off the conversation.

Fuck yeah that was smooth.

"How's it going Zach?" Asked his friend, his tone light and casual. He turned to look at Zak, his blush fading quickly as he tried not to think of Mae. God, this was going to get complicated if she showed up.

Madelyn squeezed between them as they sat down, the comfy, expensive furniture welcoming him home.

It had been far too long since he'd caught up with the Conners. What better way than over the nations favourite entertainment? He placed a hand on his back pocket, pawing at it as he felt the fammiliar shape missing from it's pocket.

Where was his Book? Shit, had it been stolen, had he-

Oh, right, he'd left it at home. In a safe, just to keep it secure. It would be a faux pas to be writing and cross refrencing things at a party, after all, he came here to try and prove he could socialise.

To whom he didnt know, but he just felt like he had to.

"Been good, youself? I heard stuff got bad recently with one of those a-holes from the public school" He asked politely, trying to draw conversation away from him.. And Mae.
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Post by Acidic* »

Zak sighed at the memory.

"It wasn't anything too bad." Zak said with a small, he thought, reassuring smile.

"He just heard of me somewhere, and he saw me in a bookstore somewhere he started calling me names. Y'know the cliché stuff like "retard" and the like." Zak got up to get a soda from the cooler. As he stood up he opened the can, and drink the lemon lime flavoring. He leaned against the wall.

"So I cursed him to to have the same fate as Oedipus Rex, and his mother the fate of Jocasta. Seemed harsh, but he had no idea what I was talking about so he walked away. He might google it later." Zak laughed at the expression on the kid's face might take on. He could even learn a new one.

Madelyn took this time to enter the conversation. As she walked past Zak she messed up his hair (Zak didn't mind being touch so much these days), and she sat in the chair sideways. Her legs over the arm so she faced Zak and Zach, and her back on the other arm.

"I've been noticing that a lot of these assholes have been finding him," She motioned to Zak.

"When I'm not around, but between the Conner children Zak's got the brain. So he leaves morons like that," What was the word again,"quizzical." She had a bit of timid nostalgia. When something like that happened years ago she'd fly into a rage just hearing about it.

"You guys want something?" Zak shook her from the nostalgia. Madelyn stretched and asked for a coke. Zak tossed it her, Madelyn caught, and opened it. She took a large drink. She didn't have anything to drink since she started setting up for the party. She considered asking Zach about Mae again (just to see him squirm), but dropped the idea.

"Thanks for bringing the extra refreshments, Zack" Madelyn lifted the can in his direction. As if toasting him.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He chuckled at the insult thrown by Zak. Classic. Little things like that made his day. He was glad to see that Maddelyn hadnt kicked his door down like she undoubtedly wanted to. Being an only child was sort of a curse and a blessing. Sure his parents spent all their attention on him, which had probably helped him immeasurably, but he never had anyone to stand up for him in a fight. Which was why he was able to scrape by a B in PE. Sure, he would flail in soccer and shit himself in football, but on the hundred metre sprint, he could just think of Jocks behind him and peg it. He would never win, but he was never the slob that came last, which was a point of pride for him.

Zak asked if anyone wanted something from the fridge.

"Coca-cola, please" he asked, hoping to dear god he didn't throw it. He had the hand eye co-ordination of a dead sloth.

"I'm sorry to hear bout that stuff. Word travels fast among the idiots. Only thing that travels faster is bad news"

Maddy thanked him for the alcohol.

"Dont mention it, I'd rather it was drunk and enjoyed than sat in the drinks cabinet" He said, nodding at her toast
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Post by Acidic* »

Zak sat at the other end of the couch handing Zach his coke, and noted,
"It's been awhile since I've seen you parents. How are they?"

While this was going on Madelyn considered getting up to make herself a rum and coke. At first she wasn't because this was the longest she's relaxed since setting this up, but she changed her mind due to the fact that she'd want one later. She got up and walked to the table, poured rum into a shot glass up to the top, and into the cup. She then poured the rest of her coke into the cup. As she walked back to the chair she wondered if she should check her facebook event. She left it open for everyone she know in her grade, and it wasn't like she'd bite anyone who came.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He thought about it, slightly depressed as he realised that he actually didn't pay much attention to his parents. He kept everything clean and his grades above a B and they stayed out of his way. It was a symbiotic relationship, just as he liked it.

"They're good, Mum is trying to get me out of the house more often, and Dad is fretting over some gaming things, so it's normal. What about yours, it ain't often they leave you two alone for a whole night" He asked, easing himself into small talk. He needed to practice and loosen up his "Pretending like I give a damn" muscle with someone who he did have some interest in before giving it a thorough workout with the insensitive Neurotypicals that would be appearing in no time at all. He had arrived early just to do this, or else every thing would feel stiff and awkward, which wouldn't be a good way to show himself.
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Post by Acidic* »

Zak could relate to Zach about people wanting him to get out of the house more often. He'd mostly go for walks, or read in the park until he felt enough time had passed to convince his parents that he was socializing. Sometimes he went to other friends' houses, but it was rare.

Madelyn remembered that Zach's father never outgrew video games, and even giving Zach a video game character's name for his middle name. She figured it was better than all the Sepheroths and Aeriths she met.

Zak replied before Madelyn could,

"Anniversary. They're celebrating in a cabin up north." Zak left it at that. Madelyn decided to expound.

"Yup. Twenty-two years of marriage today." Madelyn said with a smile. Proud that her parents lasted so long when half of marriages fell apart long before.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He smiled, that was nice. His parents had been together for... 16 years? He forgot.

He took a sip of the Coke, the bubbling not bothering him all that much as it slipped down his throat. He hadn't realised how thirsty he was until he'd tried it. He took a longer drink, finishing with a slurp as he misjudged how far forwards the can was and nearly spilt it down himself.

"Better than 65% of the American population" he replied, coldly throwing the statistics out there. He raised his can, gesturing for a toast

"To parents" He said warmly
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn raised her eyebrows at Zach's statistic. Oh God, he's correcting my thoughts!

Than she and Zak joined in his toast, repeating him and drinking after words. During this Madelyn noticed that the TV was still on and replaying the menu. She grabbed a remote and turned it off.

"It can wait for everyone else." She explained before taking another drink. Changing the topic when the cup left her lips.

"Do either of you know that Lou Becker kid?" Madelyn asked. Shamelessly moving into gossip.
She put her drink in between her legs and her arms on either side of her, and curbed to indicate the size of who she was speaking of.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

She raised her eyebrows before accepting the toast. He should really stop reciting statistics, it made him sound like some Nazi scientist. According toa few people he secretly was. He'd talked to that Neo-Nazi creep once. Once! And now he apparently hated Jews and wore swastikas. He really hated people gossiping about him. Other people... He could care less, unless it was someone he cared about.

He registered the tv being switched off out of the corner of his eye. One less distraction. Fucking A.

He noticed that her drink seemed a tad orangey-er than theirs. Oh, right, the rum. He'd heard good things about rum and coke, not that he would ever drink to confirm it. Though it was awfully tempting.

She dropped her arms by her side as she began to talk about Lou Becker

"Uhhh, yeah. Lower than me on the social ladder, with the fashion sense and looks of a dead walrus. What about him?" he asked, slightly confused as to why she was making herself look like an alien
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Post by Acidic* »

She picked her drink back up after Zach's Answer, and Zak nodded as he sat staring at the ceiling.

"I heard he was coming, and frankly I hope he comes too late for a seat. I don't want to explane to my parents an obese kid came over and broke the couch just by sitting on it." Maybe the joke was mean, but it was a real possibility.

"I doubt he's coming." Zak entered the conversation.

"Partys, well actually, people aren't his forte. Even with this party being centered around SotF-TV, which is his forte, I'm sure he would just stay at home watching it online." With his reason out there stopped talking and took a last drink from the can. He tossed the can, and it made the wast backet.
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