Just a Quick Swim


Mostly untouched, this natural rain forest sits on the far east side of the island, providing a marked contrast to its strictly regulated cousin. One of the defining features of the resort, very prominently displayed in every brochure, the only sign of civilization is a small wooden booth labeled "Jungle Safari" on a crude wooden sign a few hundred feet down the only pathway leading in.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A voice echoes from both collars...

"Ah! Wonderful. It seems some members of my team are finally near each other. You should both help each other survive. That's how we're going to win this, right?"
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Post by Flayer* »

Axel watched wordlessly as the naked guy took off in pursuit of a monkey. That isn't going to end well. He glanced back at Anna as the bare-assed kid went out of sight. "Are we living in a cartoon, or what? Please tell me he wasn't part of our team." Axel realized his left hand had gone to the knife at his belt when the other guy started running. He forced himself to take it back off.

Then he jumped as advice started to blare from both of their collars. Mentors, that was a new  part of this game too, like teams. He hadn't seen either of those on TV before to prepare himself.

"The voice is right," he said at the end. "Neither  of us got weapons, so we need to find the rest of the team fast. Says on here Jaszmine Johnson is the one on our team with a gun. She's top priority. You want to look through this, see if there's people you know?" He offered her  the roster again.

He'd already looked through for the one person he really cared about playing  against, Laney Shaust, and had not found her name on the list. That meant she was at home safe right now, probably watching the game for him. He hadn't done anything very interesting for her yet, but there was time. He hopes Anna was lucky enough not to have any friends in this either. That would complicate things very much when it came time to coax her into "playing."
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Post by Outfoxd »

The voice made Anna jump as it did Axel, though she adjusted to it rather quickly.

"Good morning Charlie."  She muttered, smiling.  "Where's Bosley?"  She looked over at Axel.  Could he...Nah.  No way.

Then she buckled down, looked, actually saw Alex for the first time.  He was offering her the list, and she took it.

"Yeah, Jaszy.  We find her, we're golden.  She's cool folks."  Anna knew that much.  Jaszmin was friends with Anthony and her, with good reason.  That girl was a trip.

Anna looked through the list.  In truth she knew most everybody from the Detroit, if at least in passing fashion.  Her eyes lingered on Anthony's name, and she wondered again why her eyes seemed to be burning.  Bad enough that more of her friends appeared to be spread across the teams.

She handed Axel back the list.

"So what's the plan, Bosley?  Do I get a gun and a bad attitude?  Maybe some kung-fu skills?  All of the above would help us make it out of here."  Anna fought back a strong urge to strike a Angels-esque pose.
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Post by Flayer* »

"Good morning, angel," Axel replied, not knowing much else to quote. He'd seen the movie version...a long time ago, and he remembered little more than Lucy Liu. Lucy Liu. If only Anna looked a little more like Lucy Liu...

Funny, he thought, about how even if something was crap it could become a classic given enough time for nostalgia to develop. Like how the Star Wars prequel trilogy was now looked back on fondly after the triple atrocities of Episodes VII, VIII, and IX had subjected the world to themselves. I appreciate your taste in older movies, but I hope you do have a few more skills besides quoting them.

"Step one, I think we need to get out of the jungle. I'm dying in here, and the cameras aren't getting enough of our beautiful killer faces in here." Do they airbrush zits off when they edit? I don't even know. I actually thought they got volunteers for the show, like they always said, so anything can be a lie.

Axel took back the list and then slowly pulled out the scissor blade shank. He offered it to Anna, EpiPen handle-first. "Want this?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anna took the scissors and looked at them.  She smiled a little, took a practice jab at an invisible enemy.  She kept it up for a second, aping what she might have seen Errol Flynn do in that show about Robin Hood.

"Oh yeah.  If anyone comes at me with some menacing construction paper, they're done."

Thusly armed, Anna went back to Axel's plan of leaving the jungle.  Which was good.  Because it was humid, and she was beginning to feel her thighs rubbing wetly together underneath her skirt.  It was disgusting, and maybe they could find someplace air conditioned.

"I'm all for taking my place in the spotlight, Bos.  What's say we blow this hot dog stand?"  She flinched, not liking the implications of the analogy.  "L...Let's get going."
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Post by Flayer* »

Axel watched Anna poke the air with the scissor blade and decided that it had been an okay decision to give it to her. He was hoping Anna had taken it as a sign of trust. It wasn't; the only thing Axel trusted about her was that she was not a threat to him.

"Oh yeah.  If anyone comes at me with some menacing construction paper, they're done."

"Hah. There actually have been people who got killed with paper in these games," he replied after her joke. "Someone got a newspaper in some season a while ago, and jammed it down another kid's throat." That death had of course been played as comedy by the show, because it was an annoying guy that would never shut up who got choked. Seemed a bit more grim now that they were actually on SOTF-TV. Axel ran a few fingers over the folded up roster in his pocket. I could be the paper-killer this game.

Fortunately, he had other means. He unslung the weighted sock from around his neck and let it hang by his side.

"I'm all for taking my place in the spotlight, Bos.  What's say we blow this hot dog stand?"

"Freudian slip?" he asked.

"L...Let's get going."

"Yeah." Axel put up a finger and looked around in an arc at the trees. Damn it, this jungle isn't even that big. How have we been so lost here? "Let's go...that way." He took the lead and started walking. Seeing as a naked guy had just run off chasing a monkey with his clothes, it seemed the universal laws of comedy were in effect here. Thus, he had chosen to go the exact opposite direction of the way the moron had taken.

"Oh yeah, Anna, if we run into anybody, aim low with that knife. Like stomach level. People don't block as good there. But if you get a chance where they can't defend against it, cut their face up. And don't just do it once, that scissor blade isn't very big. Just keep on stabbing them. Anyway, glory or death, here we come."

<<<Axel Stadler continued on Tread Softly>>>
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Flayer. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Outfoxd »

"Ok, chief, gotcha."  Anna said, not actually believing she'd be stabbing anyone.  If anything, the blade was in her hands for theatrics.  Scare the shit out of somebody, make them run.  Yes, everything was smoke and mirrors.

She followed behind Axel, happy to leave the area where she had ran into a naked bro.

((Anna Hitchins continued in Tread Softly))
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