Six White Horses

6:00 AM, Day 1, in the foothills of the Southern Peak

This section covers areas that lack major defining features. Okishima Island is largely covered in forest, broken up by periodic clearings and meadows. The island slopes up towards its two peaks, and the combination of this and the foliage make for rough traveling through the undeveloped areas, though a road through the valley between the peaks offers access to the western side of the island and is comparatively traversable.

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Six White Horses


Post by carduinal-cyn »

((Sho Tsukioka continued from Iacta Alea Est.))

Sho stormed off from the farm with far too much on his mind. He could still hear their voices echoing in his head: Mitsuru's screams of rage, Ryuhei and Hiroshi's petty defiance. He needed a moment to himself, away from the raw anger and straining friendships. It was like he was back at home again, sitting by the old shrine on the hill. He'd smoke a cigarette and watch the shape his breath took — nasty habit, of course, but that was the Kiriyama Family's fault, and he could quit at any time. And as the sun set, Sho knew he was ready to greet the night anew...

Today, the sun was rising, and the jovial voice of Kinpatsu Sakamochi played from everywhere and nowhere. Four boys were dead already. Akamatsu, he knew all about. Niida, though terrible with women, had an awkward charm to him. Everyone would miss sweet Seto's jokes and good cheer. And Sugimura, the class writer, had a sort of willowy, elfin aura that Sho had found himself oddly drawn to at one point. His heart ached for them all. Each untimely death was like a blow to the head to Sho: such a senseless waste of human potential and the beauty of life.

Defeated, Sho slumped against a tree. At Sakamochi's warning, the big man carved each forbidden zone into the dirt with his jitte. Then he stabbed it into the ground, a little Excalibur, and he began to softly weep.
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Post by almostinhuman »

((Kyoichi Motobuchi continued from Das Wandern))

Another boy groggily stumbled down the mountain path not too far from Tsukioka. It was easier, going down rather than up, but Kyoichi still found the experience difficult and tiring regardless. It didn't help that he was barefoot, having ditched his remaining shoe; it felt less awkward, but it also magnified his problems with the path's rough terrain. Still, unlike the climb up, the descent hadn't left him utterly ragged and desperate for air. A good thing too, since the entire reason he'd come down here was to be relax and be alone. He'd slept poorly up on the peak with the girls, and he could use the solitude, even if just for a moment.

If nothing else, it could help him process what he'd just heard over the announcements.

Four dead; Akamatsu, Niida, Seto and Sugimura. The news didn't hit him as hard as he'd thought it might. Perhaps not really knowing any of the four that well softened the blow. Perhaps he'd already sunk so low there wasn't really anything this info could do to make him feel worse. Perhaps, as long as they were just four names over a cheery broadcast, their deaths didn't feel entirely "real" yet. He couldn't really say which it was. Maybe all three.

The announcement revealed something else, too; the parts of the island soon to be declared off-limits.The presence of the watch now made a little more sense, since they were slowly being blocked off over time instead of all at once. Kyoichi dug through his bag, finding the map buried beneath the jacket he'd removed and stuffed in there. He retrieved a pencil from the jacket's pockets as well, before quietly crossing out the six announced zones and adding a time code to each. That done, he began studying the remaining locations, pondering over where he and Inada and (maybe) Sakaki should head next.
[+] TV3
"Finish what you started."
Nadine Flores
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"You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better."
Austin Greene
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[+] New BRAU
"Just remember me. Okay?"
Kyoichi Motobuchi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[+] SOTF U
"I like to have contingencies, and contingencies for my contingencies."
Rachana Kumar
1 2 3 4
[+] ORDG
"I can play the game but it helps to know the score."
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

A rustling sound.

Sho's tears gave way to abject panic. Someone had taken him by surprise, no doubt drawn by the sound of him crying. Typical. Show the slightest sign of weakness and some opportunistic little toad would jump in and make you regret everything. Doubly so when you were one of the biggest thugs in your grade, alone and unprotected. He abandoned the jitte and disappeared behind a nearby tree. They weren't getting the jump on Sho Tsukioka, that was for certain. He'd sneak back around and give them something to remember—

It was only Motobuchi. Slim, bespectacled, weedy. The archetypal top-of-the-class nerd, if not for Kazuo Kiriyama. Hardly a threat. (That is, unless Sakamochi had a dark enough sense of humor to gift him a gun.) He was scribbling something on a map; Sho briefly considered searching his pack for the same, but decided against attracting undue attention to himself.


Sho moved out of the shadows. Of all the brains he could pick, Motobuchi's was one of the finest.
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Post by almostinhuman »

Kyoichi spotted movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head up to face it.

His heart froze. Tsukioka. Part of Kiriyama's delinquent gang.

He stepped back from the approaching boy, face frozen in alarm. Why was he here? Were the rest of his gang nearby? It didn't seem likely that he'd come alone; Kiriyama's gang were practically all attached at the hip. Most of them would be intimidating alone, but together they seemed utterly untouchable. Those boys already had a violent streak, with how they tormented some of the other students, so he could only imagine how much The Program had fed into that. Perhaps some of the names on the morning announcements were dead by their collective hand.

He glanced briefly behind him, back up the path leading up the mountain. There was no way he was outrunning Tsukioka going that way, and he couldn't be confident Inada would make it in time if he called out to her. And if his delinquent friends were nearby, Kyoichi wasn't sure he wanted to get her involved; at that point he was probably screwed either way, while Inada and Sakaki could stay safe up on the peak.

Besides, despite reputations, if Tsukioka wanted him dead, he'd had plenty of opportunity already. Revealing himself meant he probably wanted something, had some sort of demand. Kyoichi didn't trust the other boy at all, but he should at least hear him out first.

"Tsu... Tsukioka." His voice was high and trembling; he made no effort to mask his fear. "W-what do y-you wa-want?"
[+] TV3
"Finish what you started."
Nadine Flores
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"You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better."
Austin Greene
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[+] New BRAU
"Just remember me. Okay?"
Kyoichi Motobuchi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[+] SOTF U
"I like to have contingencies, and contingencies for my contingencies."
Rachana Kumar
1 2 3 4
[+] ORDG
"I can play the game but it helps to know the score."
Marcus "Ashe" Wilson
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Well, there went all of Sho's worries. Motobuchi was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Even his voice was wavering. The odds of him suddenly pulling a gun out of his pocket and firing were near-zero. He looked like he'd faint if Sho so much as waved hello, much less explained that there was a dead body's collar and the Kiriyama Family wanted him to inspect it for flaws. There was only one real course of action to be had here: calm the poor, nervous wreck down a tad, and maybe he'd be a bit more receptive of Sho's ideas.

"Motobuchi, please," Sho playfully chided. "I'm all by my lonesome out here. There's no need to be such a scaredy-cat around me, alright?" He pretended to rub the sleep out of his eyes, hoping Motobuchi wouldn't notice the remnants of his tears. His cheeks were still a bit red, but the morning wasn't quite bright yet. A lucky fluke. He still had to keep up appearances, after all.

"We've gone our own separate ways, the Kiriyama Family and I. Ever since he left us behind," he sighed. A little dramatic, but that was what everyone expected out of him. Might as well play it to the hilt until Motobuchi is something close to calm.

Sho waited a moment before he repeated himself, a little more direct, a little less affected.

"I mean it, you know. Mitsuru, Hiroshi, Ryuhei, all of them are back at the farm, and we haven't seen 'the boss' in at least an hour. No telling what Kiriyama is up to, but he knows best..."
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Post by almostinhuman »

So far Tsukioka hadn't pulled a gun out or threatened him or any of what Kyoichi had expected. Just the opposite, the other boy seemed to be trying to calm him down. It worked, marginally, though perhaps only because it meant he wasn't in immediate and mortal danger.

He could sense there was a little more to it than just idle chatter, though. Tsukioka wanted something, that was obvious. It lurked under that easy smile and breezy attitude, and that he wasn't trying to coerce it out of Kyoichi did little to hide it. He also wasn't entirely sure how much he bought this "separate ways" thing. He believed the other boys weren't here well enough, but it seemed unlikely the delinquent had totally abandoned his buddies. Perhaps that wasn't even what he'd meant to imply, but his wording sounded oddly final.

He took a deep breath, settling his shaky nerves just a little, while awkwardly stuffing his map back into its bag and closing it. The worst case scenario hadn't arrived, but there were plenty of other dismal possibilities still on the table.

"S-so... why are you here, though?"
[+] TV3
"Finish what you started."
Nadine Flores
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[+] Supers
"You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better."
Austin Greene
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[+] New BRAU
"Just remember me. Okay?"
Kyoichi Motobuchi
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[+] SOTF U
"I like to have contingencies, and contingencies for my contingencies."
Rachana Kumar
1 2 3 4
[+] ORDG
"I can play the game but it helps to know the score."
Marcus "Ashe" Wilson
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

"Oh, you know those boys. Always fighting with someone or other... so, while they're arguing with themselves, I figured the smart thing to do is scout out our surroundings. A solo mission."

Sho didn't care much for the internal politics of his Family. He'd made up his mind right at the start of the death game, and so far, nearly every suspicion he had was proven right. Ryuhei and Hiroshi were rash and dangerous; Mitsuru, the only other sane one there. He'd unwittingly betrayed himself to Motobuchi, he realized, the way he implied they'd all split up. Oh, well. It's not as though Sho had any intention of letting the nervous wreck out of his sight.

"Say, Motobuchi," he drawled, "how would you like to leave?"
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Post by almostinhuman »

A puzzled look played across Kyoichi's face. Was this some bizarre recruitment attempt? Tsukioka couldn't possibly think he'd agree to that, right? Intimidating as he was, most of the company he kept was far worse. They weren't just intimidating, they were brutish, temperamental, and above all, stupid. Kiriyama himself was the only exception, but by Tsukioka's own admission he seemed to have vanished entirely. Kyoichi doubted there was much keeping the rest of them on a leash without their boss around.

Besides, why would they even want him? What could he possibly bring to the table for them? He certainly wouldn't be useful in a fight, and there was no doubt in Kyoichi's mind they'd be getting into plenty of those. Even if they temporarily kept him safe, he'd be the first one dead once they ran out of other students to kill. No, odd as she was, sticking with Inada was his best bet. He stepped back again, moving a bit further up the path.

"... I think I'm good, Tsukioka."
[+] TV3
"Finish what you started."
Nadine Flores
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[+] Supers
"You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better."
Austin Greene
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[+] New BRAU
"Just remember me. Okay?"
Kyoichi Motobuchi
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[+] SOTF U
"I like to have contingencies, and contingencies for my contingencies."
Rachana Kumar
1 2 3 4
[+] ORDG
"I can play the game but it helps to know the score."
Marcus "Ashe" Wilson
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"You don't know how lucky you are."
Paris "Duskblade" Lowery
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Post by decoy73 »

((Mitsuko Souma continued from Could You Really?))

Four people were dead. Akamatsu, Niida, Seto, Sugimura. Didn't know how they died, didn't need to. The only thing Mitsuko needed to know was where the Danger Zones were. Mark 'em off and stay out. Oh also, on the back - "Et. Meg: Vest." There. Now she wouldn't forget. And given that the gun was more of a draw than a map that everyone had, nobody was going to be looking for it.

But it did show one thing: people were willing to kill each other. Nobody was going to know what else was going on, so she had no idea if she was meeting a killer or a victim. Which meant that it was a very good thing that she had a gun. At least with a gun, Hardcore Souma could actually be hardcore and take down anyone who would try to kill her.

People like, well, those two people ahead of her.

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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Sho wasn't sure what he'd expected. Motobuchi had a brain, of course he wouldn't follow a known troublemaker so blindly. What a shame, then, that it was a brain Sho needed. Sure, Mitsuru would need someone to help him through the logistics of Akamatsu and his collar, but with Ryuhei and Hiroshi throwing a wrench in any plans for group unity and Kazuo gone, Sho was dying for some intelligent company. Motobuchi clearly wasn't a danger. If he was, surely he would have tried to defend himself...?

But speak of the Devil, and she shall appear. Mitsuko Souma had arrived on the scene.

Sho didn't think it was completely fair to judge Souma based on her lifestyle. But the rumors stood for themselves: she was a femme fatale par excellence, and she'd been with more boyfriends than he could count on both hands. He'd have to be cautious. It helped that Sho had only ever fallen for other men, but he couldn't speak for Motobuchi. Guys like him were easy prey.

He glanced over his shoulder. His jitte was still there, embedded in the ground by the tree. Simple enough to grab in a pinch, if the time came.

Souma drew closer. Sho remained silent; all the better not to reveal his plan.
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Post by almostinhuman »

Tsukioka'd had no time to respond to him before another figure emerged from the surrounding trees. Unfortunately, it was yet another student he'd hoped not to meet; Mitsuko Souma, leader of the other delinquent gang in their class. Much like Kiriyama's gang, Kyoichi had always given her and her girls as wide a berth as he could back in school. And much like Kiriyama's gang, there was no doubt in his mind that those girls were dangerous out here, especially Souma herself. Perhaps she'd even killed one of the four dead boys.

The gun in her hand made that seem all the more likely.

He took a few more steps back, moving further up the path, eyes locked on the new arrival. Even if Tsukioka truly meant no harm, he doubted he'd be so lucky twice in one morning.

"S-Souma." He could hear the tremble in his voice again; a sign of weakness, the sort she was likely trying to sniff out. "W-what are you d-doing here?"
[+] TV3
"Finish what you started."
Nadine Flores
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[+] Supers
"You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better."
Austin Greene
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[+] New BRAU
"Just remember me. Okay?"
Kyoichi Motobuchi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[+] SOTF U
"I like to have contingencies, and contingencies for my contingencies."
Rachana Kumar
1 2 3 4
[+] ORDG
"I can play the game but it helps to know the score."
Marcus "Ashe" Wilson
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Paris "Duskblade" Lowery
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Post by Catche Jagger »

((Mizuho Inada continued from Das Wandern))

Mizuho was hiding again.

She’d seen Motobuchi speaking with Tsukioka further down the path as she attempted to find her ally to make sure he hadn’t wandered too far ahead. There was some concern to be had there, considering Tsukioka was a member of a gang of known ruffians, but Mizuho hadn’t really ever been the subject of their antics. Perhaps she was just invisible to them.

If it had simply been Motobuchi and Tsukioka, though, Mizuho would have been fine, if a bit guarded, approaching the pair. If it was just the two of them, she wouldn’t be huddled behind a bush just a bit further up the slope, shaking.

But Souma was there too.

Now, her bullying Mizuho did bear, as did her friends. It was the casual cruelty of one who clearly enjoyed making other girls feel small and weak. What would a person like that become here?

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and brought a hand up to feel the crystal through her shirt. She would be steady.

Finally, Mizuho leapt out from the bush, revealing herself to the others, her pistol resting at her side, visible to all of them.

“Souma, I-I would suggest that you leave here. Um, we do not welcome your company.” She called out to the girl, still the one most distant from Mizuho. Her voice attempted to capture the air of command, but the tone was an odd fit, worry slipping through. Then, she turned towards Motobuchi, gesturing for him to return.

“And also I would, you know, suggest we get back to Sakaki. She might get worried.”
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
Aditi Sharma
Desiree Beck
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Post by decoy73 »

So there were three people there. Even better. Sho's whatever-it-was hairdo, Motobuchi being nervous as shit to see her, and now Inada. Mizuho Inada, who always talked about her freaky fantasy shit. Mitsuko swore that Inada had "paid" for enough colored pencils for Mitsuko to become a bonafide artist. None of them had any reason to talk to her. Motobuchi she never really paid attention to, or vice versa, Tsukioka was a member of Kiriyama's group, and even then, let Kuronaga, Sasagawa, and Numai do all the talking, and Inada would have gotten her pencils back if she'd talked back to her.

So of course it was Inada who decided to grow one and try to kick Mitsuko out. She was, this time, actually able to defend herself, if the gun in her hand was any hint. Of course she grew one. She actually could compete with Mitsuko. Mitsuko just rolled her eyes.

"Yeesh." Mitsuko raised her hands in surrender, conveniently forgetting to let go of her gun. "I'm only passing through, Miz. You don't need to give me hell here."
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Sho could feel his palms beginning to sweat. Women were a mystery to him at the best of times, but a pair of women with guns? He might as well have been staring down a pair of youkai. Inada and Souma would be more unpredictable than ever with weapons like these. Worse than that: they were an active danger.

He briefly glanced at Motobuchi, whose voice was quivering even more than the eccentric Inada. They had some connection, the way she motioned to him. A momentary alliance? A friendship? (He dismissed that notion outright as soon as he'd thought it. No, Motobuchi was a nerd, not an outcast.) Whatever the case might be, the bespectacled young man was infinitely safer somewhere else. As distrustful as Sho was of Hiroshi and Ryuhei's wild imaginings, the Kiriyama Family at least needed a little more brains. Inada? With a gun? Such a partnership was suicide.

That was what he told himself after the fact, at least. In the moment, Sho couldn't explain it himself. His body moved like lightning. Racing over to Motobuchi, the big man grabbed him by the arm and hightailed it as fast as he could.

Ten seconds later, all that remained of Sho Tsukioka was a series of coordinates drawn in the dirt.

((Sho Tsukioka continued in The Tangerine Grows on Discordant Vines.))
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Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
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Post by almostinhuman »

Inada had come for him, as he probably should have expected. If Tsukioka and Souma hadn't been here he might've been annoyed, but given what had happened he was grateful for her assistance.

"Right," he replied, turning to her. "Let's-"

From behind, a strong hand grabbed his arm, locking it in a vicelike grip and forcefully pulling him away.


Tsukioka raced down the path and back into the woods, and with his arm so tightly grabbed Kyoichi had little choice but to follow. The larger boy moved fast, far faster that Kyoichi could have managed on his own, especially given his lack of shoes. Even with Sho's hand wrapped around his arm he was barely keeping up.

As the pair raced away, Kyoichi looked back, the girls already obscured by the tree. Inada had been left behind with an armed Mitsuko Souma. Guilt wracked him as he thought of what might happen. He was too weak to fight Tsukioka off, too weak to stay and help her, and now she might be in even more danger that Kyoichi himself. Sure was some way to pay her back for what she'd done for him. He hoped she'd be okay. He couldn't stomach the thought of what Souma might do to her.

He'd find her again, somehow. He was sure Tsukioka wouldn't just let him go, so he'd wait for an opportunity to escape, then track her down again. Hopefully they'd both live long enough for that.

Hopefully it wasn't already too late.

((Kyoichi Motobuchi continued in The Tangerine Grows on Discordant Vines))
[+] TV3
"Finish what you started."
Nadine Flores
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[+] Supers
"You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better."
Austin Greene
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[+] New BRAU
"Just remember me. Okay?"
Kyoichi Motobuchi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[+] SOTF U
"I like to have contingencies, and contingencies for my contingencies."
Rachana Kumar
1 2 3 4
[+] ORDG
"I can play the game but it helps to know the score."
Marcus "Ashe" Wilson
[+] Cyber
"You don't know how lucky you are."
Paris "Duskblade" Lowery
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