Could You Really?

Kindred spirits meet

This section covers areas that lack major defining features. Okishima Island is largely covered in forest, broken up by periodic clearings and meadows. The island slopes up towards its two peaks, and the combination of this and the foliage make for rough traveling through the undeveloped areas, though a road through the valley between the peaks offers access to the western side of the island and is comparatively traversable.

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Post by decoy73 »

"So in the end, it'll just be one of us left. You think there's any other way out of this, or is it just gonna be the one?"

I fucking hate you. Quit this philosophical bullshit.

Mitsuko shook her head. "Just the one. Believe me, if there was an extra spot, I'd find some way to make it so that we could both leave." She looked up at the sky. "You know, I've never really looked at the night sky before."
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Post by Aura »

Fuck. Hirono had been hoping that Mitsuko had something in mind. She was the leader, the schemer, the idea woman. Hirono would have gladly followed through if she had a way to get them out. Instead, she just reminded her of their reality. 42 classmates, 41 about to die, only 1 gets to go home. Even if they worked together, if they survived through everything that the island and the other students had to throw at them side-by-side, they were only going to let one of them out.

Hirono looked up at the sky at Mitsuko's prompting. With so little obstruction from clouds and light, they had an absolutely stunning view of the stars above. The stars were bright, as was the moon, shining down on them in a brilliant yet gentle way. If they had been in Kyushu, Hirono could have easily seen herself laying outside and watching them for a good, long time

"Yeah." Hirono agreed. "Guess I spent so many nights in the city, I never really looked up at the stars." She nodded before adding one more observation. "It's beautiful."
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Post by decoy73 »

"It kinda is." Mitsuko sat down beside Hirono. "At least we can enjoy this for a couple minutes." So long as the gun was in her hand, she might actually be able to relax and not lose herself for a couple minutes.

It was probably the last couple of minutes she was going to get.
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Hirono's knife sat in her lap, still gripped by one of her hands as she watched the stars. The scene above her was peaceful and soothing, the vast sky stretching out above her, dotted by the gentle glow of the stars. She felt like she could stare at it for hours.

She tried not to think about the fact that this could very likely be the last night of her life, or the last time that she ever sees Mitsuko alive. She tries not to think about that, but those sorts of intrusive thoughts are difficult to escape from. She felt like she needed to say something really profound or meaningful. Something that would at least give the two of them a decent memory of the other if this is the end of their time together.

"Hey Mitsuko..." Hirono asks, turning to her friend. "I don't know what's gonna happen in the next few days... hell, even hours. So I was just thinking..." Unsure how long she wanted to beat around the bush, she spreads her arms, motioning for a hug. "Wanna bring it in?"
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Post by decoy73 »

Mitsuko squeezed Hirono's body.

Mitsuko didn't have many people whom she could rely on. Her mother ... well, did show Mitusko the realities of the world. The government was a meat grinder, with the police and the military turning the handle. School just meant to condition them for the most part to like it. Hirono and Yoshimi, well, Mitsuko could actually somewhat depend on them.

As Mitsuko just squeezed it out, she had to blink a couple times.

Fuck you, Hirono. Don't make me cry.
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Post by Aura »

Hirono was pulled into Mitsuko's arms with unexpected speed. Mitsuko wasn't usually this openly affectionate, but that could be excused by their current situation.

Hirono unhesitantly put her arms around Mitsuko as well. There weren't a lot of people that Hirono put much, if any faith in. Her parents had abandoned her all but officially, and she had no other family as far as she knew. Hayashida had been someone that she legitimately believed was looking out for her, but now he was dead thanks to slimy-ass Sakamochi and his goons. That just left Mitsuko and Yoshimi. Yeah, they were a gang, and not exactly a virtuous one, but they were Hirono's best friends. They looked out for her, and she did the same for them. They were the best thing that Hirono had going in her life.

And now all three of them were in the Program. Life really was a cruel son of a bitch.

Hirono nestled her face between Mitsuko's neck and shoulder. Part of it was just her enjoying the genuineness of the hug. The other was the hope that if she cried, the tears would just dry up on Mitsuko's uniform.
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Post by decoy73 »

Mitsuko let it all out in the form of a hug. She didn't want to cry. Not because she was afraid of looking like a wimp in front of Hirono. She just didn't want to give the guys listening, and maybe even watching, her the pleasure. Eventually, she was able to loosen up her hug. She breathed in, and out. She smoothed her hair back with her hands in one motion.

Within twenty four hours, she'd probably have to live up to being hardcore.

And right there, at that moment? It fucking sucked.
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Post by Aura »

Hirono clutched Mitsuko tightly in the embrace of their hug. She didn't know if she'd have an opportunity like this again, and she almost certainly wouldn't have one with Mitsuko, so she wanted the moment to last for as long as possible.

As soon as she let go, that was it. She had to head back out into the island. If she and Mitsuko found each other again, it probably wouldn't be the same. They could be injured, or one or both of them could have succumbed to the game and attacked. Mitsuko might even be dead or dying if they met again, and Hirono wasn't sure if she would be able to handle that. In a fucked-up way, her never seeing Mitsuko again was probably a best-case scenario.

And fuck, that was a painful thing to admit to herself.

Once the hug was done, Hirono got a look at Mitsuko's face with a faint smile present, and she turned away before she could see it change. Maybe it was a little selfish, but that was the last image that she wanted of her friend. Mitsuko wasn't generally a cheery, warm person, but this was the memory that Hirono wanted of her, the one that she would carry if she made it out.

"Good luck, Mitsuko." She said before walking away, eventually disappearing into the vast forest of the nighttime island.

(Hirono Shimizu continued in When There Ain't Nowhere To Run)
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Post by decoy73 »

Hirono let go, and she got up.

"Good luck, Mitsuko."

Mitsuko could have sworn that a smile cracked her own face. Aside from that, Mitsuko just nodded her acknowledgement and the return of Hirono's sentiment as Hirono took her leave.

As Mitsuko went in another direction, her smile turned into a frown as she mulled over one issue:

Hirono's back was facing Mitsuko. Mitsuko could have shot her right then and there. Nobody would have noticed, nobody would have known, nobody would have cared. Mitsuko knew that, and she had been incredibly tempted to raise her weapon and fire.

Even weirder? Mitsuko didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

((Mitsuko Souma continued in Six White Horses))
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