blood in the gutter


The Exterior consists of the decaying parking lot outside and directly west of The Compound. The asphalt of the parking lot is marked by wide, deep cracks, with brush having grown up through these cracks. The parking lot and The Compound itself are surrounded by a chain-link fence with barbed wire on top, though much of this fence has rusted and many sections have fallen apart. A small, abandoned checkpoint consisting of a gate and a guard house exists at the entrance to the parking lot, with the gate having been left wide open.


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blood in the gutter


Post by almostinhuman »

((S005 - Austin Greene starts here))

He looked down at himself, at his own broken form laying on its side on the pavement. Or, well, Crispin looked down at him, anyway, so Austin didn't have much of a choice but to do likewise.

They'd woken up near each other, talked briefly; it'd escalated to this with alarming speed. Austin'd gotten in a couple decent hits - he could feel as much right now - but there was no denying who'd gotten the better of the brawl. Crispin had flattened him.

He hadn't stayed in his own body for the whole thing. Once he'd hit the ground he was more or less at Crispin's mercy, so he'd fled into his Gift, started playing dead. That worked on a lot of wild animals, and it hadn't not worked on this one. At the very least, he'd stopped kicking the shit out of him once he wasn't getting a reaction anymore.

It was clear he was pretty banged up. His face bore some of the damage, with his nose bleeding profusely and a quartet of jagged red lines running down his cheek. His clothes were dotted with spots of dirt where Crispin's shoes nailed him, and his glasses had slipped off in the scuffle. The worst of it he probably couldn't even see like this, though; he'd have to return to himself to even begin assessing how badly his shit got kicked in. It was probably worse than it looked, and it looked worthy of an ER trip already.

There was little point in staying. Nothing Austin did would stop whatever Crispin had planned in his tiny peabrain; any sign of life, and the beatdown would likely resume. He probably wanted to leave him to wallow in this, anyway. Much more satisfying for the little sadist than finishing him off proper.

Cunt would fucking regret it.

For now, though, Austin needed to get help. Hopefully squirrelboy would be gone by the time they got here.

((Austin Greene continued in Jenelle Didn't Kill A Dog Just To Get The Approval Of A (Sexy) Owl Terrorist ft. Austin's Sexy, Sexy Depression))
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Austin Greene
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispin backpedaled from Austin’s prone form, grinning ear to ear. He brushed his nose with his thumb, Bruce Lee style, before realizing Austin wasn’t moving no more. There was a pang of worry, but dumb shit was still breathing, so he was fine. Sure he was sprawled out in the handicapped parking, but he’ll live, minus whatever little dignity he had left.

Crispin chuckled. He wondered if Austin was sight jacking him right now? He hoped so. Crispy took the time to grab his groin with one hand, as he began to moonwalk around Austin, C-walking just behind his head.

He leant forward twirling his hand before poking Austin in the nose.

“Nighty night; bitch.”

Standing back up, he eyed Austin’s footwear, or what barely counted as it. Fuckin’ sandals. Not even worth the effort. Disappointed in his inability to steal something that meant anything he thought about what to do next.

Well, in the scenario that Austin was sight jacking him…

Crispin planted his feet on the outside of Austin’s head, before T-Bagging him twice like this shit was call of duty. That’ll learn him to fuck around.

Crispin turned around to let the smug ass smoothbrain sleep his mistakes off.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

((S011 - Alan Melnyk: START))

“Yo! Crispin?” Alan called out, waving his hand as he stumbled into the exterior lot that surrounded the Compound, gripping his head.

The air was cooler than he might have expected from the desert, but that fucking gas or mist shit had still done a number on his head, which felt like it was about to be torn apart. The fucking Owl Bitch said that some people, the weaker set, had already been wiped out by whatever had put them under. Was Alan just going slower?

Getting a bit closer, Alan could see that his friend was standing over somebody. Somebody that wasn’t moving. That stopped Alan dead in his tracks.

It was… was that fucking Austin?

“Crispin… Austin, is he fucking-? Did you-? Jesus fucking shit man, what the actual fuck? This shit hasn’t, like… and you fucking killed him?” Alan’s mind raced as he tried to figure this shit out. What the fuck was Jenelle gonna fucking do if Crispin killed her brother, piece of shit though he may be?

"And why the fuck are you smiling about that, man?"
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
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Post by ItzToxie »

"What? No motherfucker!"

Alan was a great sight to see, considering like, half of his fucking class probably died to the fucking gas or whatever. At least of the people who did make it, there were some better faces around, people he could trust.

People who weren't this dickhead here.

"Naw man, he ain't dead, you know me! Bitch just sleeping." Admittedly, this didn't look like the greatest of scenes, what with the fact they got kidnapped by some fiddy blessings wannabe motherfuckers and told to kill each other, but really this shit was all just a dirty set of circumstances.

"Motherfucker fucked around, and I had to slump him, but he's fine, I didn't even hit him all that hard, he's just a bitch. I do a lot of dumb shit, but I ain't doing this shit!" Fucking Austin. Somehow making shit about him and being a victim even though he started it. Crispy figured Alan would've known him better by now, but apparently not.

"Anyways. Nice to see you too, I guess..." Nice to know he's trusted. :/
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“I mean, it’s a real fucked up situation and…” Alan took a couple steps closer to get a better view. Yeah, it sure looked like Austin was still breathing. Fuck, Alan knew well that Austin was a little bitch, but starting shit out here was a purely dumbass move.

It was a fucked up situation and this was not the best foot to start off on. Crispin in particular didn’t need another target on his fucking back from their classmates.

“Well, fuck it…” He hissed, before spitting down on Austin’s face. Might as well steer into the fucking skid.

“I trust you, man. Fuck Austin. Now, should take his shit. We need it more than he does right?” Alan asked, looking back up at Crispin as a smile finally came to his face.
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Crispin’s grin returned. “OOOOOOoooh, I get it! Almost had me there you dirty motherfucker.” That sudden change of tone told Crispy all he needed to know. Alan was fucking with him, of course he knew he wouldn’t do that type of shit.

“Yeah. I figured I did enough to teach him not to fuck with me, but we could always use a souvenir or two. Bitch ain’t got no damn shoes though, what we gonna lift off him?”

Crispin watched Alan spit on Austin. No love lost there. Man’s gonna wake up spit on, tbagged, and robbed. Absolute disrespect. Crispin’s tail wagged in admiration.

He deserved it though.

“Ay what you want off him?”
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Alan chuckled along with Crispin’s words. He was good for keeping crazy shit light, un-fucking-flappable in the face of a goddamn death game run by a gang of furries.

“I mean, I’d go for his hoodie, that’d be good, but you’ve gotta think bigger too, man.” Alan tapped his index finger to his temple.

“All of us got bags with supplies, right? Food? Water? Medicine? That’s the shit you need to survive in the desert, man. So that’s what we’ll take.” Alan explained, already shuffling over to Austin’s bag and sifting for the shit that would actually be useful, rather than any more dead weight.

As Alan worked, he tried to consider other problems this was gonna cause. Mainly, he thought about how the hell he was going to square this shit with Jenelle. Her Gift would be the most useful in a situation, but this shit with Austin was gonna be a real fucking bridge to cross, even if the two of them did hate each other.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“That ugly lime green thing? You won’t catch me dead in that thing, but if you want it sure.” Didn’t matter to Crispy either way, it was about the act not the materials.

Alan proved he was the brains of the operation. Sure they could jack his clothes, but they might need food. Crispin definitely would. Those party city mask wearing hoes stole his fujiwara bag filled with snacks, the bitches. He had trail mix, hot Cheetos, Key Lime Bang energy drinks, M@M’s with peanuts, sour patch kids, Buffalo cheezits, caramel bugles, strawberry gatorade, and melon Mountain Dew. Austin would have to suffer so that Crispin’s hunger is fulfilled. Mans gotta eat.

He knelt over Austin. “Aite bet, let’s loot this nerd for all he’s got. You think Jennelle gonna be pissed about this?”

He began to straighten Austin’s arms out to slide him out of his hoodie better.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

“It’s pink, Crispy.” Alan noted without looking up, removing the medkit, water, and protein bars from Austin’s bag and placing the medkit, half of the bars, and one of the waters in his own bag before sliding the rest over to Crispin.

“That’s your share. Now…” He turned his attention back to Austin’s prone form. Squatting beside him, Alan managed to maneuver his ex to pull off his hoodie.

“Even if you don’t want it, some hefty fabric kind of shit has gotta come in handy, right?” Alan mused stuffing the hoodie in his bag for the time being. Next, the two of them would need to decide on a path forward. Even Crispin picked up on the Jenelle situation, which meant it had to be addressed.

“Maybe, I dunno. You did knock her brother the fuck out, but I’ll see if we can’t smooth shit out, yeah? Speaking of lil asswipe over here… thinking we just leave him like this?” It seemed a fair proposal to lay before Crispin.
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Post by ItzToxie »

"Aree-gayte-oh go-zee-masu, amigo." Crispin spoke, as he saw Alan divy up the supplies. He began to slide the jacket off of Austin.

"Gimme that jacket, coz it's mine now."

He focused on the task at hand moreso than Alan, but he wasn't worried. Alan had a plan, Crispy was down for it, and Jenelle would probably get over it once she knew what happened. "Yeah, true, but Austin knew better. Dumbass shouldn't have tried me. We need Jenelle though. We gotta get out of here, and she's our best chance."

He looked at Alan as he got the gree- "pink" hoodie off of Austin.

"I ain't waiting around here, man. I'm too damn pretty to get blown up, and I sure as hell ain't letting Austin or some other turd from the nerd herd waste me. I rate better than that shit."

Crispy looked over towards Austin. He swiped his tail along his face like a feather duster as he stood up, giggling as he watched Austin twitch. He wished he could put something in Austin's hand and make him slap himself with it, but there wasn't nothing around this... prison?

"We should leave his stupid ass here. He'll wake up. He's so stupid he can't get any dumber from drain bamage anyways, hell I may've made him smarter."

"...And hey, if he wants a repeat performance, I'm more than welcome to give it to him." Crispy beamed, putting the energy bars and water in his bag.

"So uhhh, you want this hoodie, or should I just tie it up somewhere high where this big dummy can't reach it?"
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Post by Catche Jagger »

“Agreed on Jenelle.” Alan sighed, looking over Austin once more. What the fuck had he ever seen in that sack of shit anyway?

“I’ll keep the hoodie. If he comes by wanting it back, then he can fucking politely ask and give a real good apology, ya feel me?” He chuckled, zipping up his pack and slinging it over his shoulder.

“So how about we get moving, yeah? Look for Jenelle and Moose and whoever else and figure out what our move’s gonna be.” Alan gave a nod, gesturing for Crispin to follow as he started away from their little crime scene. Crispin might have been the victim in this stupid little scuffle, but hanging around definitely wasn’t going to do them any favors in the looks department.

((Alan Melnyk continued elsewhere…))
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Post by ItzToxie »

"Sounds good, dude."

Crispin tossed Alan the hoodie, then leaned over towards Austin one final time. "Sleep tight, don't let the crabs bite."

He turned back to Alan. "Let's bounce."

(( Crispy Critter continued elsewhere.))
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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