there's kids here


V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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there's kids here


Post by Brackie »

hnng rnnng v8

Destiny Martinez is the fourth of five grown children and only daughter in a Dominican/Cuban household. She's grown up to consider herself very much "one of the guys" and tends to look down on other girls who are too feminine. She's very mechanically inclined and owns a second-hand motorbike she bought for cheap and then borrowed/pilfered/stole stuff through her dad's mechanic business in order to fix it back up. She's not right-wing, unlike most of her family but she is very "traditional" with how she likes her guys, ie super masculine and not talking about their feelings. Destiny is not afraid to get into a fight, be it a verbal one or a physical altercation, and she's had some trouble with that over the years which she's kept under wraps. She's also the secret keeper to her younger brother - he's gay and he's terrified of anyone in the family finding out.
[+] amigas
none yet
Aidan Winston is a middle-class lonely only child with not a lot of friends. He is, however, heavily invested in making and consuming art! He's an incredibly experienced painter who's constantly working on something, listening to music, and watching shows, although he does have a guilty pleasure in reality shows, which is slowly transitioning to unironic enjoyment. Aidan also has body image issues due to his weight and sees himself as completely unlovable to any other man who's also interested in men.
[+] castmates
none yet
Lara Rodriguez is the most annoying overprotective sister you have ever met in your life - her parents are usually extremely busy with their jobs to the point that Lara has had to take up most of the responsibilities around the house, but this has had the unfortuante effect of bleeding into her social life - she has friends, but anyone immediately outside of that circle finds her insufferable to the nth degree due to being not only a busybody, but condescending, accidentally rude, and someone who usually never backs down from any form of confrontation, no matter how major or minor. Despite all this, Lara wants to pursue her passion of becoming a makeup artist, and has a small following on YouTube and a slightly larger one on TikTok which she hopes she can transfer into a career that will make bank.
[+] mutuals
none yet
Peyton Hoffman is basically Ben Shapiro without the muppet voice and if he'd been disciplined and steered in the right direction at some point in his life. Don't get him wrong, he's economically right-wing and refuses to express any opinion on his social stances, but he has a group of close friends around which curb some of his worse tendencies that would pop up were he without them. He runs a black market high school snack operation on his lonesome that specializes in interstate snacks from his parents business travels, but is generally very quick to run up tabs for people and generally is pretty patient with asking for money.
[+] contemporaries
Kyle "K" Emerson (MethodicalSlacker) - Main Friend Group
Laci York (KamiKaze) - Ex-Girlfriend/Main Friend Group
Savanna Adkins (MurderWeasel) - Main Friend Group
Madea Parth (TheLordOfAwesome) - Main Friend Group
June Madison (Maraoone) - Main Friend Group
Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart (Yugikun) - Main Friend Group
Lindsey Sewall is your average happy-go-lucky kind aspiring doctor, talented gymnast, and horror movie enthusiast. She was exposed to several shock sites as a child by asshole classmates playing a joke on her, including clips of actual death and several SOTF clips, which traumatized her at an early age, but through therapy she managed to overcome this and make the conscious decision that, although SOTF has created a lot of evil in the world, she wants to be the counter of good. She does, however, hold an appreciation of gory horror movies, due to the safe knowledge that none of it is real, and an appreciation for practical special effects. Her caring nature also has a habit of people taking advantage of her, via getting her to do things for them, or them assuming that more exists in a relationship than actually does.
[+] friends
Spike Havighurst (RC) - Boyfriend
Luke Travers is someone quick to remind you you're disrespecting a future army soldier. Very patriotic but very intense yet emotionally non-expressive except to select close people, Luke grew up in a fractured extended family that doesn't speak to each other very often, and as such he's been taught a lot about the world by his extremely right-wing dad. Loves guns and sports, hates weak-willed people, sees his body as a temple. Doesn't really see himself as worth a lot individually, more interested in the idea that he would help serve a greater purpose than find his own in life. Really needs someone to talk him out of that last bit for his own safety.
[+] fellows
Isidore ??? (Jilly) - Cousin

idk exactly what I'm looking for in relationships since v8 will be when I try a much more "post with people instead of planning with them" deal, but if you, dear person/handler/reader, have any ideas that would help your own characters or mine, feel free to comment and I'll sew it into said character like a patchwork quilt
[+] The Island
V4: G069 - Clio Gabriella: Hold me closer, tiny dancer; count the headlights on the highway to hell.
V4: G083 - Paige Strand: Feelings don't try to hurt you, even the painful ones. You're responsible for all of the damn consequences.
V4: B118 - Jacob Charles: Every grieving heart has screamed at one time or another 'why can't you just let me die?'
V4: G114 - Aston Bennett: A woman who desires revenge must dig three graves.
V4: B108 - Ma'afu Tuigamala: Most men would rather forget a hard truth than face it.
V5: G015 - Janie Sinneave: Every human being must find her own way to cope with the impossible, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method she doesn't choose.
V6: B018 - Maxim Kehlenbrink: Too much self-centered attitude brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger, and a hammer to the skull.
V7: G044 - Mikki Swift: It takes 18 years to build a reputation and a minute to ruin it.
V7: G070 - Jessica Rennes: Despair is our chance to wrestle with water and fall through.
V7: G075 - Aditi Sharma: She can still scream that rebel yell, just as loud as it was in 2005.
[+] Home
V4: B042 - Brendan Wallace: History has a way of repeating itself for years to come.
v5 - Penny Huang: Good girls can make bad decisions.
v5 - Jasper Rourke: Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "what could have been".
v7 - Gaelan Meloy: And nothing matters.
v7 - Jordan Brankovich: Rethinking it all.
v7 - Kayden Brockman: Not done yet.
v7 - Ji-hyun Christensen: Just getting started.
[+] Remind Me Tomorrow
Destiny Martinez will live fast and die faster.
Aidan Winston is going to let you know you're not solving anything.
Lara Rodriguez thinks you should keep your opinion on her to yourself.
Peyton Hoffman isn't fond of the PC Police ruining everything.
Lindsey Sewall wants to make sure you drank water today you stupid bitch.
Luke Travers needs to have a code.
I'm hosting a SOTF!
SOTF: International
Applications Open Now!
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Post by decoy73 »

Eric Reid is going to be one of the few (or possibly even the only) guy that Lindsey cannot stand, due to him creeping on her for the longest time.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
Kaede Tsurumi: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!"
Morgan Whitney
Tyler Slomkowski
Victor Grail: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all."
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Dogs231 »


I think Abhi and him could probably find many things to disagree and argue about with regards to politics, especially with Abhi's preferred methods of discussing politics being bad-faith arguments and putting words in people's mouths.

Donovan would probably be a regular customer of the snack operation.


Luke and Corbin would likely get along well. Corbin plans to enlist in the military if he can't get to West Point, and they both are patriotic and right-wing. As well, they both enjoy sports. The two could probably get along if you feel they would.

Code: Select all

Edithe Merdur is looking to axe you a question.

  ,  /\  .  
(| -=||=- |)
  `  ||  '  

Code: Select all

Trent Sherwin is running away from his problems.

              _( }
    -=   _  <<  \
  -=      '--'\\  `
       -=     //

Code: Select all

J is a man of few words.

                      | |    
__      _____  _ __ __| |___ 
\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` / __|
 \ V  V / (_) | | | (_| \__ \
  \_/\_/ \___/|_|  \__,_|___/

Code: Select all

Andrew Leeroy is going to beat you to death.

/  _    _  \
_  ( (_\  /_) )  _
{ \._\   /\   /_./ }
_  _.=("""")=._  _
{_"            "_}
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Post by Deamon »

So I think it could potentially be fun if Lara and California did not get on because it looks like their personalities would clash.

Lindsey may know Aracelis through gymnastics if they go to the same club.

Darryl would make fun of Luke all the time.
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
Roberta “Robbie” Woodvine
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Dr Adjective
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Post by Dr Adjective »

Hello! I have ideas and they're probably easier to group by my two kids this time around, here they go;

Evie possibly has some solidarity going on with Destiny, but equally Destiny might find her a bit too girly in manner despite her androgynous appearance and boyish interests? Depending on how things shake out with Evie also being a "one of the guys" type, maybe they'll end up with connections or a group in common anyway? Who knows.
She probably doesn't have much going on with Peyton unless he has a line on hard-to-find vegan snacks? Or maybe he just thinks less of her for asking.
As for Lindsey and Aidan, probably likes but doesn't really know - and Lara and Luke, doesn't really care for but also has little connection. Not really much to go on there.

Bethany on the other hand sounds like she'd get on with Peyton and Luke like a house on fire. Finally some upstanding gentlemen that haven't fallen for the lib propaganda, and both ones she wouldn't be embarassed to show to her parents some day? Maybe.
The others she wouldn't much acknowledge, though I don't think Destiny would be a fan or her, Lara has probably annoyed her on one or more occasions, and she's probably taken advantage of Lindsey's generosity at least once.
I made some terrible children, please befriend them.
Evie "Otter Mode" McKown will protect every animal. They are all friend.
Bethany Lyon is going to join the Daughters of the American Revolution when she's old enough.
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Post by Applesintime »

Matthew and Luke might get along well; they're both pretty patriotic, right wing and I'm guessing that they'd both have plans to join the military after school.
[+] The Future
Alex Avanesian has a theory.
Matthew Bell wishes he didn't live in a blue state.
Jennifer Lintunen is vibing to music.
Madeleine Molliqaj got something really cute at the thrift store!
Zacharias Smith thinks you're annoying.

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