Pranay Shankar

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Name: Pranay Shankar
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Place of Residence: Gurugram, Haryana, India
Language/s: Hindi, English
Hobbies and Interests: Online Poker, Motorcycling, Driving, American Media, Pink Floyd

Appearance: Pranay stands at 5'9" and weighs 150 pounds, looking more thin than fat. He has short, scruffy, black hair, brown eyes, a wide nose and signs of a black mustache above his thick lips. His face is round and his skin color is light brown.

On the day of the abduction he was wearing a white polo shirt over his white tanktop with his brown knee-short khakis and black shoes. He also wore round John Lennon/Oasis sunglasses.

Biography: Pranay was born as the second child of a middle class family in Gurugram. His mother works as a physical therapist, his father works a civil engineer. He has an older brother that works in tech and a younger sister and younger brother who still go to school. He is a little bit more introverted than his siblings, which is why he feels a bit more disconnected from them.

Ever since he was a child, he gained an interest in American Media, starting with American music. He was introduced to the world of Pink Floyd and other dad-rock artists through his father. Since then, he became a big Pink Floyd fan, his favourite albums being The Wall and The Dark Side of the Moon. His interest in media also is reflected in his hobbies, as he loves to watch Netflix series in his free time as well as stream movies. Being in touch with American media made him feel slightly more sympathy than ususal to Americans in general.

He was a good student and got along with his classmates. He was never physically active, even though his family tried to encourage him to pursue those like his older brother. He tried cricket but it wasn't his thing and he resented the fact that his parents tried to tell him what to do in his free time.

At age 16 he received his driver's license for both the car and the motorcycle and fell in love with driving cars and motorbikes. He loved the freedom he got from driving on the roads, like the highway or city streets, which were perfect for driving. His car is a Honda and he saved for it. His motorcyle was a gift by his parents and it is a suzuki. His parents know he loves driving but they are also fast drivers. He knows a bit about the mechanical sides of the car and would drop his knowledge in conversation with colleagues.

He moved out from his parents at age 18 after getting married to a high school girlfriend. He already got into gambling as a teenager, but after moving out he committed into spending his free time playing online poker. He's got international friends online and loves discussing puzzles and math online.

Pranay, in person, can be described as a friendly guy, however, on the internet he is a bit more arrogant and rude. This is because his ego is bigger in anonymity. He hangs out in gaming communities as well as finance communities.

A friend of his recruited him to scam people as a free time job, due to thinking he's a smart guy. His english skills were good enough to scam people and they were close friend due to having the same hobbies, so he respected Pranay. Pranay gladly accepted the job, as it was a good income for money, which would give him more money for online pokering or buying him a fancier car. They ran technical support scams and targetted people from Canada, the UK and the US, tricking naive adults, or even elderly into giving private information. They trick their victims into using TeamViewer to get access.

Neither of them have a bad feeling about it, because they are targetting the English. Neither his wife nor his family know of his scam activities and think it' s a normal IT job. He did use the money he earned from this job to buy his vehicles.

After graduating, he plans to study engineering in a local university.

Advantages: He is a pretty ruthless person and isn't too nice to everybody, so there are less factors that would hinder him from stop being competetive. He also is good at deceiving, due to his scam job.
Disadvantages: He is not physically fit, due to spending his free time inside. He also has a rude side that might alienate potential allies.

Designated Number: O17


Designated Weapon: Caulking Gun

Conclusion: I’m not making a ‘fate sealed’ joke, Prodigy. Puns aren’t funny - but Pranay’s odds are.” - Polar

The above biography is as written by RC. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: RC

Kills: None

Killed By: Caleb Policarpio

Collected Weapons: Caulking Gun (assigned weapon)

Allies: Jevaun Barret


Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation: Alright, now you’re the first one whose story is more straightforward for me to do a proper evaluation.

I think your game plan was problematic. It could have worked, and it was honestly working. Watching it, I didn’t believe it was going to work. When I was compiling the footage, yours was always on the back of my mind, even more than the one involving me, because of a straightforward question:

How is this working?

After doing a little digging on you, I realized that there was a reason why it worked: you had previous experience doing it. You were a scammer a thief, and a gambling addict. You lied to Jevaun because that was in your nature. I think I know why you were put there.

I found the real George Harper. I looked him up. He was from California. He’s currently retired, and I saw that you had drained some of his accounts with one of your scams.

Ultimately, I’m left wondering how George Harper from California is doing.

Usually, I’d end the eval here. I got you down: you’re a scammer; if you had lived, you could have gone to win. But there are questions that you asked that I wanted to answer with my knowledge as the winner.

You said something along the lines that this could be a job interview. You weren’t wrong. Sometimes, even a fool can share some wisdom.

Your wife is being taken care of, Pranay. - Outlander

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Pranay, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF: International or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Pranay Shankar. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

I really loved Pranay/ George from California. I have a small complaint that I wish that his profile had a little more polish -- would love to know anything about his wife, for one, since she never comes up on the island and there are some grammar things -- but it's a small quibble. On to the things I loved, which was a lot. RC has had a recent run of doing a really good job of making characters who seem fully-formed on arrival (see his TV3 work). The same is true for Pranay. I think the idea of having a tech scammer is very fun and unusual, and this is a part of his character but also speaks to his whole character too. He maliciously poisons someone's water for no reason other than because he feels like it. When he gets attacked, he falls to the ground and then stays there, anticipating a shoot out. I think it's very clever that there are repetitions of phrases like "He showed a look of concern" to emphasize that it's not real concern, it's part of his grift. There are many parts of the writing that reinforce his performance vs sincerity. It's very funny but also completely sensible that he assumes everyone else is also a criminal like him or owes debt to shady people like he does and assumes that's why they were all kidnapped. The character is distinct, fun, and cohesive. The death is a bit sudden and doesn't have a lot to it, but I would definitely recommend Pranay/ George from California regardless. - Carrion Queen