Jevaun Barrett

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O03 - Jevaun Barrett (art by Yonagoda)

Name: Jevaun Barrett
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Place of Residence: Kingston, Surrey, Jamaica
Language/s: English
Hobbies and Interests: Ska, jazz, graffiti art

Appearance: Jeavun stands at 5’8 in height and weighs 138 Ibs, giving him a lean frame. While he once was more muscular he is now a bit more skinny with a rectangular frame, though he still has slight muscle definition. Jevaun is ethnically of African descent, and his skin tone is a warm medium-brown. His right knee has a faded scar from a fall a year back.

Jevaun has an ovular face with sharp cheekbones and a weaker, rounded jaw. His eyes are almond shaped and dark brown, underneath thin eyebrows. His nose is a bit pointed and upturned with flared nostrils and his mouth is on the smaller side with average-sized lips. He has a good skincare routine but pimples still appear occasionally, and as of now he has a small patch of whiteheads on his right cheek. His hair is black and naturally kinky, and he keeps it in a short fade, while his facial hair is shaved regularly to keep himself clean shaven. He speaks in a slightly boyish voice that is prone to cracking.

His fashion sense involves quite a lot of bright, compatible or matching colors. He prefers graphics over patterns, but most of the time wears clothes with just a single color and no designs at all. Most days, he would wear at least one piece of jewelry. In his wardrobe, there are a lot of brightly colored belts and dyed jeans.

On abduction day Jevaun wore a dark blue t-shirt with a white one underneath with a higher neck hole, dark blue skinny ankle jeans with a lighter blue belt buckle, along with blue sneakers and a dark blue cap. Around his neck is a gold chain given to him by his brother.

Biography: Jevaun was born to Burgess and Jada Barrett. The second of two sons to the pair, the first being his brother Jaden born 2 years prior. Burgess worked in construction and Jada had worked as a clerk when the two got together before her first pregnancy.

Jevaun grew up close to his mother and brother, as Jada stayed at home to take care of them until Jaden was old enough that she felt comfortable enough to work again to supplement Burgess' income. As such, Jevaun grew up emulating and looking up to his brother, following wherever he went.

Having taken after his brother's example, Jevaun found himself popular with the student body due to a combination of his athletic ability and the ease that he got along with people. Often going out of his way to interact with others despite differences between him and some of his classmates.

Jevaun used to play football in his younger years, joining and being on the football team as he grew older, building a reputation for himself as a solid player on the defensive midfield and noted for his cool head during the game, but eventually grew bored of the sport as his interest in other ventures increased in return. Which became noted in his lacking performances before eventually quitting the team to focus on art and music.

This interest in art started when his parents took him and his brother to Fleet Street in Kingston, where the walls were decorated with tons of street graffiti. Whilst Jaden was disinterested and spent time fooling around. Jevaun was transfixed by what he saw and would frequently come down there as he got older to look at the art. He finds it a calming and relaxing sight, particularly when he’s stressed and makes trips to see it when he’s in need of inspiration for his own art.

When it comes to music, Jevaun listens primarily to old Ska and Reggae records. With the help of the internet Jevaun would look up different groups and use various websites to listen, alternating between Youtube or Spotifiy depending on whether the artist was available on the latter.

Jevaun’s grades fluctuate greatly depending on the subject. In classes that require the use of creativity and imagination, Jevaun’s teachers note that he has a knack for it, but once the subject changes to mathematics or the like, his mind wanders and his performance suffers as a result. Despite all this, his teachers have noted that he never seems stressed out during tests, even for subjects that he doesn't particularly enjoy and tends to do well as a result.

Over the years, Jevaun's friend group has changed drastically. Whilst originally surrounded mostly by fellow members of the team along with other sports minded students, once his interest in art and music became his focus, he'd see them less and less by the day. Instead he would find himself with other, more art focused students. Often discussing various pieces they've seen or created, techniques they use or everyday annoyances they have to deal with. Despite this over time change, Jevaun is still on good terms with his former teammates, and finds the occasional time to hang out when he's not busy with his art.

A year ago, Jevaun banged his knee up pretty bad, having tripped down a set of stairs. As a result, he wore a knee brace for several months as his right knee recovered. Unfortunatly, it now has mobility issues and he tends to put less weight on it due to this.

His relationship with his family is great for the most parts outside certain disagreements in regards to his future. His mother in particular wants him to get a stable job in a secure and lucrative field. Despite seeing his father less than his brother or mother, Jevaun looks up to the man for his dedication to work and often tries to impress him, a part of the reason he played football was his fathers interest in the sport.

Jevaun’s intentions once he’s done with school is to continue his artistic pursuits, though his parents both want him to get a stable job whilst pursuing a different line of education. His brother Jaden, on the other hand, is supportive of his brother’s pursuits and encourages him.

Advantages: Jevaun has an easy time getting along with other people, and finds it fun to interact with others, often going out of his way to do so. Jevaun has been noted to keep a calm head whilst under duress or during stressful situations.
Disadvantages: Jevaun due to his lean frame doesn’t convey a threatening presence, not helped by his looking weak jaw or the patch of whiteheads on his cheek. Jevau is severely out of practice when it comes to exerting himself physically, and despite this decrease in his athletics since he quit exercising regularly, he's still confident in his ability. He banged his right knee badly about a year ago that left a scar and is less mobile in it as a result compared to his other knee.

Designated Number: O03

Designated Weapon: Sanna-77

Conclusion: Disco had something here, but he was curt to me this morning so I deleted it. Anyway, he’d probably just say something rude about his brother, compliment the gun he’s got, make some quip about his knee being fucked up, and then say he’s got no chance, but I’m better than that. For starters, this guy’s brothers’ a loser, the really cool gun we’ve given him is not going to help at all, he’s got less forward mobility in him than hobbits from The Shire, he’s got no chance, but at least he’ll probably have a really funny death if he tries to run and fucks up that knee. -- Prodigy

The above biography is as written by Ohm. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: Ohm

Kills: None

Killed By: Seychelle Charity Tress

Collected Weapons: Sanna-77 (assigned weapon) (taken by Seychelle Charity Tress)

Allies: Pranay Shankar

Enemies: Austin Song, Tarren Joseph, Caleb Policarpio, Seychelle Charity Tress

Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation: For Archibald, I could pretend it was self-defense or preventative self-defense - which sounds worse than just killing someone outright, in my opinion. I had a reason to fear Archie.

But for you? I had none.

I guess that was when people realized I wasn’t just some hapless victim running around in fear, dissociated from my body like I was being piloted by an alien invading my brain. I had no reason to kill you. I’ve watched, rewatched, and re-rewatched the footage repeatedly. I tried to figure out why I killed you at that moment.

I’m still not sure. I remember thinking about Michelle, thinking about worms, thinking about mud. I remember thinking about where I was going - the village, for safety.

Jack brought up three reasons: sadism, pragmatism, and fear. It wasn’t the former: I never enjoyed killing anyone. It wasn’t the latter because I didn’t feel anything at that moment - you could see that I was clearly checked out.

I could have simply shot you. I could have left. I could have helped you.

Instead, I broke the bridge underneath your feet and smashed your head in. I didn’t know I had it in me. I never would have thought I could have done that. But guns were heavy, even if they always seemed light to me.

So that leaves pragmatism. I needed a gun and supplies, and I got both from you. I guess killing you was easy. I’ve been good at killing people, surprisingly so. In my entire life, I would have never thought to myself that I would kill anyone, and yet now, I have a larger body count than most serial killers. I guess the line between them and me, other than the definition and the fact that I am a spree killer and that I will probably never kill again.

Jevaun, I don’t know why you would believe me, but I’m sorry for being my stepping stone. - Outlander

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Jevaun, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF: International or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Jevaun Barrett. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

Jevaun fills in the role of an everyman pretty nicely. He has good chemistry with Pranay and its kind of funny and sweet that he believes Pranay when he says things and that he believes Pranay is his one ally. I guess that might be true, but there is fun to be had when the reader knows that Pranay aka George is a lot scummier than Jevaun knows and probably would sell Jevaun out for a corn chip while Jevaun tries so hard to keep him safe and sincerely mourns his death. The characters work well off each other. Following the death of his one good buddy he tries to avenge him and is still fairly solid. The death is confusing to me, and I'm completely willing to redact this if I understand it at a later date. The structure he's on is a log bridge which I understand to be a bridge made from one or more logs across a length, sometimes with other logs or planks set into them. I'm not sure how a gunshot manages to send him through it or cause the bridge to break partially. There's not a lot of information in the area description so I think this is a death that could have benefitted from more set up at the outset of what the area and elements looked like/ were. My confusions with the death logistics aside, I think this character is a nice entry. - Carrion Queen