Austin Song

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Austin Song


Post by Primrosette »

Name: Austin Song
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place of Residence: Penylan, Cardiff, Wales
Language/s: English, Welsh
Hobbies and Interests: Being outdoors (parks, nature, etc), photography, horror movies, and lapidary

Appearance: Austin is a young Welsh person who is at the height of 6’0 and the weight of 145 Ibs. His skin tone is of an olive shade and he does have a bit of muscular frame due to doing sport activities, even if he thinks of sports in just a neutral term and he just does it to make sure that he stays healthy and fit. His legs can be seen as long and he towers over his other classmates despite his parents being shorter than him. His posture is slightly bent over and his arms are a bit longer than average and just about up to his thighs.

His face is seen as a heart-like shape and he has a sharp, rounded jawline. His cheekbones are a bit plummy and his small mouth is seen as a straight line across his stoic face. His dark, brown eyebrows have been puckered into thin, straight lines and his eyelashes are long and curled. His nose is of an average-size with a sharp tip at the end of his nose and it is slightly bent to the left side due to a childhood incident with a former friend. His eyes are the colour of an emerald green and he has a beauty mark under his mouth on the right side of his face. His hair is a dark brown colour that goes up to his neck line and is very messy and a lot of curly ends. His fringe is parted to the sides of his ears and there is a strand of hair that goes over his right eye that is dyed the colour of a bright pink.

Austin’s fashion clothing wear consists of darker clothes and he wears golden bracelets around both of his wrists. He likes to go with either grey, dark blue or green jeans for casual wear and black or light grey sweatpants for sport activities or jogging in general. He likes to wear t-shirts with designs or logos from horror movies that he loves or enjoys and he will occasionally wear hoodies with horror designs or just a normal hoodie that can vary from one colour to another. He is seen wearing sneakers or trainers when he is in the mood for whichever one.

On the day of the abduction, Austin was wearing his school uniform on the way home and it consisted of wearing a white collared shirt, a clip-on black tie with red stripes, black trousers, and black leather shoes. Instead of wearing the school blazer as he would occasionally forget it when rushing to school in the mornings; he would be wearing a black-orangey hoodie with a design of Jason Voorhees from Friday The 13th with fire surrounding him (and fire coming out of the eye holes of his hockey mask) and some black trees underneath him.

Biography: Austin was born on July 27th, 2003, as the eldest child of three siblings to both Welsh parents, Idris and Sian Song, and he has a sister, Carron, who is a year younger and a brother, Rhys, who is younger by two years. His parents met at high school and had been together for over twenty years with their ups and downs like any other relationship. They are pretty financially stable and cautious with their money as a middle-class family. Idris works as a gardener during the daytime and a night care assistant during the nighttime and Sian works as a lapidarist. Austin is close to his parents who both dote on and advise their kids when they have to make them behave or learn valuable lessons. Despite him rarely getting to see them when they are busy with work and he has to be the one to babysit his younger siblings when he was old enough to do so and a close friend of his parents who was a stay-at-home-mum, would have to look after them while they were growing up. His parents also only give their children pocket money, gifts or special presents when they had done their chores, homework, or gotten a good grade at school.

During his primary school life, Austin was a pretty quiet and studious kid who would study and read to the delight of even his strictest teachers. He was also a child who liked to have fun with other children in school activities despite him being seen as an emotionless child. He felt indifferent towards school subjects, but he would make sure to do what the teachers tell him without any questions and he would try to avoid getting into trouble with other classmates. However, he ended up in a fight with a former friend who had been picking on Carron and he ended up with a bent, broken nose for his troubles and a happy sister who was glad about him standing up for her. The former friend got expelled for starting the fight and he got suspended from school for three days as it was a rule for the school against school fights. His parents were proud of Austin for sticking up for his sister, putting a bully in their place and they advised him to try to avoid people who can be a bad influence on him in the future.

When he was outside a lot with his friends and feeling a bit adventurous; he found himself falling in love with Roath Park due to its nature with wonderful-looking trees and a beautiful lake and he liked how it makes him feel safe and at peace. He would always go there with either his friends or his family while he was growing up. He would sometimes also go alone to relax and think through some thoughts that are easier for him to do there.

He would also go to Heath Park whenever his friends or his younger siblings would like to do sport pitches or activities with him and he would go there to jog whenever he would like to keep himself in a fit form of health. There are also areas where he can go for hiking and he actually enjoys it due to how relaxing and how freeing it feels to him naturally. After curfew, he would sneak out to hang out with his friends after night and he would climb and sit on trees to pass the time. He even does both the hiking and the climbing in the present day due to not growing out of those habits.

When he started up middle school, his grades were still top-notch and he would make sure to still stay a diligent student due to all of his subjects. He would make sure that he would have decent grades that were around As and Bs. He would make sure to avoid any other classmates that would try to stay trouble or try to distract the lessons. He would also help his younger siblings with any homework and difficult textbooks whenever they ask and they would grow closer as a family as a result.

It was around this time in middle school, when he started to take an interest in photography and he was fascinated with the aspect of natural photography. He would make sure to keep his grades up for his parents and so that he could get a Nikon D850 as it was the best one to use from what he had searched up on the internet. He also got his younger brother, Rhys, intrigued in photography as well after showing him some of his more artistic photos and Austin is supportive of his brother taking up an interest in portrait photography. To this day; Austin goes mostly to Roath Park to take photos of the surroundings trees, insects, lake and sky and he is also a part of the photography club at his secondary school.

During his time in secondary school; a friend of his let him borrow a copy of a horror movie called Friday The 13th and he made sure to watch it in his room privately as he wasn’t sure how his parents would have reacted at the time. He enjoyed the movie as it was pretty cheesy, campy and the kills were just very fun and creative to see and he would always go over to his friend’s or his group of friends’ homes to watch whatever Horror movies they had in mind to watch. He is a fan of all subgenres of horror movies. His most favourite subgenre are slashers as his first introduction to the horror genre was a slasher movie that he loved for how it didn’t take itself so seriously and he just enjoyed silliness of it. Another favourite is psychological horror as he likes how it can mess and disturb him mentally and it will always keep him guessing with an unreliable narrator until the end of the movie. Jump scares are his least favourite thing to see in horror as they can be seen as a visually cheap scene and he finds them one of the laziest things to be used; he does appreciate when they are done at the right moment or when they catch him off-guard. He has been buying any merchandise or any clothing that has designs or logos from horror series movies in any local shops or just from online shopping.

During the year before his last year of secondary school; he became more interested in lapidary due to his mother showing him and his other siblings what she did for work and he found himself looking up the different ways and techniques of doing lapidary which includes cutting, faceting, inlaying and polishing. He began to practice on stones that his Mum would keep at home and she would make sure to keep an eye on him in their garage where she would keep her equipment and to make sure that he would stay safe and not get himself hard. He has been thinking of a possible career in lapidary and he wants to do other jobs before he would jump into it.

The first thing that people will notice about Austin is just how quiet he can be naturally and that he will only speak or open up more if other people have a close relationship with him. He will not tolerate anyone who is just a mean-spirited individual or if anyone tries to bully his friends or his siblings. He is very overprotective and loyal towards both his friends and his family in general and he will stand up to people who will think that he is a pushover or a doormat. He doesn’t mind who he hangs out with in groups but he is mostly seen in a group of boys over girls and he is not good at keeping friendships with girls who get impatient with him for his unemotional side. He can listen to other people’s problems, but he might not be able to give them good advice on what to do with their issues. He is still a hard-working, studious student who has pretty good grades and he still has a close relationship with his parents and siblings.

He currently has a part-time job at Tesco that he has had for almost two years and he is a decent, observant worker that makes his employer and other employees proud of him in the retail service.He has been getting items for a few years with his own money that he uses from his part-time job and his parents don’t have a problem with him being a bit carefree with spending his money on things that he likes. He plans to go on a photography course after he will finish his final year in school and he will likely get a job in photography or look towards where his Mum is working as a lapidarist.

Advantages: Austin is very fit and agile due to jogging, hiking and climbing almost daily. He can be independent on working on his own if he has to and he can be pretty calm in even the most stressful situations.
Disadvantages: He can rub off on people the wrong way with his emotionless-looking side if other people don’t know him that well. He can be pretty distrustful of others that he doesn't know well and will likely not take others' plans seriously for that very reason.
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Post by Cicadan »

Hey Prim! Welcome to Critique Time.
[+] critiques are in here
horror movies and Lapidary
I'd prefer there be a comma after horror movies- these two hobbies aren't particularly related, so it's odd that they're being treated as one item on the hobby list.
His legs can be seen as a bit lanky and he towers over his other classmates despite his parents being shorter than him. His posture is slightly bent over and his arms are long and just about up to his hips.
This doesn't quite add up visually for me. If his legs are long that means his hips would be a bit higher set on him compared to the average male. Thus if his arms come up to his hips that'd be proportionally shorter than average. This would make more sense to me if his leg-torso ratio was average or if his arms went past his hips if you keep his legs described as long- I looked up photos of men with proportionally long legs, their arms usually come up to a bit down the thigh or more.
Austin is close to his parents who both dote and advise
dote on
either done their chores, homework and gotten a good grade at school
'Either' only works for a list with two items in it specifically. And you're probably looking for 'chores, homework, or gotten a good grade at school'
horror movie that they had in mind to watch
'Horror movies', also 'that' isn't needed.

I think I know what you're going for with how his love of horror movies plays into his characterization as unflappable, but, the pieces aren't all quite there yet to my liking. For example, you could extend the bit about him not particularly liking jump scares into expounding on how he usually isn't fazed by them, thus he finds them cheap? Something like that would make all this come together nicely. Also as a bit of a fleshing out detail, what subgenres of horror does he like most specifically, and why?
He has been doing this for a few years with his own money that he uses from his part-time job and his parents don’t have a problem with him being a bit carefree with spending his money on things that he likes.

He currently has a part-time job at Tesco that he has had for almost two years and he is a decent, observant worker that makes his employer and other employees proud of him in the retail service.
These two sentences need to be brought together somehow, so all the information needed is in the relevant place instead of scattered.
Austin is very fit and agile due to jogging and doing other sport activities almost daily.
What other sporting activities does he do? Does he do them through school or does he enroll in extracurriculars? For being an advantage this isn't expounded on the most in the profile body, I'd like to see more discussion of his routine, perhaps how he feels about doing it so regularly, because the profile does bring this up in his appearance section:
even if he thinks of sports indifferently
So I think I know what you're going for, but it needs to be fleshed out a bit more.
He is very loyal and protective towards other people so he can be a good ally for strength and loyalty.
This is an advantage for other people, not for him specifically. Rephrase it or remove it.
He will likely get on the bad side of anyone who will try to manipulate him into doing what they want him to do for them and he will flat out refuse to do so.
Not really a disadvantage as it's phrased. That's kind of a universal thing, not specific to Austin in particular. People don't like it when their attempts at getting what they want don't work out. Perhaps you could rework this into him being so blunt when he's disinterested in doing something that he lacks diplomatic ability/tact? I could see it being sold that way.
Feel free to ping me when you've made edits! I'll take another look soon as I'm able.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
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Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Primrosette »

Edited! ^^
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Post by Cicadan »

Good edits! Most of my issues with the profile are resolved now, save for a few minor things here:
[+] here
- Don't capitalize lapidary, in the Hobbies and Interests section. Not a proper noun.
- `He is very loyal and protective of others.` Still not actually an advantage. I'd honestly recommend just removing it- the profile touches on this trait of his enough that its appropriately notated without having to try to turn it into a proper advantage/disadvantage.
- `He will not be interested in other people’s plans that could endanger him on a personal level.` Still not a disadvantage, really. Not being interested in stupid plans is a fairly smart thing to be. Now if he were detached enough in his tendencies that he generally just doesn't listen to or take seriously people who haven't earned his trust, that would be a reasonable disadvantage that fits in with the profile's tenor better.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Primrosette »

Edited! ^^
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Post by Cicadan »


Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1

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