Die Hand Die Verletzt

These are the woods on the island’s northern coast. The trees run nearly all the way to the sea, allowing only a thin stretch of beach, which disappears altogether depending on the tide. The trees here are largely coniferous, and are in good health, bolstered by a number of wet years and their proximity to the ocean. These woods are largely fairly dense, though clearings are abundant and comparatively-sparse undergrowth leaves them fairly easy to traverse.
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Post by Skraal »

A loud gunshot and a fallen Natali proved his intuition to be correct. Cody held his breath as he watched the girl in front of him collapse to the ground, trying to conceal himself the best he could as he waited for her killer to emerge from the bushes. A quiet sigh of relief forced its way out of his mouth as Saachi decided to make a run for it rather than engage an unseen enemy with a shotgun. A wise decision, on her part. One doesn’t get to be one of the top killers on the island by being stupid.

Then again, she wasn’t exactly being smart either. Getting her name on the announcements so many times had no doubt put more than a little heat on her, though at this point, it hardly mattered. The sick bastards back home who were making bets on who made it to the end probably had pegged the best odds on her, no doubt. Too bad for them that whoever bet on her was about to lose a lot of money. What was the over/under on Survival of the Fittest, anyway? The bookies had definitely figured it out...

Cody’s rambling thoughts came to a sudden stop as he saw Tina approach Natali’s corpse. He cursed himself for his lack of awareness as his grip tightened on his shotgun yet again. A quick peek out of cover confirmed that his presence was not yet noticed, allowing him to observe the scene unimpeded.

From where he was standing, it was impossible to tell if Tina was armed or not. Regardless, by the way she was groping the dead body in front of her, she definitely had more than a few screws loose. That made her unpredictable, and an unpredictable opponent was almost as dangerous as an experienced killer. In the end, Cody decided to follow in Saachi’s footsteps and play it safe, booking it out of there as fast as his legs could carry him.

((Cody Jenkins continued in Wings On My Shoulder Blades, There's No Angel Anywhere;))
[+] Characters
The Program V2
Josephine "Josie" Luu - Current Status: DECEASED

Søren Rosendahl - Current Status: DECEASED

Second Chances 2
Soren Rosendahl - Current Status: DECEASED
Cody Jenkins - Current Status: DECEASED

The Program V3
Samuel Rosen - Current Status: DECEASED

Luciano Ascencio (adopted from UnmaskedMountain) - Current Status: DECEASED

SOTF International
Clara Micallef - Current Status: In Thread

SOTF Supers
Mei-Ling "Emily" Chou - Current Status: DECEASED

New Battle Royale AU
Yuko Sakaki - Current Status: DECEASED

SOTF Cyber
Nicholas Cameron - Current Status: In Thread
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Post by Lilith »

Oh, so she wasn't alone. There was someone else still around. They didn't do anything do, they just walked away. Tina sighed. She wished that person stayed, explaining what had happened here. Nat was dead and Kyran ran away. She didn't know where, he might have said it but too much things happened to remember the words of a guy she didn't like.

The footsteps headed toward a direction and Tina wanted to head toward the other. She looted Nat's body, grabbing everything she had. Her once stocked bag was depleted of ressource, so hers would help patch her gut injury and her food issues would be fixed for another two days, more or less. Nat had a gun, she grabbed it. It was hers now.

It looked better than the gun she got originally, much stronger. She'd need to learn how to reload it and how to aim, but she assumed it was similar to her handgun. Just point and shoot, and you are a bad girl. That's it, shooting with a gun was very easy. Aiming was, however, the hard part.

Food, medicines, guns, everything that Nat had on her with value was now on Tina. She carried it. She realized in that moment she wasn't a ravenous predator. She was a clever vulture, scavenging off the dead bodies she found. She was good at finding dead people, it was an innate skill she assumed. Nat was now dead, and Tina did one last thing to her body.

She propped it against the tree. She grabbed the tree and slammed her right knee into the body's face. She felt the bones crack under her own bone. She wanted to make sure she was dead. She didn't hate her anymore, but it would be awkward if she woke up without anything and couldn't fix her injuries. She kneed the head another time, then another. It made squishy noises, like stepping on something sticky. Her knee would be bruised but that was for the best.

She stepped back. Really dead, she was really dead. The real thing could happen now, she pulled out the alcohol from the health pack and sprayed it on Nat. Burning bodies made her feel good. If someone came back here, there would be nothing to loot. She would have everything that Nat had before her death and the rest would be unusable.

She lit the fire, feeling the flames against her hands as Nat's shirt lit up. It wouldn't be a big fire, but it would do. She walked away, then looked back and looked at the cameras.

"I just made sure she was dead, no hard feelings."
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