Jon Crumble

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Jon Crumble


Post by Namira »

Name: Jon Crumble
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Baking, swords, Cyber Reality gaming, running

Appearance: Jon weighs an athletic 160lbs and stands at 5'10, although a perpetual slouch and terrible posture mean that he frequently looks shorter. He has fair skin darkened by a suntan from many hours outdoors. Jon has a messy mop of black hair and a sorry excuse for a 'beard' that in fact is just an unsightly scruff of patchy hairs on his chin and cheeks. He has an aquiline nose, a weak chin, and blue eyes beneath bushy eyebrows.

Jon and his avatar dress identically, in his ubquitous sportswear. His avatar does actually have a beard, but it's trimmed close to his face, as he's too indecisive about the style to go for anything longer. Jon tries to give himself white hair in CR, but has extremely poor judgement when it comes to estimating lighting, so it always winds up as grey instead. During the attack, Jon's avatar was wearing running shoes and a full red and white tracksuit.

Background: Jon is the eldest child of Arthur and Frieda, who are respectively a sports teacher and a personal trainer. Jon has three younger siblings; Indy, Shye, and Ben-Paul (B.P.), ranging from five to twelve years younger than him. Jon was often a difficult child with a habit of complaining about things for hours on end, something which only got worse after Indy was born and he started having to compete for his parents' attention. Jon was no better at school, and frequently sulked his ways through classes due to disliking his teachers.

Video games were amongst the few things that could keep Jon pacified, and parking him in front of a console swiftly became his parents' go-to method of dealing with Jon's moods. He particularly enjoyed hack and slash and beat 'em up style games where he could enjoy tearing through hordes of enemies. The former genre was the eventual spark for Jon's interest in weapons, especially swords. The heroes who could wield a sword to devastate their foes were for him the epitome of cool, and separate from gaming, Jon spent many hours looking up swords and various techniques online.

As Jon grew older and his family grew larger, his dad impressed upon him more responsibility, and Jon begrudgingly started to act a little more maturely. This wasn't entirely selfless; although Jon did keep an eye out for his younger siblings, he often wheedled bribes and incentives out of his parents for doing so. For instance, though Jon started learning to bake after getting inspired by a random video he saw online—which was in 'related videos' after he watched somebody cutting loafs of bread, baguettes, and cakes with a katana—and did make treats for his siblings, this was in no small part because he wanted to eat sweets for himself. He still bakes to this day as a form of relaxation, though he's mildly less selfish about his gains.

Jon took up running in high school, which itself was a compromise with his parents. Jon desperately wanted to get the latest new CR games in his favourite genres, and was especially enamoured with a swordfighting simulator which focused on technical expertise at the expense of graphical realism. However, his parents refused to buy it for him unless he took up a more active past time. Jon decided on running, figuring that it would be fairly easy to wiggle out of going on long runs. To his great surprise, he found he actually enjoyed running and being fit, and it became a bonding experience for him and his parents. He occasionally runs with them.

At school, Jon is a fairly weak student. He gets frustrated easily in class if he doesn't understand something and he is far too stubborn to accept most teachers' efforts to explain. In junior year, Jon wound up in hot water by deliberately logging out while a teacher was going through an assignment with him, resulting in weeks of detention. He hasn't done anything quite that bad since, but he remains sullen and lazy in class. After he graduates, Jon is hoping he can take his skills and apply it to a career, perhaps in CR fencing or duelling, but thinks realistically he'll end up in some kind of manual labour or retail job. On the social end of school life, Jon isn't especially popular but isn't quite an outcast; he has a tendency to grouse, which doesn't make him appealing company. He finds most of his common ground with other gamers, since he knows enough about CR to carry a conversation where he has to, and he's quite a buff on athletic sim games.

Personality: A sullen pessimist, Jon has never met a glass in his life that he's called half full. Although not out and out hostile to others, Jon is often suspicious of their motives and in a pinch is pretty darn selfish. Still, he's willing enough to socialise, and has a bone dry sense of humour for those who can tolerate his negativity and mild superiority complex. Jon absolutely lights up if given the chance to talk about his special interests, to the extent he almost seems like an entirely different person. Anyone who humours him and shows a genuine interest gets to see a much brighter and more positive side of Jon.

Reputation: Jon is known as a bit of a troublemaker, someone who doesn't really treat school with any kind of respect. He's also known for complaining an awful lot when he's in a bad mood. That said, there is a mild cool factor to him completely blanking teachers and making snide comments behind their backs. In the context of CR, Jon is known for being very good at tasks involving dexterity and reflexes, and as a very quick runner both in and out of cyberspace.
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Post by Cicadan »

Hello there! There shall be critique.
[+] .
since a full beard would not be sufficiently close to his mediocre facial hair.
This wouldn't really be a limitation by the school's dress code, there are more wild variations from their Meatspace appearances that are generally allowed. Another justification would be fine.
(the participants in game were featureless mannqeuins, to prevent it looking too real)
No parentheticals, go ahead and integrate this into the body of the sentence. The information here isn't especially necessary anyways and could be omitted, it would be presumed that steps to avoid ego-shooter esque situations would be avoided and its exceptions to that blanket rule that would have to be detailed.

Need a paragraph break between Background and Personality sections.

There's no details concerning his social groups anywhere where it could be relevant- is he good at making friends in consideration of his personality or not, who does he usually hang out with nowadays, that sort of thing.
That's it.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Namira »

the crumbliest of jons is updated.
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Post by Cicadan »

Couple small things left.
[+] .
(which was in 'related videos' after he watched somebody cutting loafs of bread, baguettes, and cakes with a katana)
Another parenthetical clause snuck in here.
He's also known for complaining a heck of a lot when he's in a bad mood
'A heck of a lot' is a bit too colloquial for phrasing in a profile, I'd say.
That's it!

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Post by Namira »

jon crumble 3 the crumbling
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