Friends! Minnesotans! Countrypeople!

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This board allows for discussion of and planning related to Second Chances, currently preparing for its third version.
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Friends! Minnesotans! Countrypeople!


Post by Gundham »

H'okay, so, my returning kiddos will almost certainly be my V8 roster minus Juanita, and potentially with a teenaged Misha Yeager taking up the last slot.

(Art by Yona)

Rebekah Hayes is my good-natured, animal-trivia-spouting little weirdo. She's relatively unchanged from her V8 iteration, with the note that she's a good deal less self-conscious as a result of spending much less time around her mother and thereby having a lot more self-esteem. This version of Rebekah has serially dated in a casual sort of way, but doesn't pursue long-term relationships due to disinterest.

For relationships, I would absolutely love for Rebekah to have an existing solid BFF type friendship, someone who she feels comfortable with and actually feels a measure of trust towards. A fellow cheerleader, a nature enthusiast, or someone she would feel safe gabbing to. I'd love to see that kind of relationship play out and what kind of path it might put her on.

(Art by DerArkKnight)

EXTREME STEVE Dodds is going to be radical and radically different from his initial appearance. Yes, he's probably going to have a Bara Steve physique. This time around, he will not be dying in a hole on day one. He's going to attempt, however catastrophically, to actually be a player in the game, and will be baffled to discover that his idealized "come in like a badass and score some kills while the babes swoon" fantasy runs into reailty like a brick wall, and have an ongoing inner conflict about it.

For relationships, he would love to collab with any content creators out there to prop up his YouTube reach, he has probably hit on any girl that is at least a five on the attractiveness scale, but been respectful if they're not interested. Ex-girlfriends (or even a current girlfriend) are welcome, or a childhood friend who's happy to tell him he's lame and keep him more grounded could be a really fun dynamic.

(Art by Gundham, additions by... Rugga? I think?)

Karin Han is a bitch with a heart of bitch. Alien abductee (she thinks) who thinks everyone around her hates her, and use that as an excuse to pre-emptively be hateful in return, thus creating a self-fulfilling cycle. Starts drama, but is also in the drama club - though always backstage. This time around, I want to humanize Karin a bit better and show that there is an actual person who's undergoing actual pain, and so I'd like for there to be moments that would give her a little more humanity.

For relationships, I'd love for Karin to have actual victims that hate her guts for things she's done or said to/about them, and/or people who've actually been nice to her in the past despite how horrible she is. Someone who can slap her upside the head and tell her to quit being a little monster. Or a BFF she can bond with, and serve as kind of a morality chain.

(Art by Yona)

Misha Yeager I haven't thought about yet. This version would probably be in the midst of her brother dying, and having a lot of complicated emotions about how her parents are gonna give way less of a shit about her dying than him. She's probably partying hard, doing badly in school and missing a lot of classes recently, and only recently realized that she's bisexual and not really sure how to process it.

For relationships, I think party buddies, ex boyfriends, love interests, etc could all be fun. She's probably the least likely of my kids to make it to the island, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

These are all just suggestions, feel free to suggest any interplay that looks fun to you!
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Post by MurderWeasel »


BB is into the outdoors some, so might get along with Rebekah on that front/have come along to an excursion somewhere, but probably isn't BFF material on account of being a little difficult in other respects/not much other overlap. Maybe casual friends?

Juliette tries to get along with everyone, and probably appreciate Rebekah's fundamental good nature. Probably not super duper close, but on good terms?

Sofia is also very outdoorsy, doesn't really go for traditional norms of femininity, but is a lot to handle and won't shut up about cowboys. Maybe loose friends?


BB would maybe supply some music for his youtube stuff if he asked vaguely nicely, though whether it's what he wants or not would really depend. Maybe turned him down at some point?

Juliette tries to be nice to/get on with everyone, but doesn't have a ton in common with Steve, so probably casual acquaintances?

Sofia's weird and lame too, but in different ways. I feel like they'd either get on pretty well or really poorly, but which one is a coin toss.


BB would probably prod back/feud with Karin some, good opportunities for both sides to score some points off each other.

Juliette is remarkably resilient in the face of mistreatment and pretty good at defusing tense situations. She also tends to look for the good in people. Perhaps one of the folks who actually somehow sorta gets along with Karin?

Sofia is a perfect target for negativity except for the part where she might actually throw a punch at any given moment. I think there are some legs here for enmity.


Maybe crossed paths with BB somewhere or other, possibly on the party circuit?

Juliette tries to be kind and sympathetic to everyone, and would especially do this if she knew Misha was dealing with loss.

I don't think there's too much overlap with Sofia—just faces in the halls.
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Post by Yonagoda »

Serenity is a cheerleader who can be friends with rebekah, possibly BFFs but i think she casts too wide of a social net with a different genre of people. She'd also be nice to Karin despite it all- she tries to think the best of people.

In addition, maybe she dated steve for a bit. Like, earlier on. She thought it would be fun to have a himbo boyfriend. She was wrong.

Viktor doesnt associate much with any of your kids most likely but he will listen to rebekah if she starts spouting stuff at him.
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Post by Cicadan »

Couple ideas that I can come up with on my end!
[+] YA BOY
Running down the list:
Olivia would be down for a casual date or two then she politely turned down any further. Thinks he's a dork and doesn't affiliate with him much save for occasional party forced socialization.
Faith would be amused and say no. I could see them being casual gym buddies from time to time, and she'd throw the occasional dunk on him at his face in friendly humor.
Sayuna's also a no. She follows his content and I'm sure they are social media moots despite the different areas of content creation.
Princess does not exist enough to be found to be hit on. If he does somehow find her she casually walks away before he even finishes the first pickup line.
[+] Karin Han
Princess as a fellow drama club girl! Princess generally does give the impression that she kind of dislikes people and she doesn't pull her verbal punches so I imagine she triggers the worst in Karin easily. They'd probably developed a casually negative relationship since both of them can be bitchy in vibes. Princess doesn't look for beef and generally doesn't give a fuck though, so she'd mostly just ignore Karin's attempts at picking petty fights.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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