Harper Gray

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Harper Gray


Post by Ohm »

Name: Harper Gray
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Field of Study: Film Studies
Physical Description: Harper stands at 5'4 and weighs about 139 Ibs. Her figure is rather petite with thin, long arms and short legs, she has low muscle tone due to a lack of exericse. She has short, ash blonde hair cut into a cropped bob with side-swept bangs. She has a round face with downturned, blue eyes underneath a pair of thick eyebrows, a straight nose and a mole on the left side underneath her thin lips. She is Caucasian with a pale tone to her.

Harper dresses for comfort most of the time, very rarely does she dress formally usually for special occasions. Harper generally wears light makeup, and is not into jewelry.

On abduction day she wore a red flannel shirt, a black tank-top underneath, and a dark green parka for the outer layer; for her lower half she wore black winter pants and green caribou winter boots.

  • Harper was born to Zelda and Johnathan Gray in Washington, DC. The only daughter of three children, the middle child in between her older brother Dorian and younger brother Leonard. Zelda works as a social studies teacher at a local middle school and Johnathan works as a middle manager at a tech company.
  • Harper's family life has generally been peaceful, she has had good relationships with her parents outside of a period of time in her teen years where they quarreled a lot. Comparatively she has a more frosty relationship with both of her brothers, Dorian mostly keeping to himself and Leonard and Harper used to get along, but grew to have a dislike of each other that intensified the older they got. Harper would tease Leonard regularly and he would react badly, at first openly in front of her family which got her punished with timeouts, so she began doing so in private when they were the only ones in the room. As the years went by, she teased him less and less due to other outlets, but Leonard kept his dislike for her. Nowadays, the two rarely talk with one another.
  • Harper was an active kid at her elementary school with a tendency to bother other students, either through words or physically which did not make her popular. Her parents were frequently called in to deal with their child’s behavior and tried to curb down on that sort of behavior, successfully regarding her physically interacting with other students, but struggled with her tendency to mouth off at other people.
  • Harper's interest to martial arts films started at an early age via watching Jackie Chan in the Rush Hour films with Chris Tucker, which opened the door to her watching a lot of Jackie Chan films such as Police Story, Drunken Master and Armor of God, after delving into those films she started watching a variety of films by martial artists such as Bruce Lee, Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen. Harper enjoys the cinematography, the fight scenes and the stunts with all of the physicality involved.
  • Personality wise, Harper likes to get reactions out of people whether positive or negative, so she would antagonize others if it gets a reaction. A habit built up over the years is teasing her friends when they perform badly in video games or other activities. She likes to justify her behavior by saying that she's helping them build character.
  • Harper got into folk music because of her mother's collection, starting with Joni Mitchell and Crosby, Stills and Nash before delving deeper into the genre by herself which led her to Woody Guthrie, Elizabeth Cotton and The Kossoy Sisters. Harper enjoys the soulful sound and intricate storytelling that folks' music tended to have and made her feel connected to her country's history and the struggles of the middle class.
  • By the time Harper entered middle school, her tendency to get on people’s nerves resulted in bullying from other students, which only escalated her behavior in return. She frequently found herself in confrontations with other students due to her refusal to back down, resulting in visits to the principal's office and her parents being called down, this ended up causing a rift between them that lasted for a few years. Harper regularly found herself in detention due to her behavior, and had to take remedial classes due to this, which only furthered her isolation from other students. Compared to elementary school, Harper struggled with Phys. ed due to low stamina and a lack of exercise.
  • The growing market of internet reviewers online that Harper would follow in her teens made it so that Harper was exposed to a lot more variety of film than before, and one of those reviewers in particular exposed her to art house films. She was captivated by films that strayed away from the mainstream movie experience and she was fascinated by the process of how these films were discussed and dissected online.
  • Around the time Harper entered high School, she had calmed down tremendously from her middle school life, tired of the constant fighting with both her classmates and parents, therefore she kept a lower profile and kept her arguments mostly online in a way that could not be tracked to her, she still finds amusement in angering others, but keeps it to websites like Twitter or Tumblr. Her relationship with her parents improved around this time, in part due to her better behavior at school and at home.
  • Growing up, Harper watched a lot of mecha anime with her father who was particularly into the Gundam series of anime, this led to her own interest for mecha anime which sparked further than Gundam, but her primary series with dabbles into the various series of Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gurren Lagann. This eventually went further into her developing a fascination with the models of the mecha themself around high school, and decided to try to assemble models of Gundam that she bought with her dad. She found it a calming activity and something that bonded them together after the tumultuous years of her early teen years.
  • Harper moved to campus at the University of Cascadia and enrolled for film studies. She does part time work to support herself along with the small packages sent by her parents every other month.
  • Harper has a small group that she enjoys hanging out with that don’t have a problem with her acebric tendencies, otherwise she keeps to herself and tries to have a low profile. She and her friends like to go to parties together, concerts and watch arthouse films that Harper would find.
Skills and Interests: Folk music, martial arts films and arthouse, shitposting, modeling gundam, mecha anime

Assets: Harper is quick thinking in social situations and is acutely aware of other people’s insecurities. Harper is good at angering others and could use that to throw them off balance.
Limitations: Harper has an acerbic personality and a tendency to get on people’s nerves when she’s agitated which could cause her problems in-game. Harper is not physically active with a small stature putting her at a disadvantage physically.
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Post by Cicadan »

[+] behold critique
What is her skin tone generally?
Leonard and Harper used to get along, but grew to have a dislike of each other that intensified the older they got.
This seems like a fairly serious issue to have in one's family dynamic, at least with this little context. If its just a mild issue I'd like that to be clarified, and if not I'd like more detail on the cause and repercussions of their animosity.

If she was getting called up often for disorderly conduct in her middle school years was she never suspended or put into detentions or remedial classes or anything else that could have been of real consequence to her?

How did her relationship with her parents cool down? Just a bit of detail on that, since they seem okay with supporting her in school now when they were at odds for years of her life, it's just a bit vague.

What sort of activities does she share and partake in with her modern group of friends?
Harper is not physically active with a small stature putting her at a disadvantage physically.
Wouldn't say she's especially small at current height and weight compared to an average girl. And to list lacking physical activeness as a disadvantage I'd need detail on just how weak she is at present day- bad at physical ed requirements, low stamina gives her daily irritations, so on.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Ohm »

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Post by Cicadan »


Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1

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