Clean Up On Aisle 4


This board allows for roleplaying of anything in the lives of the class of National Summit Academy prior to the selection for The Program, from their births to the morning before their selection. Approved characters may be in up to two simultaneous threads in this section, and may be in one-shots no matter how many other current threads they're active in. NPCs may be in only one thread at a time, and are limited to ten posts here.
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Clean Up On Aisle 4


Post by Lilith »

It was a quiet Sunday morning. Jobenna had woken up first, cooked a small breakfast involving toasts and eggs, then ate in front of the small television playing the news. She took a shower, used her peppermint scented bodywash then wrapped a towel around her breast.

Her morning routine was done and her sister's was just starting. Roz woke up because of the sound of the water hammering the floor. She stayed up late reading her novel Moon, sun and stars, a book about a girl wanting to go to space but she meets this cute boy and she is torn between going and not going. Roz knew the ending: she read the last page first but she liked the author. Katherine Peterson was an affluent romance novelist and she was never shy to put in non-white characters in her books. She liked that, even though most of the non-white characters were villains and had a supporting roles of some sort.

However, this time it was different. The boy she dated was half-black and the girl had unknown origins. She liked that. Kinda. Most of the premise was bordering more on the fact that the USA were doing a great things to them and how they were thankful to their leader but the author was obviously living in a bubble. Or she added that in to make it go through the editor.

Rozenne didn't know.

Her mattress was on the floor, in the corner of the room. Her sister's mattress was on the opposite. That was their room. They both had a basket of clothes they washed at the laundromat and a shelf with extra winter things. It wasn't really cold inside of their room but Rozenne still hid her face under her blanket. Mornings were the absolute worst.

Jobenna entered the room and pulled on the blanket with her left hand.

"Wake up!" She asked cheerfully. Jobenna knew Roz was awake but she did it anyways. Rozenne answered with an angry but light spirited tone, "Ah! Not the cold air! It burns!" Jobenna stopped pulling and crouched next to her sister. She showed a plate of food and smiled.

"Here's breakfast, nerd."

Rozenne peeked out of the blanket, grabbed a piece of toast and put it in her mouth and hid back under her soft and comfy den.

Jobenna was a cashier and Roz restocked the shelves. It always been like that. Jobenna had the looks and Roz had the height. Able to reach the top shelves and unlocked the things behind the cashier's desk, she was always needed when people came to get cigarettes.

This day was quiet.

Saturday morning was rarely quiet though. Most of the time, that's where people would make some groceries, buy some milk, bread, butter, stuff like that. Roz's day was also quiet. She sat on a stool in the corner of the store, waiting for a client to enter. She was reading a teenage girl magazine. She read it each time she worked at the grocery store.

There was articles about dating, making friends, applying makeup, famous people and, most importantly, confession from teenage girls. That was Roz's favorite part. She wasn't snoopy but Roz loved reading them. There was something oddly fun reading things she'd never do.

For example, her favorite confession was the thirteen year old girl who didn't know she had her periods and thought she was bleeding out in the bathtub. It was her favorite because she sent it. It was a lie, but it was funny. Another time, she submitted a fake story about her boyfriend dumping her for her twin sister.

Though, one of the story wasn't so funny. At least, it meant to be funny but it left a sour taste in Roz's mouth. It was about the Program. A girl said she had a crush on that guy who was like dating the last winner or something and she was sad when he died. She wondered if the person who submitted it was like her, sending false entries to get a good chuckle, or if people actually watched that thing for entertainement.

It was enough for her to close the magazine and put it back on the shelf.
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Post by Polybius »

Mary had grown into something of a morning person. Early morning training would do that, she supposed. So, when Natalie had staggered down from her bedroom only to discover that they had run out of eggs, Mary had readily volunteered to get some from the store. She didn't have anything else to do, anyway, and she could talk to Roz while she was there.

Mary stepped out of the chilly morning air to find the store empty aside from Roz and her sister. It was unusual, but not unwelcome. Mary gave a slight wave to Jobenna before turning to the corner next to the magazines where Roz sat. She noticed that Roz wasn't engaged in her usual reading material. Mary had never gotten the appeal of it, anyway.

"Hey Roz, I need a couple cartons of eggs." she said, "You bored of the teen magazines?"
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Post by Cicadan »


And uh, sometimes when he woke up the first struggle of the day was just getting out of bed. Snug and warm in blankets, bright and early start to the day. Hard to pick, took full on minutes of indecisive waffling, sometimes.

Eventually, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Dad in the kitchen taking to waffles and coffee, Mom out early to meet friends. That's where Clay was. Nipping at a glass of orange juice in mosquito-size suckles, contemplating the abandoned DVDs around the television. Last night had been, well, alright, fun, cool, nice, all those sort of words. An old fashioned movie night with family, but he guessed maybe better to not call it old fashioned because that implied his parents were old. He wouldn't address them in his thoughts a certain way, not if he wouldn't address them that way to their face.

That led to: what did he want to do today? A good question among others ended up taking most of his breakfast time away from him and he left the house with an abandoned glass either exactly half empty or exactly half full.

Well, the store Rozenne worked in was nearby. Clay didn't have anything to buy though. He really didn't want to seem like he'd be walking in with nothing to actually do, wouldn't that just be weird? Roz was clever enough for the both of them and she'd probably be weirded out if Clay was just hanging around like a loser. He needed something to buy, but he couldn't puzzle it out by the time his feet dragged him against his will through the front door and that was with the usual noisy rumble of the door sliding open to be his awkwardly trumpeted herald.

"Uh, hey Roz. Mary." He hadn't even expected Mary to be out this early, didn't she normally sleep later than this? Was it weird that he knew her that well so as to know her schedule?

"One of these days you should let me take a read. I could probably use the advice." Clay wasn't sure, that was probably a bad joke, but he wasn't entirely sure what else to say. He'd expected awkward quiet hanging out time with a friend, not, say, two friends at once.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Lilith »

Roz raised her eyes and set them on Mary's face. The girl asked her about eggs and for a second she was confused. What eggs? Then she remembered she was at the grocery store and not sitting comfortably on her bed.

Mary was her friend, she was glad seeing her. Both of them liked the same things: doing nothing and not being at school and being quiet. Roz smiles and answered her friend cheerfully

"Uh, they are ove-"

As she was pointing toward the refrigerated section of the store, a boy's voice she recognized reached her ears. She twisted her head toward her friend and she smiled at him. She had two friends with her, on this early day. It would like high school if they were in a class somewhere, waiting for the anthem to play and their announcement.

She preferred the grocery store than school when it came to interacting with her friends. She felt much more comfortable.

"Well, I guess I can take you to the library and Mary, as I was saying, they are supposed to be over there."

She said pointing with her chin toward the direction where the eggs stayed in their little carton boxes.
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Post by Primrosette »

((Scotty Ward enters))

This was the store that his Mom wanted him to go to buy some stuff for her. Why wouldn't that woman just do it herself? Was this the punishment for him sneaking out last night to drink alcohol with his older friends? Maybe but he didn't deserve this shit. Whatever. He just needed to get this shit over with and get back home to sleep. His headache was killing him. Damn hangover!

He entered the store and he reached into his pocket to get out the list that his Mom handed to him before he left home. His breath stopped for a moment. Then he checked his other pockets quickly. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!

The stupid piece of paper was gone!

"For fuck's sake!!" He growled lowly under his breath. He didn't want anyone to hear him swear like that. Not when he was now pissed off badly because of a little piece of shitty paper.
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Post by Polybius »

Roz was pointing Mary in the right direction when the door opened again and Clay walked into the store. It was a nice coincidence. Mary didn't have many friends, so running into two of them outside of school, completely unplanned, was a rare occurrence. Mary nodded at Clay's greeting, and then went to the area of the store that Roz had pointed out.

Mary pondered the selection for a few moments. She decided to grab two cartons from a brand that looked like the one her parents usually bought. As she was placing them on the cashier's counter, the door opened yet again. A guy entered the store and starting digging through his pockets. It took a couple of seconds for Mary to recognize the boy as one of her classmates. Mary definitely saw his face around the hallways at school, and she thought he might even be in the same grade a her.

The boy looked angry and muttered something under his breath. It seemed like something was wrong. She wondered if maybe she should ask him about it.

Maybe she should.
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Post by Cicadan »

A smile. A library. A nod.

And, uh, eggs. Alright, Clay had all the relevant information. Everything seemed to check out. Though, as it turned out, Clay didn't quite know how to respond to Roz's riposte to his awkward quasi-attempt at a funny. Really, had it even been funny? Unknowable. Clay could at least assume, maybe, that he hadn't offended. Though assumption, really, was a strong verb to make any sort of claim to.

He was pretty sure he'd probably said something stupid, but Clay rolled with the perceived punch to his chin.

"I'd love to go. Though I think the magazines in the library might already have all the photos of cute stuff cut out." Was implying he'd possibly already read them all a good idea? How did one define 'cute stuff' anyways? Cute as in girly? Cute as in 'oh, Clay's into men'? Well, Clay supposed that-

There was a guy grumbling to himself, and Clay didn't quite recognize the-

"Hey there. You alright?"

When had Clay approached the guy? With one hand held up, in a conciliatory sort of gesture? Was this the proper gesture, was it maybe too patronizing? Was Clay taking over Roz's job needlessly?

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Lilith »

Roz had finished her sentence when she heard someone's angered mumbling in the store. The voice was young and one of a boy, she vaguely recognized it from high school. She walked toward him but Clay was already speaking to him.

Normally, she would have let him do the talking but it was her job to help the clients to get what they want. She nodded toward Clay with a sweet smile, dismissing him. She turned toward the boy while sweeping her apron.

"Hi, I'm Rozenne, may I help you with anything?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!

Everyone was now staring at him. Scotty 'the dumbass' Ward. How could he have lost a piece of paper so fucking easily. This was a bunch of bullshit.

Fuck this. This is all my Mom's stupid fault....

He even knew these guys from school. It was embarrassing to look like a gaping moron in front of them. He couldn't even do a simple task. Maybe he dropped it on the ground when he was going through his pockets. He didn't fucking know.

"....Uh.... Did I drop something when I came in here?" He asked in a polite manner as he didn't want to act like an asshole to the people who wanted to help him.


"It's my shopping list...." He added in lamely. He felt like his face was getting redder and redder as the embarrassment and humiliation was sinking in more.

I hate you, Mom.
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