Fast Food Football

Open to all who are into weed, fast food, or both

Located at the edge of a golf course that shares its name, The Links is a sprawling complex of apartments and condominiums. While the fanciest townhouses in The Links are truly exorbitant in pricing, there are also a number of more reasonable options, and twenty percent of the units are affordable housing—a condition negotiated by the city in exchange for favorable terms on the land. Many students attending Aurora Bay call The Links their home, as its location a little over a mile away makes for an easy commute when the weather permits. Much like the school, the complex is a melting pot, where all different sorts mingle... albeit not necessarily without conflict.
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Fast Food Football


Post by KamiKaze »

The clock changed from December 31st, 2023 to January 1st, 2024. And everyone had cheered, kissed each other, conversed, and talked about their plans for the new year.

Once things had died down a bit, though, a group of students went into the host’s backyard to do a bit of celebrating in their own way. The air was still full of that winter bite, and small piles of snow dotted the ground. The group was huddled in their own layers, and a few cups of hot drinks were placed either in their hands or around them.

Plus, they had another way to warm up. Their way.

The host had offered a blunt, and the group agreed, why not share it? Of course they’d fucking share it.

Junko Kurosawa took a puff of the blunt after the second rotation. The smoke burst into the air from her lips, echoed by the smoke coming from the blunt.

“New year, same us,” she said, an amused smile on her lips.

Some people already had the munchies. A bunch of guests had brought party packs of fast food, so people were consuming the leftovers with glee. Junko herself had a steadily diminishing box of chicken nuggets in front of her.

She passed the blunt to the next person on the left.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
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Post by Lilith »

"Weed's not good for you." Kami said through the fence as she saw the blunt being passed around. "You shouldn't be smoking that."
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Post by Fiori »

It was -10 degrees outside. He was in four beers deep, wearing an oversized parka and a trapper hat with big floppy ear flaps, armed with a blunt in one hand and a half-eaten cheeseburger in the other.

Bruce Nightingale didn't know it yet, but tonight was as good as life was ever gonna get for him.

"You betcha!" replied Bruce, quickly scoffing the rest of his meal, gulping it down with munchie-induced relish. "MMmf, that hit the spot... There any spare cans of pop? Need something to water this dow-"

He stopped mid sentence as an unexpected voice interrupted their good times, slowly turning back to see a face peeping through the fence. He then blinked, before letting out a wheezy chuckle.

"Naw naw, it's all good! See this?" he said, pointing towards the weed-filled cigar. "This here's a puree! No tobacco, or, like... Fuckin' chemical preservatives an' shit. Just good old fashioned grass, like god intended..."

Bruce then took a long drag, pulling his head back with a deep breath to let it settle in his lungs, before slowly exhaling a thick cloud of smoke. "Aaaaah... Okay, maybe a liiiittle bit of tobacco. But this shit's healthier than beer, dontcha know?" he concluded, before passing the blunt along.
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Post by KamiKaze »

The sound of Charli XCX’s “Speed Drive” drifted from the house into the backyard like the smoke floating into the cold night sky. It was accompanied by the occasional laughter and bits of conversation from the people still inside, still talking about their plans for the new year, their resolutions, and their expectations. Sometimes people would clatter, and sometimes people would start leaving, saying their goodbyes for the night.

So, Junko didn’t hear anyone until Bruce spoke up, advertising the merits of weed. Junko perked up, thinking that some Karen was freaking out until she saw who was peeking through the fence. What she saw through the cracks gave her a good idea.

“Mmm… if you want, Hit-Girl, we can give you a hit. Might help with some anxiety to kick off the new year,’ she said, chuckling before shoving another nugget in her mouth.

She called her Hit-Girl because like… she swore she saw her wear a Kick-Ass shirt that one time. Maybe it was someone else, but she thought it was maybe Kami, or maybe not. Did she ever go into Larsons? Junko forgot, honestly. But maybe she would like a puff, too. Good thing about stoners was that you just go up to them and tell them ‘I’ve never smoked before’ and they’ll give you a little puff-puff. It’s a good way to start. And Kami might like it. It’s a strong scent to get used to, but it made you all… cozy, y’know?
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Post by Lilith »

She thought Junko was stupid for calling her Hit-Girl, because she was obviously Kami, and Kami didn't look like Hit-Girl. She was Hit-Girl once, for a Halloween party at school, but nobody knew that she was Hit-Girl - well, apparently Junko knew that she had been Hit-Girl. Maybe Junko wasn't so bad, but also she was offering her some weed which was pretty bad. Or, that's what her mother had said since weed had made her go to jail once in the 90's. Hit-Girl, no, Kami remembered her Halloween costume now. It was a shirt that said 'KICK ASS' and it was purple and she had an eyeband like that guy with a sword. What was his name? Romeo? No, the Italian guy with a rapier. You know which one. Was he Italian? His name was Zorro. That's pretty Italian to Kami, who wasn't Hit-Girl.

Slowly, she climbed over the fence, and landed on the snow.

She looked at Bruce. Bruce looked weird, and not in the good sense. People who looked weird sometimes were good, but sometimes were bad. Tobacco was worst than weed, because tobacco killed people by having their lungs rot off which is worst than being a stoner and going to jail since one involved dying and the other didn't. It was pretty obvious which one was worse in this situation, and Bruce hadn't made it appealing by bringing up the tobacco. But Kami had to mentally admit that it was nice to know that she knew what she was getting into.

"Anxiety?" Kami made another face. "I don't have anxiety."

Softly but too loudly, Kami could hear bad music coming from the home. This was a stinky place with bad music and it was cold, instead of her bedroom that smelled nice and had no music and was warm. Why did she bother investigating these all three unpleasant sensation anyways? Oh, right. She couldn't sleep because her stupid neighbor Junko was doing this stupid party. Maybe the cops will come soon, and she'll be free from this.

"Does weed hurt?" She asked, genuinely. "'Cuz sometimes I hear you cough when you're in the back."

Her eyes trailed to Bruce. "And like he keeps doing for while."
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Post by Fiori »

Bruce let out another wheezy, Muttley-like chuckle before shaking his head. "Naaah, don't hurt one bit!"

The face behind the fence clambered over, emerging from the darkness to reveal herself. He knew he recognised that voice! Kami, right? Bit of an oddball, but like, who isn't nowadays? This here was an oddball-friendly zone far as Bruce was concerned, getting up from the padded camping chair he was sat on to offer Kami a place to sit. 

"You might cough a lil sometimes, 'specially if you're a newbie, but it don't hurt nothin' for sure" he continued, wandering over to the cooler to grab himself an ice cold can of pop, quickly opening it up to take a glug. 

"Aah... Anyone else want one?" he asks, watching as the blunt got passed back to Junko.
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Post by KamiKaze »

“Yo, man! Toss me a coke! I’m at risk of getting dry mouth!” Junko shouted, grinning while holding out her free hand.

The blunt was still burning bright.

“That’s one thing to worry about, actually,” she said, after taking another go. “Your mouth can get super dry, and you’ll have the munchies. But we have cures for both, am I right?”

A chuckle from some other people in the circle.

She lifted the blunt towards Hit-Girl in offering.

“Knock yourself out, just go slowly and shallowly at first.”
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Post by Lilith »

Kami squinted like she usually did, her eyes having became thin lines as she sat down with the blunt in-between of her fingers. Her mom went to jail for this, and then had kept telling her that smoking weed was bad, despite the fact that both she and her brother knew that she was still smoking weed when they weren't home. Kami had been sure it was because they had a pet skunk somewhere, but her brother first convinced her and then proved it to her when he found some weed hidden in between the cracks of their mother's couch-bed. Kami almost felt like putting her finger against the lit end, to feel something else that this weird numbing coldness that was spreading through her joint as she sat on this cold seat in her bunny pajamas.

"I like coke." Kami said, softly. "It makes me sleepy, though."

She raised the blunt to her lips. Why wasn't this called a joint? She heard it called both a joint and a blunt, but there didn't seem to be any different here. It rolled up and it looked sad and limp. Or, maybe, this was simply because their rolling technique was bad and Kami had only seen sad girl blunts. She put it in her mouth, and sucked on it. As she did so, she made a face. It didn't taste good, and Junko's face didn't help because it felt like she was getting pranked again. She removed the blunt out of her mouth, and blowing the smoke that turned into a cough in her elbow.

"I don't get the point."
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Post by Fiori »

"Does anything in life have a point?" Bruce responded, in an attempt to sound erudite as fuck.

He tossed Junko a can of pop, and was about to throw another Kami's way before thinking better of it, instead making his way over to sit himself down in a plastic chair one of his fellow stoners had momentarily abandoned.

"Like Junks said, sometimes it can help take the edge off a little" he continued, passing Kami the coke can. "Other times it's just nice to sit back, take a lil puff, and let the good vibes sink in. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff, doncha know?"

Bruce took another swig of pop, before quickly scanning the crowd. "So... Anyone got any New Year's resolutions?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

"Whomp!" Junko shouted as she caught the can, albeit with... a bit of juggling. "Thanks."

She tapped it on the bottle a few times. The can hissed as she pulled the tab. One biiig chug.

After she pulled the can from her lips:

"Y'know, I'm honestly bad at resolutions? Sometimes I'm, uh, better at being in the moment than planning ahead."

That was true. It was why she was never religious, for one thing. One factor, anyways. She liked the idea of a heaven, don't get her wrong, but why would she prepare for something that could happen than, like, acknowledge that weed and soda and chicken nuggets definitely exist now? She couldn't prove the existence of an afterlife, but she could prove the existence of fast food.


"What about you, Hit Girl?"
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Lilith »

Life had a point. It was to be alive. It was pretty straightforward. It wasn't too complicated. You didn't even have to think about it too hard. It's obvious: being alive is the point of life. K.K. sniggered at herself. These people were silly. She held the cold can in her hand, using the sleeves of her pajamas to hold it. She didn't like being cold. She hated the cold, but that was something bound to happen, so Kami reminded herself that it couldn't be that bad to be cold once in a while.

K.K. curled her toes. This reminded of her that one time she forgot her windbreaker when she was headed to school. She had to walk, and walking was also one of those experience that were more pleasant when it was warm. She felt cold, all the way through, and she ran instead of walking, and someone had asked her if she wanted to race. It was scary. She didn't like competition, because when she lost, she got mad.

And when she got mad, she didn't think about things the way she liked thinking. It was scary to not think the way she liked to think. It made her scared and worried. She looked at Junko.

"Uh? Oh. I don't wanna be scared. And I wanna stay alive."
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Post by Fiori »

Bruce nodded his head at Junko's response. Made sense, she was never the type who liked sitting around, talking about what they wanna do instead of going out and just... Like, doing it. He respected that about her.

Kami though left him a little confused at first, blinking once after a moment of silence.

"Y-yeah!" he responded, raising his can. "Rock on! Here's to being alive!"

He took a hearty glug of pop, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips before sitting back. "As for me? Well... This year, I'm gonna become a viral sensation."

Bruce looked up, staring up at the stars with a hazy grin on his face. "Gonna finally hit it big, you'll see. Score my fifteen minutes of fame with a video that'll set the net ablaze. Thinkin' maybe 100k views as a benchmark... No! One MILLION views! Hell yeah"

He chuckled to himself, his hand instinctively outstretched with the expectation of Kami passing him the blunt, before turning his head to her. It was only now that it dawned on him that she had come out in nothing but her pyjamas in the middle of winter, whilst the rest of them at least had a bunch of layers on to make up for the cold.

"You, uh... Need a blanket, or...?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

"Mmm. Staying alive is good, so is a million subscribers."

Maybe Hit Girl was the same? Never too much a planner, she meant. Plans were lame, sometimes. And if you planned too much? Things could happen, and you are left with nothing anyways. It's good to stay flexible.

It's good to be alive.

Junko rose up.

"I could check inside?"
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Post by Lilith »

"Oh please, a blanket." She said, being aware that her fingers were growing increasingly cold. She responded with a nod. K.K. felt her throat tighten up after taking a sip from her coke. Her eyes scanned the surrounding, and she wanted to go home. K.K. didn't like being outside, and inside someone else's home. When it happened, it felt like she was naked. It felt like she was skinned alive, and everyone could see each veins burst with blood.

But she asked for a blanket. So she figured she'd stay for a little more.

She looked at Bruce, whispering in a low monotone voice. "Someone made a YouTube video about me once."
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Post by Fiori »

Bruce gave Junko a thumbs up, approving of her suggestion to go grab a blanket from inside.

He felt like an idiot for not thinking of that sooner, granted that was kind of his brand at this point. Kami had been so quiet about it that he sorta assumed she didn't mind the cold, like she was one of those crazy mofos you hear about who can bathe in frozen lakes and shit.

Unsure how long Junko was going to be, he unzipped his XXL parka and passed it over, braving the elements for the moment till Junks returned with a replacement. The concern in his eyes gave way when Kami mentioned being on YouTube, letting out another wheezy chuckle.

"Aw, for real? Nice" he replied, with an erudite nod. "What kinda video?"
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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