Boston Sullivan

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Boston Sullivan


Post by Brackie »

Name: Boston Sullivan
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Football, MMA, guitar, shooting, adventure racing

Appearance: Boston's Avatar stands are 5'7", 191lbs, with most of his weight being body fat. He is caucasian, with fair skin one could almost describe as pale. His pudgy build is emphasized by his round, soft face, thin lips and bulb nose, which hold up a pair of thick square-shaped glasses. His eyes are downturned in shape, and a dull blue in colour, sitting beneath a pair of dark blonde, straight eyebrows of medium thickness. His light blonde hair is short and has long side fringes. His clothing changes from time to time, but he most commonly wears whatever he believes will make him stand out the least. His Avatar has a distinct difference to his real life appearance, where he is 6'1", 180lb (most of which is muscle), with tanned skin, a square face with an impeccable jawline, a larger but thinner nose, pointy natural lips, no glasses, sparser eyebrows, and dark blonde hair slicked back into a side part, an appearance that would have once been described as quintessentially attractive to those amongst his peers.

While Boston in real life likes to dress in mostly athletic clothing, while opting to dress himself up on the occasions he does go out to social events, his Avatar has a much more muted aesthetic, going for darker greys and blacks on simpler clothing over the more outlandish outfits worn by his peers. On the morning of the abduction, Boston’s Avatar was wearing a plain grey shirt covered by a dark grey zip-up hoodie, a pair of dark navy cargo pants, and a pair of navy-coloured high-top Converse.

Background: Boston was born the first of two children to Florence and Sydney Sullivan in San Jose, California. Sydney was a security guard, who later had to change industries due to injury, and Florence was a factory supervisor. His younger brother, Monty, was born approximately two years after Boston.

Boston was fairly active as a child, opting to spend his time with outdoor activities over indoor ones. He often played with kids in his neighbourhood, making friends easily, and adjusting well when he eventually started attending school. While he preferred to be outside on the playground than in a classroom, he was never a bad student, often just completing his classwork and homework as quickly as possible so he could get to doing something he enjoyed. To this end, his parents signed him up quickly for Jr. Pee Wee football in his area, a sport he initially knew little about, but picked up the rules fairly fast.

Middle school came, and although Boston’s grades slipped slightly, due to not having learned proper studying habits as a child, his enthusiasm for the outdoors and sports did not. Even with a huge technological revolution happening in the wider world, Boston was not interested in the world of Cyber Reality, or “CR” as it was known. Not only was it an indoor activity, but his parents and brother lived fairly technology-averse lives. Florence was a firm believer that parents who simply gave their children video games or screens to distract them were bad parents, and that children should learn to either entertain themselves in their home environments, or just learn to deal with being bored once in a while. Sydney, on the other hand, was similar to his oldest son in that he preferred to be outdoors rather than cooped up inside. On Boston’s thirteenth birthday, Sydney took his son along to a shooting range near Henry W Coe State Park, and taught him how to handle a rifle. While not as much of a natural at shooting as he was at football, in fact only ever becoming adequate at best by the time he turned 18, Boston saw it as a challenge to be risen to, and practicing his shooting became a monthly tradition.

High school, however, was a major change compared to middle school. While most of Boston’s classmates and friends graduated to a physical middle school, Boston was out of their district by a single block, and thus graduated to a fully-CR school instead - Sycamore High School. While Boston initially adapted to the technology needed to have him attend class, he was not prepared for the total culture change. Before, he was actually somewhat popular, and his being a footballer carried some weight. Now, his school was in CR, completely online, and his classmates simply did not care about his sporting accomplishments. While being popular was not something Boston placed a high value on, it being something that just came naturally to him, he reacted badly to now being considered irrelevant and unaccomplished by his classmates’ standards. He entered a period of depression over the change, initially not knowing what he was doing wrong, and later realizing there was nothing he could do about it without changing everything he was interested in.

However, rather than doing so, he simply doubled down on his “Meatspace” lifestyle - he began seeking out more things to do that didn’t involve him being CR, and came across MMA. He initially interpreted MMA as being just the combat part of general sport, but realized soon it was actually considered a martial art unto itself (with ‘martial arts’ in fact being the last two letters of the acronym). While he took a while to understand the fundamentals behind being a good MMA fighter, Boston quickly adapted once he figured it out, and eventually started applying the techniques he learned to his football training, which he did as both a physical activity on Saturdays at high school, and in his local football club.

However, even as Boston remained himself, he felt more and more uncomfortable at school due to the drastic difference in culture. He eventually figured out that it was his stature, size and personality that made him stand out in a way that was negative for him - many of his classmates obviously did not look and act in real life how they did in CR, but how one looked and acted in CR was all that mattered. He eventually figured out a plan to make school life at Sycamore High easier for him. Gradually, over the course of the end of ninth grade, Boston began requesting infrequent, small changes to his Avatar. He decreased his height, he gave himself some weight in fat rather than muscle, he softened his features, and he even changed his clothing to what the less noticeable kids of his class would wear, with the ultimate goal being to become forgettable and unmemorable amongst his peers. As for his personality, he spent most of his time in the school library on Reddit, asking what people did to be memorable and eventually doing the exact opposite when the time called for it, often giving vague generic answers to personal questions, or giving the same answer anyone else would give. While the change was an active effort for Boston, and went contrary to how he’d spent his entire life, it was preferable to feeling visibly out of place like he had for the entire year so far. However, while his school social life became a facade, an active chore he needed to keep up, he began to improve in other facets of his life. Boston became more enthusiastic about his out-of-school hobbies, his relationship with his parents and brother improved positively, and he even began seeking out new hobbies to help improve his social life in other aspects.

One of the major interests Boston accrued was a vested curiosity in a sport called adventure racing, as it seemed to embody everything he looked for in a team sport - being outside, working together with like-minded individuals, competitiveness against opposing teams, and many other facets. However, despite his enthusiasm, adventure racing was exclusive to people over the age of 18, and thus he wasn’t able to partake for many years. In the meantime, however, he picked up a passing interest in playing the guitar, due to much of his music being acoustic guitar-based and it being fairly easy to learn in comparison to other instruments he liked. While he never got any lessons, and in fact never really got good at playing at all, he was content to just have one in his room to pluck at whenever he was bored, and it also lead to him figuring out something to do in CR - whenever he felt like disappearing at lunch, he would find himself in Sycamore High’s music rooms, tuning a guitar with something simple to play in front of him.

While Boston has never told his parents and brother about his relatively major change in Avatar, he does otherwise have a fairly close relationship with them. He remains enthusiastic about the shooting range with his dad, even if he’s not particularly skilled with a rifle after many years, and tells Florence and Sydney about anything exciting or noteworthy that happens at football or MMA. He even manages to convince his family to try some of his interests, leading to Florence taking up the flute for the first time since before Boston was born. He’s even managed to convince Monty to try out MMA, even though Monty is much more into CR than anyone else in his family. Boston’s birthday also occurred the week before spring break - this meant that before returning to school, a place where he merely receives adequate grades in all his subjects, he got to attend his first adventure race as a participant, with his team being adult friends he’d made in MMA and local football. His team didn’t do well, but they didn’t come last.

With graduation upcoming, Boston’s plans after he graduates are to begin attending a trade school. He hasn’t decided which particular field he would like to enter into, but he is thinking of becoming either a plumber or electrician.

Personality: Boston in the real world is comparable to a golden retriever - filled with endless enthusiasm, ready to help others, and always ready and raring to go when it comes to physical activity. He’s always willing to try new things, as he believes that he’ll never grow as a person if he doesn’t expand his horizons. However, this does not extend to anything CR-related, due to his fairly sheltered upbringing with technology, and also his bad experience entering high school.

To this end, Boston’s put-on personality when attending class is one of an extremely boring, unmemorable teenager. He doesn’t express any unique opinion, nor have anything interesting to say. This is by design, as he wants to avoid people going out of their way to speak to him unless they absolutely need to.

Reputation: While Boston is fairly well-known in his out-of-school hobbies, one would be hard pressed to find anyone who remembers Boston without him standing right in front of them. He has no real interaction with his classmates unless absolutely necessary, such as for classwork or group assignments. Those who did somehow remember Boston would most likely only know him from ninth grade as the enthusiastic guy into “Meatspace” sports. However, as he looks considerably different now than he did back then, one would need to be extremely observant to connect the two.
[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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Post by Cicadan »

Hello there! There shall be critique.
[+] .
Boston's Avatar stands are 5'7"
He is caucasian
Proper noun so please capitalize.
an appearance that would have once been described as quintessentially attractive to those amongst his peers
This phrasing is a bit awkward, I'd recommend something along the lines of 'a generally attractive appearance' or the sort. The bit that most confuses me / makes the meaning a bit unclear is 'would once have been', the Avatar look he picked seems fairly timeless.
While Boston in real life likes to dress in mostly athletic clothing, while opting to dress himself up on the occasions he does go out to social events
Second while is a bit off. I'd maybe recommend something like 'occasionally' as replacement.
going for darker greys and blacks on simpler clothing over the more outlandish outfits worn by his peers
Presumptive of the school population's trends and styles in a way that's not appropriate for profiles, I'd remove.
Henry W Coe State Park
Need to have a period after the W.
and his classmates simply did not care about his sporting accomplishments. While being popular was not something Boston placed a high value on, it being something that just came naturally to him, he reacted badly to now being considered irrelevant and unaccomplished by his classmates’ standards.
This might just be due to how specifically you wrote this, but this does strike me as overexaggerated. Sycamore High still has physical classes that occur- that 80% of the student body attends. The school has athletics clubs and sports teams. It strikes me as a bit much that he'd just completely drop off the radar- he'd still have friends through the team and people watching his games and cheering him on and such even if he's a complete non factor in the CR part of school, unless he actively put effort into shunning everyone he possibly could.

There would probably be a definite drop off in popularity but it wouldn't be nearly so dramatic as implied here, so what I'm saying is it's fine if Boston's sudden crisis of faith in himself and his social standing is presented more as an internal aspect of culture shock and a change in what the school and his peers prioritize, but saying that people just don't care about him at all as an athlete and think such things are irrelevant is reading too far into it.
No need to put this in quotations, this is definitely a standard and commonly used noun in Cyber setting.
didn’t involve him being CR
Being in CR, he's not that powerful.
(with ‘martial arts’ in fact being the last two letters of the acronym)
No parentheticals. Also this information isn't necessary.
He eventually figured out that it was his stature, size and personality that made him stand out in a way that was negative for him - many of his classmates obviously did not look and act in real life how they did in CR, but how one looked and acted in CR was all that mattered.
This also strikes me as an exaggeration of how CR schooling day-to-day would deliniate. Plenty of people would look like him and have his interests. Something that I think would be an easier sell here is developing body image issues due to influence from the media (pushing the idea that CR people always look their best or whatever), or a continued sense of alienation due to how hard he's trying to reject CR leading him to develop some odd quirks about his body and socialization tendencies in it. Something along those lines, but I'm skeptical of cause and effect as presented here.

So for adventure racing I did some searching online and I've seen that there's no consistent 18 and older requirement, some clubs seem to be willing to admit lower ages, some with parental supervision which he would probably have with his father being as outdoorsy as he is, and some with parental sign off. I do think if he was interested he might be able to find something to participate in, perhaps at the very least on summer excursions to a club that ran those adventures for younger ages.
While Boston has never told his parents and brother about his relatively major change in Avatar
Did his brother not go to Sycamore? He would likely be a freshman or sophomore there now. Also, would they be that surprised? Having different avatars in CR is kind of a thing unless Boston specifically has expressed something against changing his avatar and would be a hypocrite or something.

Broadly speaking, and taking into account my concerns above, did he just not ever develop a close friends group at all within Sycamore? You'll also need to reevaluate the Reputation section generally, in consideration of the above.
That's it!

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