The Unofficial TV Intermission (Pre) Preplanning Thread

There's fashionably late, but what about fashionably early? Thread to post intermission characters and relationships.

This is the board to discuss and plan for SOTF-TV, both the actual games and related lore projects.
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The Unofficial TV Intermission (Pre) Preplanning Thread


Post by Deblod100 »

Some people are not so patient, I do admit.

This is just as what the title implies.

Showcase and offer relationships to your TV Intermission characters! Each season is full of friendships and rivals!

Remember to consult the info for intermissions and remember that S69 is in it's separate setting to be related to Fox Ridge!

Go nuts! Do drugs! Kill someone for that Verizon sponsorship!

TV3 Endgame might still be happening, but the need and violently murderous need for planning is a desire for anyone!

It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Also, check out the profile template for S68! Remember you'll need some NPCs fleshed out with at least a sentence or two, so this can be a good place to think about those folks too.

(Will put my own stuff here tomorrow or the next day or something when more focused.)
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Just so I can be the first one to state their own kid concepts, I got some and was not aware of this thread until like, twenty minutes ago, so here are some things of note!

Season 68, Colton "Colt" Smirnov: Fuckin' LOUD kid, both vocally and appearance wise. Rather than pastel goth, he goes for pastel grunge and punk style. Rich kid and also a gun nut, he can be pretty nice, if a bit mischievous. Not too popular due to said mischievousness though, as well as his aggressive protectiveness of people he does like, and also having a weird anti-SOTF stance. Has a current boyfriend and an ex-girlfriend that I have planned up, but could be convinced to have them be other people if anyone is interested.

Season 69, Roselia Watson: She's fast as FUCK, BOI!! Star of the track team, fastest girl in school if not the fastest student period. Despite that, she's not particularly sociable? Like, she tries, but it is a struggle. Any friends, expect her to appreciate you immensely for putting up with her. Big fan of SOTF, and she is fitting my brand of loving anime, so expect a lot of death talk from her, fifty percent animated, fifty percent foreshadowing for her going into SOTF. Also a true crime fan, so...maybe a percentage for that too.

Season 70, Titania Zabelle: No information will be released at this time due to my desire to keep things secret for her. The only thing I will note for everyone is that she is a theater kid, and probably had some theater kid credit for being named after a Shakespeare character.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Deblod100 »

Might as well get my kids up too.

Season 68: Jules Szymanski: Jules Szymanski is an artist in Forest High, who is working on a graphic novel that he wishes to be published online as a dream project. Raised by anti-SOTF TV parents, but due to circumstances from TV3, he's not as vocal, due to fear of being alienated from his peers. He's a boy who is trying to do the right thing and is friendly to others, even if his behavior can be seen as eccentric, though he is still eligible for being bullied. He's bipolar and takes lithium every day to keep himself in check. He is also aromantic asexual, though he keeps this private towards others that he trust, since he doesn't wish to feel the odd one out. Can have a platonic partner be involved, and could use friends. Will introduce you to his tunes, such as Tally Hall, The Living Tombstone, and even Jonathan Coulton.

Season 69: Valente Lozano: Valente Lozano is a wannabe influencer with a podcast and livestream channel. Keeps up a toxic nostalgic act to play into the wish for less jaded times, but it's a facade to conceal that he's emotionally disconnected and jaded from the world and became desensitized to violence and harm of others. Has friends and will most likely hang out with other fame-hungry or influencer type characters, though he will hate the guts of the latter. Needs a girlfriend that he can pretend to care for, when in reality, he sees her as pointless. Has a sardonic sense of humor and might have rivals. Advice: Never meet your heroes.

Season 70:
- Haven Szymanski: Haven Szymanski is the non-binary sibling of Jules Szymanski. While their behavior will change dramatically, depending on choices made in S68, their S70 info will be kept in the dark for now. In S68, Haven is a year younger than Jules. They are more vocally anti-SOTF and is a part of both the LGBT+ club and the anti-SOTF club. They are more sociable, though they will still have enemies from their views. Will wear colorful clothing related to video games and other pop culture, due to their status as a geek. Friends are needed, though Haven can have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Vincent Talbott: Vincent Talbott is a boy the same age as Jules in S68, who wants to be a magician, doing and practicing magic acts at school. He is seen as upper-middle class, though it's mostly because his parents work at a department store outside of Fox Ridge. Interested in both vampires and magic, even having a vampire magician outfit for some of his acts. While he failed to get himself as student council president, he is still seen as popular for his looks and socialization. He's openly homosexual, though during the events of S68, he has underwent a bad breakup with his ex-boyfriend, leaving him moody and spiritually disillusioned and confused. His connection with Jules comes from him being seen as a friend and due to his relation with the LGBT+ club that Haven attends. He did have romantic interest in Jules, though the latter informed Vincent of his lack of romantic interest. Needs a boyfriend in S68 badly and friends, especially the ex-boyfriend that he hates.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Post by Brackie »

I idea, open to all :0 specifically, for Season 69 - here it is:

I've been having a bit of trouble thinking of a character to go with for that version, and for that reason, I've decided to make a character for other characters - namely, a character who will start her concept phase as a supporting character in other character's stories.

need a girlfriend? a childhood friend? a crush? a rival? someone to beat in volleyball? someone to lend you a pen in class? you can use her! message me on the board, or on Discord, and let me know if you're interested!

however, there are two caveats for this character:
1) she can't be an essential character to your character, ie a character so crucial to the foundation of your character that removing her would mean having to rewrite the profile. she's just there in the world, she's not a structural wall.
2) no influencer stuff - i get that that's a thing The Kids do nowadays but i'm...slightly older now, and do not relate enough to be able to write that. nothing major, just a notable thing to note

i'm not nearly organized enough to keep this list private, so here is what I have so far that I'll port to any future versions of this thread:

* Valente Lozano (Deblod100) - Girlfriend (?)
* Unnamed Boy (NoLife42069) - Friend
* Roselia Watson (Random) - Friend/Running Buddy
[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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Post by Dogs231 »

Tamarisk Allen
"We're friends, and friends stay together to the end, right?"

Tamarisk Allen—or, as she prefers to be known, "Risk"—is a girl with her head in the clouds. Or, well, it would be if it wasn't for her short stature. An eccentric to the letter, she's a fan of everything media, from movies about Prohibition gangsters to shōnen anime to SOTF-TV. A firm believer in the power of friendship, she gravitates to tales of allies banding together to rise above their station.

This ideology, of course, led her to her current obsession: Fisk Bateman and the Respects. She rooted for them all season and wrote letters to the executives to allow them to win as a team, but it was all for naught—one by one, the dominos fell. When it came time for Fisk to die, she was so distraught that she turned off the TV and refused to acknowledge the death for weeks.

Currently, Risk has something of a reputation as the school's resident oddball. Despite her attempts at shining positivity, Risk comes off as awkward and weird, and inside, she's got doubts about her self-worth. As a result, she can become clingy around those she cares about, hanging onto their every word like a life raft. Despite that, she's a big dreamer with bigger plans.

Stryker Williams
"Now, I'm going to take my first step towards greatness."

Stryker Williams is the best around, and he knows it. A star athlete, he's the son of a coach—and his father is determined to raise an athletic star worthy of a Super Bowl ring. Despite this, Stryker's eye has always been on another prize: taking the top spot in America's most popular show. A fan of the show, Stryker's the type of person to leap into the arms of the casting crews, hoping to be the first pick—number one.

In addition to his athletic and media interests, Stryker gravitates to traditionally masculine, rugged hobbies. He's an avid rock climber who dreams of scaling the world's highest peaks, of touching the sky. With a history of wood-carving, Stryker knows his way around a knife. And he drives a motorcycle—with a license.

As should be abundantly clear, Stryker tries to project an image of being cool—so much so that others think he's trying too hard. Rumors circulate about whether or not he is insecure or compensating for something. His sunglasses (worn indoors and out) only obstruct the path ahead of him. Still, it remains unknown—is he the winner that he claims to be?

Blake Killam
"This show has been my life, from start to finish."

To understand Blake Killam, one must first learn about two other things: his father and the history of SOTF-TV. The son of a crazed superfan, he was named in honor of the show's first killer—Blake Wilkins—against his mother's protestations. His father's behavior would only escalate into full-blown delusion, leading his wife to divorce him.

Since then, Blake has been raised to compete—and win. He's a crack-shot with a gun and knows how to use Krav Maga. In a fight, he can more than handle himself. He's also watched every season of the show multiple times. However, in other areas, he struggles—forced to abandon his other interests, such as drawing, to appease his father's desire for a lifestyle dedicated to the show.

As a result of his father's tyranny, Blake is quiet and reserved, any spirit of independence long crushed. In terms of personality, he's less a doormat and more like the floor beneath it. Blake feels like a pawn in games greater than him. His father was devastated to learn that all his work was for naught when Season 68 rolled around—which made it all the more spectacular that, two seasons later, the casting crew came knocking.
Appearance Tracker

O18: Alexander "Lex" Latimer - "You've got something to go home to, right? Then it's yours."
Assigned Weapon: Pistol Auto 9mm 1A, Pistol Auto 9mm 1A
Status: ALIVE
Location: He prepared for the end in The Mysterious Circle - United by the Moment.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

SOTF: Cyber

A01: Solana "Sunny" Lucero Estelle - "—maybe I'll die. But, you know, united we stand, united we fall. Something like that, anyway. If I'm going, well, I'm going down swinging."
Designated Weapon: W-7 — Gold Silverware Set
Designated Utility: U-26 — Surveillance System
Location: She met her match and lost the game in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1/1

A18: Daniel Arista - "It ain't right for a man, you know, to die on his knees." [Adopted from Cob]
Designated Weapon: W-27 — Tennis Racket
Designated Utility: U-18 — Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Status: ALIVE
Location: He played the game like he was told in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1


Tyler Becerra - "We're all gonna make it."
Status: ALIVE
Location: He's gambling with his life in The Stage - One Room Death Game.
In-Game History: 1
[+] PAST
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ES03: Cory Cartwright - "We can have power over the situation. We can defeat the game. We only need to figure out how."
Assigned Weapon: Diving Knife
Location: He was out of his depth in Jetties: Central - Armageddon Game. [47/81]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

S015: Noah Davis - "We're alive, and that means we still have a chance to set things right."
Gift: Finger Guns
Location: He tried his best, but came up short in The Flatlands - Pale Rider. [19/43]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


B15: Shūya Nanahara - "Well, now, I'm no hero, that's understood..."
Assigned Weapon: Icepick, the Power of Rock Music!
Location: He refused to play by the rules in In-Between - The Worst Game in History. [10/42].
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Liam Black is one sick puppy - "No more rain, where's the sunshine when you need it?"
Austin White is always right - "I would very much like to see you prove me wrong."

Josh Goodman is living the dream - "For a mad scientist, imagination is the greatest weapon."

Tamarisk Allen is a dead ringer - "We're friends, and friends stay together to the end, right?"
Stryker Williams is the best around - "Now, I'm going to take my first step towards greatness."
Blake Killam is made for this - "This show has been my life, from start to finish."
[+] SOTF-TV V4

Richard de la Cruz is determined to win - "Watch as I do something unimaginable."
Evan Gemstone is ready to die on this hill - "I'll send this whole structure crashing down."
[+] SOTF-U V2

Alex Wituk is vibrating with motion - "I don't know what came over me, but I was on fire with anger!"

Kim Song is under watch - "두렵더라도 강해져야 합니다."

Adam Ka'uhane is forgotten - "Nobody will remember me when I'm gone."

Caius Jones is a doomsayer - "The signs are clear; the end is nigh!"
Maxwell Verity is telling the truth - "Life is an equation, and numbers don't lie."
Aiden Chase is speedrunning life - "It's simple, just beat the clock."


Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

B001: Jason Dagon - "They say it's hard taking a life; they're wrong. It's the easiest thing in the world."
Assigned Weapon: IWI UZI
Status: ALIVE
Location: He laid them to rest in The Cemetery - Obituary.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
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Posts: 3449
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:56 am
Team Affiliation: Jewel's Leviathans


Post by MurderWeasel »

Only putting down S68 for now as 69 is very WIP and 70 isn't even at that stage yet!

Quentin Anderson is a boy with a generally soft, pretty appearance... and a hard, unpleasant attitude. He has an intimidating demeanor and is willing to push people around, but is loosely held in check by a very big crush on a girl who isn't quite like that. Quentin sort of hangs around with her friends but in this way where it's clear he might slip off the leash and be really mean at any moment (compounded by jealousy). He has some friends, but spends more time around people he actively dislikes. Probably does some sort of sports.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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