SOTF: Supers - The Third Announcement!

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SOTF: Supers - The Third Announcement!


Post by VoltTurtle »

Excerpts From A Small, Worn Composition Notebook

Update (10/24/21):

Floating kid led me the right way. I was worried for a moment that he had been off, but the explosion confirmed I was going in the right direction.

Now I'm here, and I will stand by and observe no longer. If you're reading this, know that I tried my best.

Unknown Time, Monday, October 25th, 2021: Undisclosed Location

A crackle of static from a walkie-talkie flaring to life.

SHARK: "Boss, we've got an issue."

OWL: "Ugh, what now?"

SHARK: "We found a car by the perimeter. Outta gas, with no driver in sight. Trunk was full of survival equipment, not much else of note."
WOLF: "Possible hiker. Likely lost."

OWL: "Motherfucker... just, find the bastard and kill him! Don't fuck it up this time!"

SHARK: "You got it boss."
WOLF: "On it."

The walkie-talkie beeped, then went silent.

OWL: "For fuck's sake..."
OWL: "Tiger, warn Crocodile and Bear to keep an eye out."
TIGER: "Alright, will do."

OWL: "Let's get this shit show over with."

9:46 AM, Monday, October 25th, 2021: The Great Basin Desert

Owl took hold of the microphone, hands shaking. She eyed her script, hastily scrawled in the early morning hours, only amounting to a list of deaths, with no material prepared in advance. They were so close to getting caught, but they couldn't just bug out now. They needed this footage, and she wouldn't let these little brats and a random hiker ruin everything. They would push through, and she would improvise.

When she pushed the button to begin the announcement, the speakers roared to life, the screech loud enough to hit their latest camping spot, electronic feedback reverberating around the arena.

"Hello to those who are still breathing. It's time for the latest announcement."

She clutched the microphone tightly.

"First up, we have back-to-back kills from our dear Crispin-Kelley Cuyler, starting with him breaking Gary Greer-Wheatly's neck, and ending with him bashing Kaine Griffin's face in. It was, uh, pretty sick. Good job, keep it up."

Her hands were still trembling, an audible, awkward gap between her words.

"Then, uh, we had a quadruple mutual kill between Lily Little, Mercedes Guenther, Kyle Benson, and Lincoln Guenther. It was, uh, it was something for sure. You had to be there to see it, I think. Literally, there was a lot that I couldn't see through the cams. I'm sure it was pretty crazy, though."

Her breathing picked up, thankfully unheard by both her microphone and her audience.

"Then that brings us to our last deaths of the morning, with Austin Greene and Noah Davis dying from wounds inflicted by Raymond LaSalle. Was pretty gnarly, watching it go down. Didn't even realize Austin was dead for a bit there, but don't worry, we didn't forget him. Yet."

She tried to chuckle to herself, but it trailed off just as quickly as it started, a disingenuous gesture to its core.

"Those, uh, are all of the deaths. Our newest danger zone is going to be the whole of The Flatlands. Only the area around the Compound is safe for you all now. We're going to get nice and cozy for our final act."

She stopped speaking, and after a brief pause, she pushed the button to play the fanfare. Unlike before, it sounded deflated, and weak.

"So, that brings us back to the Most Kill Award. Once again, we had a tie, and the same rules apply as before; first come, first serve. With that in mind, we're giving this one to Crispin-Kelley Cuyler. You'll find your prize out in The Flatlands, Crispin. The flag is back, big and red, you know, and you'll have until noon to claim it, like before. I suggest going sooner rather than later."

She inhaled, and sighed, trying to steady the shaking in her hands.

"That's all. You've got two days to be the sole survivor. Get it done, or else."

There was another screech that began to reverberate, only to abruptly cut off, and the arena went silent once more.


WEATHER: For the first time since the students arrived, there are noticeable amounts of clouds in the sky. The breeze has picked back up in force, and it seems that the rare rainfall is coming to the desert soon. The clouds have brought shade, and the desert has cooled down further, with temperatures reaching a high of 15° C (59° F) in the late afternoon and a low of -3° C (27° F) late into the night. The moon is nearing its third quarter.

Here are the rolls for this cycle:
  1. Lucine Everett (PlatFleece)
  2. Mei-ling Chou (Skraal)
  3. Raymond LaSalle (carduinal-cyn)
  4. Ximena Rodriguez (Carrion Queen) Mattie Wilkinson (Maraoone, Hero Card Used)
  5. Ana Ford (Deamon)
  6. Anatoly Orlovsky (Polybius)
  7. Joel Foster (AnimeNerd88)
[+] Rolling Log
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:00 PM
the end is fast approaching
@Catche, But Smaller are you ready to go
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:00 PM
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:01 PM
cool cool, let's start off with a test roll of a d100
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:01 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:01 PM
55 ⟵ [55] 1d100
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:01 PM
in that case, let's proceed with the rolling list, here: viewtopic.php?p=37272#p37272
it's a d17, and we're rolling 7
let's start, #1
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:02 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:02 PM
15 ⟵ [15] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:02 PM
Lucine Everett (PlatFleece)
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:02 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:02 PM
15 ⟵ [15] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:02 PM
might be a few of those this time
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:02 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:02 PM
12 ⟵ [12] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:02 PM
Mei-ling Chou (Skraal)
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:02 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:02 PM
10 ⟵ [10] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:03 PM
Raymond LaSalle (carduinal-cyn)
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:03 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:03 PM
16 ⟵ [16] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:03 PM
Ximena Rodriguez (Carrion Queen)
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:03 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:03 PM
14 ⟵ [14] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:03 PM
Ana Ford (Deamon)
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:03 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:03 PM
3 ⟵ [3] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:03 PM
Anatoly Orlovsky (Polybius)
last one, #7
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:03 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:03 PM
1 ⟵ [1] 1d17
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:03 PM
Joel Foster (AnimeNerd88)
and that's a wrap for deaths
let's roll for the award
gonna be a d6
Catche, But Smaller — Today at 7:04 PM
Roll Bot 2.0
— Today at 7:04 PM
5 ⟵ [5] 1d6
VoltTurtle — Today at 7:04 PM
United Cutlery M48 Combat Tomahawk
and that's a wrap
announcement should be up soon
You have three days (72 hours) from the time of this post for cards, and a further twenty-eight days (672 hours) for deaths. Remember that this is a hard deadline, and further extensions WILL NOT be granted for it.
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »


Well, if someone wants to toss me a hero, it means Ximena might make it out of the game alive since she already took off her collar. That would be neat.

I don't think I'll be needing killer pitches.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Okay, number one thing I will state here: if you have a hero card and are willing to use it, I will be incredibly grateful and would SUPER appreciate it!



But seriously, if you have a Hero to spare, I would be grateful, appreciate it, and any other words to express gratitude. I still have plans for Joel and would like to do more, if possible.

That being said, I would like death ideas in the mean time, so if you have any please send them my way. Got at least part of an idea, but something more concrete would be appreciated.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Deamon »

Hello there,

I’d love a hero for Ana as it’s been really fun to write a character against type and I’m really enjoying the posts I’m putting out with her and she has potential to do some interesting and cool things down the stretch.

That said, I’m willing to hear ideas folks have for potential kills so hit me up with those as well
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Post by Maraoone »

Heroing Mattie Wilkinson for Ximena Rodriguez, send ideas in pls
Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
maraoone was a mistake - cicada 2021
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Oh dear. And just when it was getting... interesting.

If anybody would like to hero my kooky little blob man, know that I have an intriguing idea in the works and potential for lots of fun body horror in future writing — but if not, please feel free to reach out to me for death ideas! I'll be happy either way, Ray has been a lot of fun to write and I hope you all enjoy(ed) him :)
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 123456789101112Endgame (1234)
[+] Upcoming characters
There doesn't seem to be anything here.
[+] Past characters
Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
Raymond's Relationship Thread
Memories: 1
Supers: 1234567

Sho Tsukioka [B14] gave love a bad name.
Memories: 1
Battle Royale: 123456
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Post by Skraal »

I know that at this stage hero cards are hard to come by, but I'm really enjoying the opportunity to play out a story so different from anything I've done before and would really appreciate a save if possible.

That said, death ideas are also appreciated.
[+] Characters
The Program V2
Josephine "Josie" Luu - Current Status: DECEASED

Søren Rosendahl - Current Status: DECEASED

Second Chances 2
Soren Rosendahl - Current Status: DECEASED
Cody Jenkins - Current Status: DECEASED

The Program V3
Samuel Rosen - Current Status: DECEASED

Luciano Ascencio (adopted from UnmaskedMountain) - Current Status: DECEASED

SOTF International
Clara Micallef - Current Status: In Thread

SOTF Supers
Mei-Ling "Emily" Chou - Current Status: DECEASED

New Battle Royale AU
Yuko Sakaki - Current Status: DECEASED

SOTF Cyber
Nicholas Cameron - Current Status: In Thread
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Post by Polybius »

If anyone's willing to throw a hero my way, I'd appreciate it. Send death ideas too
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Post by PlatFleece »

Oh my. So the time's nearly come. I've been enjoying my first legitimate SOTF experience so far, including writing Lucine, so if anyone's willing to send me a Hero, I'd be extremely grateful, since I'd love to write more of her, especially at this stage of her personal story.

That being said, I'm also open to death ideas, so I'm quite happy with my experience regardless.
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Post by Jilly »

a little over 7 hours for cards and normal DZ posts
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Post by Jilly »

That's past time for cards. You've got just over 6 days and 19 hours for danger zone exit posts, and if you're in this rollset you have just over 27 days and 19 hours to get deaths in. Finish strong and do your best.
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Post by Polybius »

I am once again asking for your death ideas
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Post by Jilly »

17 days, 6 hours, and 39 minutes left for deaths due this cycle.
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Post by Jilly »

10 days, 18 hours, and 21 minutes left for deaths this cycle.
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Post by AnimeNerd »

[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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