la guerra de los santos

open, still day 1 allegedly with possibly a third of the whole roster

Hugging the southern side of the island, this small village is where the vast majority of the island’s previous residents lived, worked, and leisured. The houses and occasional business closest to the waters edge all reside on stilts, a preventative measure for the unpredictable tides, while those closer to the outskirts begin to have backyards and small farming coops. What some would consider the centre of the town also contains a small square, as well as a simple stone church, short two-story bell tower, and wild overgrown gardens surrounding a distinctly leaderly house.

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Post by Catche Jagger »

Archie bolted for the church, trying to get a grip on what the hell was going on.

A journey through this island’s rainforest as well as the sight of the village architecture from a distance had confirmed his suspicions about the Circle’s peculiarity. Intact native structures existing just across the island from intact architecture that seemed to be European in origin, in combination, seemed to verify that the area had been artificial, though the reason for its construction was less definite.

Any further thoughts about gathering more information from the island layout was abruptly halted when he heard a gunshot and Jia Li raced off towards the source, in spite of not being the member of their group that was properly armed for something like that.

After a moment’s hesitation, Archie had grit his teeth and called for Rubi and Dominik to follow him, before chasing after Jia Li, though he failed to catch her before she randomly broke a church window.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He snapped, his voice still hushed as he stood directly beside her, slightly out of breath.

Though Archie was an athlete, he’d never been a natural runner, moving with an awkward gait, particularly when at a sprint. He never could get the same handle over his body as he had in the water.

There were seemingly voices coming from inside the chapel, but they didn’t matter much.

“Come on. We should keep moving. Check out other parts of the village.”
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Post by Carrion Queen »

(( Soraya y Dominik continuados de O19: Examina ))

El grupo caminaron el isla y llegaron a un pueblo de pescadores.

They arrived at the village with the group. Ahead, they saw a structure that looked to be a church. They heard a gun shot go off. Soraya turned to Dominik. She opened her mouth to say something. Several more shots fired. Jai ran towards the sound. Archie ran after her.


De repente, más disparos y Jia sue fue corriendo.... hacia el sonido.

"Ven comigo."

She grabbed Dominik by the hand and ran towards the building for cover. They came upon a side door. They looked at each other a moment and went inside.

Hay una lampara en el altar. Es equalmente bueno a adorar como cualquier cosa. Al momento, no parecé como fue peligroso.

"Domi, creo que debemos agarrar neustro blancito y salir ante de que hay más balazos. Este lugar esta lleno."

((Continuado en...))

[+] May you find that which shines and the power of miracles


The group walked the island and came to a fishing village.


Suddenly more shots sounded and Jia went running.... towards the sound.

"Come with me." Soraya's Note: A verb form specifically for commands is used here. It's a bit stronger than the regular present.

There was a lamp on the altar. Well, it's just as good to worship that as it would be any other thing. At the moment, it didn't seem like it was dangerous.

"Domi, I think we should grab our friend and leave before there are more bullets. This place is full."

((Continued in...))
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Post by Aster »

Caleb didn’t know why he was surprised that they were firing back. As loud as the gunshots were, though, none of them seemed to hit close enough for him to actually worry.

The girl wordlessly handed him the gun, and there was long pause before he fired back at the church. Caleb hoped that she didn’t mistake it for hesitation. That was part of it, sure, but he took a moment to steady his aim squarely at the broken window. Then, in the following few seconds, he told himself that there weren’t people in the church. Or that the ones in the church weren’t people. None of his excuses were convincing enough, so he gave up and squeezed the trigger.

His hand was shaking when he handed back the gun.
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Post by AnimeNerd »

The gun fire made her heart race. A part of her was tempted to hide behind a tree, or just run for the hills. Jia Li was out of her element-far, far out of her element. She hadn't ever gotten in a physical fight before, just verbal ones where the only thing truly wounded was pride.

But here-here, get into the wrong fight, and she'd be lucky to still be alive, let alone walk out of it at all.

It was a terrifying thing to really consider, in a moment where someone could just up and shoot her in the face and leave her a bloody corpse.

The terror wasn't lessened as the Incredible Irish Ass decided to try and give her a heart attack.

The fact that she still didn't scream at these surprises probably should've said something to her, but whatever it was could say would have to wait until after the immediate danger was gone-however it was supposed to be dealt with.

Already Archie and Rubí were trying to turn tail and run, but Jia Li was nothing if not determined, and even as her heart beat a kilometer each minute, she could think of a good reason to deal with the shoot out personally.

"And what about later when we're looking around? These people have guns and aren't afraid to shoot-" Gunfire continued. "-as you can see! Are we just supposed to wait and hope they don't find us? Or our one gun will be enough?

"We need to scare them away at least, before we can try resting here."
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Skraal »

((Clara Micallef continued from Suburbia Overture))

Well, as it turns out, tracking people down is a lot harder than one would think - even knowing the general direction that they're going in can only get you so far. Maybe if Clara had more experience with that sort of thing, she'd have had a lot better time of it, but after enough time walking it became obvious that the odds of having picked the right way to go were more down to luck than skill.

Really though, giving up wasn't on the table either. Like, what else could she even do? That bag had only been in her possession for a couple hours, but still... it was hers, damn it! She wasn't about to let Ballcap Bitch and her little sidekick get away with stealing from her, that was for sure.

She sighed as she approached an abandoned building of commanding height, standing at least a floor higher than the ones around it. Her stomach growled as she peeked in through the door. It didn't seem like anyone was inside, and though the idea of finding edible food in the building was laughable, it couldn't hurt to take a look around and rest for a bit. She stepped slowly over the threshold, making her way from room to empty room. It clearly had been some time since anyone had been here, and the overall atmosphere of the place was, well, more than a little creepy. It wasn't that Clara believed in ghosts or anything, but you know, how many stories have you heard about somebody wandering through an abandoned house where there wasn't some sort of spooky shit going on?

The creaky stairs leading to the upper floor didn't do much to dispel the feeling of unease. Trying to distract herself from the visions of all the horror movies she had seen over the years slowly making their way into her mind, she occupied herself with trying to think of some sort of scathing nickname for the other member of the Dreadful Duo (trademark pending), assuming his partner hadn't already turned on him. Unfortunately, she had barely made any progress along that track when her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of gunshots.

The girl crept to the window, trying to expose as little of herself as possible as she peeked through, her heart pounding in her chest as she fumbled for the gun still tucked into her waistband. Her vision was soon drawn to the imposing profile on the church, and more importantly, the flashes of light coming from one of the windows as whoever was inside shot a volley outward. A scan across the scene in front of her soon revealed their opponents, a pair of kids down by what looked like either sort of dock or a display stand for some sort of rotten, half destroyed boat. They were too far away for her to get a good look at their faces, but it didn't really matter. She'd have recognized that white cap and hot pink tank top anywhere.

The smart thing to do here would be to think things over a bit, maybe come up with a plan before jumping into the fight. Clara didn't do that, instead opting to stick her gun through the window and fire a few shots in the direction of the dock.
[+] Characters
The Program V2
Josephine "Josie" Luu - Current Status: DECEASED

Søren Rosendahl - Current Status: DECEASED

Second Chances 2
Soren Rosendahl - Current Status: DECEASED
Cody Jenkins - Current Status: DECEASED

The Program V3
Samuel Rosen - Current Status: DECEASED

Luciano Ascencio (adopted from UnmaskedMountain) - Current Status: DECEASED

SOTF International
Clara Micallef - Current Status: In Thread

SOTF Supers
Mei-Ling "Emily" Chou - Current Status: DECEASED

New Battle Royale AU
Yuko Sakaki - Current Status: DECEASED

SOTF Cyber
Nicholas Cameron - Current Status: In Thread
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Post by Sh4dE »

Pranay didn't know what happened, but a bullet hit him.


George eyed the chair he had been hiding behind and saw a bullet hole going through. Then he looked at his chest and saw a fountain of blood splurting out every second second.
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

You're vaguely aware of the danger of bullets ricocheting back at you - both of you - but mostly you focus on the pulsing feeling of electricity that the adrenaline shoots through you, the sound of tinkling windows and some splintering of wood a dull, throbbing baseline to the trebles of hissing, snapping, exploding gunfire. You duck low and a piece of pottery shatters, sending some fine substance cascading onto the wooden floor.

You focus on taking the second magazine that was provided, filling it with loose bullets from your bag in a low crouch, sliding them in with your thumb as the other boy takes his turn with the handgun. When he passes the pistol back, you take it with your left, eject the magazine with a quick flick of your wrist - the only thing about the gun you could practice on the trek over - and reload it with the fresh magazine. When you cock it to fire, it bites at your hand and you wince.

A second shooter erupts from deeper into the village - from elevation - and you're forced into cover, scrunching back against the rickety wood outcropping. A bullet blasts daylight through your meager barricade and you let out a whistling breath.

"That's our queue," you shout to the other boy over your earplugs, "I'll cover you. Down the dock."

You motion with your offhand, stand, and fire in the direction you think the new rounds came from, squeezing off a few shots and hoping to force the second source of gunfire back into cover. If the boy's smart, he'll take his exit.

If not, one more down.
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Post by Aster »


Caleb didn't really duck or dive when the gunfire broke out. He just fell over, clamping his hands over his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. It took him a few heartbeats to realize that he hadn't been shot, and a couple more to see that the girl hadn't, either.

She shouted something he didn't fully process, but he got the gist as she gestured down the dock and fired back.

He didn't need to be told twice.

((Caleb Policarpio continued in Who Pilots All These Crude Machines))
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

Whoever had the elevation on you was better or luckier, and you feel like you're blind-firing into the void. Around you things splinter and shudder and shake and you're thrown from your standing position to the floor, forced to belly-crawl forwards after squeezing off two measly shots. Your priority shifts from fight to flight smoothly as you roll forwards, out the back door of the fishing shack and onto the rickety wooden dock.

Here, you're in full flight - sprinting on Caleb's heels, leaving the village - and the shooter - behind with one hand on your gun, the other on your cap.

((Continued elsewhere))
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Post by Deamon »

Gunfire and chaos met them as they arrived at the village. They had made their way to the village easily enough and without any drama to speak of and it made sense for everyone to gather at the largest and most obvious sign of civilization. But even with that taken into account, it was still a shock to see how quickly things had fallen apart. The reactions of Archie and Jia Li didn't fill Dominik with hope that their presence was going to help calm the situation.

They had both run towards the sound of gunfire, which despite having a gun himself wasn't something Dominik felt up to doing. He had seen what happened to people who had been shot and had no interest in that happening to him. Meanwhile, Rubi dragged him in a different direction, pulling him into cover by the side of the church.

In the panic of the gunshots, her plan was incredibly simple. They needed to grab their group members and get out. Dominik nodded, he thought he could manage that.

"Si. Deberíamos hacer eso."
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Post by Jilly »

((Somewhere in the midst of the chaos, a slick pair of hands pulled Abel away as another made off with the lava lamp.))
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Post by Sh4dE »

More gunshots. More chaos.

No one helped him to stop the bleeding.

Pranay quickly bled out.

Pranay Shankar - Dead
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Post by Ohm »

More gunshots from their assailants outside sailed past him. He retracted his hands back into cover whilst hugging the wall, almost dropping his gun out of surprise and panic as gunshots echoed out elsewhere in the village.

They had a full-blown gunfight and he did not know if any of them were on his or George's side. He was not taking any chances on that.

Speaking of George, Jevaun looked over at him and could see him on the ground.

"George!" He yelled from his position.

"Dude! Get up!"

No response.

"Damn it." He muttered as he carefully started to maneuver across the room in a crouch walk using the rotted pews for cover, all the while more shots rang outside.

Once he got there, he quickly took hold of him and shook at his shoulder.

No response.


Only then did he notice the blood on the ground. With a fierce grip, he turned him slightly to see a look on his face, a look of dread and pain as his blood oozed out of the wound on him.

Jevaun did not know how he'd gotten shot or from where. All he knew was that the one person he trusted in this place was dead, and he was on his own.

He let go of the boy that had helped to this point and kept both hands on his gun. The sounds outside were dying down and he could hear footsteps, some far away, and some far too close.

He kept his eyes locked to the other end of the church, noticing that the lamp was gone. The other boy must have fled during the initial assault.

His hands shook as he pointed his gun at the windows, eyes darting from different ones trying to keep track if anyone would peek in. Likely to find if they were dead or not with a prize to get.

Well, they wouldn't get shit from him or George, he would make damn sure of that.
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Post by AnimeNerd »

More gunshots-more people? It didn't matter. There were dangerous people here, and they either needed to be scared off, or killed, and Jia Li didn't exactly have a machine gun or another efficient weapon, so scaring them away should've been the better option.

Whether or not Archie realized it was up to him-wouldn't be her fault if he was too stupid.

Another rock was in her hand before a response could really be made. Small and round-the size of her index finger when curled up, but it was definitely still enough.

It went flying at the stained glass window Jesus again-this time aimed at his chest rather than his face.

'Just leave already, you fucking creeps!'
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Before Archie could properly respond, Jia Li had hurled another rock into the chapel. It was ridiculous, insane. What had gotten into that girl’s head.

“We can rest somewhere else! Fighting to scare people and fighting for weapons, both are still fucking fighting, and both of ‘em are gonna get people killed!” Archie yelled, taking hold of Jia Li’s shoulder.

“If you keep doing this, you’re still playing their game. Just adding a few extra steps.”

Grimacing, he let go of the girl and took a step back. The gunshots had continued, echoing throughout the village, some from the chapel and some from elsewhere. The place was a warzone and there was only so much that could be done about that. Their best move would be to grab Rubi and Dominik and get out fast.

If worse came to worst… he might have to leave Jia Li behind. It wasn’t like he knew the girl, wasn’t like they were friends but, damn it, he didn’t want to just leave an unarmed girl alone out here.
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