Ángel Alcántara

"I can see the path to Victory... Can't you?"

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Ángel Alcántara


Post by NoLife42069 »

Name: Ángel “ArchUriel4Ohm” Alcántara
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Gaming, speedrunning, programming, reading, anime.

Appearance: Ángel's Avatar and his real self aren't that different. Ángel is 5’8” in the real world weighs 158 pounds and has a slender build. In Cyberspace he is the same save for being 6'2” and having a slightly more muscular body. In the real world, Ángel is quite pale from a lack of sunlight and doesn't have much muscle. He has black eyes, a straight nose, and slim eyebrows all pulled together by black rectangle glasses. He has straight, black hair with blue tips on the front, he makes sure to keep it ear length and has a small ponytail at the back. Ángel also sports a small but intricate pair of wing tattoos on his upper back. Ángel changes his Avatar once a week. This mostly is outfits, both hair style and color, and his accessories most predominantly his eye contacts. Ángel was wearing a black choker, a red hoodie with a black skull t-shirt, an Ouroboros bracelet, a pair of blue jeans, and combat boots in the real world. In the Cyberworld he is the same except for a pair of small detachable moth antennae, his eyes, and his clothing. His pupils are replaced with big stars because of a pair of contacts while his clothing is instead a Cyberpunk 2077-esc red leather jacket and LED collar, a black choker, a shark tooth necklace, and a pair of black and red gloves. finally, his jeans are instead black and with an added jean chain, and his boots are a bit more stylized.

Background: Ángel Alcántara is the son of Alejandro Alcántara and Isabelle Alcántara, a freelance programmer who was one of the early adopters of CR and a coffee shop owner respectively. He was born in San Jose, California in 2004. Ángel's early memories were of a happy childhood. When he was six his father began talking about CR and how it was the future which sparked Ángel's interest in it. His life from the age of 6 to 18 has had CR being a large part of it. His father quickly bought a CRD once it became available and began working with it.

Ángel quickly found himself enamored with CR, however, his specific interest was in gaming, which informed his decision to become a game developer specifically for CR. Once he spoke of this to his father at the age of eight Alejandro was ecstatic at the idea and spent a lot of his time teaching his son the ins and outs of programming. When Ángel was nine he created his first program with the aid of his father, this same year his younger brother Miguel was born. At ten he created his first game by himself, at this age Ángel discovered speed running and quickly found himself enthralled by it. He began to practice speed running with Doom 2 on his mother's old laptop.

Over time Ángel began to devote more and more of his time to his career goal, he stopped speed running for fun but instead to better understand game mechanics and how the players think. He stopped several of his other hobbies like sports to spend more time coding. While his mother was worried about this behavior change, his father saw it as just him being devoted. By 10 he had several games he thought himself proficient in this including Doom, Doom 2, Quake, and Wolfenstein. When Ángel turned 13 he fully transferred to CR, both in gaming and in programming. While Programming in CR was far more difficult with, the aid of his father and the several programming camps and classes he went to. Ángel slowly began to learn more and more.

Ángel could feel a small divide in his family, his father would spend more time with him and less with Miguel. His mother spent more with Miguel and less with him, while this bothered him he continued to focus on his goal. His mother was worried that all the time spent in CR and in front of a computer screen instead of with other kids his age was negatively impacting his development as a person. Ángel spent most of his time, when he wasn't at school, or the several afterschool programs he went to, at home, and roughly 60% of it was either in CR or programming. Ángel didn't have many friends, through a combination of choice and focusing on his hobbies.

When he was 14 Ángel developed his first crush on a boy. Ángel counts himself lucky that his sexuality was accepted, he never truly got the chance to explore it because not long after the two began to date his boyfriend cheated on him. Sometime later he developed another crush, this time on a girl, it was at this time that he realized he was pansexual. Ángel started a relationship with her as well however, it only lasted a month before she broke up with him, stating that she felt ignored. This resulted in Ángel only predominantly interacting with others online than in person.

It was also at this age that he really began to spend more time in CR, coming up with the username "The castle was here" based on a Doom reference. Ángel loved the freedom of expression that CR gave him, He found a particular love for changing his eyes and accessories. His first online friend, "darkXwolf17" gifted him a shark tooth necklace which he has worn on all of his Avatars ever since.

Ángel's parent's never forced him to go to church and his father even disliked it, after telling someone online about his name he was questioned about his religion for the first time. It didn't take long for him to settle on agnosticism, despite this Ángel loved his name and would use it constantly with wings and halos being incorporated constantly into his look in some way. He loved it so much so that he changed his username to "ArchUriel4" based on the Archangel Uriel. At 15 he began to like moths and added moths to his Avatar designs. After getting a recommendation from darkXwolf17 Ángel found himself reading in his spare time, some of his favorites being Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, The Long Walk by Richard Bachman, and Akira by Katsuhiro Otoma.

During high school, Ángel joined the Omega Squad which gave him a larger network of friends who shared hobbies with him, when he joined he once again changed his username to "ArchUriel4Ohm". Once his mother found out she was ecstatic that her normally loner and anti-social son was spending time with people. When Ángel turned 16, he got his first internship with one of the businesses his father worked with. Ángel has found himself constantly busy with getting better at programming, spending time with his family, work, the several coding classes he takes outside of school, his relationships, and his hobbies, like reading and speedrunning. This has led to him favoring some over others, with his extremely few relationships often being the ones dropped. However, his relationship with the Omega Squad always remained a priority. Spending time with the Omega Squad has further widened Ángel's knowledge, leading to a budding interest in Anime and Manga.

At the age of 18, Ángel got his first tattoo, a small pair of angel wings. He plans to get his second set when he graduates and his third set once he reaches his goal. Once he graduates, he's planning on going to college to continue his education before trying to develop his first true CR game. When it comes to speedrunning he has managed to get a world record in Doom 2, a third place in Prototype 2, and top twenty in The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Though a majority of his time has been devoted to getting better at CyberTag. Ángel is also excited to release his first true CR mod for Cyber Driving Simulator which he has spent the last year working on as a test of his skills.

Personality: Ángel is determined. Ángel enjoys interacting with others, especially in CR. Ángel cares very deeply for his family and regrets not spending enough time with his younger brother and mother. He respects his father and sees him not only as a father but a teacher. Ángel finds it hard to balance everything he does, leading to him sometimes focusing more on his goal than his relationships. Despite this, he still tries to be amiable and personable with his classmates, even if it does lead to him being viewed as constantly busy at best and aloof at worst. However, this changes around the Omega Squad, Ángel is more of a prankster with them, and no matter how busy his schedule he will make time for the group. Ángel has begun to view them as a second family.

Reputation: Ángel is seen as a focused yet strange person. While he is personable and completes his work, there always seems to be a bit of a divide between him and everyone around him. Despite being pansexual it is not uncommon for others to think he is aromantic asexual, because of his behavior. The teachers respect his work ethic but are a bit unnerved by how dedicated he is. His classmates are either fine with him, friends with him, or dislike him. More often than not the ones who dislike him are those he hurt by ignoring them in favor of other things or are unnerved by his general behavior.
I have some neat kids, check them out if you're into that sort of thing. Yes, even if a chunk of them are older than me.
[+] spoiler in the game
One Room Deathgame: Angry Knife man with horrid scars.
"I gambled away my life and paid for it, now all that drives me forward is petty revenge."

U: An older version of me in a shituation.
"I always told my mom, that if she ever caught me smoking then something Very wrong has happened in my life."
Cyber:Ángel Alcántara, Watch his halo fade and his wings morph.
"Angels have always been ruthless. Uriel watches Eden with a fiery sword. They even say he is as pitiless as the demons. Maybe aspiring to be them is why I feel like a moth flying into a golden flame."
[+] spoiler Some far off dream
TV-intermissions: The Wannabe- Ivan Rodrigues(S68)- "No, beating me within an inch of my life and carving letters on my head wouldn't be funny."
The Desperate- Cylia "Cyl" McGill(S69)- "Just one more... Just one more kill and maybe he will look at me! I'M NOT A MONSTER!"
The Pyromaniac- Seraphine Sinclair(S70)-"Brighter! Hotter!! Louder!!! Let this flame burn the arena away! They want a show, but they can't take the heat!!!"

TV4: The Acrobat- Harper -"They always told me to be ready for anything..."
The Writer- Juniper -"Mom, Dad? I know you're watching. Fuck you for dreaming of this..."
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Post by Cicadan »

Hello there! There shall be critique:
[+] .
Age: and Hobbies/Interests: are both missing a space after the colon.

For standardization reasons, please rewrite measurements that you currently indicate with [feet],[inches] to [feet]'[inches]", such as 5,8 to 5'8".

Since you bring it up could you indicate where specifically his tattoos are on his back, upper/lower at least?

What sort of weekly changes does Ángel make to his avatar?
In the Cyberworld he is the same save for a different height, a slightly more muscular body,
These details would be better suited being earlier in the paragraph, after you describe his general body type/features.

Can you specify that the star eyes are the result of contacts within the context of Cyberspace? Minor detail but that'd make the difference between them being allowed as cosmetics or banned as non-realistic by school dress code.
LED collar(Lights off)
Don't need to specify the lights are off.
He was born in San Jose, California in 2004, Ángel's early memories were of a happy childhood.
Run on sentence, the second comma should be a period.
When he was six his father began talking about CR and how it was "The future!"
Tone's a bit too coloquial with that quotation. You can state Ángel's father's opinion on CR without quoting him verbatim.
Specify for CR
forwarded a lot of his time
I don't think that works there. Might be looking for 'spent' or similar.
While his mother spent more with Miguel and less with him, while this bothered him he continued to focus on his goal.
While doesn't begin that sentence in a proper-sounding manner, something like 'meanwhile would work'. Everything past second comma in this sentence should be a separate sentence.

You don't really discuss his personal journey with religion prior to clarifying he is agnostic yet also using the user name of an Archangel. Is that just to be cool? What caused him to decide he was agnostic, and did he only decide that later on in life as the current place of the paragraph in his bio suggests or did he decide that sooner?

You suggested his mom was worried about his social tendencies, was he a loner/too busy with his programming or the sort prior to his high school years? Nothing in the bio so far suggests that.

Reading is never elaborated on as a hobby. You can remove it or add some details.

Finally for background I'd like a brief discussion of his goals in detail, his plans to acheive them, and the current state of his engagement with his hobbies. What kinds of games does he play, does he go to CR programming bootcamps or have a mentor or the sort, etc. Note that, with the way you've currently set up his personality/reputation I would recommend playing up how busy he is with his career goals at least some more.
If Ángel were, to sum up his personality in one word it would be: Determined.
Too colloqial. Just say he's determined.
Ángel enjoys interacting with others, especially in CR, however, he is worried that he doesn't really know himself.
Him having an identity crisis isn't really backed up by background details as is: he figures out his sexuality fairly comfortably, he has clear and strong goals coming out of high school, a detail like this needs some more formative info to work.
Despite this, he still tries to be amiable and personable with his classmates, even if it does lead to him being viewed as bipolar.
I don't think that would be the appropriate way to phrase how he comes off as to classmates with the current profile details. Something like 'constantly busy' or 'aloof' would make more sense in context.
That's it!

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by NoLife42069 »

It has been edited! sorry for the long delay!
I have some neat kids, check them out if you're into that sort of thing. Yes, even if a chunk of them are older than me.
[+] spoiler in the game
One Room Deathgame: Angry Knife man with horrid scars.
"I gambled away my life and paid for it, now all that drives me forward is petty revenge."

U: An older version of me in a shituation.
"I always told my mom, that if she ever caught me smoking then something Very wrong has happened in my life."
Cyber:Ángel Alcántara, Watch his halo fade and his wings morph.
"Angels have always been ruthless. Uriel watches Eden with a fiery sword. They even say he is as pitiless as the demons. Maybe aspiring to be them is why I feel like a moth flying into a golden flame."
[+] spoiler Some far off dream
TV-intermissions: The Wannabe- Ivan Rodrigues(S68)- "No, beating me within an inch of my life and carving letters on my head wouldn't be funny."
The Desperate- Cylia "Cyl" McGill(S69)- "Just one more... Just one more kill and maybe he will look at me! I'M NOT A MONSTER!"
The Pyromaniac- Seraphine Sinclair(S70)-"Brighter! Hotter!! Louder!!! Let this flame burn the arena away! They want a show, but they can't take the heat!!!"

TV4: The Acrobat- Harper -"They always told me to be ready for anything..."
The Writer- Juniper -"Mom, Dad? I know you're watching. Fuck you for dreaming of this..."
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Post by Cicadan »

Couple more things we need to take a look at:
[+] .
Speedrunning, Programming, Reading
These shouldn't be capitalized.
This should be capitalized, this is a proper noun in Cyber.
Missed fixing this one.
However, on the day of the abduction,
However is not needed in this context. Also won't need that second comma I bolded red.
In the Cyberworld he is the same except for,
Also here, that comma is not needed.
His pupils are replaced with big stars because of a pair of contacts while his clothing is instead a Cyberpunk 2077-esc red leather jacket and LED collar, a black choker, a shark tooth necklace, a pair of black and red gloves, and his jeans are instead black and with an added jean chain, and his boots are a bit more stylized.
These sentence needs to be split into two. Easiest place to do it would probably be between the clause about his gloves and the clause about his jeans.
CR and how it was The future
Unneeded capitalization.
game developer Specifically for CR
By 10 he had several games he thought himself proficient in this includes
While Programming in CR was far more difficult with
Need a comma between difficult and with.
It didn't take long for him to settle on agnostic
Ángel joined the Omega Squad and sees it as a way to enjoy his hobby again
This doesn't check out to me. At this point in the profile he still seems to very much be online- only thing that changed in his life from his earlier years was firmly deciding his religion, sexuality, and picking up reading as an interest. There was no prior indication that he lost interest in video games, coding, or CR overall, so I'm confused as to what you're trying to say by saying Omega Squad helped him enjoy his hobby again. Ideas like 'deepened his interest in his hobby' or 'gave him a larged network of friends who shared hobbies with him' make more sense.
normally loner and anti-social son was spending time with people
This still isn't clear at any point prior to this in the profile. It has to be explicitly stated and justified in the earlier parts of the paragraph that he was too busy with his CR interests to develop real friends, that he ignored kids at his extracirricular activities (before quitting them to focus more on CR), so on. Heck, he dates a guy and a girl at an earlier point than this. In theory loners can do that sure, but overall this all needs a bit more justification to sell the idea that Omega Squad was his first real batch of close friends, or otherwise you need to modify or drop the idea alltogether.
This has led to him favoring some over others, with his relationships often being the ones dropped
What relationships, exactly? This is vague. This may be an issue of condensing his high school experience a bit too much with how you structure the paragraph here, I get the sense (that might not be right, just my theory on what you're trying to accomplish) that Ángel is supposed to be a loner, then gets a bunch of new friends entering high school and getting super busy with his hobbies and budding career that a bunch of those new friends except for the priority of the Omega Squad kids get culled.

In general the chronology of Ángel's social life and tendencies is confusing to follow and contradictory, we need some more explicit detail to spell it out.
, leading to a budding interest in Anime, Manga.
anime and manga
Ángel is Determined

Ángel coming off as unnerving seems a bit unfounded as of now: he's busy, sure, but he's polite and none of his hobbies seem especially out there. People dislike the Omega Squad and Squad folks who would be his close friends like Xtra who have weird rumors around them might reflect poorly on him as a judge of character or whatever but that doesn't make him skeevy or creepy or whatever inherently. He just comes off to me with current detail you've given us, as a focused and busy guy who ghosts kids sometimes. Annoying to some, perhaps, but not weird or crazy or anything to justify the idea that he unnerves people.
That's it!

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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