Chevy Gallagher

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Chevy Gallagher


Post by Deblod100 »

Name: Chevy Gallagher
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Field of Study: Peace and Conflict Studies
Physical Description: Chevy Gallagher is of Caucasian skin tone, standing at 5'9 in height and weighing 170 lbs. He has brown eyes, a straight nose, and dark brown hair that he keeps short and flaring in the back of his head. For facial hair, Chevy likes to keep a bushy goatee on his chin, though currently there is designer stubble visible on his face. His body type is kept in a lean and modest build, due to his experience in paintball. On his right arm, Chevy has a black tattoo in the form of black wavy lines.

In terms of clothing, Chevy wears t-shirts and blue denim jeans with one of his few pairs of Converse All Star sneakers as casual attire whenever he is at the University of Cascadia. Usually they are themed to his favorite type of movies that are either made by George Lucas or simply straight up action movies. On the Arctic trip, he was wearing his jeans and red All Star sneakers with a t-shirt showing the Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks as a Sith Lord on a black background. Due to the nature of the Acrtic trip, Chevy came prepared with a heavy grey winter coat, wool gloves, and a grey wool knit cap.

  • Chevy Gallagher was born to Craig and Annabel Gallagher in Eugene, Oregon. Chevy was the youngest of the Gallagher children, being overtaken by his two older brothers Benny and Troy Gallagher.
  • Chevy grew up with the Star Wars franchise in his childhood. He would come across a geek for the Star Wars trilogy and later the prequels. Years later, when Star Wars 7 through 9 came out, Chevy would negatively view the recent films, favoring the first 6 films and later the artistic vision of George Lucas, causing him to watch anything related to his idol. Chevy would expand his cinematic interests to action films, such as Rambo, The Terminator, and The Matrix. Some of the action movies that Chevy watched created an interest in listening to new wave music, caused by liking vintage earlier action movies made in the late 70's to early 80s.
  • Chevy's hardcore hobby of paintball began in middle school, when he was given the chance for a field trip for a paintball challenge. With the shared interest of his father, he would continue this recreational sport, attending local tournaments or playing public matches with strangers. He would usually play paintball in either enclosed warehouses or outdoor woods. Chevy would have years of experience with the sport, being ranked high in matches and tournaments as accomplishments for his commitment. He experimented with his style of play, suffering from the lack of quick thinking when at the heat of the moment of each game, but he would learn several predictable tactics in the sport, making him find ways to counter them with success. At first, he was boastful at his early accomplishments, but he had eventually respected the value of sportsmanship and made sure to remain respectful to his teammates and his opponents in paintball.
  • During Chevy's high school years, his mother's health would begin to slightly deteriorate with common back pains. She would begin to become addicted to painkillers, causing a small rift in the family. His father would have to support his sons, after he was forced to send his own wife to a rehab to treat her addiction for months. After her time in rehab, she would be under watch by her own husband and kids, due to a chance of relapsing. After another month, she was welcomed back in the family in a proper manner, but Chevy felt that he could have spent more time with his own mother during high school, even if his family attended his graduation.
  • Chevy's academic performance for both middle and high school would consist of A's and B's, which made him feel suited for several local universities around his area. Despite this, expectations from his family would lead to him being sent to the University of Cascadia, where his brothers had also attended.
  • Chevy would end up in the University of Cascadia, originally attempting a major at Film and Television. The reason for the major in Film and Television was due to the childhood movies that he watched, influencing his studies. However, his mediocre academic performance and struggle to develop a proper future would cause Chevy to drop the major. Seeking alternatives, he would find an interest in History, and later Peace & Conflict Studies instead. The passion for the latter had appeared to him from his experiences in paintball, seeing himself worthy to be a cerebral leader to help others. Chevy would study up on topics related to military history, warfare, and military strategy. He would cite the book The Art of War in explaining the theses of his essays. Being committed to making the most out of his new major, he kept up a high academic performance to impress his parents and peers. With this major, he hopes and plans to get a job as a museum director or at best, a job as a military analysist that can nab him a high pay.
  • Chevy would attempt to separate himself from the career path of his older brothers, both have took advantage of their interests in film and television to net themselves jobs in California. Benny Gallagher would be able to secure a job in working in the television industry for a police procedural show, while Troy Callagher launched a YouTube channel dedicated to cosplaying and cosplaying tips. This shift in interests from the rest of his brothers would end up causing Chevy to feel like he was sticking out in the family.
  • The relationship with his family is mixed, due to his mother's past addiction and his brothers. Chevy knows that he still loves his mother, but has not been able to properly show it to her. His relationship with his father has been positive, due to him supporting and helping him with the change in his academic majors. His brothers, however, are dismissive with his wishes to be involved with his study of Peace & Conflict Studies. Chevy does still go on trips outsides of the U of C to attend family gatherings, but he sees his brothers being on a higher level that they are too good for him. What Chevy wanted was to prove his brothers wrong. He wanted to be of the same level as them, higher up if he can. However, all of this would start to creep up on him in the form of arrogance. He would hide this type of arrogance from his family and others, but it would be a negative influence on him in putting himself in a higher role. Chevy wanted to prove himself by acting like the "leader" of his own brothers, just to show that he wasn't a pushover.
  • Chevy would begin to live on campus at the University of Cascadia in a dormitory. To support himself financially, he would get a part-time job working at Menchie's Frozen Yogurt, not far from the U of C.
  • Chevy is familiar with Professor Peter Harrison, due to attending his classes on Violence and Genocide, including a class of Ethics.
  • Chevy does have several friends, since he would socialize with people that follow in the same studies in him or have the same interests. To others, his behavior can range to a simple laid-back academic student to an obnoxious fanboy if his interests are challenged. He rarely got into heated arguments with others and his friends, not wanting to alienate others. For a Peace & Conflict Studies major, he does expresses pacifistic views and would talk about using tactics to simply get the enemy to surrender, than fighting to the death. Chevy would use this viewpoint heavily to challenge the "necessary evil" concept in an essay in an Ethics class.
  • Chevy Gallagher signed up for the Janus-Hayes trip as a means for networking and getting more opportunities for a chance at a job path related to his field of study in peace and conflict. Despite his parents being skeptical and the nature of the two week trip showing extremes, Chevy was given approval and consent in attending, even if Chevy's age had passed the need of parental consent.
Skills and Interests: Peace & Conflict Studies, Military Strategy, Warfare, Paintball, Media made by George Lucas, Action Movies, New Wave Music, Part-Time Job working at frozen yogurt place.

Assets: Chevy Gallagher is agile and has developed marksmanship from his paintball hobby. He is careful to analyze combat situations to reduce risk of failure, along with being resourceful with what he is given that can serve as an advantage. Chevy would present himself as a non-threat to others, playing up in leadership by controlling his behavior towards other students, when he feels like he is put on the line.
Limitations: While Chevy is interested in military strategy, there are times where due to being forced to think quick on his feet, he will make several bad calls, due to misreading the situation or issue at hand. Being laid-back with other peers will also make him visibly dismissive of the death game, refusing to participate in any harm in others and challenging the possibility of others causing harm, making him an easy target early on to be taken advantage of.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Post by Cicadan »

[+] critique will not hurt
Congrats on your first official app! They never get easier, unfortunately.

First, the formatting of the profile does not quite match the template, and in SOTF we're quite strict about that. As you see in the template there is no space between Name, Age, Gender, Field of Study, and Physical Description, like so:
Field of Study:
Physical Description:
Likewise for Assets and Limitations.
Also, while I appreciate the pronouns given this isn't to the profile standard as well (these profiles are usually implied to exist ICly among the records of the kidnapping organization for a given SOTF version, so they are kept standardized within a reasonable degree).
Chevy would wear t-shirts and blue jeans with his sneakers as casual attire whenever he is at the University of Cascadia
Tense disagreement, verbs would either be 'wears/is' or 'would wear/was'. Sentence after is also in present tense so I recommend shifting to present to be consistent.

Could you specifically describe the jeans and sneakers he wears on the trip? You also seem to imply he only has a few pairs that are similar to each other, not sure if that was your intent.
Films that he would later use in his classes, during his attempted Film and Television major
First clause in this sentence extends the reasoning from the prior sentence, so you would need wording like 'These were films he would later use...' etc. Also the order of operations here is a bit off, as you're jumping ahead to his college years. Better to remove this sentence entirely and say in the bullet about his first major that he took inspiration in his studies from his favorite childhood movies, or the like.
both have took advantage of their interests in film and television to net themselves jobs south to California
took/in California

I understand why he shifted away from Film, but I feel like there could be more focus on why he elected to go into Military History as his major. You could use this opportunity to go more into his style as a paintball enthusiast, perhaps as a cerebral sort who would lead his teams?

I'd like some more detail on a few things:
  • what was his academic performance like when he was young, and how is it now? I'd like a sense of the scale of his ambitions, is he or is he not passionate and driven, putting in the work (military analyst being quite a prestigious job with very picky hiring standards)?
  • What is his relationship with his family, especially in recent years with his mother? Does she recover from her addiction, regularly relapse? Think about the long term ramifications of that particular event on family dynamics. Are his brothers proud of his shift in career interest or confused/dismissive/etc? Don't have to address all of these but they help flesh out the character- mandatory for me you give me more detail on what happened to his mother, however.
  • I need more for his personality in general. What kind of person is he around others, how does he socialize? You bring up a Limitation for him in terms of him being unlikely to believe that others would commit harm onto others, but this is a bit generic. Not backed up by any detail in his Background, first off, but even if it were it would be a fairly standard thing for most folks brought on the Expedition. Limitations refer to weaknesses that differentiate your character from the average baseline- if Chevy were more of a pacifist for whatever reason, or perhaps generally stubborn or a bit of a conspiracy theorist in general personality, that Limitation would make more sense.

    So to be clear with my issues here:
    Chevy Gallagher has what it takes to be a skirmisher in the arena. He is agile and experienced with ranged non-lethal weaponry from his paintball hobby, making him a brute force to be aware of.
    First sentence is superfluous. Specifying non-lethal is also unnecessary, and `making him a brute force to be aware of` is also superfluous phrasing.
    In terms of socializing, Chevy is decently accepted by his peers, lacking any hostility towards them from his U of C days.
    Need background detail to justify this. In addition, people being neutral towards you isn't really an asset, Chevy has to be well known and well liked for that to qualify, which would again need justification in his background details.
    Chevy may be experienced in paintball, but he lacks any medical knowledge to treat himself if he is heavily wounded.
    Not really a limitation. Your average person does not have the knowledge to effectively give themselves first aid beyond light wounding.
    This is made worse, since he will dismiss the severity of the SOTF game at the first hours, believing that no one had the willpower to commit harm onto others.
    Needs justification, and also not really a disadvantage you wouldn't find in most folks. Needs to be something deleterious based on his character that would stand out within the crowd of other folks on the Expedition.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:15 am


Post by Deblod100 »

Might need a little more elbow grease on the gears, but the app has been edited for the children and their children's children.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:02 pm


Post by Cicadan »

[+] few more critique points
Field of Study: Military History
Per Shiola this should specifically be noted as Peace & Conflict Studies.
both of which being converted into arenas
Phrasing here's a bit off. Honestly you don't even need the clause, it's redundant information.
but gave him the opportunity to apply for several universities around the area
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here by making this an argumentative clause (but [x]). From what I can tell you're going for something along the lines of 'Chevy preferred to/felt himself more suited for local universities but due to expectations applied for U of Cascadia'? Just try to make the phrasing of that bullet more specific, the idea's a bit lost.
He is careful to analyze combat situations to reduce risk of failure, along with being resourceful with what he is given that can serve as an advantage.
I feel this needs a little more in the Backstory, perhaps discussing his style of play in paintball, notable accomplishments during matches or tournaments, a little extra should be fine for this one I'm mostly alright with it.
Chevy would present himself as a non-threat to others, making himself eligible to form alliances with others and act loosely as a leader.
This one I'm iffier on. I do have a sense of his personality from what you've added but it doesn't seem especially calculating to the point that justified Chevy being good at actively modulating his personality to come off as non-threatening. He's laid back, sure, but not in a way he can weaponize on purpose, and he even can be obnoxious despite himself as you note if given an outlet for it. It doesn't quite align with the asset as phrased:

My recommendation here would be to either lean into his laidback nature as one that will make give him social advantages (and potential disadvantages depending on the specifics you provide) or to build up his leadership tendencies, perhaps making him good at controlling the way he presents himself when he feels he need to put on a front for others or the like.
While Chevy is interested in military strategy, the more enclosed arena-styled death game is a far cry from the crowds of armies fighting to the death that he is used to.
This isn't really a limitation per say, it's more a caveat that maybe one of his advantages won't work out. A limitation should be a clear drawback, not merely neutralization of an advantage. For example, if you add onto this that Chevy would be so sure in his knowledge that he makes bad plays because he misreads the situation then that's a clear limitation.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Posts: 301
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:15 am


Post by Deblod100 »

I feel like there is still one more screw still loose, but for safety reasons, the app has been edited once again.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Post by Cicadan »

[+] last few critique points
Chevy would present himself as a non-threat to others, playing up in leadership by controlling his behavior towards other students, when he feels like he is put on the line.
I still don't think this lines up with elements of his Backstory. Honestly I don't have much of a sense of his personality at all beyond broad strokes, and this is a pretty specific form of social engineering in the form of personality that I just have to see Backstory examples of how Chevy's character fits with it- is it how he interacts with his friends and teammates in paintball? His friends at school? When is he showing off that he can manipulate his personality for his benefit? There are different forms of leadership so I need to see the specifics on how Chevy practices his form that lines up with how it's being presented in his Assets.
While Chevy is interested in military strategy, there are times where he will make several bad calls, due to misreading the situation or issue at hand.
Same example as above. Now a proper disadvantage, but there's no backstory elements of his leadership taking a turn for arrogant or merely of his tendency to make accidental miscalls in situations, so I'll need clear proof of that being something that could feasibly be an issue on island.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Post by Deblod100 »

Edited parts of his backstory to fit with his assets and limitations. This should be good for an all clear.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Posts: 807
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:02 pm


Post by Cicadan »


Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1

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