

This blocky building served as the starting point for tourist expeditions of the island, and as such it has a number of unique resources to offer. The maps here have significantly better and more accurate detail than those issued to the students, and hiking and survival equipment may be found. Finally, this area is connected to the residential area by a well-maintained road, and a van is parked outside the building, still operational (though the keys are missing).

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((Takako Chigusa continued from START GAME))

Takako was known for her looks, and for good reason. She worked hard to make herself stand out. One of the few things she agreed with her mother about was that your appearance dictated how others saw you. The difference was that Takako wanted to be seen very differently from what her mother wanted. Colored hair, flashy jewelry, stylish clothes-- when she wasn't in the uniform-- whatever she wore, she wanted to stand out. She never wanted anyone to mistake her for some quiet and shy wallflower that could get taken advantage of.
Plus, she was gorgeous; that was just fact. It didn't hurt to have people looking at her, even if it was a pain sometimes.

All that went out the window when she was running though. In the midst of a sprint, nobody was particularly pretty, even her. That was fine though; she wasn't running because she wanted peoples' attention. That was all for her. And right now, it might save her life. Also, it was dark enough that she was lucky to be able to keep her footing, let alone have anyone watching her. Hopefully.

Takako had put some distance between her and the school before stopping to catch her breath. Realistically, she was a sprinter, not long distance. She had more stamina than the non athletes, but she still had to pace herself and avoid collapsing. Once she found a place in the woods to sit down and wipe her brow, she took the opportunity to study her map, squinting in the starlight. The Tourist Association seemed a good place to check out. Any building was easier to defend than open area, and unlike the clinic, the tourist place was less likely to attract her classmates. Her opponents. Plus, she could to to find out some useful information about the island. Maybe a secret cave system she could hide in for a while.

Takako was under no delusions. People be willing to kill her, and so it was up to her and her alone to stay alive. She was ready to fight if she had to, but like running, she had to place herself.

Takako also took the time to examine her weapon. It was a mixed result. A baseball bat could be used to protect herself, but it wasn't as good as a gun for keeping people away. In a fistfight, who knew how useful it would be? She kept it in her bag for now.

Once she reached the building, though, she withdrew her weapon, letting it hang loose in her hand as she opened the door. The van was keyless, so it wasn't much good; she had no idea how to hotwire a car. That key was something to look out for though.

Takako was immediately rewarded by the discovery of a flashlight, followed by a proper map on one of the desks, which she grabbed to study. No readily apparent secrets, but she had only taken a quick glance to start.

The directory told her that there was a storage area for hiking equipment, which was very tempting. Even if there wasn't much to use, any resource right now was worthwhile. Takako made her way down the hall and into the storage area. It was unlocked, at least. The room was surprisingly stockpiled, enough that it would take some time to go through everything.

After emptying a table and shoving it against the door, Takako began perusing. And that's what she did for the next half hour or so, scanning the dark room with her new light source. The first things she took were a first aid kit and a fire starter. Both of those could save her life, so that was a no brainer.

As for the rest...Takako had limited storage space and only so much weight she could carry. She sat down after a little while, considering her options.

It wasn't for a while longer that anyone else arrived.
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After a while, footsteps could be heard through the Tourist Association, growing louder and louder as they drew closer to the supply closet, only coming to a stop when the seemed to be directly outside.

The knob of the door twisted and the door itself began to slowly swing open, only to be stop as it connected with the desk that had been slid in front.

A pause.

“Um, h-hello? Is somebody in there?” Came Kayoko’s confused call to whoever might lie in wait within the closet.

((Kayoko Kotohiki continued from Getaway))
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
Aditi Sharma
Desiree Beck
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Takako had never gone camping personally. Her parents had never deemed it appropriate to take her or her sister, and for once they'd been right. She wasn't really interested in roughing it. Hiking was slow, fishing monotonous, and in general outdoors activities didn't appeal to her. Factor in the general dirtiness and lack of creature comforts, and Takako was perfectly happy to spend most of her time in the city.

She didn't have much choice now, though. Sure, there were dwellings on the map, but her classmates were sure to make for those. Right now, Takako wanted to lay low. She didn't have a lot of friends in her class, and the one person that stood out could take care of himself. Her best bet was to survive as long as possible,and avoiding people was a good way to manage that. After that...she wasn't sure. But she had to get to that point first.

As Takako was stowing away the set of supplies she'd settled on--the first-aid and fire kits and map as well as a thermal blanket and some additional dry rations and water--she rose to her feet, frowning. There was a lot left here, and she wasn't sure what to do with it. Destroy it? That would slow down her enemies, maybe, but not that much. These things weren't useful enough to make a difference, especially with how much work it would take. The games weren't supposed to last long; nobody would starve, most likely, or die of dehydration unless they were stupid. She'd leave them for now.

Then she heard footsteps. Takako dropped the bag with a quiet thump and ducked behind the wall adjacent to the door, snatching her bat off the wall where she'd leaned it and clutching it. The steps were slow and quiet, cautious if not necessarily sneaky. Takako was fine letting them walk past, but if they didn't...it depended. She wasn't quite done in here, since her bag wasn't fully packed. If they wanted in, they were going to have to prove that they weren't threatening. She wouldn't necessarily resort to a fight, but she also had to be practical. Others were a threat until proven otherwise. They all knew there could only be one, and Takako didn't intend to let someone else decide what happened to her.

The voice was...Kayoko? They weren't that familiar. She seemed quiet, nice enough. A little nervous right now. Takako could probably deter her if need be, unless she had a gun. If she did, Takako would have to be a lot more careful. This door was reasonably thick, but she didn't know if it was bulletproof, and she didn't want to have to find out.

"Who's there?" Takako replied, calm but stern. Her weapon was still tight in her hands.
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Oh, it was Chigusa. On the other side of the door, Kayoko’s expression turned to an irritated frown, though she tried to soften its edges, even if no one could see it. Chigusa was a skilled athlete, beautiful and aloof, exactly the sort that could prove very dangerous in the Program.

“It’s Kotohiki. Um, Kayoko Kotohiki. Sorry for not saying that first.” Kayoko shifted into the apologetic, relaxed tone again, her expression shifting as she embodied the earnestness that her voice carried.

“You’re Takako, right? I was just hoping to find some supplies… and maybe a safe place to stay.” She explained slowly.
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"Yes," Takako replied tersely through the wall.

Kotohiki-san seemed about as unsure as Takako could expect from a girl of her demeanor. Takako frowned. Kotohikihad been honest in introducing herself, at least, but that only meant she felt she had nothing to hide. Still, if she was seriously armed, she probably would have made a more aggressive move. Then again, Kotohiki didn't know Takako's weapon, so this could be just a trick to get Takako to lower her guard in case she had a dangerous weapon.

How quickly she'd turned to this kind of thinking. On one hand, Takako felt a little more secure thinking about these things. She wasn't being paranoid, simply cautious and safe. She hadn't started screaming, crying, or panicking. All things considered, she was doing very well. That said, there was definitely something that felt off about the switch. Only what, hours ago? Kotohiki was a non-entity in her life, not a nuisance or a friend. Now Takako was trying to read her like it was life-or-death. Because it was, of course. But still.

"I don't know what you're looking for," Takako replied, looking around at the clutter behind her. "No offense, but I don't really want you in here. It's not exactly safe, you know? If there's something specific, I can maybe point you in the right direction."

Takako had no idea if she could really do that, but on the off chance she could send Kotohiki off without a problem, she may as well try. And if the other girl refused to leave...Takako would just have to see what came of it.
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“Oh, um, n-no offense taken! I get it… I was just hoping I could wait out til morning, or at least get a light or…” Kayoko trailed off. Babbling might help to keep Chigusa at ease, create the impression that Kayoko was just confused and lost, but there were some things that needed to be addressed.

“I… I believe that you’re not killing anyone, or at least that you’re not going to try to hurt me, since you could’ve done that already, right? But… I still have to ask, what sort of weapon did they give you?” Kayako hesitated, worrying that asking something so practical, even in an apologetic manner, might set Chigusa off.

“If that’s alright.”
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Takako bit her lip.

There were a few ways this could play out. Kotohiki-san might be more likely to find another hiding spot knowing Takako had a reasonably deadly weapon, or she might be emboldened if she felt that a bat wasn't threatening enough. Takako was pretty sure she could take Kotohiki in a straight-up fight, assuming the latter didn't shoot her. Obviously, she didn't seem the type to do that, but as much as Takako wanted to wipe that man's smirk off his face--and some teeth with it--his words rang true. People were going to die.

Did she think her classmates capable of murder? Normally, no. But that was the whole point, wasn't it? She didn't want to buy anything that creep said, but she also knew that if the Program wasn't able to get normal people to kill each other, they'd have stopped. So at least some of the people here would likely be willing to go on the offensive for their own survival. The question was, how to tell who?

"I have a baseball bat," Takako finally said. She'd considered makingh Kotohiki answer first, but that would only waste time until one of them revealed it, and if neither of them wanted to, it'd be a stalemate. Better to just get things moving and get this over with. "I'm not interested in using it if I don't have to, but I will use it if you or anyone else attacks me. Nothing personal." Takako flicked the flashlight back on and pointed it around the room. She wasn't sure what exactly Kotohiki was looking for, still. Maybe it wasn't even here.

"As for a light, there's a few spare flashlights in here. I already picked one up. I can hand you one through the door if you want, but I don't really want to let you in until I'm ready to leave." Takako shrugged pointlessly. "Like I said, nothing personal."
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Kayoko let out an audible sigh of relief as Chigusa made it clear that she had a bat and thus wouldn’t just end up blasting through the door if Kayoko ended up saying the wrong thing. Still, she let the other girl’s words hang a moment before replying.

“Yeah, I get not being sure about trusting everyone. I, um… I already had this kinda sketchy meeting with Kuramoto. I think he was playing at something, and all I have are some nunchaku…” Kayoko gave a weak laugh, as if to cover underlying discomfort, “…so I just had to run.”

“But I could’ve been wrong. So I get it.”

Chigusa in particular was wise to be wary. She was athletic and confident and pretty and clearly wasn’t stupid. That made her a threat, perhaps even in the eyes of people that weren’t actively trying to kill everyone they came across. Kayoko allowed another quiet moment to pass.

“I’d like one of those flashlights, if you’re still offering.” She tried to return to a more familiar tone, bright, if somewhat tempered.
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Kuramoto? Hmm. Takako didn't know him that well. He was dating Yahagi, who was one of Mitsuko's girls, albeit not one of the abrasive ones. Still, she'd have to be careful around him if that was the case.

"Fine," Takako replied as she rose from her crouched position and walked across the room, using her own flashlight to pick up one of the spares. Turning it over in her hands, Takako walked over to the doorway and, concealing her body behind the door itself, passed the light through the opening in the doorway. If that was all the other girl wanted, so be it. The sooner Takako was left alone, the better.

Nothing against Kotohiki; she seemed reasonable enough so far. But Takako had a limited number of people she was willing to trust herself with, and the other girl was not one of them. "If that's all, then good luck, I suppose," Takako said, stepping back around the door.
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“Thanks!” Kayoko replied as she eagerly snatched up the flashlight as it was passed through the door. In a matter of moments the thing was turned on and she could be heard shuffling through her bag.

“I’m just going to look over my map for a moment. Need to make sure I know where I’m going so I don’t get stuck wandering again.” She explained in a warm tone, hoping to ease any concerns Chigusa might have about the lack of immediate exit.

Kayoko squatted before her bag on the floor and produced the piece of paper from it. While examining it and planning her next step, she did find her mind briefly wandering to the poor hand fate had dealt Chigusa, that it had dealt to everyone in class.

After a while, Kayoko could be heard shuffling through her bag once again and finally starting to stand up, making a slight bump against the door in the process.

“Oh, whoops. Sorry!” She apologized quickly, straightening herself out for no one to see.

“Um, Takako? I just… good luck, okay?” She spoke slowly, uncertainty in her voice, before footsteps could be heard retreating from the door, growing softer and softer as Kayoko departed the place, not waiting for a reply.

((Kayoko Kotohiki continued elsewhere…))
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"Goodbye," Takako said absently towards the door as Kotohiki said her last words and departed. She frowned 'Last words' was a little too apt a way of putting it, thinking about it. Kotohiki could die seconds, minutes, hours from now, and this would be Takako's last time ever seeing her. It was an unleasant reality to face, but Takako had no choice. It was just how things were now. She could only really hope it was quick and painless if it happened.

After all, if it wasn't Kotohiki, it would eventually be Takako. She had nothing against the other girl, but she didn't care for her enough to risk her own life for her, either. Takako could only assume most of her classmates felt the same towards her, with a couple of exceptions. Where were they now? She assumed safe. The people she cared about weren't the type to just curl up and die, after all. Knowing some of them, though, they could easily get themselves into trouble.

Takako sighed and began perusing the rest of the room to pack up the remainder of her supplies. There wasn't anything for it, right now. If she wanted to go find them, she would wait until morning when it was light out. For now, she wasn't going to wander around blindly in the dark when she had already found a safe place. Her first priority had to be keeping herself alive; whatever else she did required her to exist to get it done.

It only took her about four minutes to finish packing the spare supplies into her bag, enough that it was starting to get a little heavy, but not slow her down too much. As she wiped her brow--the room was a little stuffy--Takako glanced over her shoulder at the door, which was still cracked open. She frowned. That was a careless mistake. She'd heard Kotohiki walk away, and no footsteps had approached, but she should have known better than to leave the door open. Takako hiked her bag over her shoulder and walked over to the door to push it shut. It didn't budge. Something was jamming it. Takako pushed the table aside and glanced down the frame to check.

A small, distinctive metal object was placed, with deliberation, near the floor, otherwise concealed by the table.

There was a timer on it.

The timer was almost up.

"Ngh!" with a grunt, Takako jumped back away from the door.

A lot of things happened very fast.

She crashed into the table.

She pushed it over her herself, between her and the door.

She raised her bag in front of her body.

The bomb went off.

The sound of a roaring blast consumed her senses.

((Takako Chigusa continued in I Waited for the Sky to Change))
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