[ 佳菜子 ch. ] This stream ends when I die!

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[ 佳菜子 ch. ] This stream ends when I die!


Post by Cicadan »

((OOC notes, views represent the cumulative amount of views from the date streamed until the day of the kidnapping))

[Terraria] Go hardmode or go home! [PART 3/Endurance Stream]

4,732 views • Streamed live on Jul 10, 2020 • Not stopping until I kill all the bosses
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wait so

so the guide actually dies when you throw in
the voodoo doll seriously thats a bit
a bit mean isnt it

yeah just a bit of an understatement

that should be enough blocks i think
yakitoris do you think
do you think this is long enough i need
a lot of room a lot a lot
think i used like
a thousand blocks of dirt


kanako you idiot sand is affected by gravity
guys how was i supposed to know
i was so confused why does the block keep disappearing
i figured it out eventually
the reports of my brain missing in action were
greatly exaggerated totally exaggerated
i am

i am ready now
wait actually hold on
i need to
i need to make sure i wont accidentally knock over my water if
i get a bit too excited

not this time anyways

no actually
i didnt get anything wet which was very fortunate
bit of a miracle
yeah actually because when i get art from my friends i usually keep
it right on my computer desk
kind of like
pinned under my keyboard so i remember to scan it

yeah exactly its just a little reminder
yeah i was really lucky i had nothing there like
at the time or else
like actually
i dont do art i mean you guys have seen the stick figures
not much of a revelation is it
but do you guys think that like ruining someone
elses work even if its intended for you and not them


if you pay for it yeah thats what im saying
or if its a gift
like im not an artist so i dont know if you have a lot of attachment
to the work
you know when youve given it to someone else
a few of you i follow on twitter and i know you make art so like
im curious about it
if the

ouch i felt that neck crack
i swear
i didnt mean to aim it at the mic dont be weird about it
guys but yeah burn star
burn star i feel like thats one of those names that isnt supposed to be
pronunced how its spelled like

bannister maybe something fancy like

oh ok its just burn star gotcha

but yeah
yeah i get what youre saying
all that hard work gone its got to suck
like its probably its probably harder to mess up music
in the same way because nowadays especially it doesnt have
a physical form that can be destroyed
so its like
i dont know what its like to see something youve put so much
work into fizzle out

i mean maybe besides that one run of hades when i dashed into a
it it still hurts to remember i was close chat i was so close
what did you guys say i honestly dont remember
think ive blocked it from mind

the final boss was in the next room yeah
pretty much
literally in the next room
like i know it doesnt compare but still

no i am not stalling
shh well maybe i am a little but its an honest accident like
have you guys ever

hear me out
have you guys ever intended to do something but then suddenly everything else
that you also could be doing feels so much more important

yeah like say you have an essay due
like in my case to my blockbuster store manager obviously i have to turn in my
timecard or whatever it is actual working adults do as homework i really
wouldnt know probably
you have that essay due but oh
like suddenly
i can clean my room or sweep under the crawlspace
or start up on my side goal of researching a cure for rare tropical diseases just

anything except the most important and urgent actual thing

is that really
chat is that really procrastination anyways

i never actually thought of it that way
i guess so
i can see how that becomes this idea of allowing yourself to be distracted
but i dont know what if youre just actually really easily distracted

like i am
yeah yeah i know i am but just so we are clear you guys are too like
more than half of you are thinking about how we avoid doing things in life
and meanwhile we are avoiding actually doing something
poor wall of flesh
its like
do you know how long i have slaved over this hot oven getting this delicious
boss fight ready for you and you just walk in through the door and talk with your
online friends like its
whoa ok maybe a bit on the nose there
no dad i cant pause the game
the game will not stop just because you need us to sit at the table
minutes before the food is actually plated

im sorry yakitoris
im being a bit mean today

no i am not
always mean this is actual slander

im mischievous chat
there is a big difference between the words

but okay anyways
im throwing it in now
lets go

oh god
oh god ew
that thing is scary looking

yeah like i know everything in terraria looks kind of freaky when its rushing at you
especially the big bosses but

okay im concentrating now
chat were going in
time to be gamers
with our facebook and our nintendo switch and our not walking uphill both ways
in the blizzard to school

yeah take that damage you weird
kind of like
a moving tumor thing

okay whew i almost got stuck on that building

yeah maybe i should have cleared some of them out of the way but i
i thought i could jump over the

yeah chat check it out im a pro
two guns firing
well not at the same time but imagine if like
if like i could swap between them fast enough
and if i had the mana to but like
imagine instead of running in a straight line on a dirt bridge erected over the
lava pits of hell i was running on the side of the walls
firing bullets in slow motion
how cool
how cool would that be
yeah you like these two guns
pew pew pew

yeah actually
i can try other gun sounds



yes i was actually cast once as the a k fourty seven in a movie
i wonder if thats actually


no wait

oh its getting faster
i swear its moving faster towards me
how much
how much health left how much

two guns reminds you of what chat

i should have gotten more
oh it reminds you of a league character
yeah yeah what was his name
i know he has a weird nickname in the chinese version of the

wait why cant i
i cant move
why cant i jump why
im pressing the
oh god its like
cant make it
cant make it this
wait please
no no
no i beg you





i died
chat what just happened
i thought i

im okay im just being very
very aggressive with my water bottle right now
the table deserves it

oh there was a block i was trying to jump into
i couldnt see it like
at all
sheesh the color scheme down here is very
very difficult on the eyes
black is the new black

anyways at least i didnt lose any money

wait huh
what do you mean i forgot to put my gold away oh come on

yeah zenloss
thats right chat but at least its not as bad as in minecraft
yeah i have been playing for five hours now

what do you mean go to bed
i said hardmode or go home its literally in the title
right there chat
im not stopping i dont need coffee
i need
i need victory
victory will be my blanket tonight



yeah actually maybe i do need coffee
i hate black coffee though i like
absolutely need sugar
like i should get up and stretch anyways
hydration check for my yakitoris
get up and do a few push ups and by that i mean you guys do them and not me

not that much sugar thats disgusting
totally gross
half a spoonful less

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Cicadan »

[ 雑談 ] Shhh I didn't have Fatal Frame scheduled for today

5,108 views • Streamed live on Sep 16, 2020 • Just a friendly chat guys : ) Seriously that's ALL I had planned!
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yeah actually i
i completely agree of course
i guess

i guess the thing about sexual types of gifts is that
yeah yeah
the way id explain it is that whether the gift is positive or negative

yeah chat
that claim is definitely true
grow up

if you really cared
and if you really had that kind of gift you would avoid too much bigger
im saying
im just

im just saying

what was i
oh yeah
so the thing about it is that
well i have this friend who told me something that stuck with me
once and i just remembered it while we were talking about

yeah actually
i know you guys dont get jealous which is good
good to keep healthy boundaries and that
yeah i do find it funny how
how i really have a lot of male friends like

more than you would expect for sure considering im really like
the furthest possible thing from particularly masculine or tomboyish

yeah girls like that are cute too for sure
ohhh like
give me a girl in a suit


but anyways

yeah my friend told me sort of like
you know how people can sometimes say a lot of things and some of those things might

really go over your head

yeah exactly the woman doing intense math meme
like that is me with this
friend of mine
just sometimes i swear
hes just way too powerful i cant
cant handle the power levels guys
its like
i think his outlook on life is really admirable
yep i really admire him
what he told me is that a gift is like an extension of the soul
oh my god i am going to so butcher his words here
a gift represents like this pure capacity for we as
you know
living in a society of course
the gift is our ability to interact with the world around us but like
intangible compared to how we use
you know
our hands and our mouths and stuff

no im not really capable of deep and meaningful things guys
like i said i am
like im writing an essay or something
wont be as good as the original source im referencing

yeah i talk with this friend of mine a lot
i guess i talk to a lot of my friends all the time about
i know what gifts some of you guys have
or say you have anyways but like
yeah were on a tangent again

so my thing about powers that mostly have a sexual value is that
it really sucks because if my friend is right about how the value of a gift is
more about how it shows our souls at their most pure
god i really wish i understood what he was talking about i am
so messing it up right now
look guys
i am trying my best you know this is how it be
just how it be
but yeah a mostly sexy time gift
its like sure you can express it with the ones you love

no kinkshaming chat
in theory ok there
are you happy
in theory you can express it in a mutually consensual and agreeable way
but this thing you have this
innate quality that is you at your purest form
it has just
such a limited application and i wonder
you know just
thinking about it

yeah exactly cloudy
thats what i think about it too

how can you
yeah how can you really cherish this thing that only applies to such a limited aspect of how your daily life is lived
maybe you feel so
i dont know
disconnected from it

oh god yeah
if you dont then thats a whole other possible problem
like if one of those types of gifts
isnt easy to hide then
maybe your entire lifestyle is kind of going to be this whole different thing

i mean i dont want to think about it
im sure one person here might have seen or heard of something local like
worlds most

cant even laugh
ok a little
sorry i have the brain of a twelve year old

oh my

i dont deserve you guys
oh but that does remind me i wonder about like
so ive heard stories about this one gift

no im not about to
so i have this friend
you guys

you guys dont know what my gift is no thats true
but i have mentioned before
it messes with my vision
but not to the extent that im not a pro gamer

shut up
diamond in apex is decent and you know it
solid b minus in terms of skill
but the gift
the gift i heard about was this woman who could like
inspire motherly affection in anybody who she touched for two to three seconds
so heres the thing

i think
i dunno its weird to talk about where these people are
i guess for a lot of the gifts of people who get famous you know just at a glance where they come from
famous or infamous exactly
but all gifts are theoretically interesting only you never really hear about a lot of them

yeah exactly

its not like the world is verisimilist
am i pronouncing that right

it was the first one okay

its not like the world is verisimilist and things can stand out just for being
useful or
interesting yeah thats
really not enough after the seventies came and went
the only reason i heard about this woman is that my mom got like
supposedly mind you
supposedly ripped off on etsy by her and she started
freaking out
and facebook stalking the poor person and i just

no yeah this is a laugh of
complete pain

pain peko exactly
this person with the mom powers i think like
the disadvantage would be that triggering it would in turn give her a child like affection
for the person she used the power on
like admiration

yeah yeah the sort of admiration that ends in disillusionment when you figure out their
one and the same

thats true
i agree completely
the thing about this persons gift is that she always mentioned that the range of uses
most of them were
well i guess its really uncomfortable and intimate right
like she had control over the gift to the point that she could actively decide not to use it
and first off thats not possible for many of us
but also i guess it just makes me think about like
how do i put this

having a gift that you can
opt out of using essentially

like i want to say it should objectively be a better deal but i dont know
yeah i dont want to judge anybody for something they are born with
burdened with depending on how you look at it
but if you are born with something that you never use
i guess
does it exist

not really existential is it
maybe its a question of like
does a gift have to do something at all
is there like
a difference
between the people whose gifts are such a massive impact on their lifestyle
and does that difference between them and the
yes we can use that word in this context

at least im going to stand by it
normies are they like
a different class of being
is this division in society a notable one
so far to the point that it changes society similar to something like
or sexism or the like


yeah i can agree with that take

any weird powers i know
well i wont talk too much about it because
i dont know
distant people i dont know well sure but close friends

ive always thought that sort of discussion should be more private
whatever the reason
whether its like a super sacred and spiritual matter
or just
a matter of politeness i guess

theres this one power one of my friends has

actually a girl this time
you guys

how is that a shocker

anyways i remember she cant drink and feel the effects because of what her gift does to her
and she never said it out loud

yeah i was there at the
no no
hold on
no i am not underage drinking
for all you guys know

i am a kitsune of legal age
a perfectly ordinary shrine maiden with a functioning and healthy liver
do foxes have livers i actually dont know

thats not my business to know
i am
superior to a mere animal
i walk on two legs and i build my own computers

yes exactly
normie prebuilt buyers are unwelcome


so me and my friend and a bunch of others were
drinking at an age appropriate time
as far as you know
could have voice acted that better
i blame the
ive gone through like four gatorades now you guys just keep distracting me
and i forget to stop grabbing new bottles
but yeah

yeah me and a friend drink
and she was just
unphased by a whole bottle
a whole bottle guys
you cant see me holding up my hands but
like a bottle big enough to fit my ego in


that fucking big guys
believe it


no that is not what she said
unless you have the necessary gift to make it so

she essentially i think
pretended to be drunk at some point
and i guess that just loops back to our whole discussion of gifts that we
have spent

holy moly
fifty minutes
we have spent fifty minutes on this one topic
and i think we started with like
joking about that one terrible anime about the kid with the gift to stop time based on
the level of his arousal

i still think
that is the most obvious thing they could have done

tentacles coming out of his fingers would have been more open to nuanced interpretation

am i sad about that friend
is that the question

yeah like
everyone else i think didnt really notice that she wasnt experiencing the same thing we were
because of this difference she had no control over we essentially ostracized her

yeah i will admit
i didnt stop even though i noticed
just kept on sipping
kept on smiling
never said i was old enough to be i guess
wise or like

shut up
but i am old enough to drink
in fact thats usually when you are the least wise and the least brave

yeah come on chat
prove me wrong

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Cicadan »

[ LÅMP Watchalong ] Ramesa oshi!!

8,310 views • Streamed live on Oct 4, 2020 • 私はファンガール、コントロールする事はできない。
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its unfair its actually
so unfair

how can

how can a group be this cute

i think
hmm like
its definitely that they are going for a curveball in terms of genre

definitely the sort of move that might have some fans really
confused and i am all here for

you should maybe cover one of their songs from this new album yes yes
i completely should that would probably be in my range
like it does kind of remind me of

maybe like a dots tokyo style of more
is that the word i actually
dont uh
really know if im getting the
the genre
nomenclature completely correct but uh
ok im not even sort of correct thanks for clarifying chat

did i attend idol concerts live back when i lived in

yeah i definitely did

my friends werent all into lamp actually
like heres the thing
a lot of them dont think lamp is very good
and i mean this in like a very specific sense
beyond the uh
fact that they generally
generally were not big fans of idol groups in the first place

yeah blasphemy
i know
guys go easy on them they are my friends
yep yep i kept some of them
but i guess i dont really talk to them as much but

watching idol groups is like
more popular compared to in the past but even then
actually going to a proper concert is kinda
a niche thing is how id put it

i just remember this one time where
one of my guy friends who actually was super big into lamp
went to like
their graduation for lebeda and brought this whole
handsewn not even bought
handsewn scarf to give to her as thanks because shed been his oshi obviously
he showed us a ton of photos on his phone
like ten seconds of ignoring everything and scrolling

guys it was insane he was definitely
super into her like i kind of wonder if it was possible that much official merch of her existed
and uh

i mean his gift was

yeah lets not go there but


i just remember i thought she looked cute and fun with her super
she had this like
greyish tint to her eyes
super dark gray and when the stage light caught just right it was like she had galaxies
in her eyes it was so cool
but my friends
or like all the girls in our group anyways

they just said her outfits looked cheap
and that they couldnt
that they couldnt support a professional group if their costuming department
was so clearly phoning it in
what they actually said was like

yeah like im almost uncomfortable saying it verbatim they were
probably because it was just the lot of us chatting at the time
like nobody else was out on that area of the school grounds pretty much they felt okay really
pretty much cussing her out
kinda delinquent type language i was thinking at the time

yeah the anime stereotypes do have some basis in reality
not a lot but some
huh what did my friend think
he took it pretty well
just told them to fuck off pretty much
in like a polite way of course

honestly i might have gone along with him he did have an extra ticket but
not meant to be really for me is what
what i figured like

yeah you guys know that happens a lot
you have an extra thing to offer others but its more like an obligation and you really want to go alone thats uh
the sort of person i used to be
as a
as a youthful shrine maiden exactly

i do know that we have a number of
lets say it this way

fans of anime in the house
dedicated to this particular facet of japanese culture
no this is not a call out
no no
not if you dont want it to be anyways

we are trying to avoid the w word
this is a safe zone

or the o word yes

but yeah given that i lived in japan when i was younger
i dont anymore i think you guys can figure that much out from the time zones
or id have to be like
like a
really dedicated streamer

that is true though there are sleep schedules out there that bad honestly
honestly mine is that bad i just wouldnt dare stream at that hour thatd be
i dont know if my mind could handle it


mind break yes
calm down guys calm down
but anyways

back when the shrine i watched over was in tokyo
before i quit my job to weird ghostbusters pastiches in movie rental stores that apparently dont exist in the mortal plane anymore

yeah i have to explain the whole block buster thing
to the non english speakers in chat its uh
probably an obscure reference

as far as i can tell

yeah anyways
the thing about
the thing about how it is on the other side of the pacific ocean i

you have to understand that there are different expectations on you
how you act and how others will act around you
theres a lot of these little intricate things you might miss with a more western mindset is the thing
exactly yeah
i remember a few of you are from like the philippines and indonesia and i
well i dont know if the parallels are exact but there are those same expectations to

mhm mhm exactly

and you think so
thats not i place ive lived in my life

obviously i will take your word for it
verbatim absolutely
theres uh
i definitely code switch a lot too and i do feel like
maybe im almost a different side of myself if that makes sense
depending on

yeah depending on the language i use like its either
more or less
its like that one shakespeare quote that everyone knows
that uh

i more or less completely forget the specific wording but i
do know it i actually do
i just dont remember it guys there is an important distinction
very important to understand

but i guess being a
well would i call myself a lamp fan per say i always kind of
liked ramesa in particular and then the rest of the girls were
just ok

honestly yeah
its my younger sister
fox e motto she was always more of the lamp super fan in our family
she has like
all of the posters in her room
every single one from the years that we were in japan

i feel like i should ask her about it
if she notices like
the same things i do about how we experience
we live in a society let it be known
and i think like
a lot of people who were raised in two cultures
especially ones as different as japan and the

i mean
wherever we might be living now
for all you guys know i live in cuba
thats definitely the case that is totally where i live
dont do any research into that claim
completely unnecessary

for people who live in two different cultures
yeah exactly burn star
hey by the way hi
what is up i feel like its been a while since ive seen you in chat
hope everythings doing ok for you

i love how the two of you know each other well enough through my chat to like
hate flirt
love knows no bounds least of which
are uh
those of being disembodied voices in a chatroom
though i guess sometimes the discord voice chat is active
i will have to remember to join that more often yes


yeah the thing is
so the best i can do is an example
there is a circle k near us
which happens to be the only circle k that was ever opened in cuba
f y i
doxing myself on accident right now

so you guys know my gift is eye related and if you dont may i welcome you newbies to my stream for like
the fifth time this stream
i promise
i ramble even more in streams than for this one i just
was a bit distracted by moth girls

the way they kind of randomly drift when hovering but its kind of like
a pattern from the chaos
noise turned to something sensible

obscenely hypnotizing
like r rated
i mean not really youtube please dont bonk me i am watching family friendly entertainment
what do you mean yabai
im just pointing out how some girls are very
pretty when under stage lights and sometimes i get
a bit under the influence

i feel like weve gone over my experience with drugs and alcohol before
which is weird to admit but not so weird when i think about it
what is this streaming thing doing to me i

we were talking about the circle k i live near

yeah the cuban circle k
all the clerks are like
pretty trained to pay attention to if you have any weird eye things and they make you cover up
no shirt no shoes right
its like no blindfold no service

i do have to cover up when i go in but im used to it
and like heres the thing see some of you guys are getting pretty upset
youre like thats totally impinging on freedoms and rights
and i mean
i agree
the english speaking side of me agrees
in japan
where there actually used to be circle k i think but that was before my time
in japan if you walk into a store
and your power involves eyes
blindfold no matter what
no one will tell you or yell at you because
because you never even questioned that you had to do it
or like

yeah i mean
how do i explain this accurately
its not like you even feel the obligation
you kind of just do it anyways
its not even a conscious thought i guess
yeah i think thats how id put it

i mean i do get it from the perspective of the
not the

like theres a practical consideration first off
you never know what someones gift is like
right off right
so you dont know if the eyes are just there as
eye candy
literal eye candy oh jeez actually
that would be
not a pleasant gift
but yeah if its a relatively benign gift or if its something where
if you look them in the eyes you immediately feel a mortal fear of the world

that makes you
lose your sense of self
replaced by a weird sudden urge to lock yourself in your room

for days on end
it sounds weirdly specific i know but im just speaking in general terms here
dont read too much into it

but see heres the thing
thats not even
the reason you have to do it more or less
its like the understanding that if you dont do it
youre inconveniencing the shopkeep by burdening him
with that concern over the practical issues with having to ask everyone to blindfold
instead of just taking care of it yourself

right ok i see
not as common in the philippines
what does it depend on then because
i figured there was still more of that like
confucian influence on the sort of
did i pronounce that right
please no dont remind me that i go like
cross eyed whenever i have to read a word with more than two syllables

am i kidding
maybe im not who knows

why do i like ramesa
honestly i could
let chat like carry on this ramble for me
shes the cool leader who oh i dont know
takes care of all the girls and
spends like
five hundred hours at every single lamp signing to make sure every single fan
is accounted for
shes just
whats the word for it

so cool
how do you like that fangirl screaming guys
clippers will be putting a headphones warning on that one


yeah like
that one from me is not so common usually i have a bit more
not a lot though

i love you guys
so much


heres a question i just thought of
if you were going to form an idol group out of vtubers
who would you pick like
out of all of us

yeah you can pick corporate too
i was wondering always about the cross organizational synergy
like the legendary kiara pomu collab that still has not happened yet

i mean no i dont necessarily ship it
but i think they are really cute together
its not even like
wishful thinking thats the wrong word
think of it like daydreaming the romantic entanglements of people you dont know

i figured you guys do that a lot
i have read the fanfiction starring myself

i am generally impressed by the lack of self inserts acually
but like i dont mean to say self inserting is bad its just
i mean when i was a little kit

self insert was the only sort of story i knew how to do

hell no i will never post my fanfiction account
i will take that secret with me to the spirit world


i mean sure
i would certainly make a good leader
the best possible hire for the emotional and functional core
the organizational nucleus of an idol group
an idol group consisting mostly of young adult women of various supernatural species and
whatever someone like gura is
who probably all have insecurities and emotional needs
yes i am the person who can be entrusted with that duty
it is me

i am not being sarcastic
the smile you hear is not embittered and born of like
decades of suffering i dont want to grow up syndrome

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Post by Cicadan »

[Karaoke/UNARCHIVED] No Christmas Songs I Promise!

7,369 views • Streamed live on Dec 17, 2020 • its shaping up to be a wonderful holiday…
[+] Song List
Wham! - Last Christmas
シルエット - KANA-BOON
POOL - tricot
Siesta - Lucie,Too
カレンデュラ レクイエム - Kanon x Kanon
Stellar Stellar - 星街すいせい
Scream - 드림캐쳐
ひぐらしのなく頃に - 島みや えい子
Goodbye Horses - Q Lazzarus
Afterthought - Joji, BENEE
Take Cover - Mr. Big
Snow halation but shawty's like a melody in my head - DaymanOurSavior
First Love - 宇多田ヒカルの曲
Sweet Time - Porter Robinson
[+] transcript
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actually cause like
you guys do have a good point with the way sometimes
like sometimes
im actually also not a big fan of the encore in the way how
i guess its too obvious
too expected and its not like im a hipster about that sort of thing

yeah unlike you guys
actually being hipsters

you guys recommend me some really good music though i
i remember um
i checked my spotify this year and that one album by

lucy something
started with a d but
but anyways
it is in my top five listened to

im just really bad at remember artists names
like with my karaoke lists
i usually need to preplan what im going to write down like i actually
like its
right here on my other monitor let me drag it over
see heres the set list

the legendary dot text file yes yes
i am technologically literate
i wont often remember the names of either the song or the artist
so like

wait before you judge me
like feel free to after this but first
first off let me
defend myself

like i have i guess
i dont know if its great memory for melodies but
usually i can remember that kind of thing easily
if i hear a song
even once id say
i will remember it for all time pretty much but
whats hard for me is to remember who sung it
i have

a lot
of playlists on spotify
i spend way too much time on that i think like
if youre on my discord

yeah we are shilling now
its the time
its the time

if youre on my discord theres an extra channel

i mean
a lot of viewers on my channel are newer
i think we celebrated fifteen k subscribers
like just three weeks ago right
that was still november

yeah for sure
its like exponential growth
i dunno if thats mathematically accurate as a description but
you know
dont even know math
cant math

math was a mistake yes
full agreement
i was not put onto this earth the
the kami
did not give my mortal shell life just so that i
could like understand the triangle thing

yeah the one you use for binomial distribution or
or whatever look
its been a

yes i should be trigger warning what im saying right now
it has been like
its been a while since i finished that a p test
fuck that noise
to be frank

but yeah
oh my god

so distracting
chat trying to misdirect me in a
million different directions as usual
i am
i mean we have
a channel on my discord just for where i spend time organizing my playlists
and you guys teach me a lot
about genres i have
never ever heard of

yes what is grind core
why does it grind
i only know grinding in tony hawk pro skater
does that franchise still exist
i remember like
back when i lived in the shrine in tokyo

mhm yeah
we did
we had one of the original playstation two
still repaired it i think in stores

up until about maybe two years ago
it was my cousins when he was already in college
like he was a

you know this word guys its a bad word
the word that starts with o

no uh
not that one
come on
come on guys dont make the mods get involved
they have
the power
to make you guys regret your decisions

but i played tony hawk
i think it was the second one
all the time
the graphics were
i mean
honestly theres something to be said i think
about the aesthetic value of those really old
uh blocky polygon models
where so many things randomly clip together

i mean yeah i know that happens in modern games too but
you have to go more out of your way

i will post the link in chat box for
oh ok a mod already did it
thanks sea biscuit
man i have to tell you guys the story someday
because sea biscuit was not their name when
when my channel first started and i invited them to

be my mod
yeah yeah
we go way back

yeah theres like
a lot of stories i still have yet to tell you guys

not that i wont tell them outright i just have to
chat has learned by now that im prone to
giving away too much information
and not like
not like in the oh we didnt need to know that

no not that kind of way its the

the i may get myself into a kidnapping situation type

i know
its honestly a bit scary at times i know that
im often scared of

literally everything that is a part of my brand statement
but this is definitely one of those things
that keeps me up at night
yeah though
i trust you guys of course but
inevitably my youtube videos are public
so like
the thing is

im not as good a shooter as i am in video games
not in real life
i wish
well not really but
i ironically wish yeah
lets put it that way
that i had the sheer

the chad kanako yeah exactly
if i had the ability to fast aim in real life maybe i could defend myself
but in reality guys
probably cant even hold the gun right
and this is just a theory ive heard

a hypothesis if you will
video games do not reflect real life


they do not
sorry to break it to you guys
so like

yeah no sorry
no m l g in real life
i feel like
i was the only person back in middle school watching those
i mean like
the shrine back in japan you know
that was my equivalent of middle school

i do think the humor there doesnt really translate
like f p s gamers here in america are a unique brand of sweaty
i guess like
thats common to most shooters target audience
me being case in point exactly
salty kanako
best kanako i mean
not wrong
you guys do have truly
truly optimal taste

thats true

i remember that actually
back in the days before overwatch pretty much died
feels like
yep totally agree with that take
not so hot

mans not hot
i actually didnt play that much overwatch
i dont know why but
i guess besides diablo two i never was too into the blizzard ip
i wanted to be if that makes sense
i thought the games looked fun but i never bought them
you know that

that sensation of having too much to do and
of it is a complete waste of time
like you have this whole schedule planned out every day for like
a week
these are the things releasing
the new games

the anime releases for the week and
you are putting in
much effort into keeping your butt in your chair
and yourself up to date with all the latest trends and series

its well spent effort
that is true

theres a life balance to be found like

but honestly
tell the younger me that
the little kit kanako
and shed be like

it is unfortunate yeah
that we all relate to this one
i guess
birds of a feather
foxes of a
im going to need to think how that one works
but i dont think
and this might be the slightly degenerate take but
i dont think its necessarily wrong to give into a more
like a more of a shut in lifestyle

yeah i remember us talking about that a bit on our discord
im sorry you feel that way
yeah social anxiety is
i dont
really deal with it anymore in the uh
strictest sense
but ive definitely felt that sense of isolation and being out of place
i think its part of the whole calzone
is that a thing people say
am i just getting that one from a
weird misremembered quote from like baka no or


im just glad youre with us now
we all relate to each other in here
i think a lot of us have lived that kind of lifestyle


thats so sweet
thank you
thank you so much
i do wonder like

like how much you guys understand how much i care for you all
considering we spend most of our time together
you know
listening to me screaming at things or
cussing at things
or sometimes talking for so long i dont notice that ive cut into the schedule for my next planned stream because ive been talking for too long
you guys really like it when i do that last one

a lot more of you stay than i think is
like even if i dont have a life
because you know
part time
part time neat video store employee
emphasizing neet here
i figured you guys would have related more to the old me who was at least doing spiritual work
and by spiritual work i do mean the work of sitting indoors never talking to people
or like
i mean

i did talk
to people i just
not a lot of them and not for long periods of time
my little sister was the girl i hung out with the most back then
and thats probably never a good sign

i mean like hang out in the non family time sense
like going out shopping and stuff
im not saying you shouldnt be doing that its just like
to me mind you
a sign of lacking friends who take up the majority of your time

when you have enough siblings it becomes a full time job that eats up all of your emotional labor
see cloudy i wouldnt know
because two was the cut off for mama and papa duh no
and what a terrible duo they were


huh you
you think so
it might be that the songs i sing tend to not cover the spirit of platonic love too much because
thats not as common a topic as the more obvious
i love you baby kiss noises
type of deal you know
its like my favorite songs are either about love or
or about like

what no that was not an attempt at fanservice
i know you guys like it when i make gun noises not kissy noises
enemy spotted


but yeah the songs i like i guess im not sure if like
theres a lot of diversity in the content explored you know
when i pay attention to the lyrics at all that is

this seems like a good time to pivot
like at some point i did want to actually discuss my set list
and if you guys had any ideas
other songs
the usual i guess
since weve got new viewers like
i do like to spend time after each karaoke debriefing essentially
um its a
bit indulgent maybe
but i think it helps my growth as a singer which is pretty
pretty important to me
yeah yeah

more classic rock
i mean
if i knew more
i feel like that is dad foxes favorite genre like
if i take off my headphones at any given point in the day i either hear my e motto shouting about something at her friends on the phone
i hear my dad cranking up like
what are those bands
lead zeppelin
i dont even know if the former is counted as classic
but its all under the umbrella of like
dad rock
music a bit too old for me to know but i still do anyways
just cause so many of the old people in my life listen to it
yeah exactly
we dont seek it out
were not boomers right
but in a way its as much a part of our musical repertoire as like
billie ellish
or olivia rodrigo
oh my god though
i love her music i think i should add her to the list someday

wait some of you dont know who im talking about
i mean fair yeah
i think some of my audience is older than me by a few years
also immortal but
immortal plus one
im sure that makes sense in mathematical terms

jeez actually
ive heard of people with some form of like
immortality as a gift
i wonder


but yeah more classic rock i mean i guess
i have the voice
i guess
id say im not big on singing songs just because it fits my voice
maybe for like the practice factor alone like fleshing out the depth and
nuance in my voice
vocal training essentially but like
thatd just be one off i dont know if i would want to practice it for karaoke sets
like honestly i do end up singing a lot of basic bitch songs
like at karaoke
karaoke in meat space i mean like with my friends who are i r l
the ones you guys get to meet like
surprisingly often because im bad at op sec
f in the chat for the fox lady yep

yeah because
you know its just fun to sing stuff with people you know
oh wait youre asking me
youd think i would have figured that out by now but my chat
has like a surprising amount of people talking to each other and not me
ive never seen that before in other vtuber chats its kind of neat
so yeah to answer the
wait i scroll up

i do practice
probably about an hour at least a day
and some originals written by friends i work on sometimes

im thinking about like
given the times of day i usually stream are more evening in my time it might be more pleasant for
me personally anyways
to consider more downtempo songs in my set list
like instead of putting those more towards the end

yeah true
they are all cheesy
just wait until i sing like
air supply or new kids on the block or something
no i know i said i dont do dad rock but thats different

the mr big song is just because i remember it from an anime ending
cheesy songs are cheesy bad when they make you cringe and cheesy good when they dont
i dont make the rules ok
like i think an important part of all of this would be nostalgia in
in like the strictest sense
because nostalgia exists psychologically
though i dont remember where i got this from

it exists essentially to
on a neurobiology level its the retriggering of the similar neural pathways but due to the
temporal difference obviously
the emotional processing centers of the brain have to have a different response than the first time
even though its the exact same neurons being triggered
so its like phantom limb or something
the brain trying to recreate a sensation that no longer exists so theres a bit of an
illusion i guess is the right word

please guys
no im not that smart
i just read and take notes
like any good student
except in math yeah obviously
also most of what i said doesnt apply to like
thirty percent of the population

i feel like
science is a liar sometimes
watson and crick and franklin
total bitches
i was talking about that a while back actually
with my
correspondent of the life sciences sort
who is regularly involved in my career
completely inexplicably considering my lore
but the impact of the emergence on science being so large it created
essentially its own meta discipline
so fascinating to me

as much as i dont want to have anything to do with it because its more about boring study of stuff like ethics and history
not enough
not enough stuff blowing up


no i am not completely insane
and if i was
you guys wouldnt leave me so
whos the really crazy one
you wouldnt dare
you know i love you guys

in a very scientific way
so honestly like
i feel
hm how do i explain this
kinda difficult

a lot of the properties of biology especially
the ability of lifeforms to organize themselves in a productively complicated manner


emergent complexity is so
theres sort of like two mindsets i have about it
where like
on some level i can intuit that the interaction of smaller things like biochemicals under the
have to remember to breathe
the interactions of many things within a basic ruleset
terms of engagement

yeah exactly
the more complicated ways life work is just like
built on simpler building blocks
the signaling pathways involved in like
making a human grow from a single cell
like the subtle differences in chemical gradient leading to the movement of vastly different
yet still like
all technically exactly the same cells
they go burr
straight down the highway
theyre more competent than human drivers despite having infinitely less iq technically
like isnt that right
they all know how to get where they need to go without causing traffic



remember guys
the anus forms first
what did one of you guys say during that one
legendary stream
as in legendarily bad
the hole that is the goal

its still
the worst thing ive ever read in my life
and yeah cloudy the butt is the first part of the digestive system to develop
it starts on one end of the little baby embryo
redundant wording aside
and like
the stem cells that will differentiate into the digestive tract will work their way up from there
the tube around which the squishy body parts will all form
yeah like we just mentioned before
for a large part of the population this probably isnt particularly true of how they were born
for like older people
boomers exactly
boomers in the chat

i remember you did mention that cloudy
your gift is being made of clouds
but like you started out as a flesh and blood baby before your flesh slowly started to turn into condensation held together by
or something

so yeah you no longer have any of the requisite parts but at some point
i do have one friend
who i may have mentioned before
where i do wonder if like any of the things i talk about were relevant for her even at birth
like i have never asked how young it was that she experienced her awakening
but like for all i know
and i speculate about this
less than my curiosity demands of me
i dunno if thats in any way courteous or not


yeah for all i know little baby her was floating around in the womb as like
a dissociated electron cloud of particle soup
if she even has electrons
jeez never thought of that

the conductivity is non existent
very well could be
im not sure i will ever feel bold enough to ask

but anyways
no i will not go on a tangent about anuses
shut up guys
almost said shit
ultimate freudian slip that would have been
yeah some of you typoed that
i see you
cant delete those its too late

ugh the tangents
the flip side
yeah thats what i was trying to say the
the flip side of my interest in the nitty gritty of the human body
specifically the human body that science is able to figure out and standardize
even modern medicine is still kind of primitive if you really think hard about it
but like
blah blah hormones and all right
neurotransmitters cross the synaptic gap when released by vesicles or directly through transport channels
yep you guys know exactly what my last bio quiz was about
the fox girl sitting at her desk
hard at work


oh god im sorry to hear that
to be honest
i have been thinking about doing a study session stream i remember a few other tubers have done that
not like
me teaching you guys
but it will be like we can exchange ideas and thoughts
if were studying the same things anyways

but yeah
oh sure ill think about it
maybe next week i still havent like
quite decided on my schedule yet
but yeah anyways
that the complexity of life can be turned into like
textbook diagrams
kind of kills the romanticness of it you know

i guess thats important to me too
like emotions i love feeling
like love and joy and passion all as the emergent property of chemicals interacting at a scale i cant hear or smell or taste
i like feeling victory in apex
very true
fuck you but very true


yes yes fucking is an emotion too
the byproducts of it
i dunno how you would word that
oh my god jeez shut up everyone
but that is why like
i guess
i love that porter robinson song i sing so much at the end its very
mystical i guess
living another life you know
not necessarily something that we have any concrete evidence on one way or the other
kind of hard to get that kind of evidence

so its beyond the realm that i can dispel with enough reading
i cant spoil the magic of
being so enchanted by existence that i come back just to experience it again

yeah right
i come back to make sure i get to chat on the internet with you guys again
i will definitely
definitely come back
and kick all your asses in whatever the apex sequel of the future is
the one where like
its real life like hack or rising of the shield hero or something

no i dont like those anime so much but still

at least its not sword art online

but yeah i guess
i probably will need multiple lives
gotta get those one ups right

i cant ever express how grateful i am
not to my friends i r l
nor to you guys
my serotonin
theres too much
i cant handle it

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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Posts: 807
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:02 pm


Post by Cicadan »

Audition Vid - 鳴き鳥

6 views • June 20, 2021 •
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This video is private.
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Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
Pregame: 1
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