Boo Search: For Finding That Special Someone to Haunt With

Ridiculous cross-version Mini dead AU caused by V2 memery and quarantine madness. Open to all with dead Mini kids.

This board exists to allow RPing outside the typical scope of Mini, but with a Mini-centric focus. All threads here must in some way relate to a Mini, must allow for participation by others, and are explicitly non-canon. That aside, there aren't many rules here apart from the overall board rules, so have at!
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Boo Search: For Finding That Special Someone to Haunt With


Post by KamiKaze »

Hey, you!

Feeling lonely after your tragic death? Are you mangled but single and ready to mingle? Need to find that special someone to spend eternity with?

Look no further!

We at Boo Search want you to find someone to make you happy! We use an algorithm to find singles near you and their favorite haunts! All you need to do is fill out a profile, and we’ll set you up with an appropriate spirit!

So sign up today!

Code: Select all

[b]Age (at death):[/b]
[b]Year of Death:[/b]
[b]Cause of Death:[/b]
[b]Body Type:[/b]
[b]Age preference:[/b]
[b]Body type preference:[/b]
[b]Currently looking for:[/b]
So this Main site V2 AU was brought up in Discord, and we were joking about bringing it back for modern times. Basically, the premise of this thread is that past dead characters make a profile on a dating website for ghosts, and get set up on blind dates with other dead people.

All Minis can make a profile, as long as the character is officially dead by the time they make a profile on the dating site. TV? Program? Evo? Go nuts. We’re open for cross-version shipping antics.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Wham Yubeesling
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Location: there is a man standing behind you
Team Affiliation: Stephanie's Buccaneers


Post by Wham Yubeesling »

Name: Jasmine King
Age (at death): 17
Year of Death: 2017
Cause of Death: Head split open
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 171 lbs
Body Type: Straight figure. In-shape, though slightly thicc.
Hobbies: Academics, reading, piano, violin, social media, gossip, crime fiction, theatre
Likes: Perfection. Things going right. Praise. Attention. Respect.
Dislikes: Things repeatedly going wrong. Idiots. Being ignored. Her family. Her exes.
Sexuality: Straight.
Age preference: Around her age or a year older.
Body type preference: Anything goes, though she prefers in-shape people aesthetically to people out of shape.
Currently looking for: Smart people. People who respect her. True love.
[+] The Present
Image Image

???: Jeremy Frasier — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
THEME: Jim's Big Ego — Stress

B02: Maxwell Lombardi — “Then I'll beat them again. Simple as that.” — 100%/0%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: SPAS-12 Shotgun, Trident, Colt .357 King Cobra, Meat Cleaver
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos — |
SCTres —
THEME: Eminem — The Way I Am
[+] The Past
ImageImageImage Image Image

B11: Hiroki Sugimura — "Listen, Kayoko, I lov-” — 10%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Shamisen

O07: Jaxon Chen (Adopted from Tapey!) — "You- started- this-" — 55%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Poison Ivy Gloves, Smoke Bomb, Crutch

F01: Michelle White — "Because if you can forgive me, then… then maybe I can try to forgive myself. Amen." — 68%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Ghille Suit, Combat Knife w/ Sniper Scope, Speargun
SANDBOX — Past: N/A | Present:
PV3 —
THEME: Tommy Körberg — Anthem

S034: Isabella Lugosi — "Stay. Away. Stay- away-" — 32%
Kills: 1 | Equipped with: Phenomena
Supers — Memories: N/A | Game: 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦 𓆦
THEME: John Carpenter — From The Fire

SP5: Michael Robinson (Adopted from Polybius!) — "Oh shit." — 77%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Large Fishing Net
TV2 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BC08: Marion Rosales — "Doesn't- matter if it works or not. You get- a chance to try." — 27%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Decorative Mareon Rosalales Nameplate
SANDBOX — Past: | Present: | 𓅓
TV3 — 𓅓
THEME: Dessa — Ride

SS01: Verity Stewart — "Fucking owned-" — 98%
Kills: 6 | Equipped with: Heckler & Koch P11, Harpoon
SANDBOX — Past: | Present:
TV3 —
THEME: Those Poor Bastards — Crooked Man

G25: Jasmine King — "I win." — 32%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Colt Single Action Army, Hunga Munga
PREGAME — Past: | Present:
SCDos —
THEME: QZ Productions — My Mistress' Will
[+] Beyond

PV3 Prologue:
M35: Buddy Underwood — "So... what, we creatin' some kinda Dogtown?" — 62%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Sledgehammer
BEFORE — Past: N/A | Present: N/A
PV3 Prologue — 1 2 3 4 5
THEME — ???
[+] The Future

Waldo Woodrow — The Best Friend — "Yo! Bro! Check out this shark I caught!"
Warion Roux — The Bumblebee — "Homme qui regarde même les signatures en notre année 2022?"
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Irina Ivanov
Posts: 222
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:47 am
Location: The Land Down Under


Post by Irina Ivanov »

Name: Lucy Arkwright
Age (at death): 18
Year of Death: 2019
Cause of Death: Strangled
Height: 178cm
Weight: 56kg
Body Type: Rectangular, spindly, even close to being underweight. She has rather sharp edges.
Hobbies: Roleplaying, watching movies/tv shows, exploring, reading, collecting information
Likes: Interesting, exciting people or events, "true love", attention, praise, adrenaline, fantasy media
Dislikes: People who are mean to her, honestly, not much
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age preference: 16-18 years old but can easily adjust if needed.
Body type preference: Ideally in shape and taller. "Like a knight in shining armor." BUT, she's fine with anything.
Currently looking for: People who catches her interest, anyone who would stay with her and like her back...
[+] Characters
SOTF-TV V3: (Relationship Thread Here)

Chris Tyrrell - Currently working at What can I fix you with?

The Program V3:

Lucy Arkwright -- Currently dreaming in Sing Us A Song; You're The Piano Man
Molly McKenzie -- Currently looking death in the eye in The Seagull

The Program V2.5:

Edward Taylor -- Currently rescued in...And An Ending.
[+] Art
I have an art thread! But it's closed until the 15th
[+] Future Concepts
Lol check Main
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Post by Polybius »

Name: Zeke Brant
Age (at death): 18
Year of Death: 2026
Cause of Death: Would prefer not to talk about it
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lbs
Body Type: Skinny
Hobbies: Skateboarding, listening to and performing rock music, watching action movies
Likes: Being adventurous, taking risks, my family, America
Dislikes: Annoying people, false friends, anyone who doesn't like America
Sexuality: Straight, probably.
Age preference: My age, maybe a little older
Body type preference: Preferably in good shape
Currently looking for: A cool girl who is a free spirit but also follows the rules and loves America
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