A voice comes out of Lucille's collar:

night 1, mentorshot

The jetties are wooden walkways, kept afloat by buoys, the boats they're lashed to, and their relative lack of density. The central jetties surround the cruise ship and are wider, denser, and better maintained; while it's very possible to fall or be thrown off, almost every piece of walkway here has safety railings, some even reinforced with metal. Life preservers are placed at intervals throughout, and access to many ships is available through ladders and walkways. While it might seem that cover would be sparse, the twists and turns and hiding places between ships actually offer many opportunities to get lost or hide here.
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Wham Yubeesling
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A voice comes out of Lucille's collar:


Post by Wham Yubeesling »

"So do you want to know what killing feels like?"
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Post by Cicadan »

No response comes from her.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
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Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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"It feels like you've killed yourself.

"Not... really, but it's close. You know when you've done it that you're never going to be able to take it back. You know when you've done it that nothing is ever going to be the same again. You see their body, and it's hard to reconcile that it was the same person you saw moving just earlier. That they're mostly just a doll now. That you're the reason they turned into that. That they're not going to move anymore. That the person who always smiled and said hi whenever you passed in the hall, the friend of a friend who you always got along with, the girl in your social studies class who you always thought was kinda cool... they're not there anymore. They're just still. Dolls. Unmoving. Never going to wake up again.

"And you know it's your fault. It doesn't matter whether it was self-defence or revenge or whether they even asked you to do it. It's on you. It will always be on you. You will try to sleep four years later but you can't because you'll be back here. You'll see the person and you'll see the weapon in your hands and you will see their eyes close for the final time all over again. The moment they go from real boy to doll. The final look they give you before their eyes turn to glass. You watch them die, every night, and you feel that same part of your soul go with it. It's not... easy. If you're the right kind of person, it's never going to be easy.

"Do you understand?"
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Post by Cicadan »

No response still.

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

"Good. I'm taking that as a yes.

"Honestly, I've been seeing a bunch of people like you on the feeds and I've been wondering... why are there people like you? Why are there so many in your school who want to be on this show? Like, I know it's the biggest thing around, but... it ruins your life the moment you step in. Even if you make it out, you're basically... messed up forever. The whole... point of this is to put people against their will into the worst moments of their lives, but... there are so many people who want to be here? Who really think they have what it takes to win this, for some reason?

"Please, tell me, Maria Lucille. Why you and so many other people think being here is a good thing. I genuinely really, really want to know."
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Post by Cicadan »

((SB05 continued in We're Back In The Swamp))

Second Chances V3 (deconreconfirmed):
Relations Thread!
Olivia Fischer (original handler, Maraoone)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (original handler, Frozen Smoke)
Memories: 1 Pregame: 1
Sayuna Lewis (original handler, Cicada)
Princess McQuillan (original handler, Cicada)
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

"You don't know now?


"You've learned.

"Maybe now you'll stand more of a chance than the others."
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