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Un-Persona, temporarily known as TheRedVelvet, joined Mini June 30, 2013. He was a mod for a little while, but otherwise isn't that important.

Ze worst gaurdian angel.

TV2 Characters: Davis Todd, Ashley Namath, Vincent Holway(Adopted from Bikriki), and also wrote the Mentors of the Ebony Whales and Honey Badgers.

About: Hard guy to get a good read on. Got into TV2, but vanished just long enough to miss SCDos. Houdini ass motherfucker.


  • An avatar changin' bitch.
  • Likes video games, which is a pretty standard hobby considering. Mostly likes (J)RPGs and Fighting Games.
  • Always hiding his power level.

Name: Un-Persona (Persy, Unpy, Percy, Un, Persels, etc.)
Ze worst gaurdian angel.

Joined: February 27, 2012

Group: Handler

V5 Characters: Rutherford Roger Jr., Venice Pennington-Johannes, Marcus Leung (adopted from backslash/solomir)

TV2 Characters: Davis Todd, Ashley Namath, Vincent Holway(Adopted from Bikriki)

About: Hard guy to get a good read on. Joined in V5, Faded out in v6, maybe sticking around for v7. Currently lives in Smallville.


  • An avatar changin' bitch.
  • Likes video games, which is a pretty standard hobby considering. Mostly likes (J)RPGs and Fighting Games.
  • Despite not being in V6, one of his concepts technically exists due to being mentioned in Hazel Jung's profile.
  • Always hiding his power level.