Oscar Fatu

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Name: Oscar Fatu
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place of Residence: Salelologa, Samoa
Language/s: Samoan, English
Hobbies and Interests: Surfing, Rugby Union, Kilikiti (Samoan Cricket)

Appearance: Oscar is 5'9" tall and a lean 145 lbs, possessing a decent physique without much fat. His skin is light brown. Oscar's hair is dark and heavily textured: he usually wears it back in a short, puffy ponytail. His eyes are brown. He has a pale scar just above his left eye that bisects his eyebrow, from an injury received in sports. Oscar has a thin face with well-defined cheekbones, chin, and jaw, and a wide, short nose. When abducted, Oscar was wearing his school uniform, a dark grey lavalava and loose white shirt. He had, however, already swapped his shoes for sandals.

Biography: Oscar is the eldest of three sons to Melani and Emma Fatu, and was born in Apia, Samoa. The family moved to Salelologa when Oscar was two years old, in order to be closer to both sets of relatives. Oscar's siblings, Brian and Kona, are five and seven years his junior. Melani works as a bus driver, while Emma looks after the kids at home.

His childhood was spent mostly with his mother, but Oscar grew up in close proximity to his paternal aunts and several cousins. The family often set the children, Oscar among them, to playing touch rugby as a means of keeping them occupied, and he developed an early enthusiasm for the sport. Oscar was delighted when each of his younger siblings were born, and has always tried to play the cool older brother to them both, trying to set a good example but also be worldly and wise.

Oscar enjoyed school once he entered the education system, although he didn't particularly excel at any subject. He mostly liked to be there for the chance to meet new people and make more friends. Still, in spite of his preference for socialising over his lessons, Oscar was quiet and attentive during teaching, and minimally disruptive to teachers. His parents and older relatives had always instilled in him a respect for his elders, and to him, this also extended to showing respect to the teachers by being a good student. Oscar's school taught English language, and he gradually grew conversant over time.

Oscar had an allergy scare at nine years old, when he accidentally ate nuts and started to go into anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, an epipen was on hand to prevent the problem from escalating, but Oscar was left scared by the experience. He quickly became hyper vigilant of everything he ate and other allergens, frustrating his parents by claiming he was allergic to any food he disliked or tasted in any way strange. Although Oscar's parents managed to divert him from this pickiness with his meals within a few months by refusing to indulge him, he remains very wary of unfamiliar food and maintains a bit of a hypochondriac streak with any kind of rash, spots, sore throat, etc., catastrophising until it is clear he is not imminently dying. He carries an epipen at all times.

Oscar fell off from playing rugby at around eleven, as the games were starting to develop more physically instead of just touch. He found that he wasn't very strong as well as being quite light, and did not like throwing himself into harm's way to tackle others. He still liked to watch the sport especially on the television, but preferred to participate in touch only, as he was increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of sustaining injuries: after being coaxed into it by his cousins one summer and getting cut by a knee to the face, he swore off contact rugby for good. Oscar also started to play more cricket with others, which he found filled the urge for a team-oriented game without having physical contact, as well as being a particularly sociable experience. Oscar still plays pick up Kilikiti whenever he gets the opportunity.

Surfing is Oscar's biggest hobby. He'd always enjoyed swimming and the ocean, even as a young boy, and would go out paddleboarding with his dad from the age of five. At twelve, he was introduced to surfing by way of an older cousin from off island, Ray, and he fell in love instantly. Oscar adores getting out on the ocean and then riding waves back inland, and spends a lot of time carefully checking the weather and going out to beaches to see if there's any good surf. He was gifted an old board by Ray for his fifteenth birthday, and he treasures it immensely. Oscar tries to go out surfing at least once a week, and even if there aren't any good waves, he will usually paddle his board around, just enjoying spending time in the water.

Oscar has a good relationship with his family, getting along with both parents even as he grew up and grew more into himself. His brothers generally look up to him, although sometimes he can clash with Brian, who finds him overbearing. Oscar also has a decent number of friends from school and casual sports games. Oscar has performed reasonably well in school and is projected to finish out with solid grades: he is looking to utilise his swimming and surfing experience and enthusiasm somehow for a career, but so far is turning up blank on what that may involve.

Advantages: Oscar is a great swimmer and in good physical condition with high fitness levels. He is friendly and open and generally gets along with most people, even strangers.
Disadvantages: Oscar has low pain tolerance and is very averse to doing anything that might get him hurt. He overreacts to minor injuries, and could potentially panic as a result. He also has a severe nut allergy, to the point of an adverse reaction being potentially lethal.

Designated Number: O08

Designated Weapon: Organic Maple Syrup 5L

Conclusion: When I was in school, we used to throw rocks at each other for fun. What are they teaching these kids that they’re all such weenies, anyways? At least Oscar can guarantee his time with us is sweeter than most. - Disco

The above biography is as written by Namira. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: Namira

Kills: None

Killed By: Fabiano Vecoli

Collected Weapons: Organic Maple Syrup 5L (assigned weapon)

Allies: Austin Song


Mid-game Evaluation:

Some time after awakening on the rocky shore, Oscar had a run-in with Austin Song. The two talked for a while and eventually decided to team up. Neither of them realized that Leander Van Vliet had been watching them from afar and that Makaria Wang had entered the area just in time to see them leaving.

With Austin in tow, Oscar later arrived at the abandoned camp, where they found Fabiano Vecoli. Austin pretended to not understand english, so Oscar and Fabiano had a short conversation. Their talk was cut short when Harun Tee suddenly emerged from behind a bush and took Austin as a hostage.

While Fabiano and Harun started to antagonize each other, Oscar made several attempts to calm the situation down which got mostly ignored. Eventually Fabiano approached Harun and pushed Oscar, who had stepped between the two, out of the way. Oscar fell to the ground, where a snapped-off tent pin impaled his throat. He made some fruitless attempts at talking, but expired quickly.

Post-Game Evaluation: You were the first one to be killed. Or, well, to be murdered.

When I started hearing about the rules in the briefing, I didn’t think anyone would follow them. I was planning on escaping with Rainbow, Ajay and Philia. I just wanted to take a boat and leave after removing my collar. It would have been messy, and I might have died, but I didn’t think anyone would actually start killing.

While I was planning that in my mind, visioning my plan and the island, you were dying. A part of me wonders how it feels to die: I have come close, and I presume I will go close again. It’s a fear that gnaws in the back of my mind, and you could say it motivated my actions. What was I supposed to do after Rainbow’s half-assed murder attempt? If someone, the only girl who shared the same colour as my skin, who I believed might have understood me more than Ajay and everyone else, then who else would try to kill me?

Then would you?

I don’t think so. In all honesty, I would have killed you anyways, I guess, but I don’t think you would have tried to kill me from what I’ve watched. I suppose you were… too stupid? I looked up the things you mentioned before you died. Rugby union seems to be the type of sport I’d do. I don’t know, I was never sporty, but if I had to be, that would be the sport I’d pick.

I’ve tried to look at Kilikiti, but everything I found was… lacking. I knew about cricket, and I was horrible at it when I tried. So I don’t think Kilikiti is for me. But I still prefer rugby.

Your team didn’t win the placement, by the way.

Sorry about that, Oskar. - Outlander

Memorable Quotes:

  • "You know, maybe we all started off wrong here, yeah? We wanna start over? Why don't I go first? I'm Oscar, I'm from Samoa, uh, I like surfing, rugby—union, right? They have union where you all are from?" - Oscar making his final attempt to defuse the situation between Harun and Fabiano

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

In International, Oscar was the second character to die and the first to be killed by another character .

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Oscar, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Oscar Fatu. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

I was intrigued by Oscar at the outset because I thought his profile was solid and there seemed to be a lot of integration into the profile of his Samoan environment, which I liked. He quickly meets up with Austin and they form a little partnership, and he's generally very friendly and amicable. I think this is an extension of his kind of big brother mentality from home, which makes sense. But I felt that this friendly, carefree attitude went farther than would be realistic in this situation and made Oscar read as one note. At different points, Austin, Leander (from the bushes), and Fabiano are all confused about how this person could be so lighthearted — even his thoughts don't really betray any anxiety about the situation — so I have to count myself with them. He doesn't think much about home or really anything, so I don't find much of interest. I'm glad that his death pushes forward Fabiano and Austin. - Carrion Queen.