Lyberté Renaud

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O20 - Lyberté Renaud (art by Yonagoda)

Name: Lyberté Renaud
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Place of Residence: Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
Language/s: English, Quebecois French
Hobbies and Interests: Ice-skating, riding motorcycles, going to parties, contemporary and popular fashion, Quebecois history and politics.

Appearance: Lyberté Renaud stands 1.58 meters tall and weighs approximately 45 kilograms. Her hair is red, and is usually put up in a bun. Without the bun, her hair falls to seven centimeters below her shoulder line. Her nose is small and turns upward at the tip. Her cheekbones are not prominent, but slightly higher than average, and her chin is rounded and weak. Lyberté's eyes are hazel in color and set closely on her face. Her skin color is a pale white. Lyberté is somewhat thin, with little muscle definition on account of a lack of repetitive exercise. Lyberté's face is sparsely dotted with freckles around her cheekbones and nose.

Lyberté likes to keep up with current fashion trends and uses them to inform her own clothing choices. She prefers to dress in casual clothing, wearing sweaters, jackets, pants and long skirts when the weather permits her to forgo a winter coat. On the day of the abduction, Liberté was wearing Fila Ray Tracer sneakers, ankle high black socks, gray acid washed slim-fit jeans, a cherry-red turtleneck sweater, and a dark blue sherpa jacket, as well as wide rimmed black sunglasses and five-pointed star shaped hoop earrings.

Biography: Lyberté Renaud was born on June 16th, 2001, in the town of Trois-Rivieres, a suburb of the city of Montreal located in the Quebec Province of Canada. She was the youngest of the Renaud family's seven children, which apart from her consisted of five brothers and one other sister, the eldest in the family. The Renaud's owned a music venue in town called La Palourde, where both of her parents and some of her older siblings were employed. Although her family would often speak about the restaurant, growing up Lyberté was never allowed to visit the establishment for reasons that were never fully explained to her. Lyberté's relationship with her family is strong; she enjoys close personal relationships with all but the two eldest of her brothers, and Lyberté considers her sister Vespérine to be her closest friend. Her relationship with her parents is on rockier footing; her father tries his best to spoil Lyberté, and to her comes across as ineffectual and cowardly. Her mother is a far stronger role model for Lyberté, but treats her with tougher love and less overall respect.

Lyberté had a fairly standard early childhood. Her whole family, from her parents to her grandparents to her eldest siblings, played a role in raising her. As a result, she was not alone much as a child, and was well-socialized by the time she entered school. She was introduced to ice skating at an early age, an activity she enjoys with her family and friends to this day. Her parents raised her in the Catholic faith, and while Lyberté has her own personal difficulties with faith she has resigned herself to worshipping alongside her relatives for the sake of togetherness and ease of communication. As such, she continues to attend service to this day.

Lyberté has been enrolled in public education for the duration of her schooling career. Lyberté's parents, and later herself, visited several private schools over the course of her school career to tour, but Lyberté has not felt strongly enough about any school to push her parents to make the switch. She was raised speaking French and started to learn English in school, and as such speaks English with a strong Quebecois accent. However, she is fluent in English, and has participated in several English immersion programs in her school years. Lyberté's early years in school were unremarkable, as she achieved average grades and experienced little difficulties in her social settings. Her least favorite subject was math, and her favorite subject was history, entirely due to their respective perceived distance and nearness to her personal life and real world experience. This difference in affinity did not correlate with her performance in class, and on several occasions her score in math was actually higher than her score in history.

Around the time when Lyberté was just starting secondary school at age 12 in the year 2013, she learned the truth about La Palourde. After staying up late to work on an assignment for class, she had left her room to use the bathroom when she overheard her parents arguing about the business downstairs. Curious, Lyberté hid herself and listened to their argument. She learned that La Palourde was in fact a front for the criminal operations of a Quebecois biker gang called the Bridge Rats, affiliated with the notorious Hell's Angels. The building served as the group's main base of operations in the area. Furthermore, she learned that the Renaud's were in financial upheaval, having taken serious hits in the biker wars of the nineties and early aughts, as well as having lost business in the realignment of biker activities to center around the borough and former city of Chicoutimi, located in the city of Saguenay. Her father had retired before the war to start the restaurant and raise his children, but still holds a respected position within the gang, and has additionally overseen the ascendancy of his three eldest sons into positions of minor leadership within the gang.

She was at first disturbed and somewhat angry at this revelation, though with some time and research she came to understand that her parents had meant to keep her safe by letting her remain ignorant of their criminal ties. Lyberté kept this knowledge secret from her parents, though her mother sat her down some time later to explain formally to her that her father and eldest brothers were involved in biker related activities. Soon afterwards, Lyberté began to read about biker history. Alongside her already strong appreciation for history from school, she placed the bikers in the context of the rest of Quebec's history and came away with the understanding that they were the modern incarnation of Quebec's national values of self determination and independence.

Around this time, Lyberté began to take an interest in fashion. She became worried that her classmates had suspicions about her home situation, and decided that she should blend in with current trends outwardly in order to minimize the chance that someone inquired about her home life. She is subscribed to several magazines in both French and English, and keeps up with current fashion events both domestically and abroad. Without a stable source of personal income, Lyberté is unable to afford upscale outfits and fashion, and instead tries to recreate the look and feel of outfits from magazines with what she can find at department stores and cheap boutiques.

Two years after she initially learned of the Bridge Rats, she overheard a conversation between her eldest brothers about potentially selling the family business and starting a legal establishment, a bakery in Quebec City, effectively abandoning the gang and cutting them off from a major safe house and place of business. Lyberté saw this as an affront to the ideals of self-determination that the family claimed to stand for, and predicted that if her brothers got their way the family would lose their chance of returning to success and wealth under the biker model. Lyberté wishes to seize control of the gang and the family business from her brothers and turn the family business around without guiding them back to the straight and narrow—though it is taboo for a biker gang to have a female leader, or for a man to let his daughter or wife ride with a biker gang, Lyberté nevertheless made this her goal, beginning with learning how to ride a bike herself.

Lyberté decided then that if she wanted to become a biker, then the best course of action would be to convince one of the younger brothers in the family to give her secret lessons. After some time spent convincing him to risk his already somewhat middling reputation in the gang, Lyberté was taught to ride a motorcycle at age sixteen by her older brother Claude in private. The two rode at early hours of the morning to avoid adult bikers and their family on the roads, often riding around the suburbs to the south of Montreal. Additionally, Claude agreed to instruct Lyberté in basic self defense techniques and skills. Lyberté rides a motorized scooter in the city, as it is well suited to her metropolitan needs and does not attract any unwanted attention. Claude keeps a refurbished motorcycle at home for her so that the two can go on rides together in secret. She is licensed to ride a motorcycle or a moped, but does not have the authorization or knowledge to operate a car. Vespérine has attempted in the past to dissuade Lyberté from her goals in the belief that Lyberté would put herself and the rest of the family into great mortal danger if she ever came into contact with gang members. As Lyberté has grown older and more independent, the problem of Lyberté's biker dreams has driven a rift between the two siblings, and though the two are still friends Lyberté does not confide in her as often or as personally as she did in previous years. Besides Claude and Vespérine, the rest of her family is unaware of Lyberté's ambitions.

Lyberté believes that Quebec should be considered its own country separate from Canada and the Commonwealth of Nations. She believes in self-determination for the Quebecois work-force, that without the hindrance of the federal government in Ottawa the Quebec regional government would be able to provide better for its people, and that the culture of Quebec is separate enough from the rest of Canada that such a split is better attempted diplomatically before it occurs naturally on its own on account of rising tensions. Lyberté sometimes daydreams about leading an alliance of biker gangs to Ottawa to informally declare the independence of Quebec. Otherwise, Lyberté's politics are fairly moderate, with left leaning inclinations in terms of social programs and civil rights.

Currently, Lyberté studies at CEGEP Maisonneuve in Montreal, a public Cegep. She is enrolled in her third and final year of a two year pre-university program, having taken an extra year to retake some classes and gain some additional credits. Her grades are middling to average, and Lyberté is unengaged in class. She has several friends and acquaintances, with whom she attends parties and other social functions regularly. Most of her friends are in the animation appreciation club and the ice skating social club, or attended the same school as her in previous years. Lyberté does not know what she wants to study for her professional career after the completion of her education, and is currently preparing to enter university without a declared major or field of study. Though she does not consider the possibility of joining the biker gang as entirely likely, she knows that her next steps likely involve the collection of evidence of her brothers plans to sell out the gang, to infiltrate a night ride in disguise and get to know the members, and to research more about rival gangs in the area.

Advantages: Lyberté's small size may allow her to hide in spaces inaccessible to others. Lyberté is fiercely determined to return to Quebec victorious, and as such possesses a strong will to survive. Due to time spent learning self-defense from her siblings, Lyberté is unlikely to panic in a hand-to-hand or close combat fight. Her posture is firm and her sense of balance is strong from years of ice skating, which has additionally provided her with better stamina than some of her peers.
Disadvantages: Lyberté is eager to prove her worth to her biker relatives, and may charge into conflicts without proper risk assessment due to the mental presence of this goal. Furthermore, Lyberté frames her encounters with violence and crime through the lens of biker violence and this criminal subculture's norms, which may cause her to make incorrect assumptions about other's goals and mindsets in confrontations.

Designated Number: O20


Designated Weapon: Rainbow Loom + Rubber Band Kit (x25 of each colour)

Conclusion: I looked into it and the biker gangs this girl is drawing her inspiration from were pretty legit - shootings, bombings, pornography, so on. I don’t see where her actual lifestyle is matching up. She knows how to ride a motorcycle and she knows how to defend herself - kind of. Neither of these things make you the hardened actual criminal she wants to associate herself with the ethos of. She’s out of her depth and about to see that firsthand, I think. At the very least, she can make herself a proper biker’s patch with those rubber bands. - Freebird

The above biography is as written by CrossbowPig. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: CrossbowPig

Kills: None

Killed By: Remained in a Danger Zone

Collected Weapons: Rainbow Loom + Rubber Band Kit (x25 of each colour) (assigned weapon)

Allies: None

Enemies: None

Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation: Je déteste ton nom.

C'est une abomination. Pourquoi les Canadiens-Français ont des noms comme ceux-là?

C'est répugnant. C'est presque violent. Est-ce que c'est le but? Le plus que je lis sur toi, le plus que je me suis rendu compte que c'est potentiellement le but. Tes parents sont des criminels.

Sinon, pour ton évaluation, je n'ai rien d'autre à dire. J'habite au Québec maintenant. Je pourrais visiter tes parents si je le voulais. Tes funérailles étaientsombre, mais ils ont respecté tes souhaits. Comme les autres sur l'île, ton corps sans vie a été rapporté à tes parents et à ta famille.

Comme Sartre l'a dit: l'existence précède l'essence.

Je crois que c'est quelque chose que tu dirais pour les choix dans ta vie. Même dans la mort, tu me touches. Même si c'est par ton nom qui me répugne ou par ton gangstérisme, c'est quelque chose dont la plupart ne sont plus capables.

Bravo Lyberté. - Outlander

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Lyberté, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF: International or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Lyberté Renaud. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

I'm a bit bummed that Lyberté didn't make it to the island properly. Her profile is very interesting with a lot of things that seem specific to Quebec, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to know more about a teenage girl with a moped who decided that her goal in life would be to become the leader of the biker gang her family was secretly a part of and wanting to save the family business that is about to go under, due in part to the biker wars. Can she be repurposed for something else? The death is just that: a death. It's an inactive death several months after the start of the game, so at that point you do what you can. - Carrion Queen