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Deamon is a handler on the SOTF Main site, who participated in SOTF Version Five, as well as a number of Minis, including Virtua, Program V2, and TV2.

Life and Times[edit | edit source]

Born to a fisherman and a nun, Deamon was raised in the streets of JErsey, UK, and learned to fight for his meals via trial by combat. His natural skill at beating the crap out of fools for a loaf of bread was noticed early on by an MMA coach, who recruited Deamon for his gym - then titled The Mighty Fighty Shushbugs - to fight for him. Realizing how useless the young Deamon was without bread to fight over, Coach Barracuda would often throw a few slices into the ring during the match, to make Deamon go into a fit of rage. This earned him the nickname The Loafer.

Eager to shed his new and embarrasing nickname, Deamon went to college to major in Something. Though his aptitude for Something was quite reknown, he tended to wait until the last moment to submit essays and assignments in order to minimize the brain explosion his classmates would spontaneously had upon seeing his grades. Feeling somewhat lost at causing the deaths of everyone he knows and loves because of his great heaping bundles of success, Deamon tried to find an outlet for his pure undiluted amazingness.

There he found SOTF, and has been with us ever since. Especially his best bud forever and the coolest cat this side of the west river, NotAFlyingToy.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Deamon handled B007 Gray Emerson and G022 Yasmin Carrol, as well as adopting B080 Christopher Harlin midway through V5. 

For V6, his characters are: B015 Travis Lynch, G015 Kimiko Kao and G048 Cameron Herrig. 

For V7, his characters are: G001 Arizona Butler, G022 Forrest Quin, B046 Bret Carter and G047 Aliya Kimia Nemati