Andrea Patson

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Name: Andrea “Drea” Patson
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Listening to punk and grunge music, playing guitar, writing songs, creating grunge-style art, community grassroots organizing, activism for LGBTQ+ rights and environmental preservation

Appearance: Drea is a tall and slender Caucasian woman, standing at 5’8” and weighing 127 pounds. She has pale skin, and a narrow face with a nose that is medium-sized and slightly pointed, thin lips, and light blue eyes. She has short hair that sticks up a little bit, and while it’s natural color is light brown, she has dyed it black. While Drea usually keeps her Avatar appearance pretty close to her real-life appearance, including her clothing style, the one exception is her hair. In Cyberspace, Drea will frequently change the color and style of her hair. During her free time in Cyberspace, she will craft very elaborate and colorful hairstyles for her Avatar. Sometimes she’ll just wear it short or in a mohawk in a bright color, but other times she’ll design her hair so it’s shaped like a skull, a bird, or other artistic designs.

In the real world, Drea will often dress in some combination of punk, grunge, and goth style. She often wears all black, owning more black jeans than blue jeans. She will sometimes wear t-shirts with artistic designs that she likes, as well as t-shirts with the names of bands that she’s into. She doesn’t wear skirts, preferring slacks for formal occasions and preferring black jeans normally. However, she has some pants in different styles, such as plaid baggy pants, pants that are half red and half black, and other types of pants that generally fit into her style, many of which came from Hot Topic or similar stores.

On the day of the abduction, Drea’s Avatar was dressed in a black t-shirt with a skull and crossbones printed on the front, baggy purple plaid patterned pants modeled after a pair she got from Hot Topic, with her hair in a short hairstyle mimicking her real life hair but in a bright blue color.

Background: Drea was born on May 27th, 2004 to Brian and Lisa Patson. She has a younger brother named Matt, who is four years younger than her. Drea and Matt aren’t super close. However, while they annoy each other more often than not, they occasionally have moments where they bond with each other, usually over a shared interest or shared feelings about family dynamics.

While she was born and raised for the first few years of her life in Denver, Colorado, her father got a tech job in San Jose, and her family moved there when she was five. Things went well for three years, and in that time her family lived quite well due to Brian’s high salary. However, after three years Brian got laid off, and his relationship with Lisa quickly deteriorated. Brian was able to find another job that paid less, however, the marital problems between Drea’s parents persisted, until finally when she was ten they got divorced.

The divorce was hard on Drea, and she often acted out by picking fights with whichever parent she was with, which was usually her mom. Even though Brian had fought hard with Lisa over custody rights at first, gradually over the next three years he grew more and more distant, until finally he moved away to Minneapolis when Drea was thirteen. Drea felt betrayed and abandoned by her father, feeling both angry at him for leaving and angry at herself because on some level she feels like she was the cause of him leaving.

Drea was a fairly shy and introverted child, and while she had a couple of friends in elementary school, she ended up drifting away from them by the time she hit middle school. She liked to draw and dance as a child, and while she stopped dancing in middle school after some of her peers made fun of her, she continues to draw, though mostly casually. While Drea did well academically in elementary school, her grades started slipping in middle school, and in high school most of her grades are Cs, although she gets Bs and even the occasional A in classes that she cares about.

Throughout her teenage years, Drea had a difficult relationship with her mom, although while the two bicker almost constantly, huge fights between them are not very common. After her dad left, Drea began spending more time alone, and more time in Cyber Reality. She found that Cyber Reality was a good escape from her problems at home, and she would often spend most of her waking hours in Cyber Reality. Her mom would sometimes try to impose restrictions on how much time Drea spent in Cyber Reality, but Drea would usually ignore those restrictions and her mom eventually gave up on trying to enforce them.

Another point of tension between Drea and her mother is Drea’s sexual orientation. While Drea isn’t quite sure what identity label fits her the best, she is mostly romantically and sexually interested in women, with some occasional interest in men. While Drea wasn’t upfront with her mom about this at first, she did eventually talk to her mom about it, and did not get the reception she was hoping for. While her mom was not overtly homophobic, Drea felt as though her mom was dismissive of Drea’s interest in women and viewed it as more of a phase than anything else, especially because Drea had expressed interest in boys at a couple of points in the past.

Despite the fact that Drea didn’t leave her house much for most of her high school years, she was able to find a community of LGBTQ+ friends in some of the Cyber Reality spaces that she started hanging out in during the end of her junior year. These friends led to her going out more to real life community events, as well as getting more involved in social and political activism. She also met a woman at one of these events who she developed a crush on, and while not officially dating, the two of them have been hanging out as friends for a few months with some occasional flirting.

Being inspired by some of the political events that she’s gone to in real life, after being introduced to them by her queer Cyber Reality community, she’s helped organize a couple. One was a queer Get Out the Vote event, and the other was a counter-protest when a conservative politician held a speech near where she lived. While being an organizer of an event was a bit nerve-racking to her, she did enjoy seeing people being mobilized as a direct effect of her work, and it was gratifying. While she mostly sticks to participating in events instead of organizing them, she’s seen that she can bring people in her community together for a cause that is important to her, and that has helped with her self-confidence.

Drea’s delve into various queer and artistic Cyber Reality communities throughout her high school years also introduced her to old-school punk and grunge music, and during her junior year she would sometimes sneak out of the house to go to local punk concerts. She also became interested in art associated with punk and grunge music, preferring physical art mediums such as screenprinting and spray painting to digital ones. She also got interested in playing the guitar, and while her technique is sometimes a little rough because of intermittent practice, she enjoys playing it when she does. She also writes songs, although almost none of them are finished because she will often start working on her next idea before she’s finished with her current one.

While Drea is not a great student due to often blowing off school work and sometimes talking back to her teachers, she is set to graduate at the end of the school year. She doesn’t have any concrete plans for life after graduation, but she thinks it would be fun to take some time off and travel around the United States, or get more involved in the local communities she’s been a part of for the past year or so.

Personality: Drea has strong feelings and opinions that she’s not shy about expressing. While often presenting herself as angry and tough, Drea has an underlying emotional sensitivity that isn’t expressed very often, but is shown occasionally. This is shown most often through her art and songs, although she will also sometimes show her softer side with a friend that she trusts or with the girl that she has a crush on.

While Drea is generally distrustful of people that she doesn’t know, once she gets to know and like someone she will become a fierce ally and friend. She likes to listen to the stories and problems of her friends, and she tries to help them when they’re in need. She’s not very good at asking for help, though, so she will sometimes burn herself out and withdraw from people when she feels lonely or overwhelmed. She will also withdraw out of anger and resentment if she feels hurt by someone that she previously felt close to, which has led to her losing a few friends.

While she can be kind and understanding toward people that she likes or sympathizes with, she generally has a low opinion of people who she considers to be part of mainstream culture. At school she generally tends to avoid those people, although she will occasionally throw out a derisive remark if someone says something that offends her.

While generally well-liked by her art teachers, she’s often seen as a problem student by many of her teachers for more academic subjects. This is largely due to her picking arguments with some of her teachers in class, or blowing off school work for subjects that she doesn’t like. However, in her art classes she participates often and is helpful when needed.

Reputation: Drea is seen as rebellious and a bit prickly by most of her classmates. While she gets along pretty well with some of the other kids in her class, particularly people who she feels like she has some common ground with, she is generally regarded with wariness by many of her classmates. She is seen sometimes as mean or oversensitive, and a lot of her classmates generally avoid her.

Designated Number: A30

Designated Weapon: W-4 — Crowbar
Designated Utility: U-7 — Complete Student Roster & Armory (Weapons and Utilities)

Evaluation: "I'll let you in on a secret, A30: nobody likes a tall poppy. If you stick your neck out any further, someone's bound to cut it off." — [MCKINLEY], Armorer and Site Security (Querida / Site B)

The above biography is as written by Spindarene. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: Spindarene

Kills: None

Killed By: Raymond Sullivan

Collected Weapons: TBA



Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Andrea, in chronological order.

Sandbox & Memories:

SOTF: Cyber:

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Andrea. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!