King of the Jungle

Open :P

Mostly untouched, this natural rain forest sits on the far east side of the island, providing a marked contrast to its strictly regulated cousin. One of the defining features of the resort, very prominently displayed in every brochure, the only sign of civilization is a small wooden booth labeled "Jungle Safari" on a crude wooden sign a few hundred feet down the only pathway leading in.
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King of the Jungle


Post by Fiori »

((Todd Hudson continued from I Won't Back Down))


That was the sound Todd made as he found himself running head first into a tree, causing him to stumble over and fall flat on his ass.

He wasn't sure how long it had been since he'd pissed off that short-tempered black guy. An hour, maybe two tops? Either way, what mattered was that by this point the adrenaline that had been pumping through his veins had all but run out, and after running nonstop for so long the spoilt young boy barely had enough energy to sit up.

So instead, he just lay there in the middle of the jungle, his eyes looking up at the bright sky above him as he contemplated the situation.

Okay, So here I am. Stuck in the middle of some GODDAMN jungle with NO food. NO friends. NO shelter. And, worst of all, no change of clothing... Shit, why me? Why did that dumbass son of a bitch have to pick on ME? What did I ever do to deserve this?!?

After spending another ten or so minutes lying down, Todd finally mustered up the energy to get himself into a sitting position, scratching the back of his head as he looked around his surroundings. Stupid jungle... Where the hell is the exit? Holy crap, I haven't a freaking clue where I am!

Wait! OF COURSE! I'll just check the ma.......


...........Oh yeah, right.

Great. Not only did he lose all of his possessions down a freaking volcano, but now he was lost in the middle of some jungle. Who KNOWS what kind of freaky shit he could end up bumping into around here! There could be snakes, spiders, tigers, bats, crocodiles, piranhas and a whole host of other creatures that would quite happily tear Todd limb from limb. Not to mention all the other assholes out there who'd be more than happy to put a bullet through his brain. And that would be the LEAST painful way he could go...

Still, no worries. I'm sure that copter my dad's sending ought to be here any moment now! All I have to do is sit here and wait it out. Shouldn't take TOO long...

And so, thats exactly what he did...

...twenty minutes later, he began to get suspicious.

"......Okay, VERY funny dad. Real hilarious..." he said out loud, assuming that his dad would hear every word he had to say.

"But seriously, where is it? I KNOW theres no way you're gonna just leave me here to rot. I'm your son, after all. Its not as if you can just completely deny my existence and carry on with life as if nothing happened, right?"

He paused for a moment, thinking over what he'd just said.


Before his doubt could grow any further, Todd was suddenly interrupted by the sound of rustling in the bushes. Naturally, his initial reaction was to let out a high pitched squeal, but his terror subsided the moment he realised the cause of the noise to belong to a rather small looking monkey.

"...A monkey? You shitting me? They actually have MONKEYS on this island?"

Rather then running off, the monkey approached Todd cautiously, a curious look in its eyes at it slowly neared the spoilt boy. Now that he could see it up close, Todd realised that the primate was actually a lot cuter then he'd first suspected.

"Aww, ain't you the cutest fuckin' thing in the whole! Yesh you are! Yesh you are... You know what, I think I'll call you Jimmy! Jimmy the monkey! What do you think of THAT?"

"Ook" Jimmy replied, its eyes focusing on Todd's forehead.

"Huh? Whatcha lookin' at?" Todd asked, honestly expecting an answer for a second. After a moment of silence, Todd finally realised what Jimmy was interested... Namely, his golden headband.

"Oh right, the bandanna!" he exclaimed, undoing it and looking over the golden clothe in his hand. "Yeah, pretty fancy isn't it? I bet you'd like one just like it, wouldn't you?"

Unsurprisingly, Jimmy didn't reply. What he DID do, however, was immediately snatch the bandanna right out his Todd's hands and make a run for it.

"WHA-WH-W-WHAT!?! HEY! Give that back!"

And so, once again, Todd found himself running through the jungle. Only THIS time, instead of running away from something, he was now in pursuit of the monkey who'd stolen one of the few items of clothing he had left. Not to mention the only thing he had to prove to his teammates that he was from Team Gold. Without it, he didn't have a hope in hell at earning ANYONE's trust...

he shouted, ignoring the fact that he was probably announcing his whereabouts to half the island by doing so.

Inevitably, after chasing Jimmy for a good couple of minutes or so, Todd eventually found himself tripping over a misplaced tree root and falling flat on his face. After getting back onto his feet and wiping the mud from his face, the spoilt young boy's eyes darted around the jungle for the monkey who'd stolen his one chance at ever earning any allies.

But sadly (for Todd, at least), Jimmy was nowhere to be seen. The fast little bastard had successfully managed to give him the slip, and all Todd had managed to achieve was lose his bandanna and get even MORE dirt on him.

And so, with pure anger and frustration in his heart, Todd fell onto his knees and yelled as loudly as his lungs could possibly manage, his fists punching the air violently as he let out his bellowing roar of fury.

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Post by The Bearded One* »

((Alicia White continued from Partly Cloudy))

Since the shadows of the trees and such are so distinct, it should be easy to find my way back; all I'll have to do is go in the direction that the shadows are pointing, instead of toward the sun.  Alicia wasn't too worried about getting lost.  She was only trying to find someone to help her with first aid, then she planned to go back to where she'd hidden her pack and try to sleep through some of the night.

Before she had reached the outer edge of the rain forest, however, she heard a loud shout.  The voice was male and sounded angry.  She couldn't make out the words, but when she paused to listen more closely, she did not hear any gunshots.  She decided to try to see who had shouted.

She had only moved forward a few steps when she heard a loud ruffling in the branches above her.  She looked up quickly enough to see a brown monkey leaping from branch to branch overhead.  Is that a capuchin?  I'm not sure.  It disappeared from view as quickly as it appeared, so Ali moved on, slowly and quietly.

The next shout she heard very distinctly.  "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!"

Ali froze.  After a breathless moment, she pulled aside the frond of a giant fern and saw the boy.  He was a blonde haired boy, a little on the thin side.  She couldn't tell much more about him than that because he was covered on most of his front and back with large spatters of mud.  She couldn't see any weapon or any colored bandanna on him.  She did see the explosive collar around his neck.  Mine is still there, just covered up by my bandanna.

She set down the can of Coke she'd brought with her, then slowly pushed her way through the fern fronds.  She pushed the safety button on the side of the 870 so that she could fire it if she needed to.  She left her finger resting on the trigger guard and stepped forward, aiming the shotgun at the blonde boy.

"Hi there," she said sweetly.
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Post by Fiori »

It was at this point that Todd was beginning to suspect that he was still under the side-effects of a gas induced unconsciousness, and this this entire experience was nothing more than a bizarre dream.

After all, how else could he have possibly found himself being outsmarted by a MONKEY of all things! That kind of thing only ever happened in wacky dreams, so logcially that must of meant that he was still fast asleep. Which, come to think of it, would also explain why his dad hadn't picked him up yet. It must be his subconscious pulling a fast one on him, seeing as there was no WAY that he'd just leave him here to die horribly...

But if thats the case, then why did this all feel so real? Because dreams ALWAYS feel real at the time, duh! Its only after you wake up that you realise just how fucked up it was...

Still, dream or no dream, the fact still remained that Todd was in a pretty bad situation at the moment. Not only was he alone on an island full of people who'd quite happily kick his ass, but now he didn't have any equipment OR a bandanna to signify which team he was on. Hopefully though, if everything goes according to plan, that last part shouldn't be a prob-

"Hi there,"

-lem. Great, thats exactly what I needed right now. Some dumb bimbo coming along to make things more complicated. Just freaking perfect...

He didn't immediatly turn his head to face the newcomer, seeing as he was still recovouring from the brutal realisation that he was duped by a primate. It wasn't until he began to speak that he slowly turned his head to face Alicia...

"Hey, or whatever... Look, d'you mind? I'm ain't exactly feeling too good right abou-JESUS CHRIST!"

The moment Todd saw the shotgun in Alicia's hands, he practically leaped out of his skin as he crawled away from the girl, mumbling uncontrollably as he tried to figure out a way out of the dangerous situation he'd found himself in yet again.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Put the gun down! I-I-I-I ain't intending on hurting anybody, honest! Oh god, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"

He eventually found himself back-first against a nearby tree, covering his eyes to avoid looking at the inevitable gunshot that was surely to come.

This is it! This is really it! I'm gonna end up dying here in the middle of some fucked up jungle at the hands of some crazy bitch with a shotgun! WHY DAMNIT! WHY DID SHE HAVE TO FIND MEEEEE!!!
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Post by The Bearded One* »

((GMing approved))

The blonde boy answered her greeting dismissively, "Look, d'you mind? I'm ain't exactly feeling too good right abou-" then he noticed her shotgun.  "JESUS CHRIST!"  The boy's face transformed into a visage of raw terror.

Alicia didn't expect the boy to react so badly, and was unsure what to do about it for a moment.  In that moment, the boy turned his terror into motion.  He skittered backwards away from Ali, but unwilling to take his eyes away from the gun that so frightened him.  He stopped a few seconds later when his back hit a tree; he nearly blubbered, begging her to put down the gun and not kill him.

Alicia frowned.  This wasn't getting her what she needed.  She needed the boy to be able to talk to her coherently.  "I won't shoot you if you'll calm down," she said.  Then she put it even more simply.  "Stop whimpering.  Calm down."

The boy's panic seemed to quiet, but not to fade away.  Ali sighed.  It'll have to do for now.

"I'm going to ask you some questions.  You're going to answer them.  We'll all walk away from this without anyone getting shot, okay?"  She didn't wait for him to plead for his life again.  "First question: Are you from that California school?"  She knew that SOTF usually drew its contestants from only a few schools to heighten the drama.  She hoped there were only the two this season.

"C-C-Californiwhat? Theres a Californian school here as well?!?"  The boy was actually confused, not lying.

Alicia realized that California Holly might not actually be from California.  Or there might be three schools represented in this season.  She didn't remember how many students were at the pre-game briefing, since she was crying through the whole thing.  That might have been why she didn't remember what they said about the bandannas.  She shook that unpleasant memory from her head.  "So what school are you from?"

"Silver Dragon High," the boy answered simply.  Ali was pretty sure she heard a note of pride in his voice as he said the name.

She tried to  bring that out a bit more, let his pride overpower his fear.  "Is it a good school?"

"Y-y-yeah! Of course it is! Its, like, one of the most friggin' awesome schools in all of Texas!"

It worked, she thought, his fear is still there, but it isn't dominant any more.  I got to keep that going.  "And are you a good student?"

"Uh......" the boy hesitated for a moment before answering.  "Y-yes. Yes I am! A VERY good student! Yup. I must spend, what, thirteen hours a day doing nothing but homework! Honest!"

Darn, that is about the most transparent lie I've ever seen.  Still, it might be possible that he knows enough to help.  "Do you at least know first aid?"

The boy looked almost defeated.  "Um.... A little bit, kinda, n-not really......"

He didn't.  It was perfectly clear that the boy was just about as clueless about first aid as she was.  So what now?  Do I shoot him?  Do I tell him to go away?  Alicia felt her absent pinky finger throbbing in pain still.  She glanced at her left hand to confirm that it was still missing, a wad of bloody gauze taped over the stump.  It's going to get dark soon.  I don't think I have much of a choice.  It's him, or a painful infection.  She sighed.  "Are you willing to help me?"

"S-sure! Yeah! I'll do whatever you want! Just... Just put the gun down, okay? Take it easy..."  She could see his eyes darting about looking for an opportunity to escape.

He's not a good choice, but he's the only one I've got.  "Stand up, then.  We're headed east."  She gestured away from the setting sun, but making sure that the gun was pointing generally toward him.  If he decides to try to grab me, I won't have any defense except the 870.  She took a step back, hoping that the boy would just follow her instructions, and the shotgun would remain only a threat, never a weapon.
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Post by Fiori »

Okay... So from the looks of things, this girl WASN'T going to kill him right there on the spot. That was a relief, to say the least.

On the other hand though, she didn't seem particularly keen to let him go either. She began to ask a series of questions, to which Todd attempted to answer to the best of his ability as he simultaneously tried to figure out a way to squirm out of the situation he'd found himself in. Maybe I can outsmart her... She doesn't seem THAT bright. Heck, I bet could convince her to do anything I want her to do if I just put my mind to it! Yeah, thats right!

...Actually, on second thoughts, maybe I ought to just find a way out of this mess first. Save my manipulating skills for someone a little less.... Threatening.

Whilst for the most part he kept her gaze firmly on the shotgun in front of him, occasionally his eyes darted about for some means of escape. A loose vine, some quicksand, ANYTHING that could possibly aid him in getting away from this psycho bitch as soon as possible,

However, before he could come up with any ideas for a daring escape, the girl ordered him to stand up and follow her east. East? Why the heck does she want to go east?

"Uh, yeah! Sure, you're the boss..." he replied, helping himself up onto his feet. It was at this point that Todd finally took the opportunity to look over the person who'd now more-or-less captured him, after all if he was to be this chick's hostage he may as well know what she looked like. She looked... Strange. Kinda cute, but strange nevertheless. Maybe it was her freaky multicolored afro that weirded him out, or the small golden scarf she wore around her neck, or maybe it was even the.....

Wait a minute... A golden scarf? No, now that he thought about it, it looked far too small to be a decent scarf. Which must mean...

Then it clicked, and a wide smile appeared on Todd's face. It wasn't a golden scarf at all! It was a golden bandanna! YES! Thank god, for a second there I thought I was really in trouble!

"W-W-Wait a sec... You're on Team Gold, right? What a coincidence! I'm on Team Gold too, see! Can't you tell by my headba....."



"...Uhhh, shit. Look, I know this might sound a LITTLE desperate, but just believe me when I say that we're on the same team. The thing is, uh... I was just walkin' along, y'know, minding my own business when BAM! Some great big black guy, no offence, jumped out of nowhere and punched me in the face! Then, just when you think things couldn't get any worse, the son of a bitch stole all my stuff! Seriously, he took everything! My bag, my badass desert eagle, my bandanna, everything! I'm just glad he decided not to steal my virginity whilst he was at it!"

He paused for a moment, waiting for some kind of reaction to the inappropriate joke he'd just made. When it became clear that Alicia wasn't laughing, Todd cleared his thought and continued speaking.

"Uh, that last bit was a joke by the way. I mean, I'm not actually a... MOVING ON, so like I said, that mofo stole all my stuff and pretty much left me for dead! And now... Well, here I am! And I swear to god, may he strike me down on the spot should I tell a lie, that's all 100% true. So, uh... Seeing as we're teammates and everything, you probably ought to put the gun down before someone accidentally gets their nuts blown off...."
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Team Affiliation: Emmy's Selkies


Post by Fenrir »

(Simon Porter 13D arriving from the forest)
(OOC: Sorry if this isn’t very good, I can never get into these introductory posts)

So far Simon was having a little more difficulty moving through the Rain Forest than he expected, his experience in the outdoors back home not helping him much in this radically different climate. Trees were trees no matter where you went, those weren’t the problem, but the abundance of undergrowth, low hanging foliage and even the occasional small animal were all things that Simon was not used to encountering and whenever they appeared they slowed him down quite a bit.

Not to mention the fact that he had to slow down anyway to allow his teammate to keep up with him. Rishi’s size and strength allowed him to simply muscle through places where Simon had to tread more carefully but it also meant he got caught up more often.

Luckily they had not been forced to divert from their course yet, although since their course was essentially ‘head south till we hit sand’ that wasn’t likely to begin with, nor had they had another run in with one of their fellow contestants since leaving the uncomfortable scene back in the forest… although, judging from the shouts and yells coming from up ahead of them that could well change very soon.

They were still some distance away, just quite loud, so Simon felt certain the shouts were not directed at them. He crouched down, not yet feeling the need to draw his weapon, and began to sneak forward as quietly as he could through the trees, hoping Rishi would pick up on what he had and do the same. He drew closer to the voices, first hearing them fade out as they began talking normally before growing louder again as he got within earshot of them.

Finding a semi-hidden vantage point he was able to get his first look at the two conversing parties, a girl he didn’t recognise – presumably another Detroit student – holding a rather intimidating looking gun and a boy speaking animatedly on some point who he did recognise as Todd Hudson… maybe if they were quiet they could just slip away without having to talk to him.

“I recognise the guy, he’s another SDA student, but I don’t know the girl. Do you?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Vinny McQ*
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Post by Vinny McQ* »

(Rishi Kohli continued from At home in the forest)

Rishi was not in a good mood. He understood the plan perfectly, and it did make sense but when the hated trees were still everywhere he looked but to make it worse there were new things for him to hate. Vines for a start. And thorny bushes. Rishi had gotten tangled up in them so badly it was a miracle he hadn’t fallen and twisted his ankle or something. It wasn’t all bad though he thought as he muscled through a tangle of undergrowth Simon couldn’t bust through on his own. He was still looking for his elusive big stick when he heard voices. Unless Simon had a sudden urge to take a shit he’d heard them too, crouching down. Rishi lay on his belly to avoid being seen and crawled over.

Oh fuck me its fairy girl. With a shotgun. Why wasn’t I reborn as a crazy little girl they always get the best guns.

Simon said the other kid, a weedy rake of a boy, went to his school. He didn’t look like he would be any trouble. Whether he was in trouble or not, well that just depended on whether the fairy queen had decided to blow his head off in the hope his soul would come back thinking it was a fairy too.

‘I know her. She’s crazy man, thinks she’s a fairy. Like for real I’m in the wrong body stuff. Is that kid a friend of yours? Now would be a pretty good time to put that Taser to good use unless he’s a dick. Then we can wait and see if she blows his head off before we get involved.’

Rishi prayed silently that his future would involve someone he knew who wasn’t falling apart or cracking up. Seems like both a pro-choice one and two in this place.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

"Uh, yeah!  You're the boss..." the boy said nervously, getting to his feet.  He still looked like he was searching for something or some way to escape from this situation.  They walked east for a few minutes before something seemed to click in the boy's head, and a large, relieved smile broke over his face.  "W-W-Wait a sec... You're on Team Gold, right?"  He claimed to be on the same team and pointed to his forehead.

Alicia watched him point to a clean spot above his eyes, wondering what the boy was up to.  The boy seemed to go crestfallen just as fast and began pleading for her to believe his tale of woe about being jumped by a 'big black guy'.  She looked him over.  He does seem to be missing his backpack.  Everyone else on the beach had one.  Maybe he did get jumped.  But why would anyone take another person's bandanna?  That doesn't make any sense.

The boy just kept on talking, trying to wheedle his way into her good graces.  He made a couple of what Alicia assumed were extremely lame attempts at humor, then assured her that everything he said was '100% true', and would she please put the gun down.

The last rays of the setting sun were barely slipping through the dense-packed trees and undergrowth.  There were a few slivers of bright orange illuminating the trees to the east.  She gestured at him again with the shotgun.  "We have to keep moving east or we'll get lost."

She took another breath once they were both walking again and addressed what he'd actually said.  "Look, um....  I just realized that I don't know your name.  I'm Alicia.  That's not the point.  The point is that I'm pretty sure that you've lied to me once already, so without having a gold bandanna, I'd be pretty stupid to believe that you're on my team.  You might as easily claim to be on whoever's team found you.  So, no, I'm not going to lower the gun until we get to Sluagh and my first aid kit.  Then we get me patched up, and you can go wherever you like."

Even mentioning her wound made the throbbing ache in her hand feel a bit more painful.

The last rays of sunlight to pierce the rain forest dimmed to red, and then slowly faded to black.  Alicia was worried on the verge of another panic attack for a moment, then she recognized a pattern of trees on a small rise.  She quickly moved into the copse and moved aside a pair of fallen branches to reveal her backpack.

She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the boy.  "We're here.  Sit down there," she instructed.  She opened the pack and removed the first aid kit and the flashlight.  She handed the kit to the boy and turned on the light, pointing it at her own left hand.  The light starkly illuminated the wad of bloody gauze wrapped crudely around the missing digit.

"It's time to earn your freedom," she said, pushing the safety button to on and laying the shotgun down on the ground beside them.
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Post by Fiori »

She didn't buy any of it. Not even for a second...


Rather than continue his desperate attempt at convincing the girl that they were on the same team, in the end Todd simply accepted defeat and did as she asked, walking glumly in the direction she specified with a crestfallen expression on his face.

Why him? What the hell did HE do to deserve any of this?!? To think that the day before he was still the proud son of Clint Hudson, the biggest most badass man in all of Texas... Now, here he was, the prisoner of some rainbow-haired ball of fluff who was taking him to some unknown location. What the heck did she want him for anyway? He remembered her mentioning something about first aid, although he wasn't exactly sure what it had to do with anything. As far as he could tell, apart from the fact that she was BATSHIT CRAZY, there wasn't anything particularly wrong with the girl as far as Todd could tell.

Soon after they'd started walking, the girl began to speak again. Apparently, her name was Alicia or something, Todd was only half listening to be perfectly honest. Yeah yeah, "I'd be pretty stupid to believe that you're on my team", blah blah bla... Wait, what the hell's a Slaugh?

As it turned out, she was willing to let him go after all... AFTER he patched her up, apparently. Wait, what?!? How the hell am I supposed to do THAT? I don't even know you're supposed to apply a band-aid, for crap's sake!

"Uhhh... Yeah, sure. I can totally do that...... The name's Todd by the way, 'case you were wondering." he replied, never actually looking back as he slowly made his way through the thick undergrowth. It was quite amazing, really, just how big the jungle really was. So many exotic plants surrounded them on all sides, half of which Todd had never even heard of before. Back before the island, Todd would have BEGGED his father to take him on a trip to somewhere like this. Now though, Todd would have been quite content to live the rest of his life never setting foot in a rainforest ever again.

As time went on, he slowly began to realize that their surroundings were getting darker with every passing second. And as light around them dimmed, so did his hopes of ever getting out diminish. How the hell was he supposed to find his way now that the jungle was engulfed in darkness? Without a compass or anything to guide him, he could very easily get lost in it forever, never able to find Civilization ever again.

Still, Alicia seemed to know where she was going, and sure enough they eventually found the first aid kit she kept referring to, sitting down when she asked him to and looking over the small white box that Alicia had given him. "So, uh.... Now wh-AGH!"

It was at that point that Todd finally notice the bloody stump that used to be Alicia's pinky finger, letting out a brief shriek of terror as his eyes fell upon it. Unless you counted the occasional episode of SOTF he used to watch now and again back home, Todd had never seen an injury as serious as the one his captor had right now. It was just... Gone! Completely missing! Nothing but a bloody stubble that he was expected to treat... Shit! I can't treat something like THAT! Who does she think I am, Dr House?

"It's time to earn your freedom," she said, putting the shotgun aside. For a moment, Todd just stared at her with a blank expression on his face, unable to come up with anything to say. Eventually, he gulped down and mustered up the courage to actually say something.

"B-B-But... W-Why'd you need ME to help? You seem to be doing fine by yourself...."

"I couldn't bandage it properly because I only have one good hand. You have two." she replied, looking somewhat annoyed with him.

"Ah... Point taken."

"You said you came from a good school. Now's your chance to prove it."

"RIGHT right, I got it I got it..." he said in a flustered manner, opening the box and taking a look inside. It was mind boggling, really, just how much stuff they'd managed to fit into such a tiny container. There were masks, bandages, various tools and whole heap of other stuff he could barely even pronounce. Right. Okaaaay.... Uh, lets puts some gloves on first!

And so he did.

Right.... Now, lets put a surgical mask on as well!

Which he also did.

So far so good... Um, now what?

Now that Todd had the right equipment on, all he had to do was figure out what he had to do next. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that removing the bloody bandage might be a good starting point, which he did with great revulsion as he saw what it looked like underneath. Ewww! Ew! Oh... GOD! Man, this looks NASTY! God DAMNIT, this chick's finger is messed up!  Like, how is she not screaming her head off?!? Aaargh...

Once he had finally removed the bandage, he meekly tossed it away with a disgusted look on his face, his body shaking as he literally felt sick after having to observe such a gross wound for so long.

And, to make matters worse, he was far from finished dealing with this girl's injury. I can just tell this is going to be a LONG night...
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Post by Fenrir »

(GMing of Rishi’s responses has been approved)

Simon followed quietly after Todd and the girl Rishi called crazy, thankfully not being spotted along the way; luckily for them the girl was too preoccupied with leading Todd to wherever she needed him to go while Todd was more preoccupied by being led by a girl with a shotgun.

He and Rishi had to pick a spot much further away from the pair this time than last time to remain hidden, meaning that the most Simon could determine from the overheard conversation was that this girl was injured and thought Todd could help but virtue of him simply having more hands than her. Was this girl really that hurt? She certainly didn’t look it but to be fair Simon had been more preoccupied by what she was carrying than with the girl herself.

Simon turned to Rishi who had followed him, more or less silently, since they had first found these two in the rain forest. “What do you think we should do? I know you said we should wait and see but we have an opportunity to make some friends here, I don’t want to pass that up and now that the girl has put down the shotgun we can approach them without getting immediately shot at”

“I don’t know man, like I said this girl’s pretty crazy. Seems like the only reason your friend there is even still alive is because she needed him for this. I don’t feel right just walking right out and trying to chat to her while that gun is anywhere near her hands”

Simon frowned for a moment before coming up with an alternative; Rishi was right of course, just walking out in the open towards a potentially – or maybe even proven – hostile contestant was just suicide. They would need some security at least before trying to befriend them.

“…ok, I’ll go out there and talk to them. I know Todd already even if we aren’t close and since it sounds like you didn’t have the best relationship with this girl I might get a better response than you do. While I’m talking you can circle around behind them just in case; if they think its just me and something bad does happen then at least we’ll have something over them”

“Sounds risky but, if you’re willing to put yourself on the line like that then all I can do is do my part. I’ll make sure to get in there quick if she tries anything”

“Thanks, do you want my Stun Gun?”

Rishi seemed to consider this for a second before shaking his head in response. “No, you’ll need it more than I will and I’ll be better off using my hands anyway”

Simon took a deep, reassuring breathe before standing up and getting ready to step forward. Even though it was his idea he was still well aware that he was walking into a potential confrontation that he would surely lose; all he could do was trust Rishi would be there to bail him out if the need arose, but then that’s what teammates were for right?

He stepped forward into the clear just as Rishi disappeared further into the bushes with one last ‘good luck’. He kept walking forward until he was at least close enough to the pair that they would see and hear him.

“Hey there, urm”, of course things would have gone a lot smoother if he had put some thought into what to say. “Need any help?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Vinny McQ*
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Post by Vinny McQ* »

Rishi was thinking about Simon’s first reaction to the people ahead of them. He’d said they had an opportunity to ‘make friends’. Rishi wasn’t here to make friends, he was here to survive, and he had to make sure that Simon did too. They were on the same team after all. You have to take care of yourself and your boys. Like it or not this kid is your mate now. And your responsibility . Simon’s heart was in the right place, maybe it was a good thing to have him around keeping Rishi in check. She might be crazy and the other kid was a stranger but they hadn’t exactly done anything wrong. He couldn’t kill them in cold blood.

Rishi began to circle around as Simon walked out to face them. To talk to them . Rishi’s heart had begun to beat faster and he concentrated on staying calm. If things went badly there was nothing he could do except run out and hope he was quick enough to save Simon from being pulped by the shotgun. It wasn’t the most realistic of goals, but if he could distract her Simon could pull his Taser and put her down. Then they’d be safe and well armed. Of course, that would just put him in the firing line instead. What good would he be to his team if he was busy being reincarnated into a fish somewhere.

Rishi crouched down in the undergrowth. He was on the fairy’s…left side. His muscles were tense. He took a deep breath.

And waited
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Vinny McQ. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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The Bearded One*
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Post by The Bearded One* »

((slight GMing approved))

The blonde boy told Alicia that his name was Todd.  He seemed resigned to follow Ali's lead, even sitting exactly where she told him to sit.  He looked at the first aid kit she handed him like it was a plate of raw liver, though.  And his reaction when he saw the wad of bloody gauze wrapped over her left hand was an unappealing combination of horror and disgust.

Under her expectant gaze, Todd put on a pair of sterile gloves and a mask, then unwrapped the old gauze from Ali's hand.  She could see that his eyebrows were twitching from some unpleasant emotion, probably related to nausea.  He threw away the old gauze and grabbed a wad of fresh gauze to put in its place.

Just before Todd put the gauze over her finger, Ali accidentally looked down at her injured hand.  Her stomach clenched suddenly.  She could see the large clots of dried blood all about the wound; and she could see the ragged stump of her pinky finger exposed to the evening air.  She swayed a bit, feeling dizzy, and quickly looked away before she fainted.

Todd was holding the clean gauze against her wound with one hand and trying to figure out how to use the tape to attach it with the other, when another boy walked out of the forest and greeted them.  “Hey there, urm.  Need any help?”

Todd squealed and jumped two feet into the air as if he'd been struck by lightning.  The gauze and tape fell into the dirt at their feet.

The new boy was just as small as Todd was, perhaps even thinner.  He had shaggy brown hair rather than blonde hair, though.  In other circumstances, Ali might have assumed they were brothers.  This impression was reinforced when Todd got a better look at the other boy.  "Jesus, Simon, you scared the crap out of me!"

Alicia had put her hand on the 870, afraid she might have to defend herself, but when she realized that Todd recognized the boy and called him by name, she relaxed again.  He actually offered to help, she reminded herself.

"Sure.  If you know any first aid, you could be very helpful right now."  Her hand, no longer covered by any gauze, was throbbing with dull pain again.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler The Bearded One. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fenrir »

Not expecting to be accepted, or dragged into the situation, quiet so easily Simon was once again brought up short; it seemed to be becoming a theme for him. He looked nervously at the bloodied bandages on the floor to Alicia to her hand while stepping forward.

“Yeah, I know about as much as Todd does but I’m sure I could… holy crap you’re missing a finger?! …Yeah I mean you probably already know that, but… never mind, just surprised me”

Simon stepped closer awkwardly and got a closer look at the injured appendage; how could this girl have been walking around so calmly before? The way she was acting Simon assumed this injury she wanted help with was just a cut or something, not a bloodied stump where part of your body used to be.

“Urm, like I said I don’t know any first aid. I was in and out of hospitals quite a lot when I was younger but didn’t really pick anything up. We have plenty of supplies though we should be able to work something out”, he turned to Todd after this… reassurance, “Shouldn’t we try to clean the wound or something first, there’s something sterile in the first aid kit for that”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Karen Ruiz continued from Friendly Fire))

Night had fallen. Karen was thankful for it, thankful for the increased chill it brought as the sweat in her armpits cooled her down, thankful for the cover of darkness it provided, making her feel like a shadow herself. She was better now. She was feeling better, was no longer in a blind panic. She'd survived, and she'd done what she'd had to do. The announcements would be on soon. Before long, the entire island would know who she was, would know what she had done. She had to be ready. She had to ensure that she had enough of a reputation to keep her safe. She had to make sure to never, ever allow something like what had occurred with the boy before to happen again.

It had been terrifying. He had beaten her. He had tried to kill her. Afterwards, when she had gotten clear, when she had found somewhere safer, she had paused and looked her arm over. She'd pushed her sleeve up, and had looked at her left forearm, turning ugly shades of purple and black. The slightest prod had been enough to set it aching again. Once, a girl on the opposing team at a soccer game had kicked Karen's inner calf by mistake, hard. That bruise had hung around for a week and a half, had hurt if she sat wrong. It was nothing compared to her arm. Her side ached, too, though less so; the weapon which had struck her there had been less rigid.

One fight, one confirmed kill, and she was already wounded. She had to be better, smoother, more cautious. She had to avoid fights, to strike from ambush.

The kill itself sat uneasily in her mind. The idea that she had ended a life was strange and a little bit upsetting. It had been a necessity, though. If she wasn't known, if she wasn't respected, the predators would be all over her. People like the boy with the rods would attack her, would take her for a victim and would make her death slow and painful. People would die here no matter what. There would only be one survivor, no matter what they said. She just had to be in a good position to ensure that it was her. That meant keeping strong. It meant learning from her mistakes.

She had turned away from her wound after a half minute, had returned her attention to more important matters. The first thing had been her gun. She ejected and reloaded the clip, being sure to count this time, bringing the gun to the standard seventeen bullet load. Keeping it exact made things easier, and ease was important in high stress situations. Having handled that, she secured the sword to her backpack, tucked through the upper loop, the piece of fabric designed to allow the backpack to be hung. She had not planned to keep the sword at first, doubting its utility, but the fight earlier had taught her how quickly mêlée combat could go wrong. She'd at least have something with the sword, even if she had no idea how to use it. With the orientation she had it in, it wasn't disruptive to her movement, just another bit of weight to her pack.

The final thing had been simple. She'd taken the bloodstained pink bandanna from her pocket and had tied it around her left forearm, right under her assigned purple bandanna, hissing as it pressed the edge of her bruise. She didn't know if her team would be made public on the announcements, but if it wasn't, she'd just doubled the number of people who would potentially hesitate for a second before shooting her. A second of free movement was enough to cause a lot of damage. The bandanna also advertised the fact that she was not someone to be trifled with. It was a tool of intimidation.

So now she was back in the rain forest. Hiding amongst the trees had served her well so far, and she saw absolutely no reason to vary her strategy. She'd heard discussion from somewhere up ahead, and had crept closer. Her coat was working to her advantage in the dark; while it made silence a bit harder, it also allowed her to blend in better. She had to be quick, though. It had to be getting close to announcement time, and she wasn't exactly sure how her assigned mentor would be contacting her, assuming they would be. She didn't want her cover to be blown by something stupid like a personalized announcement.

She could hear the group talking up ahead, louder now, clearer. She was on the left of the girl, whose voice sounded really familiar for some reason.

And then she saw it: Someone else. He was crouched in the undergrowth, a bit closer to the group than Karen was. She couldn't even begin to tell what he was doing, though she could see he was a fairly large boy. Perhaps he was the group's sentry. Perhaps he was lurking for aggressive reasons, much like Karen herself. It didn't really matter.

One to go.

He was the only one whose shape she could make out clearly, the only one who would be likely to be able to attack her with much accuracy in the night, due to the distances. If he was hiding, he probably had a gun or some other trick up his sleeve. She'd have to handle this quickly.

She drew a bead on his back, holding the Glock with both hands. She lined up the sights. Start at the head, then lower the gun for a shot or two to the torso, in case the first one missed.

She inhaled. Steadied her hands.

Three shots. Just like she'd planned it.
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Vinny McQ*
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Post by Vinny McQ* »

Rishi let out the breath he was holding. She hadn’t shot Simon. Everything was going to be fine. She seemed to be more interested in getting herself patched up than going postal though he couldn’t see any wounds. He squinted in the fading light. There was something on her hand. Or rather there was something missing from her hand. Rishi looked at his own hand, relaxing from the clenched fist he’d had it in. I never really thought about getting hurt on here. Killed yeah but it’s just one of those things. Make it through without a scratch or don’t make it through at all.

Still though, he wasn’t helping anyone hiding out here. If Simon could get his hands dirty helping out a nutcase then Rishi was damned if he was going to stand by and let him do all the hard work. He had to put in his fair share, work together with his team to get out of there in one piece.

Rishi made to move.

Rishi Kohli-13B DECEASED

Whatever he had expected to come afterwards, this was not it. He was still in the fucking forest.

‘Shit cock what do I have to do to get out of this place?’

Is that language really appropriate?

Rishi heard the voice in his head more than he actually heard it but there was no mistaking it. Someone was talking to him. Him, the dead guy. He was definitely dead too. Unless that’s some other fat Indian who bought it on the ground in front of me. That I didn’t notice until now. A man can dream right.

You are not dreaming.

Rishi turned around slowly. There was a little Hispanic girl holding a smoking Glock and a woman in black standing behind her. There was a bullet frozen in mid-air halfway between her and his body, like that old movie he and his brother had bootlegged once. What was it called? The Matrices?

‘Enough with the bullet time already, you got me. For fuck’s sake man talk about overkill.’

The woman in black just looked at him. The closest approximation of what her features were doing could be called amusement, if dead cats got your rocks off. Rishi walked past his killer towards the woman in black. Her head turned to follow him but her body didn’t move. Rishi stopped and then crossed behind her. The woman’s head carried right on twisting around. Rishi made a face, halfway between a gag and a rictus grin.

‘So what’s your deal then?’ He asked. The woman in black’s body turned so it was facing the way of her face again.

I’m here to move you on, she unsaid. Well that’s my normal job but with you I’ve got to do things differently.

‘Yeah I guessed I wouldn’t be snapping out of my cycle anytime soon. So it was all true then. Jesus is gonna be pissed.’

That’s true too. But not for you. You’re to be reborn.

‘Into what exactly? There’s not exactly new born babies’ lining up for a soul on this rock.’

A tree of course. You could call it luck that you passed before you could do anything to make it worse.

‘Oh you have got to be kidding me.’

I do not kid. Although I did hear what was purported to be an amusing joke once. Three men walk into the fiery pits of Hell-

‘You know what just stick me in it now.’

As you wish.

This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Vinny McQ. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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