Fabiano Vecoli

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Fabiano Vecoli


Post by DerArknight »

Name: Fabiano Vecoli
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Rock climbing, filming, nature documentaries, B-movies

Appearance: Fabiano is around 185 cm high and weighs around 75 kilos. Due to spending a lot of time outside for his hobbies of rock climbing and filming nature, his skin is slightly tanned, but most people still recognize him as Caucasian. He has a fairly athletic build with some muscles.

Fabiano's hair is unkempt and light brown. He keeps it fairly short to avoid it from getting in his sight while climbing. He has green, round eyes, a small mouth, and a pointed nose. His face looks slightly oval.

As a result of his climbing activities, there are several scratches and blemishes on his hands, especially noticeable when someone is shaking them.

Since he tends to have an unintentionally stern expression, he prefers to wear an orange cap to hide his eyes at least a bit when around people. On the fateful day of the abduction, he wore a green T-shirt with a pocket at the front, allowing for a small object to be placed inside. He also sports worn-out jeans and brown sneakers.

Biography: Fabiano Vecoli was born on 09.02.2006 in a village in Malta. His mother Angelica was a freelance photographer, specializing in pictures of nature. The money she made was by no means much, but enough for a comfortable lifestyle. His half-american father Andre held no job but was active in the local political scene. Both were also avid rock climbers. Fabiano is a single child.

Thanks to the father's interest, the Vecoli household often talked about tourism in their little city. Or rather, the lack of such. While other places were brimming with visitors, this small village was not so lucky thanks to being slightly out of the way and having not as much to offer as the competition. As a result, more and more people decided to move somewhere else, and barely anyone new came to replace them.

It didn't take long for Fabiano to show that he took after his mother: As a child, he loved to explore nature around the town more than socializing with other children. Only the photography left him unimpressed.

Little Fabiano grew up happily for many years, not realizing the obvious future for the town or his family. That was why the day, not long after he turned eight, his parents decided to move came as a big shock to him. Suddenly he was pulled away from the village he had so far barely left and from the few friends he had. The family moved to Saint Paul, Minnesota, where one-half of Andre's family lived. One of the reasons for moving to the States instead of looking for another residence in Malta had been that Fabiano's parents wanted him to see more of the world than just Malta, but neither Andre nor Angelica would ever tell him that.

Fabiano, never much of a people-person, had trouble fitting in in his new home country. Back in his village, everyone had known everyone. The unfamiliarity of a big city was hard to adjust to. And while his beloved nature was not that far away, he was too young for longer routes.

In elementary school, Fabiano interacted little with his classmates and was often silent in lessons that didn't interest him. His often stern expression intimidated some of the other kids, and Fabiano did little to prove their fears unfounded. Angelica and Andre were worried but didn't know what to do. They often talked with Fabiano about the topic, but he tended to brush them off, partly still blaming them for moving to another country. It was only as he grew older that he got over these emotions and realized his anger was unfounded.

On his first day of middle school, he more or less accidentally found some new friends. On the first day, he halfheartedly involved himself in a conversation with three of his new classmates, wanting to at least make an effort to not worry his parents even more. One of the boys claimed to have something awesome at home and invited everyone to after school. Fabiano ended up tagging along.

The awesome thing turned out to be a random DVD the boy had borrowed from his elder brother's collection. With all of them curious, they started watching. The movie was a horror film from the eighties with extremely bad special effects and acting. The boys spent the first minutes in stunned silence. Then they started laughing and making fun of the movie. Things turned sour when the host's mother surprisingly entered the room and got angry at them for watching a movie not suited for kids. However, the following lecture only helped to give the four a sense of unity.

On his next birthday, Fabiano asked for a special present: A film camera. He and his friends had decided to make their movie. Many weekends were spent with hard work, and after half a year the four sat in Fabiano's living room and watched their creation. As expected, it was horrible. Their dream of making it to the Oscars died that day.

However, their passion for watching B-movies was not hampered. More importantly, while the other three gave up any plans on movie-making after the first failure, Fabiano felt different. The creation process, especially the filming part, had been both fascinating and fun to him. In combination with his love for nature, he decided to become a documentarian.

From this point on, he would sometimes reject the invitations from his friends and, now old enough to do so, travel back to the nature he hadn't seen for some time. There he would start filming whatever fancied his eyes. The results were often unspectacular, but he didn't mind. The process was fulfilling enough and he liked being alone with the peace of nature.

Another important happening was in middle school when his father finally caved in and allowed Fabiano to accompany him on one of his rock-climbing tours. Fabiano took a liking to this hobby very fast, albeit his fitness was severely lacking at the start. It took some time of training until he could easily keep up with his parents. Not wanting to hinder them, he put considerate effort into catching up. By the time of the abduction, he was pretty confident in his skills and even able to climb alone. Furthermore, climbing allowed him to see new places of nature with film-worthy views.

From a young age, his parents raised Fabiano bilingual, teaching him both Maltese and English at home. Later in America, he would develop an interest in languages in general, eventually teaching himself more languages via the internet. By the time he entered high school, Fabiano spoke English, Maltese, Mandarin, and German fluently.

During most of middle school, Fabiano used his time hanging out with his friends, polishing his filming skills, climbing with his parents, and learning two new languages. This quiet life came to a sudden end in the middle of senior year. One day, one of Fabiano's three friends became the target of a boy with wealthy parents who was known for being a bully. Fabiano quickly confronted the student. Said confrontation ended with an enraged Fabiano punching the boy in the face in front of several students.

This incident got Fabiano in huge trouble. Since he had little connections to the rest of the class aside from his trio of friends and the school didn't want to get in trouble with the bully's rich family, Fabiano was blamed for the incident and almost got expelled. His friends were forbidden to further associate with Fabiano by their parents and the bully started to spread countless rumors about him. Fabiano spent the last months of middle school without talking to any other student and graduated with grades far below what he was capable of. Being dropped by his friends also hurt him mentally.

His parents and other family took his side, which was a huge factor in how he managed to make it to the rest of middle school without another incident. To start over, they sent him to Aurora Bay High, a school on the other side of the city. While indeed no one in his high school knew the details, a few rumors had spread over the internet. In combination with Fabiano being untrusting of his peers after the betrayal of his former friends and his unfriendly appearance, he failed to make any meaningful connections and ended up as a loner with the reputation of being a delinquent. However, he didn't mind that, instead wanting to focus on his studies and hobbies.

Fabiano excels in PE and language classes as well as science classes, often getting A's in those subjects. In other classes, his participation is rather mediocre, especially in social studies. His classmates dread to get him assigned to group projects, where he will only do the minimum and be hard to work with.

Fabiano is still determined to become a documentarian. For that, he plans to make it to a good university. He only joined the Gettysburg trip for the promised extra credits.

His relationship with his parents has suffered a little after the incident in middle school, but they understand why he did what he did and all three are working to get better.

A few days before the annual school trip on which the class would be abducted by the AT, Fabiano received an email from the friend who got bullied back in middle school. The friend thanked Fabiano for standing up for him back then, apologized for going along with his parents' order to end their friendship, and wanted to be friends again. Fabiano has yet to reply to the mail, unsure what he should do.

Advantages: Fabiano is in good physical health thanks to spending a lot of time outside and should have little trouble acclimating to the island. He possesses strong patience and determination once he has a goal in mind. He is used to handle his problems alone and will have little need to depend on others physically or mentally. He is also quite smart in science topics.
Disadvantages: Among his classmates, Fabiano is seen as a loner and delinquent. His stern appearance could also detract others from allying or just remaining neutral towards him. While he would have the smarts to navigate social situations, he has little to no experience in manipulating others.

Original Profile: Fabiano Vecoli (INTL)
Permission: "Yo DerArknight, since you already gave me permission to use Ethan, I wanted to ask if I can also handle Fabiano." "Sure, DerArknight, why not?"
[+] Those who struggle
Zeph Newman

Elizabeth Rodney (adopted from Salic) Currently on a new low in tomorrow will only get worse

Chris Tyrell
Ethan Kemp
Fabiano Vecoli
[+] Those who rest
Sofia Kowalski (adopted from SansaSaver) [30/81] - Just where... did it all went so wrong?
Chris Tyrell (adopted from Irina Ivanov) [6/81] - That was the magic of SOTF-TV.

Fabiano Vecoli [17/29] - Weird. Why hadn't he noticed this sooner?

Gary Greer-Wheatly [26/43] - I am doing bad. You?

Keita Iijima [37/42] - Do you think... they are really gone?
Noriko Nakagawa [13/42] - It was nothing she looked forward to.

Arthur "Art" Miles [13/29] - Hold on. You actually believe this whole bullshit about Survival of the Fittest?
[+] Those whose time shall come
TV Intermissions
Leland Pierpoint
Stuart "Stu" Tyler
Lucina "Lucy" Pierpoint

Claudia Harper
Shanoa Priest

Kathleen Martin

Leonie Fuchs
Leon Fuchs
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Howdy, Arknight! Fabiano's looking pretty solid, but there are a handful of things I'd like to see tweaked before he's good to go.

We can leave the metric measurements in too, but since SC3 is set Stateside, could we also get Imperial units for Fabiano's measurements? ( 185 cm = ~6'1" and 75 kg = ~165 lbs).

Could I get a slightly more specific hair length for Fabiano? "Fairly short" can cover a lot of possibilities—does it reach the top of his ears? Cover them?

Was Fabiano wearing his hat on abduction day?

Could we get "09.02.2006" written out? As-is, I assume it's February 9 (because if it's September 2 he'd still be 17), but different countries track this differently, so I prefer to have it written.

Can I hear just a bit more about Fabiano's transition to the US? What was it like being closer to extended family? Were there any things he did like about the new place? Why didn't his parents explain things? Also, how did that change their employment situations—it seems like it might be harder to subsist in the city on one freelance income? Did his father ever get a job (or did extended family help them out)? What was teh family's economic situation like on the whole?

Did Fabiano watch documentaries as well as trying to make them? What about them appealed to him so much?

I'd like to use "his final year" instead of "senior year" here: "This quiet life came to a sudden end in the middle of senior year." since usually "senior year" is only used to refer to high school.

Did Fabiano actually do anything that led to his reputation as a delinquent, or was it wholly unfounded (just based on rumors/his loner attitude)? Did he get along better with his teachers?

This late in the year, Fabiano should've probably already applied to (and maybe been accepted by) colleges already.

Can I get one more specific detail of Fabiano's relationship with each of his parents individually, so they're less always operating as a unit?

Can I hear a touch more about Fabiano's lack of ability to get others to do what he wants? Maybe we can hear about it in the context of his fight—it sounds like he struggled to get his friends to see his side.

Post when you've got that handled, and we'll give Fabiano another look. Thanks!
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