Fate Bash

SotF-TV Party (SDA)

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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He hung his head in mock shame as she sat there, his (admittedly rather stillborn) attempts at hooking up with the girl sailed far off into the distance, to meet his hopes and dreams. Hell, they were so far away they could probably see his dignity. But hey, atleast his safe bet of just keeping the tone friendly had meant that she hadn't just completely rejected him off hand. Which was a first. Today was turning out to be pretty fricking good for firsts, which bode well for his libido, which appeared to be jammed in the "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!" mode.

So, he needed to take this conversation out of a dive. And whilst his co-pilot, the Internet, was down, he still had numbero uno. Righto, what would the cool people do? Well, if he was honest, cool people could and would just breeze through here, girl in tow, but this was theoretical. They'd laugh it off, right? Pretend it was all some joke.

He laughed, the glorious, glorious alcohol dulling the nervous edge his harsh laughter normally carried. "I -uhhhh, guess that was a little corny" he admitted slowly. He hated being wrong. Doing badly. Because if there was one thing he clung to, it was the belief that eventually he'd be able to look back and see that he was right and they were wrong. Black and White. Deep in his mind he new it'd be all shades and sepia, but he needed a little bit of hope every now and again.

He watched her casually over an empty shot glass, wondering if his weak nerd stomach could take another round, when he noticed that April was playing with her hair. He'd seen a documentary on Five the other week and it'd said that if a girl is playing with her hair then she's probably keen. Pro.

Conclusion: Get in her pants by the end of the night.

But how? He needed something to work with dammit, and alcohol wasn't going to do all of his work for him. He eyed the bottle and poured himself another shot, before gesturing towards her with the bottle.

"Fancy another, babe?"
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae was staring at the stars, laying on her back on Maddie's front lawn. What a nice person Mads was, such a pretty name...very artistic. She sounded out the vowels to the sky, to the moon, before closing her eyes and smiling as though sinking into a warm bath.

This was strange, she knew, to be lying out on someone's front lawn as though she were in some sort of luxurious swimming pool, but it was comforting...comforting to do what was not expected of her, comforting to do what she wanted.

Zach. Oh my God. She eyes flew open, what had she done!?

Red flushed Jake's face as his guitar playing was not so well received. This is what happened when you got most of your information on parties from college movies. What could he say? Not a single person was into the thing, and he had only hoped to dissipate some of the tension and maybe it had worked...just not in the way he had hoped.

Immediately rethinking his decision, he eased his guitar back into its case. "I couldn't think of anything to play," he said sheepishly, his hangdog face looking even more hangdog as he mentally berated himself for the obvious faux pas.

"Hey," he said, brightening up. "You got any good booze? This vodka tastes like antifreeze by itself."

He knew he should look for Mae, but there was something about April that made him kind of want to stay around. He had never been with his classmates in a non classroom situation before, and if Mae was anything like she had been when they were younger, she could more than take care of herself.

"Got anything brown? Like whiskey?"
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn (somehow) didn't notice Jake had brought his guitar, but still happy it was at the party. She was about to suggest a classic rock song before Jeanette and April suggested a song that, Madelyn was pretty sure, couldn't be played on guitar.

Madelyn rolled her eyes when she realized that was the point.

She was going to ask for the song that she thought of earlier, but by then Jake put the guitar in it's case again. Claiming he couldn't think of anything to play, and asked for "good" booze. Something brown like whiskey.

Madelyn didn't buy it but still turned to the table, which looked like that of a mad scientist looking for the perfect drink to control the masses, and removed a generic brand of whiskey. Grabbing herself a bottled water from the cooler. She turned back to Jake and held the bottle up,

"Like this?"

It had been poured from enough that it looked like it couldn't even make it to the halfway point of a cup, so she just walked it over to him without waiting for an answer. She noticed Zach pointing at her while talking with April, and Madelyn remembered that she was supposed to watch him. She stopped by Jake to give him the bottle, and bit her lower lip while she considered taking Zach away until he sobered up a bit.

Her brain seemed to shake itself at the thought. Madelyn figured that loosening up like this was good for Zach, and she'd know when to step in. She swallowed a fraction of water from her bottle before turning to Jake,

"So I was thinking about going to the pool after school sometime this week," It had been awhile since she last swam at the triathlon in early August.

"and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" She enjoyed exercising with friends. It made time pass travel at a speed she liked.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Jeanette's face fell a little when it seemed they weren't going to hear the unplugged version of "Always." But just then it seemed Zach was going to try his luck again and with April no less. And then it seemed that Jake ALSO wanted to put his money in for April. Jeanette giggled, it was too good.

She poured more into April's cup and seemed to spirit a drink right the fuck out of no where for Jake. More alcohol was only going to make things funnier. There was no doubt to that in her mind as she spurred the situation further to it's inevitable train wreck.

"Open your eyes," she whispered only loud enough for April to hear.

Jeanette bounced happily over to the big plush chairs near the television where a girl was sitting and sat on the arm rest of the chair with her legs crossed.

Now you shouldn't misunderstand. Jeanette wasn't by any mean someone who wanted to see her friend April get into a bad situation. Jeanette was sure to keep a close eye and pull her out just before anything bad happened. It was like a magic trick to her. Saw the lady in half. Of course the magician doesn't ever mean to really hurt the assistant but the assistant also had to know to keep her legs close enough to her chest so as not to get grazed by the saw. The fun of it all was the illusion of danger. She'd pull April out before anything too bad but for now she'd watch from the t.v. area and keep drinking.

"Your eyes are open," she said with a wink to April.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by peregrineink* »

The whiskey was definitely better than the vodka, Jake thought as he took a tentative sip. It burned, just like the vodka had, but there was something pleasant about it, woody even.

Mads asked him about the pool and he smiled. "I'd love to," he replied. He had been seriously slacking off on the swim practice lately, it would be nice to get back in the water for a while, he should really start taking the swim team more seriously. However he always had a hard time focusing on times and races and strokes, under water was where he wrote his best songs.

He followed Madelyn's gaze to see Zach chatting up April. Part of him felt sort of disappointed that his friend had moved in on the girl he was sort of interested in. At the same time, it was probably good for him to give a girl a shot, he had never seen Zach interested in any sort of girl, maybe this was for the best.

"Good luck, buddy," he whispered under his breath. Jake wasn't the "steal a friend's girl" type of guy. He wasn't about to start doing that now.

"I should go find Mae," he said to Madelyn. "Make sure she isn't wandering into traffic or anything."
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

It seemed like tonight was his night. Jake has offered him luck, which he damn well needed. Not only that but he took care of the one worry that had been ever-present in his subconscious, that of Mae falling over and hurting herself. If she got a scratch on her and he could've prevented it, he would never be able to forgive himself. He had crushed on her since he'd first saw her. He'd had crushes on many a girl before hand. Acted on them to. What came out of it? Two or three months of his time spent, along with hundreds of dollars and for what? A pity date and then never being able to see them again as a friend. And that was the best outcome. Being rejected and laughed at was just... Bad. The girl wasn't even that popular, or pretty. She had just laughed, called her friends and then laughed some more. And then school. More laughter, more jokes. But it was all numbers. Learn from your mistakes and get better. You can't get the hottest girl in the class? Aim lower. You can't approach popular girls? Get friendly with the outcasts. You get consistently rejected by anyone you have serious feelings for? You stop trying.

But that was just self pity. He atleast had friends, maybe not the loyal band of people he'd envisaged, and maybe he'd had to try alot harder to get them, but friends were friend. He even apparently had the Jeanster on his side. Sure she was probably just doing it for the lulz, but she might've helped him. Pushed her down the wrong right path. He tried to recall what little he knew of her. She was Vegetarian. He was sure of that. She like flora and fauna too, and was into the whole Indy rock movement. She was kind of like a 60's hippy, but modern. A Neo-Hippy. Well, he normally hated the whole hippy personality, as he cared little for politics, but she was both quite reserved and very attractive. Sure she didn't meet the normal definitions of attractive, she wasn't some beach godess with a perfect tan and a basketball under each nipple, but that image never really caught him as much as a more refined image of attractiveness, the one he adhered to. He liked his girls pale skinned and elegant, with a kind of modest aura around them. Short, but not too much so, and skinny but not anywhere approaching the whole Size 0 threshold.

April fit that image quite nicely. And that's why he was sitting here, once more showing that he failed so hard at regular social interaction it was physically painful to watch. He considered saying something else, but he feared he would endanger the kind of casual acceptance she had of his presence. He'd made the first move, and if she felt like it she could respond. He wasn't going to force her into something. That'd be bad. But he wanted to find someone to be with tonight. Someone who'd wake up next to him and not run away screaming "Rape". That was all he wanted. Practice, confidence and friendship. He convinced himself the fucking was just a bonus. It wasn't, it was the main attraction and he damn well knew it, but he could atleast pretend his moral compass was working.

He gave the girl another admiring glance, tracing her delicate lines through her baggy clothes. He found himself wanting to see what she was like under those layers, but patience is a virtue.

Patience is a virtue...
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Post by Cake »

Renée didn't answer. Ok. So uh, she seemed content on watching the show, he guessed. Maybe it's best not the bother. Several other partiers roamed the house and some also watching. Shawn stared at the screen trying to figure out what was going on, but it was just. Not interesting. Never really watching TV his whole life, made trying to sit down and watch some, just, well. It wasn't something Shawn Morrison does. Just some flashing, colors, imagery, people, talking, spirals, colors, dark and light, clouds, explosions, unicorns, more colors...

A girl behind him, someone.. hmm, Jean was it? snapped him out of his little TV induced day dream. Oh. Huh. That was interesting. TV was a trip, it was just weird though, like it would hypnotize and turn all viewers in mindless zombies. This show SOTF-TV, was especially effective at this, it looked, just so flashy and fancy in it's production of mayhem and deaths, being that it was "THE" show. Shawn shook his head rapidly, trying to focus his mind back to reality. He glanced around at the other kids around him, who were watching the tube. As he thought, they were now mindless zombies. Yeah.. uh, no more SOTF-TV for me. I'll stick to the psychadelics.

The Jean gal, commented on his drink, saying something to the effect of it being for breakfast. "Missed breakfast this morning. Thought I'd make up for it." He raised his glass. "Might be too hammered to have some tomorrow morning, either." He put the glass to his lips and finished it off completely in one go. "Breakfast of Champs..." he said. But the girl was already gone, preoccupied with something else. A-D-D.


He leaned back in the sofa one more time, closing his eyes. Well, he wasn't exactly having too much fun in this particular party. TV just wasn't his thing.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Renée sat on the couch and watched the TV. Sure, she knew this season, but she hadn't watched it in a while. It was still exciting to revisit. There'd been some really good people in this one. A terrible tragedy what had happened to them. Still, there had to be good people with the bad. No one wanted to see a bunch of psychos and sadists cut each other up without intervention. That was... that would just be a deplorable bloodsport. SOTF-TV was about the struggle, about the eventual triumph of good and right.

Renée was totally absorbed in the action and in her own thoughts, so much so that she completely failed to notice that someone was talking to her. The second person to turn their attention in her direction managed to provoke a response, though. Zach wanted her to skip the current scene. Apparently he wasn't in the mood for love scenes. That was fine by Renée. Those were always played up so much, for no real reason. Boring. Creepy, too, half the time. She couldn't imagine some of what they showed was legal. Didn't child pornography laws exist anymore? Then again, it was probably classified as artistic or something. That, or SOTF was just above the law. They got to steal high school kids, so who really cared if they showed a couple of them having sex? It wasn't like that didn't happen in normal life anyways. At least, so Renée surmised from the actions of many of her classmates. She could probably see the beginnings of intimate encounters if she just tore her eyes away from the screen.

She didn't.

She skipped the scene.

The next one was better anyways. A confrontation seemed to be brewing. She couldn't remember who anyone was, or who came out on top. That meant this would actually be exciting. She hoped some villain bit it.

The other guy on the couch, Shawn, seemed to be drinking with someone else. Renée glanced around. Man, who wasn't drinking? She really didn't want to play designated driver to a bunch of people, but it was starting to look like she'd have to offer when things wrapped. Annoying drunks or not, her classmates didn't deserve to die in car crashes. She'd never be able to forgive herself if she heard about a death in the morning.

But for now, she could enjoy the TV. Looked like shooting was about to start. She glanced around, checking to see if anyone else was actually watching.
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Post by Cake »

The sound of gunshots emitting from the television set re-opened his eyes. Shawn's eyes automatically turned his attention to the gun fight on the tube. Shawn was shocked, he'd never actually took much time to watch the show before, and here he was again watching after promising himself he had enough. The scene was particularly violent. Just so, inhumane and bloody. Everything just came by in a Flash. Bam, Bam, Bam. Screaming.

Rosy Tinted FLASH.

Shawn shook his head rapidly again, trying keep his mind from falling apart. He wasn't planning to be a mindless zombie like the rest of them. But no, it was so weird, the students who were watching, didn't seem to be mindlessly dazed zombies anymore. They were instead cheering. They were adoring the action sequence like it was some kind of action movie. This new growing culture. Revolving around SOTF-TV. Dude. It's pretty scary.

Renée seemed to be the only one not really enjoying the scene. Was it cause the laughing kid on the screen was managing to wipe out a group of kids in one go?

Shawn also noticed her take a notice of the empty glass in his hand. For some reason, Shawn threw the empty glass over his shoulder; too late to stop himself. "Aww shit." He didn't know or hear if the empty tequila glass broke or not. "Uh Mad?" He spoke up, for her to hear, wherever she was. "Don't get... Mad. Huha." Oh right, he was apologizing, no time to laugh at his own jokes. He didn't want to risk setting off her temper. "I mean sorry. A million times. I'll clean that up, I promise. Or I'll pay for it." He paused. "I'm rich." Shawn gave himself a face palm. I'm rich? What is that Shawn? He also just remembered it was his own glass he possibly broke and made a mess of. He hoped she knew, that he would. Clean it up, that is.

He shook his head one more time. He needed to talk to people, before he'd get lost in a delirium of random TV induced thoughts again. He stood up and turned to no one in particular. The Pictures on the Screen Screamed. "Hey people, what does it mean?"
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Post by Acidic* »

(Had mod delete the crappy short post, and I combined it with this post. Sorry for any confusion)

Madelyn didn't catch Jake's whispering. She was about was going to ask what that was about when Jake mentioned he was going to go find Mae. Madelyn felt guilty for not checking on her when she ran upstairs, or when she didn't come down right away.

"You need some help?" Madelyn inquired. Hoping better late than never applied to this situation.

Than she looked at Renée and Shawn on the couch. She just realized that she barely talked to them the whole time they were here. They seemed fine watching the show, but Madelyn decided she would make a case to see how they're doing when Shawn threw the glass over his shoulder to be broken on the floor.

What. The. Fuck.

Madelyn was annoyed, confused, and about to snap at Shawn for his carelessness, but when she saw how distraught he was she couldn't help but to laugh.

"Don't worry Shawn, it was empty." She kneeled to get a closer look. The glass had broken into a few pieces that could hurt anyone in the room unlucky enough to step on it unknowingly, and the biggest piece was so cracked that it looked like cotton had fused with it. Someone handed her a dust pan, and she continued to assure Shawn he shouldn't worry,

"Plus compared to Frank you're a great, if not clumsy, guest." Madelyn was proud of how she handled Frank. Years ago she probably would've grabbed Mae and chased Frank out into the street to beat him with her for the two three of them to be hit by a car.

Okay, maybe a smaller person.

She finished brushing the chunks of glass into the pan. Making sure to double and triple check for any stragglers. She got some napkins from the table just to soak up any liquid that might of been in the glass, and to feel for smaller flakes and slivers of glass. When she was comfortable that she got most of it she stood up with a smile,

"Anyways, I think this is your glass. I put out the plastic ones to avoid this." She shrugged.

"We can see that helped."
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Sorry about the short post! I just didn't want Jake to leave without Madelyn)

Jake eyed the situation with Shawn and his glass with a little mirth. Leave it to Shawn to break a glass in a party with plastic cups! His hangdog face broke into a smile thinking about it. So Shawn. He looked over at Madelyn, remembering his obligation to find Mae and make sure she wasn't off getting herself killed somehow. He watched on the screen as someone seemed to have set off a grenade. The screen froze and said "SOTF-TV is brought to you by VERIZON!"

A tinny voice said "Verizon, with explosively good service!"

Talk about product placement.

It then smash cut into a commercial, featuring a bunch of impeccably made up actors shooting at each other. One of the actors paused in his slaughter to bite into a Big Mac. The McDonalds logo appeared on screen and Jake looked away with a bit of a sigh.

"Hey, you want to help me find Mae, Mads? Because let's go while there's a commercial."

He hoped that Mae was okay somewhere. He really didn't want her to get hurt.
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn gave a curt nod when Jake suggested they go find Mae. She looked around the room, and found that most of the crowd was transfixed on the TV (which, she admitted, was a bit creepy when one is not in the group) with a few talking away from the TV. She saw her brother was in one of the groups away from the TV, and turned to Jake,

"Give me a minute before we go." She walked over to her brother's group. When she got there she apologized for interrupting, and asked Zak to keep and eye on things while she was gone. When he said it wouldn't be a problem she thanked him and went to the group watching TV. She paused the action on the screen, and spoke after the protests of her peers.

"Hey guys. Jake and I are going to go look for Mae, but if you need anything ask Zak." After that she walked back to Jake and told him she was ready to go. Leading him to the door they went off into the night.

(Madelyn "Mad" Conner and Jake Langston continued in Rescue Mission)
((GM'ing approved))
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Post by Cake »

The people in the room gave him an awkward stare after his strange low key outburst. Some kids started laughing, perhaps thinking Shawn was on some kind of crazy drunken spiel, especially after absentmindedly throwing his glass. It was funny to them. But no, Shawn wasn't drunk, that's just how he was. After all he only had one drink, and was only just a little stoned after the limo ride earlier, but that was it. He could definitely handle his alcohol really well. Renée didn't seem too happy about the laughing, but maybe that's just how she was.

"Mass adulation... not so funny." Shawn spoke as he hurried to leave the inside of the house.

On his way out he bumped into another student, holding a drink. The drink ended up splashing across his tie dyed button shirt. More laughing. "I um, I'm sorry. Don't worry about me."

He took off his wet shirt and hurried out through a door leading outside. His sleeveless undershirt would do. Just get away from all those 'zombies' and away from the TV screen. Into the fresh night air. Outside. Maybe he'd leave early. That show sucked anyway.
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Post by Macha* »

((Sorry about the lateness!))

Zach asked April if she wanted another drink. April's head started to pound.

No, no more booze for her. Booze was a bad idea. Her head was agreeing with her. April decided against telling it to thump once for yes when she asked it.

Wait, was Zach flirting with her? It took a second to register that he'd even said anything, let alone that he'd be flirting with her. She really had the worst timing ever with this sort of thing. The pounding in April's head got a little stronger, more noticeable, a dull thumping in the back of her head.

Babe? Oh God he was flirting with her. No, she didn't want any more, her head was starting to hurt and she'd just tripped over nothing a second ago and-

Jeanie whispered the lyrics to Always at her, what she assumed to be code words for “I’m outta here bye~” or something and left to go sit with someone else. April stared bug-eyed at her as Jeanie left her to deal with this, half-or-maybe-three-quarters-she'd-never-done-this-before-drunk and being hit on by someone who was now looking oddly like he could barely stand too.

Oh boy, drunken pre-marital probably unprotected sex with someone whose name she was getting wrong every five seconds. Just what she came to the party for! April sighed, trying to think of a really good excuse to leave.

"Hey, uh..." April's mouth moved without her telling it to. God damn it, Brain. Sublime wrote a song about this sort of thing. April tried to think of the nicest way to put ‘get away from me please I don't want to sleep with you tonight or ever’ but her hazy mind came up empty, seemingly deciding autopilot was the better course. Why would she-it-whatever think that? April's head started to hurt more, the pounding getting a whole lot worse. “I, uh, have to go over…”

She didn't finish that sentence, and with good reason.

To put it simply, that was when April Elise Stone hurled. April doubled over and threw up the contents of her stomach. Bile and chunks of her dinner- vegetable pot pie, if you looked really hard- spewed out onto the floor, Zach’s shoes, her own shoes- dad was going to be mad- leaving April a heaving mess on the floor.

Okay, no more alcohol. April had realised why she had stayed away from the stuff until now. Once again, Jeanie had managed to trick her into doing something irresponsible and making herself look like an idiot. Running total: Jeanie 6, April 0.

Better than that other time with the nuns, though. She was sober that time.

April stumbled back up to her feet, gagging for air. Water. She needed water, right then and there. Glasses of it. Huge ones. Water and ice cream but maybe the ice cream was pushing it. April pushed past anyone and anything in her way, cutting a warpath to the kitchen.

She stuck her head under and opened her mouth, gulping down mouthfuls of freezing water.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

This was one of those awful scenes where a player came and massacred all the decent people, it turned out. Just wonderful. There was a distraction, at least, when Shawn hurled his glass over his shoulder, producing a crash from behind him. Madelyn called out to Shawn, paused the TV and explained that she was going to look for someone, then wandered out with another guy. Everyone was awkwardly looking at Shawn, and then most of them started laughing. Renée frowned, wondering whether she should say anything or not. She'd always had issues with groups picking on people, even if the target had made a probably-drunken faux pas.

Shawn ran out of the house, though, seeming to be in an awful hurry. It made sense. Renée would have done the same, in his shoes. She decided to remain silent for the time being. She could speak up later, if it became necessary on Shawn's return.

She turned back to the screen, but realized she was getting a little sick of watching innocent people get splattered everywhere by a nutjob. She looked around for something else to do, only to see a girl throwing up everywhere. Man, this was why she usually didn't come to these parties. This sort of stuff just wasn't worth dealing with, especially without some good friends for backup.

Renée sighed, got up from the couch, and cut a path towards the exit of the house. The temperature was building. Too many people in one place. Finally, she stepped outside, looking out at the sky. She'd come out the same way Shawn had, it seemed. He was there, too. She considered saying something, but decided to wait for a moment, to make sure he didn't want to be alone. If he was having a personal moment, she could just slip back inside and pretend nothing had ever happened.
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