deth thred

The Compound consists of the upper, above ground levels of the titular structure. The outer walls of The Compound evoke brutalist architecture, being composed primarily of concrete, steel, and glass. The building itself is enormous, and box-like in shape, with two floors above ground and two floors below ground. Despite the road, parking lot, and fence surrounding The Compound all showing signs of age, the structure itself appears to be completely intact. On the roof of the structure are an enormous exhaust pipe and a very large loudspeaker, the latter of which can be heard across nearly the whole arena when it is turned on, and is nearly deafening up close.

Inside, The Compound's floors all consist of the same layout, with hallways running around the perimeter of the building surrounding its central staircase, with rooms branching outwards from these hallways and facing the outer edges of the building. During the day, the interior of The Compound is dimly lit, courtesy of the glass windows common to every outside-facing room. At night it is completely dark inside, requiring the use of a flashlight for the average person to be able to see.

Much of the furnishings of The Compound have been moved around and overturned to create cover within the rooms and hallways, but cursory examination shows the most common furnishings being cabinets, flat metallic tables, and plastic chairs. Discerning the purpose of most of The Compound's above ground rooms is difficult, but flat countertops with fume hoods above them are a frequent sight, and some rooms (primarily on the building's west side) possess beds and were seemingly designed for habitation. Shards of glass from shattered glassware and scattered, broken medical equipment is common in The Compound's rooms, but not the hallways.


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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispy rolled to his knees. Yeah he did play himself huh? Talking all that shit about forgetting the elephant in the room. Kaine found him first, all the way back in day one, because of Austin. Jenelle didn’t want anything to do with him because of Austin. He might’ve been reaching with Mercy finding him because of- irregardless it led to that if Crispy took her on her word that everything was because of Lincoln. It all started when Austin tried to kill him, and lost.

Austin was a sore fucking loser.

Pressing one hand onto his knee, he stood up with a ‘pop’ and a sway. Blood dripping down his face as his eyes started to focus, he took note of the footprints left in the dust on the roof. Saw his own. Saw Kaine’s.

He may not have had a choice on dying for some midget Owl’s entertainment, but he did have a choice in not dying for Austin’s.

“Kaine… I change my mind.”

“You leave, or your backup bootycall floating around in our heads watches you die.”
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Post by almostinhuman »



fuck no

fuck no fuck no fuck no


"Kaine. Please."
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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine clicked his tongue quietly. Calling Austin his booty call was completely uncalled for. Crispin, not only used Toma against him, but Austin as well. He could hear Austin pleading with him to leave and he knew that he should be. But his own selfishness and stubbornness was winning with a strong passion. He needed to win this or die trying. Hopefully taking Crispin with him. But first...

He needed to say it. Just in case.

"Austin. I knew. I always knew...." He whispered softly so Crispin wouldn't hear him and he had finally the rebar free, letting out a weak breathe. "I never really stopped loving you... We were both just too late, huh?"

He glanced over at Crispin who was still scanning the area.
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Post by almostinhuman »

Kaine knew he was going to die.


This was literally the worst way this could happen. Exactly what he'd hoped to avoid that first day, exactly why he hadn't wanted to come here in the first place. He was gonna watch Kaine die, gonna feel him die, and be unable to do a single goddamn thing about it, and the whole situation was his fucking fault in the first place. It was too late to stop it now, he knew, though he couldn't help but try anyway.

"I love you too. So much it fucking hurts. Please. Don't do this."
[+] TV3
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Crispin could hear Kaine's whispers in the distance. Squirrel senses were fun right? Front row seat to any gossip or drama bullshit. Usually, he used it to hear who was talking shit, willingly or unwillingly, this time all he heard was some fucking soap opera bullshit, like they weren't the ones who hunted him. Coming from Kaine's mouth especially, like...

Crispy looked behind him, and in the distance saw Toma and Andrew lying next to each other. So much for them then. Honestly if he was Toma he'd be so fuckmad furious he died so pointlessly over someone so-

It's funny how peoples' powers fit them. Crispy turned around in disgust. His knuckles popped.

"Well? You gonna fight me, or are you gonna fuck Austin's cripple ass? Got the rest of your life to decide, cuz..."
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It really hurt that he had to find out Austin's feelings this way. God, a death game was really the way for them to both be open and honest with each other? He felt a wave of regret that was mixed in with a bit of sadness and warmth. Warmth that he always longed to gave to Austin, but he would never get that chance. He knew that this would end in death. There was no way he could back out now, even if Austin wanted him to live on.

"I have to do this. If I don't, he'll hurt more people. Heck, he could hurt you again, Austin. I don't want that. I'm sorry, Austin."

Kaine felt himself frowned at Crispin's poisonous words and he was getting more fidgety on his feet.

"Well, Crispin...! At least I have friends who actually care about me... Come and get me if you want to fuck me up so badly!"

He banged the rebar down on the ground to get the squirrel boy's attention on him. Ready to strike whenever he had to.
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Austin said nothing.
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Rachana Kumar
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He turned his head towards the clank clank clank of a metal bar bashing the ground. Dumbass Kaine wasn’t careful he could collapse the roof underneath himself.

He laughed.

“Who the fuck you fooling? Austin cares as much about you as you did Toma. Y’all are fuckin’ pond scum. You got nothin’ but blue porta shitter goo running through your veins.”

He’s seen enough.

“I’m sorry about Toma and Andrew, they ain’t deserved what they got, same with Gary…”

He stood up straight, cracked his knuckles.

“But killing you two? Only thing that’ll feel better is when I waste that bitch Mercy next.”
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Post by Primrosette »

"Hah. As if you can take on someone like Mercedes. She already damaged you once... Do you really want her to completely burn you alive? Like with what she did to Moose...?"

Kaine knew that provoking the other boy would be a big mistake. But he still wanted Crispin to make the first move, so he would know what he would be working up against.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Wordlessly, Crispy squatted down, and brushed his hand through the dust. Clenching his fist, he stood up, listening for Kaine's voice.

Let him talk shit, just making it easier to find him. By the time he'd gotten to mentioning Moose, Crispy honed in on the stupid fucker's location. He pointed at the voice, and yote a dustball at it.
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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine had been watching Crispin the whole time while they were both calling shit at each other and he noticed Crispin trying to yeet some dustball at him, making him instinctively take a step backwards.

Making a footprint appear on the dusty ground again.

Well, shit.

Kaine let out a small, frustrated sigh and he scrapped his foot against the ground, readying the rebar by his side.
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Crispin's eye caught the footprint.

He sprinted forward.
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He swung the rebar right at Crispin's damaged face without hesitation.

No backing out for him now.
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Post by ItzToxie »

When he eyeballed the general area of Kaine, Crispy's plan formed. Just three paces away, he jumped, flying six feet over Kaine, the whoosh of the metal bar swinging below him keying in that one step too late, and he'd have been brained.

He landed somewhere behind Kaine, and turned around, ready for his next move.
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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine tutted in sheer annoyance.

He should have known that Crispin would pull a move like that and that the squirrel boy wasn't going to make this any easier for him. Kaine was a fast person due to basketball and keeping fit in general. But Crispin was definitely a lot more faster and stronger than most of the others.

He twirled around to face Crispin and this time, he swung down at Crispin's right leg.
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