Mary McKay

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Mary McKay


Post by EllisWilson »

Name: Meredith “Mary” McKay
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Ballet, debate team, civics, arguing with people online, bowling

Appearance: Mary McKay is a caucasian female standing at 5’7 and weighing 134 lbs. She has a slim physique, accentuated by a long neck and legs in comparison to her torso. She has brunette hair that hangs down to her shoulder blades when left loose. She frequently keeps it tied in either a ponytail or a bun. Her round eyes sit under arched eyebrows and are green, and she has a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Said nose is also straight, her jaw is square, and her lips are thin. Recently, she has had to wear an ankle brace on her right ankle due to suffering a sprain during ballet practice. She has a slight limp because of this. She has no piercing of any sort.

Her fashion sense is largely conservative and focused on presenting an air of respectability, leading to her dressing in sweater vests, dress shirts, knee length skirts, and khaki pants. On the day of the kidnapping, Mary was wearing a teal sweater vest over a white dress shirt, a black knee length skirt, green and white sneakers with black knee socks. Her hair was done up in a ponytail.

Biography: Mary McKay was born in St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada to Rodney and Kate McKay. Rodney is a Minnesota born freelance video game developer who immigrated to Canada after falling for Kate while on vacation. Kate herself would have a number of labourer jobs, such as custodial work and a stint as garbage truck driver, but would consistently resign due to general dissatisfaction. Due to this, as well as Rodney struggling to get hired on to projects, The McKay family would usually find itself struggling to pay their bills during Mary’s early years. It was when Mary was two years old that Rodney would be informed that his mother, Annabelle McKay, had developed lung cancer. This provoked the family to move from Saint John all the way to Saint Paul, Minnesota so that Rodney could be with his mother.

Annabelle died three months after this move, leaving Rodney utterly distraught, falling into a depression that forced Kate to find a steady job, eventually finding work as a bartender. Rodney would stay in his depressed stupor for several months until he was able to get his act together and continue offering his services in game development, to greater success. Due to both parents now working full time, The McKays were able to become middle class. Mary’s own response to this event was negligible, as, at two years old, she was too young to form a proper bond with her grandmother.

The next big experience in Mary’s life was beginning her schooling, where she would consistently have high grades, behaving as a model student throughout her elementary schooling. It was during this time that Mary also developed an interest in Ballet after finding old performance photos of Annabelle, which came at a time when Mary was curious over her late grandmother. She would continue with these lessons after finding that remembering all of the moves and routines gave her a sense of satisfaction, as well as for the fun costumes she would sometimes be made to wear during performances. She also took up bowling after her parents, celebrating a recent success of Rodney’s, took her to a local bowling alley. She liked this entirely due to finding the sound of the pins being toppled pleasing.

Upon starting middle school, Mary started to develop a notable interest in civics, with a particularly pronounced need to know go over hypothetical scenarios relating to legal rights and obligations, sometimes to unrealistic degrees. This escalated into a greater interest in arguing, as she enjoyed being able to outwit others and prove herself right. This attitude would result in several of her friends cutting ties with her, simply due to not wanting to put up with this. Her life at home was also affected, as her parents, Rodney in particular, became fed up with constantly trying to undermine them. This led to a sort of intervention by them where they outlined exactly what their problem with this was. While they got through to her, Mary and Rodney still have a tense relationship because of this, with Mary gravitating more toward Kate due to her being more lenient about her behavior.

Mary would rein herself in somewhat, but would take to arguing online to satisfy this particular habit during the transition from middle school to high school.

High school was a quieter time, with Mary officially joining the debate team so she could indulge herself in a controlled environment. Her grades remain consistently above average in the majority of her classes, with civics and social studies being her strong suit, while mathematics is consistently her lowest scoring and least favourite class. Her teachers enjoy her for always being active during class and turning her work in on time, though there is some worry over her intense, occasionally confrontational, attitude.

This attitude creates a hardline between her friends and enemies, as she will usually try to take charge of any given conversation she engages in and is also a major stickler for following the rules even outside of school. Her relationships with both her parents are positive, despite the tension between her and Rodney. They are both wildly supportive of her ambitions.

A recent ankle sprain suffered from a botched pirouette during practice has sidelined her from ballet, causing her to double down on her academic pursuits. At this stage, she has already applied for the University of Minnesota for its course on Sociology Law, Criminology, and Justice. Her goal after this is to become a lawyer.

Advantages: Her ballet experience has gifted Mary with greater overall athleticism, as well as helping to build a sharper cognitive function. Additionally, Mary is able to read people fairly easily due to her experience with poking holes in their theories.
Disadvantages: Mary is suffering from a sprained ankle and must wear an ankle brace to compensate. Even with this, she has a noticeable limp that will impede her movements and speed. Mary also has a compulsion to question and debate with others, something that will likely be off putting to those around her, a factor worsened by her just as noticeable fixation on being right.

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Post by MurderWeasel »

Heya, Ellis! Mary's looking pretty solid, but there are still a handful of little questions and adjustments before she's ready.

Could we get a slightly more specific hair length for Mary, since "medium" covers a pretty wide range? Does it reach the base of her neck? Her shoulders?

Does Mary have any piercings (especially the super common earrings) or wear any jewelry?

Can we get just a couple examples (or a broad general category) of the sorts of jobs Mary's mother would work? Also, is Mary's father originally American?

How old was Mary when her grandmother died?

What about ballet and bowling did Mary like? How seriously does she take each activity?

Does Mary argue purely for its own sake, or does she mostly argue her actual beliefs (especially outside of formalized debate settings)?

What causes Mary to take such a hardline attitude? Has it ever gotten her into any trouble with her peers?

This late in the year, Mary should've already applied to (and maybe even been accepted by) colleges.

Could I get one specific unique detail of Mary's relationship with each of her parents, just to help them stand out as individuals a bit more?

Can I get a brief mention of Mary's out-of-the-box thinking in her bio? How does it crop up in her normal life?

How exactly did Mary hurt her ankle?

Finally, while Mary's permissions were indeed open, we'd like to get a link to the specific post in that slot, just for ease of reference.

Post when you've got that handled, and we'll give Mary another look. Thanks!
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Post by EllisWilson »

Edited. I think I got everything.

I also replaced the "out of the box thinking" advantage, I hope this isn't an issue.
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